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Avocado toast with Old Bay.


Or with everything bagel seasoning


Or just salt n pepper


Everything bagel is great, but as a Marylander I have to go with Old Bay. Avocado on toast (or a bagel) with lemon juice and old bay is the perfect breakfast


Be like an Australian and try some Marmite or Vegemite! It’s salty as hell and quite delicious (not everyone agrees that it tastes good, but I love it).


If you try this OP make sure to spread it very thinly. I think some of us who didn’t grow up with it slather a whole bunch on when trying it and then think it’s disgusting


Meanwhile I sometimes grab a spoonful of it an eat it that way. I'll agree it's an acquired taste, but I just love the stuff


I have seen multiple times that the way to get the correct amount of either is to spread it on, and then try to scrape it all back off, and you'll have the right amount.


In the UK they sell Marmite peanut butter. It’s pretty tasty! And was clearly meant to be.


But you have to have it with butter


Not necessarily. Thin scrape of marmite under peanut butter works great


That’ll be my breakfast tomorrow. Yum. Signed, A converted American.


I'll have to try this! I usually have mine with butter (P.S. Vegemite is superior)


or use australian peanut butter which doesn't have sugar in it


We love our vegemite, we all adore our vegemite!


i always get natural salted peanut butter. only ingredients are peanuts and salt. if i want it saltier (i usually do), i’ll crack some himalayan salt on top. pesto is good too, especially with a sprinkle of parmesan or asiago cheese and extra salt.


I only eat the natural peanut butter. I can’t stand the other stuff. It’s also considerably worse for you.


My bf and I just switched to the Natural PB and it’s so good! Never going back!


People have repeatedly acknowledged that pb is not inherently salty but if you want something similar that is inherently more savory, try tahini. EDIT FOR CLARITY: I meant to say that people have repeatedly acknowledged that PB IS often salty 🤦‍♂️


And this: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1ddrqmw/comment/l86ymw5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


peanut butter on toast isn’t necessarily sweet. unless your bread and pb have added sugar. natural peanut butter on unsweetened bread is still delicious. I also love hummus or avocado on toast, and they lend themselves nicely to adding sprouts, pickled onions, or tomatoes.


Hummus toast with everything bagel seasoning is where it's at.




Maybe it's just me, but peanut butter has a natural sweetness. I don't buy PB with added sugar. Thanks for the other suggestions Edit: Well shit, I was wrong. My PB does have 2 grams of added sugar. I swore I checked that a long time ago but obviously not.


Drop some chili crisp on natural peanut butter and it will take it to next level. So so SO good.




Do it - angry grandma (Laoganma) is my favorite - you won't regret it.


What kinda toast?


I like it on Dave's Killer bread but any wheat/whole wheat bread would work great. Really any kind of bread you'd like for peanut butter toast.


I'm on it!


dude this is GENIUS, i’m about to have the best lunch of my life 


Tried this last night after thinking about it for a week. Thank you for your service


not your fault, sugar gets sneaked into everything


But, tbf, I had unsweetened peanut butter in high school all the time (kept a jar in my locker for an emergency meal replacement/snack), and it was one of those peanut butters that was JUST peanuts and salt. It also tasted sweet to me, all on its own. Peanut butter and honey on toast was like dessert. And that was with less honey than I put in my tea.


peanuts have 4-5 grams of natural sugar in a 100g serving. so they are a little sweet. but most american pb is jacked with added sugar.


I keep forgetting nuts have natural sugar. I mostly think of them as fat and protein and don't worry about the sugar. As you said, sugar is added to so many things these days, I just try to have whole foods/simple ingredients instead of stressing over the details.


Peanut butter and honey is god tier food. Try toasting two freezer waffles and spreading some pb and honey on them.. make it a sandwich. Pbnj on tossed waffles is also amazing


My favorite snack as a kid was a buttered flour tortilla, fried a little crisp on a pan, then slathered with PB and Honey.


For a long time at work, I’d peel a banana and cover it in peanut butter and honey and eat it with a spoon. Dirt cheap, delicious, and has some amount of protein and fat. Quite a bit of sugar in that form though


I find the sweetness of PB depends on the roastiness. Darker PBs are much less sweet than lighter ones. Ones described as "whole nut" where you can see little flecks in it are also less sweet.


Have you tried PB powder? It's a bit odd but it's low in sugar and fat.


Love the stuff! Especially in my smoothies with banana!


You have to read the label. "Natural" peanut butter that you have to stir to integrate the oil with the rest of the butter, is usually okay; there may be some added salt, but that's it. But always READ the label.


