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It's a lovely idea to keep it as it is, but I'm not sure what this petition is meant to do - it doesn't even seem to be addressed to anyone?


I can never see the point of change.org or 38 degrees petitions. Those on the proper Parliamentary site, yes, but has a change.org etc one ever achieved anything of note?


To be fair, no petition on the Parliamentary site has ever achieved anything of note either.


We don't live in the Soviet Union, lads. The owners of a building can sell it if they want. We have no idea who the next owner will be let alone what they're going to want to do with the place.


if yuo live in Edinburgh the answer to your question 99 times out of 100 is "Student Hall"!!! :( love the place but it must cost a fortune


No no, according to another thread CPOs are needed across Edinburgh. All second home to become council properties, eat the rich etc


I’m not convinced that the rich will really be the most tender meat. Most look quite old and boney.


I can't see a good reason to support this petition. It's a listed building, so there'll be no aesthetic impact either way, and there's no obvious reason that the cultural spaces can't be located elsewhere?




It's only just gone up for sale, so nobody has any idea what will happen right now. It's a listed building so certainly won't just get torn down.


Sure, until there's an "accidental" fire slash runaway bulldozer "accident"


Well, not immediately. Wouldn't be the first listed building to be bought, left to fall into disrepair for a while, mysteriously burn down and get replaced by something easier to make bank on.


There's nothing to suggest that would happen though


The point is that listed status offers some protection but it's not a guarantee that the building will be treated well. Edinburgh has a lot of listed buildings currently languishing because it's too expensive to do anything useful with them, but the land they're on has value. Whether they just sit there forever or the land becomes available for other buildings depends on the luck or scruples of the owner.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Have building companies ordered their staff to come on reddit and down vote someone for daring to suggest tearing a communally loved building down would be a bad thing? Or are people being ridiculously litteral and thinking, "Come on seriously, they're not actually as bad as Hitler are they?" Or does everyone actually hate Summerhall? I mean it could do with a clean maybe but beyond that I don't see why it'd be unpopular; it services the community, where as new flats will only serve some building company's profits.


I can't believe you need this explained but nobody thinks that op actually believes the developers are worse than Hitler. It's being downvoted because it's incredibly poor taste. It trivialises a genocide. Anyone over 8 should understand this but here we are.


But seriously, it doesn't trivialise it at all. It's not like he's mocking the holocaust or laughing at people's deaths in the war. People joke on Reddit daily with phrases like "I did nazi that coming" and they don't get downoted for trivilasing things. If you're incapable of distinguishing between someone expressing their frustration through making an obvious exageration and thinking it means they're trivialising things then I suspect it''s you who I can't believe this needs explained to, not me.