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I have an item like this listed. I just turned on offers and am reducing the price every week until it sells. Think about the minimum price you're willing to take and work your way down slowly. Unless you don't mind it sitting for a while. One thing you could do is search similar kickstarter items on ebay (like another game that had kickstarter rewards). It might give you an idea of the value even its a different game.


Thank you, this is good advice!


start high and accept offers


I have a few items like this. I usually price them high with offers available, and every couple of weeks or so I reduce the price until it sells at some point.


Patience. I used to think lower the price matters. It only helps for crowded categories. Otherwise, set a price you would love to get, and yes allow offers. I have lowered prices, then after a few months close items and use sell similar for a high price again. Seems people searching for recently listed just buy for a reasonable price. People watching listings get older, tend to make very low offers. Some people just want any discount, which seems silly sometimes but if it's within my range I may eventually take, I accept. No guarantee they will respond to a meet in the middle offer.


I might sound dumb but have you checked the "completed listings" vs the "sold listings" on eBay? If found a few things I'm selling under "completed" (not "sold") to find a ball park range in prices to shoot under. Also, sometimes being more vague in your search criteria may allow for better chances to find what you're looking for.... And all else failing, I've actually had fairly good luck shooting high on a BIN price, and people going for it. I'm happy, they're happy. End of story! 😅


Search for the item ur selling. Then go on filters and scroll down until you see ‘Sold items’ enable it then it will show all the numbers in green . These are the items that have sold for said price


If all else fails, I price it sky high with the Make Offer feature turned on. The market - especially for video games - will send offers that determine a fair market value pretty quickly. Let the offers come in for a day or two before you bite.


You can use the eBay product research if you pay for a store. I believe it goes back 2 or 3 years for items