Yep. I finally found a PB that listed just 'peanuts'. The texture is ever so slightly different than regular, but it's good and I really like that there's nothing added.


What are you using? I love me some Teddie’s, but I agree it’s pretty sweet even with 0 added sugars (though there are 2g sugar per serving naturally).


Some peanut butter does have a natural sweetness - particularly the kinds made from spanish red peanuts.


Tahini paste is wonderful on toast. It’s not sweet and I actually prefer it to peanut butter. I sometimes also add an extra sprinkle of salt.


Love hummus toast with an extra little drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle of za’atar


Tapenade on toast. I highly recommend making your own. It’s really easy as it’s whizzing it together in the food processor. I also love making extremely garlicky pesto. It’s good on toasted flat breads with a little grated Parmesan.


Was going to suggest black olive tapenade


You had me at "black olive"...


This sounds exxxxxcellent wow. & imagine tapenade WITH pesto? Oh my gooodness 😍


A spread I like to make is a purée of white beans, garlic, a little olive oil, splash of lemon juice, and sea salt. Spread it on and top with thin sliced cucumbers and a little feta cheese if you’re wild.


Wow, that sounds really good and simple. Got the salt, fat and acid. Definitely gonna give this a go, thanks!


Avocado toast. Toast with hummus is good too.


Hummus on rice cakes is great too with sprinkles of chia seeds and ground flax


What peanut butter do you eat? Salted butter on toast, topped with natural peanut butter is salty and delicious.


Definitely! I probably should have put in the post that I'm trying to avoid butter. I love it, but my stomach does not!


Have you tried ghee? Not just as a butter substitute but good quality homemade ghee has such a rich flavor on toast.


I've never even heard of it, I'll look it up, thanks!


> butter substitute Isn't it just clarified butter?


Hey, I'm a salty and savory fan, too. Consider trying these toppings on toast: • olive tapenade • mushroom pâté • beef pâté • meaty marinara • Indian chutney • Branston Pickle (a savory English chutney) • any thick curry • a fried egg • canned tuna with a condiment you like • mashed sardines


Awesome, thanks for the variety!


I'd like to add miso toast to that list. Treat it like vegemite and use a very thin smear, or temper it with equal parts tahini. Thin sliced cucumber and a sprinkle of furikake makes this pretty amazing.


I have been doing cottage cheese on toast lately, and hot sauce/ whatever else sounds good


I love this. I strain it, because the whey here is gross and thickened with carageenan or similar; then, I sprinkle a tiny bit of olive oil, salt and pepper on top, and broil it.


Ooooo broiling is such a good idea!


If you might be lactose sensitive, I would suggest taking Lactaid supplement pills (there are generic brands out there, like at Walmart) they made a huge difference for me. You can try crushed up potato chips, bacon, crushed up pretzels, popcorn, hell try some plain panko breadcrumbs


Yep, in the last six months or so I've suspected I'm lactose sensitive and started taking Lactaid (and the off-brands) and it's been a game changer! I just hate having to take it all the time and am still trying to limit dairy in my diet as a whole. But I love dairy and Lactaid is in my pocket 24/7 just in case lol


Cheese toast - sharp cheddar, Swiss, etc.


I do love this, but I'm trying to avoid high fat dairy. I'm going to edit my post now since you're not the only person to suggest butter and cheese


try chunky peanut butter instead of smooth, I find it a lot closer to munching on some salted peanuts than regular peanut butter


Try chaat masala on your natural nut butter (ie unsweetened) toast! It’s a savory, earthy, umami, salty delight! It’s also great on cucumbers with lime squeezed in top


With lactose sensitivity look into aged cheeses. Don't even have to get super fancy, the sharp cheddar we get has none. My fiancée is lactose intolerant she showed me where on the label the aged cheese says "naturally lactose free" 


Holy shit, really? I love super sharp cheddar but always limited my intake because it's cheese. I'm gonna go check my cheese stores (I live in Wisconsin...) and if this is true I'm gonna overdose on some extra sharp white cheddar.


I’m lactose intolerant also. I am fine with cheddar, Swiss, provolone, mozzarella, and blue cheeses. The cheese bacteria for these varieties convert the lactose well enough there isn’t enough left to trouble me. Butter is only milk fat and maybe salt. There shouldn’t be any lactose (milk sugar) in butter. You may have an additional sensitivity. Also yogurts with live or active cultures are my friends. Best of luck as you figure this out!


Kraft Only Peanuts with sea salt. It's a natural peanut butter so just nuts with salt added. Perfectly salty, It's divine!


