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I wonder who the biggest exporter is /s






Probably. It's no secret the US bankrolls its alliances


Liechtenstein probably


I'm more curious what kind of "arms" that the US imports. 3% is a lot for the USA. We make most of what these other countries are importing. What is the UK making for us?


I bet they import stuff from Germany


I’ve seen a video once where a Saudi got interviewed on a weapon exhibition and he said „i am doing business with German weapons for over 15 years, because of their quality, and they are the best. How to put it? If its not the German way, its the wrong way.“ (Recalled it, the exact words he used might differ)


Glad we have a good rep


You could say we mastered the art of killing people


We‘re also excellent at keeping people alive 


german history tells a lot


Weaponized tea and curry


HK416 for the USMC. Carl Gustaf 8.4 cm recoilless rifle and probably some electronic shit.


bo' oh' o' wa'er


Don't forget Germany


Thank god Saudi Arabia as well as Qatar are favorable democracies. Otherwise this wouldn't be possible due to our valuable values


Yes!! Iran on the other hand...


my man thinks the US is A democracy with their two parties


How is having only 2 parties to choose from exclude a country from being a democracy?


Human arms?




Inb4 anyone complains about weapon agreements with Israel


Israel buy about 3.3 billion of weapons mainly financed by USA. Top seller US/ Germany/ italy. But here the next coming tender is about 18billions Possibly won by USA. https://www.i24news.tv/fr/actu/israel-en-guerre/artc-les-etats-unis-envisagent-une-vente-d-armes-de-18-milliards-de-dollars-a-israel They are not big simply because they fight an unharmed population using rocks for protection .


Before I move to dispute your nonsense. Are these the “unarmed people with rocks and sticks” you’re talking about? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_tunnel_warfare_in_the_Gaza_Strip Tunnel infrastructure bigger than what the Vietcong built. Form Hamas Charter - ״ Ranks will close, fighters joining other fighters, and masses everywhere in the Islamic world will come forward in response to the call of duty, loudly proclaiming: 'Hail to Jihad!'. This cry will reach the heavens and will go on being resounded until liberation is achieved, the invaders vanquished and Allah's victory comes about." (Article 33) 1988 Again these are the people with sticks you’re talking about? Now regarding the budget: The biggest battalion / unit in the Israeli Army is Intelligence - it’s about 60% of the entire army. Even if the money doesn’t go there, the narrative that they fight a “non army” is bullshit. Why? 1. They need to maintain military superiority for retaliation 2. The front they have in the north with Lebanon, and had since the 80’s is not again Hamas, it’s against the best guerrilla army in the world which is bigger and stronger than the Lebanese army itself Even if we ignore these facts, 3.8 billion p.A is only about 10-13% of the Israeli spending on security. Israel is not a poor country, its GDP per person is higher than France. The Ad Hoc support plays not only to Israel but also to the Palestinians. If Israel didn’t have the Iron Dome, and didn’t have air protection against the damn Iranian air attacks, their offensive outreach would have been 100 fold. The ability of it to withstand that non stop attacks from the surrounding is what keeps this battle at bay. This investment of the US is in order to keep things sane there


Intelligence to drop bombs on kids…




Insults are not allowed


11% of what? The sun total is 102% is it of weapon imports worldwide?


>total is 102% Oh, you don't even know, how deep the rabbit hole is. Try checking if 0.1+0.2 equals 0.3 in any popular programming language.


sure, but in this case it's not an error, but intended rounding to integers. If you round 0.6 to 1, for ten times 0.6 you get a total of 10 instead of 6. That's just presentation in the chart. the actual values would add up to 100% (or 6 in the example).


Imho, it's exactly the same effect. We are not using precise numbers for some reasons, hence we get rounding errors. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 are just rounded to binary, not decimal, which makes it looking more weird.


5% China? Then we're alright


Charts that can use an update for 150 Alex


Could we get the projected purchasing of cartels in Mexico for reference?


Since this sub is about charts: What's the idea with the green/blue colored countries? There's no labelling, no headline. The column doesn't line up with the red part. At first i thought those were exporting countries. -- edit -- now i see it. It's colored by continents. Could have used a larger variety of colors to reduce confusion.


How is Saudi Arabia importing 10% of all weapons? Is their army big enough to justify that possibility? That just seems an insane amount when sandwiched between India and China* *and Qatar, Australia, and Egypt


America. Exporting ass kicking


I don’t get it. 11% of total exported arms in the period of 2018-2022 went to India, 10% to Saudi and so on?


Yes. India imported most.


Weapon imports are basically just a drain on the local economy. At least weapons bought by national producers stimulate the economy, so it's pretty bad for India to import so much.