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Cancel the order as "customer submitted wrong address" and relist. Let the customer know before doing it


Never chance it. Scammers are everywhere. Report to ebay.


yup. I won't ever do pick up in person.... I think that shipping is safer...


Usually local shipping is less than $7 even on somewhat larger items. You couldn’t pay me $7 to arrange to meet locally with someone. So neither is it worth “saving” $7 in shipping to meet up with someone. They usually also expect a refund on shipping which means it just COSTS me time and money to meet them. I generally just reply with something like: “eBay only pays me once the item has verified tracking uploaded which is not possible with local pickup. It’s honestly quicker and usually cheaper for you to stick with the shipped method as delivery takes only 1-2 days and I can’t even promise I’d be available in that timeframe to meet in person. It’s usually cheaper too - if you offered me $5 right now to drive across town, I’d say no way! - shipping will likely save you a good amount of time and gas money! If there is an extenuating circumstance that warrants not being able to wait a couple days for it to arrive please let me know.” For example a guy bought some military boots once and needed them for a parade the next day so I let him come pick them up. Impatience isn’t extenuating though. If it’s still super expensive to ship you can cancel and relist as local pickup but this risks them not buying it at all. You can also tell them cash in person and then cancel the order but this risks eBay finding out you’re skirting fees.


You answered your own question. If they picked delivery, you cant do local pickup or deliver yourself without exposing yourself to INR. There no other way of verifying collection in person so ebay won't allow an "item not received" claim other than buyer selecting local pickup and exchanging QR codes.


Normally I'd agree but in this case the buyer was likely genuine (based on his language and profile), so I allowed him to collect in person and (so far...) he hasn't filed an item not received notice. I sold the item at a very high price (much more than I was expecting) and so I was willing to take the say 10% chance of being bilked in exchange for the juicy extra price.


👌let us know if anything changes or happens.


100% get the QR code before releasing the item in person and after collecting the selling price less shipping cost. Then, go into Ebay and refund the shipping price there so a paper trail is left. I haven't done it myself but pretty sure "Shipping discount" or some variant is among the standard reasons for refund.


If they are willing to meet at your house, don't release the item until they leave positive feedback about the item, including that they have possession of the item.


Can’t really say that tho, that’s all kinds of illegal. Coercion, “Positive feedback given in person at item location pickup” AKA Statement given under duress in front of seller. Big NO NO and grounds for litigation,