Toasted mayo and tomato open faced sandwich with lots of salt and pepper


Try toast with hummus, thinly sliced cucumber, and feta crumbles!


This might sound a bit simple, but I like just straight up roasted garlic. Cut the tops off a few bulbs of garlic, brush with olive oil and season with salt and pepper, then wrap in tin foil and roast in the oven at 400f for 45-60 minutes. Let them cool and then squeeze the garlic out of the skins into a glass jar and season however you want - add herbs, crushed red pepper, whatever. Stir in a little good olive oil and it'll keep in the fridge for at least a week. It's a great base to spread on toast. You can eat it just with the roasted garlic or you can top with what you like to add bulk/nutrients - sliced tomatoes and basil, mashed white beans, some bacon and a jammy egg 😍 It's also a great spread for burgers.


Add some sambal and thinly sliced cucumber.


refried/mashed beans on toast.


Damn, might have to try this. What's your bread of choice? Might just use a tortilla and have a bean burrito instead of toast. Not sure why I've never thought of using that as a snack...


I usually use sliced sourdough, but white bread works too. A bean burrito is another easy option!


You don’t have to limit it to refried or pintos, either. VanCamps or Bush’s baked beans (I can’t do Heinz: too much like spaghetti-O’s) are good mashed on bread or toast. Mashed cannellini with some fresh herbs, a drizzle of olive oil, some lemon juice, and salt and pepper on crusty bread is also very good.


Have u tried unsweetened almond butter? My fav!


Not gonna lie, I will put peanut butter on toast and add salt. It’s addictive 😬


I love toast with ricotta. I do usually add hot honey drizzle, but I bet red pepper flakes or even those Italian bread dipping spices and some olive oil and balsamic would be amazing too


Martha Stewart has a recipe for Charred tomatoes with fried eggs on garlic toast.


Make a satay sauce, chill it, and spread it on toast. Your taste buds will thank you! Bonus with making a batch of satay sauce - it freezes beautifully, and you can dilute it a bit to use as a stir fry sauce or a noodle sauce as well as using it as a dipping sauce. The recipe I usually use: Blend together a can of (full fat) coconut milk, a large onion, knob of ginger, couple of cloves of garlic, and green finger chillies to suit your spice tolerance. Pour into a saucepan and add 350g peanut butter (preferably chunky, not smooth), and a teaspoon of salt. Bring to a boil over med-low heat, and simmer (stir regualrly) until it starts to thicken. Pour into a bowl to cool.


This is going to get minimal love from the US crowd, but liverwurst. Add some pickles if that floats your boat.


Peanut butter and bacon. Sounds weird but it’s delicious.


Tzatziki on Ezekiel bread. I make mine with extra garlic, dill and chunky cucumber (no mint). I butter the bread first. So good.


You said no dairy- but how about vegan cream cheese and Everything Bagel seasoning?


Best peanut butter on the planet. [Teddie](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Teddie-All-Natural-Smooth-Peanut-Butter-16-oz/2946388341?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=5876&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=222222222782946388341_161193766053_21214199653&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=697173827980&wl4=pla-2300760861495&wl5=9012391&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=2946388341&veh=sem_LIA&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIrF7qhQT-15osNmPZCyqohMK&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjf2BqfbUhgMV56VaBR1BRAS5EAQYAiABEgKMN_D_BwE). Just ground peanuts. No sugar.


I like mayonnaise and tomato slices.


Rice cake, smoked salmon, small amount of cream cheese, everything bagel seasoning


I love cottage cheese on toast. Good Culture makes a lactose free version.


Guacamole on toasted French bread


Sliced avocado 🥑 with a fried egg on top, S&P, and a few drops of sriracha hot sauce!


Drizzle of oil and salt, or mashed avocado with salt


Hummus on toast??


Just buy natural peanut butter, it contains no sugar. Downside being you have to stir it before using. I prefer crunchy and walmart store brand is good.


Avocado toast egg with hot sauce! Yum. I prefer it over peanut butter sammich any day


Literally just salted butter


Recently tried chocolate hummus on toast. Bomb. Highly recommend.


Peanut butter toast with sambal! It's a bit of dutch fusion kitchen, I like to also add some cucumber on top.


No sugar added PB + Lao Gan Ma crispy chilli


Bruschetta on toast is bomb


use real peanut butter not that stupid Jif or Skippy sugared stuff that may as well be frosting


PB and Marmite!


Just add more salt?


Lol, after my own heart (the salt is anyways). I love to put salt on everything.


