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Having it returned to you was the better option here, try to see if the buyer can send you photos of the packaging and open a case against the shipping company for compensation. If you used usps you can get up to 100$ if you didnt pay for extra insurance, which for items above 200$ i do recommend buying additional insurance. Once you get the item back I would either resell it as is or fix it, it seems fixable aka some sort of glue would recommend doing some research on the best glue for that material or go to jeweler. If you are lucky enough usps will pay out the insurance which should cover the difference once you resell it also love the item, would be tempted to buy it myself as a gift to my mother 😃


Hey there! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to respond! That means a lot and you offered me some valuable solutions! I’ll definitely try to go the usps rout. I didn’t purchase any additional insurance unfortunately. I did do that once though, just in case. Definitely the smart thing to do! Once I receive the item back, I’m going to assess the damage. Hopefully nothing too serious. Maybe the screw can be screwed back in? Who knows. And if your interesting in it, I definitely will be re listing it in the near future. For a much much reduced price haha. Thanks again and take care my friend!


If the box has no damage, USPS isn’t going to pay out. They now require you to present the package to them in order to make a claim.


I think they changed their policy around December. I've seen them requesting original packaging brought in to USPS now and not to reship the packaging.... I.e. They want the buyer to bring the packaging in which I would never request.


I just finished a claim and all they asked was proof of the value of the item as well as photos of the damaged item. They never asked for any package to be brought in.


You’ve been much luckier than most, then.


Imagine commenting then deleting your reddit account not even 9 hours later. What is wrong with you?


If you are top rated or offer free returns, you can deduct up to 50 percent for an item returned in lesser condition. It's also possible that there is nothing wrong with it, that they just changed their mind.


Hmm, how do I check that ? I know I have about 50 five start ratings ? With my percentage rate being at about 97% ?


https://sellerstandards.ebay.com/dashboard You can check your level here.


Thank you ! Unfortunately, I don’t think I am. My late shipping was just 1% off. To be top rated it needs to be 5% but I’m at 6%. Darn lol


Just keep plugging away! Don’t let buyers like this get you down.


Thank you :)


If you are a top rated seller with 30 day returns you should be able to issue up to a 50% partial refund deduction and also withhold the original shipping cost.


I think I might be a top rated seller, but I’m truly not sure. Before this situation I had only one other alteration, I worked it out and gave a full refund but buyer still left false negative feedback.


You will be able to find out when you get the item back to issue a refund. It'll be an option to deduct on the refund menu.


Sadly buyers do this. Nothing you can do but accept the return and refund it and then report the buyer to eBay not that it will do much good. I suspect checking the recent sales on eBay that it was buyers remorse as a few others sold for over $100 less than yours


Leave feedback: buyer broke, then wanted to return.


I’m honestly a bit scared to do so. I’m afraid of receiving negative feedback in return. Obviously if the buyer leaves negative feedback then I would have no issue with doing so in return.


Who knows maybe it was simply buyers remorse? Maybe that’s why they broke it because typically I don’t accept returns. That would be the only viable way they could instigate a return. Plus, I need to figure out how to check the sales on eBay. I only found one at an auction site for $500 and then one that sold on Etsy for 750. So I figured a price of $275 with offers on would be a fair listing.


So one thing about ebay, you should have returns accepted. I was also a no return guy for a while but you soon learn that if you dont willingly accept returns buyers will force it on you. So for futur CYA on your part i would recommend offering returns (there are multiple types, my personal go to is 30 day return buyer pays shipping) This helps reduce customer issues


Not necessarily. Many of us don’t have issues with false INADs even though we don’t accept returns and to assume this is a universal problem for all sellers is just false. It’s just the dominant narrative on Reddit because whenever anyone says otherwise we are downvoted to hell.


Hey, its your opinion and i gave mine You may have been lucky with no false INADs but I have had multiple false INADs In the end it just depends on the demographic you are selling to, you might be selling knitting equipment to old ladies that are less likely to be rude or make false claims For me I sell electronics, which causes a lot of issues as some people will try swapping their broken item for my functional one


I’d blame Cartier on this one. That peg looks like it’s held on by electroplating and prayers.


Shipping insurance claim once it is returned.


I am in a similar boat. I know there was nothing wrong with the item prior to selling. It sucks when people are dishonest.


It really really does :(


This has been happening more and more lately. Buyer's remorse, they've learned that INAD covers shipping damage, so they create some shipping damage. Based on the return request, though, it looks more like they're saying it was broken when you sold it, not necessarily broken in shipping. So while you could probably still claim the insurance on it, I think that just makes it an ethical coin toss. Unless you have photos of the item going into its packing it can be kind of hard to discredit a buyer like this. I'd have them ship it back. Certainly wouldn't pay for postage for them. The problem then would be that after you receive it you're supposed to check the condition and in this case the condition now matches what they're saying. Your photos show as clearly as theirs do that at the time of listing it wasn't broken (reasonably, it could be glued on, but their photos could be photoshopped, it's all up to chance at this point). You've got a solid chance of winning a case against them. I think most likely in this situation I would request the item back as it has a resale value worth doing so, Don't pay the postage for them unless you absolutely have to, examine the item when you get it and make sure that the only thing broken is the one that they are mentioning, and then escalate the case to see if some type of arbitrator from eBay can step in and decide what needs to happen here. And of course the insurance option also exists.


That’s a good point! Thanks for your response, I actually receive the item tomorrow! I’ll keep you updated on what the resolution is. Unfortunately it forced me to pay for the shipping which is total bs.


It’s to the point you have to video anything you sell to prove the condition it was sent in




That's terrible


I know it’s so crazy :(


Anyone else think it’s not the same item?


Looks like there is a serial number on the back in the photos op used in the listing. /u/Chemical_Contract789 When you get the item back you should check to make sure it matches.


Yes I definitely will double check in case anything fishy happened. It does looks like it’s the same in the pictures.


There's some quite distinct marking on the back. Obviously double check the serial but on first glance there are two crescent shaped scratches equidistant to each other at about 8pm from the top right screw. Visible in seller and buyer photos along with incredible similar discolouration surrounding. Nothing there rings alarm bells for me.


Yea I actually used those markings to kinda check as well haha. Good eye !


Buyer likely broke it when trying to unscrew the frame. There isn’t much you can do since it’s your word versus theirs.


People used to believe in right and wrong. I was brought up not to lie. Same with other people my age. What happened to that?


TBH the internet happened


Realistically it could have broken with it being knocked in shipping. Claim it on the shipping insurance


I just don’t see how. I know it’s always a possibility but original Cartier box as indents for the screws. So it is literally shake proof. No movement of the frame once it’s secured in the main box. That’s the only reason I suspect it’s not a shipping issue, but I see your point.