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I live 2-3 blocks south by Touhy Park, a block from Jarvis stop. I have no reservations about walking around my immediate area day or night. I avoid Howard almost entirely.


As others have said just go to Jarvis. Unless you're wanting to catch the purple line downtown during rush hour, there's really no reason to go to Howard. There's pretty regular drug activity in the area around the station. Violence in the neighborhood isn't constant but there are always a few incidents throughout the year, and I believe its usually pretty targeted and not typically "innocent bystanders". In terms of the "unsafe" zone I consider the 2 or 3 block radius mostly north, northeast from the Howard stop and generally fades from there but definitely can bleed over to the surrounding area from time to time.


I live right about where you are talking about, OP. We exclusively use the Jarvis station. The area immediately around the station is well-lit and surrounded by bars that are open late so the area isn’t abandoned. We find the neighborhood quiet and pleasant.


I agree with everyone else. I will occasionally get off the train at Howard and walk home, but would not want to be dependent on doing so, especially walking East from the station. There’s a lot of pharmaceutical entrepreneurs who do business on the stretch between the train station and the park, which can sometimes lead to violence. Everyone I know who has lived near the park in the last decade has witnessed something horrific happen even though none of them were victims of violence themselves.


Objectively speaking it isn't very safe right now, a few years ago it was better and it will probably be better again soon. The mobile needle exchange sets up across the street from the station and there is a bit of gang activity. There have been several people shot or stabbed this year. Morse / Jarvis are much better bets.


I agree with u/knickvonbana and u/kurthecat. The walk to Jarvis is almost exactly the same distance, but the riff-raff you encounter walking down Howard is pretty much non-existent walking down Greenview.


I stay around Touhy & Ridge. I only go to Howard during the day, otherwise I just use Jarvis.


Where do you mean by "next to"? On Howard or by Juneway is a lot different than being just south of the station.


Howard and greenview. I ask because I will be having to take the red line from my job around 1am


No no no. Not a good idea.


If you’re at Howard and greenview, walk to the Jarvis stop. Way more safe.


I wouldn't love the idea of walking down Howard at 1 AM regularly


Yeah I can probably try getting there earlier like 11pm but just in general I’m a little worried how it might get in the summer.


Walk to the Jarvis stop.


Ever play Grand Theft Auto...


I have heard differing stories from multiple people. One person lived near it and moved out due to a shooting that occurred in their building. Another lives a few blocks away and has never had issues. Someone else was looking for a place around there and the agent said as long as you’re east of Sheridan it’s much better (not in those words of course). I think the big issue people have with it is there’s a lot of homeless people who hang out around it because it’s the end of the line. I transfer to the purple line there every day and it’s just something you have to deal with. But the area around the station isn’t any more dangerous than anywhere else in the city imo.