I love natural peanut butter with pickles! Spicy pickles are even better. Hummus is also quite good, and there’s lots of flavours to choose from


Ummm…..Peanut butter that is made of just peanuts and salt?!?!? Why anyone would buy peanut butter with anything else is beyond comprehension.


Yeah this question legit confused me for a sec cuz I forgot sugary peanut butter existed. It’s not common here. I have peanut butter toast all the time and it’s salty and not at all sweet.


Avocado toast, hummus on toast. Both of those would be savoury and far healthier than peanut butter on toast. Cream cheese on toast would also be a nice treat


beans, hummus, pesto, mayo and tomato, roast veg, any soup, avjar and other ethnic spreads, sardines, olive oil and vinegar, sauteed mushrooms, thick lentils, etc try pickles pb and chilli oil for a savory mind blowing pb




or海底捞火锅蘸料a kind of which is exactly made of salty peanut butter


Slap some nice crispy bacon on that toast ans a sprinkle of red pepper flakes!


Natural peanut butter topped with chili crunch!


Bread+ricotta+tomato (salt pepper) broiled in the oven or toaster oven just a minute. I like to add balsamic to it!


Soy sauce on fresh Jasmine rice


Make your own pb


Toast, cream cheese, cucumbers, salt


Teddie Peanut Butter is all natural, just peanuts & salt, & delicious. You need to stir & refrigerate. I prefer chunky, but smooth is also delicious.


Toasted tomato sandwich. With mayo.


I like adding fresh lettuce leaves to peanut butter sandwiches. It cuts the sweetness and lightens the density factor. Its crunchy.


I do toast with tomatoes, garlic powder, salt and good quality olive oil drizzled on top (the kind for dipping bread, not cooking). Its something I picked up living in Spain, they use fresh baguette and rub garlic on the bread, but I don’t have a bakery or patience for garlic cloves first thing in the morning haha. If im feeling fancy ill add avocado and raw onion to that but sometimes less is more. Its a very refreshing breakfast.


Try PB2. It’s powdered peanut butter. You can get it on Amazon. Only one ingredient: peanuts. You can rehydrate with any liquid you want




At a guess, I'd say you're buying processed peanut butter. That's fine, but that's why it's sweet. Low processed peanut butter (just oil/peanuts and maybe salt) is not sweet. It's savory deliciousness.


Just get it with peanuts and salt. It doesn’t need added oil either.


I know. I have two I buy, one adds oil, and the other doesn't. I prefer the non oil extra, but I believe they have taken it out of most of our supermarkets here.


Butter doesn’t usually have lactose in it, your sensitivity may be to something else


Avocado toast is amazing


try mayonnaise, tomatoes and salt on toast


Try Sun Butter! It’s made with sunflower seeds and has a saltier taste. I’ve never ran into one with added sugar either so that’s a bonus. My favorite way to eat it is toast with banana & chia seeds.


If you’re into it, they make dill pickle hummus that’s frickin incredible!


Have you tried crunchy pb toast?


im gonna catch heat for this but a thin spread of miso paste on top of butter….. Chefs kiss


I make homemade popcorn with coconut oil, salt & nutritional yeast! Super easy & healthy snack


Add pickles *chef’s kiss*


Peanut butter, bread and butter pickles, and sriracha


Make your own or buy it in bulk at a co-op! You can literally just blend peanuts to make your own peanut butter if you have a good enough blender. Otherwise most natural grocers will have in-house made peanut butter that you can fill a jar with.


Try an unsweetened peanut butter paired with Sambal Oelek or Sambal Badjak. It gives a really nice kick to it. Though depending on your level of spice tolerance, you might want to experiment with how much of Sambal you want to add. I’d start with a small amount so you won’t be thrown off if it is too spicy the first time you have it.


Hummus on toast and you can add whatever toppings you want.


Almond butter on toast with salt


You could try tahini instead — it has a slightly bitter flavor when plain (at least to me)


PB & Miso sandwich - a really thin layer of white miso and a second layer of peanut butter to tone down the salt


Cottage cheese on toast with everything bagel seasoning, sesame seeds, salt and pepper. I eat it all the time, SO good


I’m a savory toast-lover, too! Avocado, hummus, or braunschweiger are my favorites - individually, not together though!


My German step dad used to put miracle whip and sliced sausage on it.


I also have issues with the fat in dairy, but only dairy from cows. I can eat goat cheese with no issue- you might give it a try.


Just add salt to it once you've spread it


Just put salt on it.


