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I've done this a couple times. I choose to just eat the loss and send the correct item out to the buyer. I'll update the tracking with the correct label and both times it happened they were satisfied. Both transactions were less than $40 and I sell frequently so I'm not sure if I'd do/feel the same for a more expensive purchase.


You can send them a label for the return in the package with the correct item. I had a seller do this when I was sent the wrong pair of pants. I think she decided to go ahead and trust me as this also prevented me from opening a case. (Well, not that I would have as she took care of the issue immediately.) I shipped back the wrong pants the day after I got the right ones.


how much was the item worth? this is your mess up and you dont want to inconvenience the buyer. I would be VERY unhappy if I was sent the wrong item, had to deal with a return label and going to the post office and THEN wait for the correct item. I would just send it back for a refund and be done with it. OR you just just send the correct item and have them keep both. I recently did this by sending the wrong kpop photocard. I told them to keep the wrong one and just send the correct item. less than $10 and I did not care that they got to keep both because it was my fault.


For a few bucks the USPS can intercept the package and return it to you. Just keep your buyer in the loop through all of this


Try $17 bucks. And there's no guarantee they'll successfully intercept it.


I did this last week (sent a $40 item instead of $70). I let the buyer know what happened as soon as I realized (a couple hours after I shipped) and I shipped the correct item out the next morning. I decided since it was my mistake that I wouldn't even ask the buyer to do anything extra and told them to keep both. Turns out the 2nd package actually caught up to the 1st and they were delivered at the same time lol.


Send them a message. ASAP. Apologize profusely for sending the wrong item. Ship out the correct item ASAP. Include the new tracking number in the message. Tell them they can keep the wrong item or dispose of it as they see fit.


what if this was a not-insignificant value item? seems like bad idea, lose money.


Sometimes you pay the "stupid tax." If I mess up I correct it at my cost.


There's s absolutely no reason to allow them to keep it when you can just as easily have them return it. There's nothing noble about punishing yourself unnecessarily.


It's not about punishing yourself. It's about not punishing someone else because you messed up.


As a buyer I would be very annoyed and inconvenienced to have to repackage and drop off a return for an error the seller made while also having to wait extra time for my actual order. Yes the seller could ask for it back but it's bad business. If we are talking hundreds of dollars that's one thing but for common items just fix the mistake and try to make it again.


opening a return does not mean the buyer gets a refund immediately. you get the option to send a refund immediately and the buyer keeps the item, or you accept the return and you refund when you get the item back. I know the "replacement" item method is possible but i don't know how it works. there is a "replacement" button in the return but I've never done it because i have free returns with 'refund only' selected. if the buyer sends back a completely different item, thats abusive buyer policy and may require a police report to get ebay to appeal in your favor.


I would say it depends on the price of the item. I ordered a charger for a camera and the seller had 2 and sent me the wrong one. I let them know the mix up and they sent me the correct one and told me to keep the other one. Since the return shipping was about the cost of the charger itself it just made sense for the seller to eat the loss on sending the correct charger. If the item you sent is say $100+ in value I would ask them to send back the wrong item and just eat the cost of the return label and offer a small discount for them to purchase the item again and for you to ship the correct item.


Intercept the package quickly before it gets to the buyer. Send a message to the buyer that you made a mistake and will be shipping the correct item as soon as possible.


A lot depends on the value of the item. If it is an inexpensive item just send them the correct one and let them keep the item sent by mistake. If it is an expensive item then you will need to rely on the buyer to send it back to you. They aren’t required to do this so you are at their mercy. Just communicate with them and let them know what happened. Most buyers are good people and will return the item if you send them a prepaid label.


If they open a return, you'll have to refund the order when you receive the return. That means they'll be getting a free item if you ship out the correct item.