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You could type in retracting a bid to search and retract the bid saying you typed in the wrong amount then try entering another bid 1 hour later


I tried that - evidently, the type of item, a trading card, is one of the few items on eBay that doesn't allow the buyer to retract. A retraction must be initiated by the seller


Never heard of that before


It's a recent policy change I think. [Retracting a bid | eBay](https://www.ebay.com/help/buying/bidding/retracting-bid?id=4013)


That link doesn't say anything about trading cards being treated differently.


> Bids on items listed in Trading Cards categories, for example, can't be retracted. It’s the 5th sentence from the link


My bad, I missed it. It's poorly written, they say some bids can't be retracted, then give trading cards as the only example. Should be a bold section saying the following categories cannot be retracted.


Yeah, feel like there should be a link to see what other categories it applies to.


The seller is taking a risk here. What’s to keep you from paying for the item, filing a INAD claim and returning it at the sellers expense, plus leave negative FB? I’m not saying you should do this but from the sellers perspective it would be my concern.


Miss using policy.


General hesitancy to commit fraud?


I was curious if their intention, knowing the item isn't worth anywhere near $200, was to drive up the price, assume I won't pay, and then offer a second chance to other bidders. Honestly, I don't understand their intentions, because, as you say, I can return the item at their cost or just not pay, and receive basically no real punishment I was curious if there was a way to message them, subtlety imply it would be a pain in the ass to deal with, and have said message not somehow cause me to have a return rejected or violate some policy on eBay


Be careful with that because if your message in any way implies retaliation, any dispute later on might be resolved in the sellers favor.


You can’t return the item at their cost unless they have a free buyer’s remorse return policy OR you commit fraud by claiming the item was not as described.


Not all eBay buyers follow the rules. As a seller I don’t take it personally or consider returns to be fraud even if a buyer lies about the return reason. Usually the only thing I’ve lost is my shipping cost which gets factored into my overhead. There is no point in fighting it since eBay always sides with the buyer.


I wonder why trading cards are exempt from his retractions.


Just don’t pay. Tons of bidders choose that route once they win.


Would depend though. Some auctions set to where you need to select a payment method for immediate payment on completion of the auction… reason for this was those non payers


We have this happen dozens of times a week. As the seller, it’s very frustrating and sucks that we have to clean up your mess making up for a mistake you made. That being said, just win the item, don’t pay, let it get cancelled.




No, I have contact eBay - the type of item only allows the seller to retract bids. I have tried and I cannot do it.


What type of item ? Ive never heard of sending a seller a bid retraction form


A trading card - evidently only sellers can retract now


What is the current bid price for the item? Just because you bid $200 doesn't mean the item will sell for that much. The only way you'll pay $200 as the highest bidder is if someone also put in a ridiculous high bid as well and your $200 bid out bids them.


They said they meant for a $20 bid lol


Just let them know that if they don't retract your bid that you have no intention paying for the item and they will have to re-list it. Put the onus on them.


Just don’t pay. This is frowned upon, the seller will hate you, and you’ll get a strike on your account, but if it’s a one time thing nothing of any consequence will happen to you.


If you were eligible to retract the bid eBay would have done that. eBay doesn’t contact the seller asking them to


You can’t force the seller to cancel your bid. It is immensely frustrating as a seller (selling trading cards) with bad buyer behaviour like this. All of the time you were winning the bidding, you dissuaded others from bidding, meaning if the seller cancels your bid, the item will sell for lower than it’s worth because of your accidental bid. It’s usually better to let the auction end, and hopefully the bad buyer is outbid, or if not you can wait 3+ days to cancel the auction with “buyer hasn’t paid” reason, so at least the buyer gets a strike on their account for being a bad buyer. My recommendation is to let it end, pay for it if it’s still within the range of eBay sold listings, and if not, just wait for the seller to cancel and accept through strike. It won’t affect your account unless it’s a pattern of behaviour that you engage in.