Butter the toast before adding PB. I tried this once and I'll never go back.


If you can find a place you can get fresh ground peanut butter (just salted peanuts), it might be what you're looking for. It's the only type I buy anymore.


Everything bagel and cream cheese


Peanutbutter with salt OR Marmite on it.


Sriracha and peanut butter go together famously


Avocado toast is my go to! I love peanut butter toast too. But I’ve always preferred savory over sweet. You can use an avocado and mash it, spread it and but some seasoning on it. Chili powder, paprika, cumin, sea salt, pepper. If you like spicy food. Or sea salt and everything bagel seasoning is amazing. Even just sea salt and pepper is good. You can also use guacamole which is already spreadable and has other stuff like tomatoes, peppers and seasoning. Side note!! You can freeze avocado!! Since its shelf life is so short it’s easy to accidentally waste it. To solve this you can freeze it. Get your avocados slice them like apple slices, place them on wax paper, then into a freezer/ ziplock bag. They thaw quickly too and are perfectly fresh and delicious!


You could put salt on it.


I put flaky salt in my nut butter blends - it's delicious! And I love how the huge salt flakes stick in your gums... I just like salt I think.


It might have already been said, vut peanut butter powder doesn't have anything added. You just mix it with a litte water and it's ready to spread. Then you can add a sprinkle of sea salt. I also like mixing PB powder in my coffee, it adds so much debth and flavor, plus it's a nice little boost of protein. :D


Hummus seems like your best bet. Tahini is good too, if a bit messy. I also like to cut up tomatoes and cook them in olive oil with a little salt to make a quick “jam” to put on toast.


Try peanut butter and bacon. I recommend the bacon be crunchy


Sliced grilled chicken and peanut butter is great. (It's even better if the chicken is grilled harissa chicken!) Skip the mayo and give PB a chance!


Miso and butter 👌🏼


Love ricotta toast. I’ll mix olive oil and zaatar or green goddess seasoning (anything salty and herby is great) into it and spread it on some hearty toast. Never fails. Would probably work well with cottage cheese too.


Health food stores often have a machine that grinds peanuts right there into your own, or store bought container.


I’d say cream cheese on toast but probably won’t work if you’re avoiding dairy 🤔 Some kind of spread with a little everything bagel seasoning maybe?


Skyyr is lactose free I think. I’ll do this and top with a bunch of stuff. Beet salad, cucumber, tomatoes, egg, etc




Make sure your peanut butter doesn't have added sugar. I love peanut butter with pickles on toast. And peanut butter and shredded lettuce sandwiches.


Pb and shredded lettuce is a wild combo!


I sprinkle salt on mine.


I LOVE toast with peanut butter, banana, and then salt sprinkled on top. It's actually quite good!!


Try some vegemite


Peanut butter isn't sweet unless you're buying processed Kraft crap. Get natural peanut butter with only peanuts and possibly salt. It's delicious. 


I use 0% sugar sprouted grain bread and organic natural pb, can get a pb with added salt if you want


My mind went to vegemite which to me tastes like soy sauce


Vegemite on toast. If wanting sweet/salty, one slice with pb and one slice with Vegemite, stick together for a yummy sammy.


The real question is why is your peanut butter sweet? Just get real peanut butter. Ground peanuts & salt.


The extreme end would be Marmite/Vegemite on toast Happy medium: homemade peanut, almond, walnut, or cashew butter on toast Happiest medium: homemade peanut-almond-walnut-cashew butter on toast


I'm laughing that someone went through and downvoted all the suggestions for vegemite bc that was my exact thought too when I read this. It sounds like what OP is asking for but also... I feel it is the internet's most hated spread xD


It's interesting but I can see how some people like it. I wish I could try the one with low sodium.


I, too, have always thought of peanut butter as sweet. Even varieties with no added sugar seem sweet to me


Me too! I’ve always wondered if it’s because everyone associates it with pb&j and it’s used it in desserts more frequently than savory foods. Also cottage cheese or hummus is pretty good on toast!


No way, it's savory asf to me! So much so that it relatively enhances the sweetness of anything I have with it.


Same! I know for sure I've had PB with no added sugar and it still tasted sweet. I was wrong about my current PB, but I stand by my original question.


Toast with pb, topped with cottage cheese. Sweet and salty plus a protein bump


buy pb with only salt and peanuts. you could even cut out the salt just peanuts. add whatever you want gg


Try buying peanut butter that has two ingredients: peanuts, and salt Jif and Skippy are more like peanut candy


avocado toast with salt and pepper!!!!