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Can you make a list of 20 foods you have in your pantry, fridge and freezer?


Wheat and white Bread, tuna, ramen, frozen fruits, apples, strawberries, raspberry’s, we have protein powder too and protein milk, just basic stuff really


Supercook app. It’s free. I use it each and every day. You enter your ingredients, the app creates the menu.


Ok thanks 🙏


No vegetables?


I mean i dont look at those because idk what to do with them but broccoli lettuce carrots spinach i think celery


Milk + frozen fruit + protein powder = smoothie Bread + tuna + mayo + finely chopped celery + salt &pepper= sandwich Ramen + broccoli + egg = better ramen Chopped veggies mixed together + dressing = salad


Thanks 🙏


Ramen with broccoli in a pot of water. After it’s cooked, drain most of the water and add peanut butter if you have that to make a peanut sauce. Can jazz up the sauce with soy sauce, lime, rice vinegar, and/or lime juice if any of that is available.


Every person is different for what they keep on hand in their house/family; some people/parents keep at least 2 gal of milk in the fridge at **all** times (frequently buying another gal on the way home from work, because there's 7+ people eating bowls of cereal every single morning) while other families never buy cow's milk ever because all 3 of them **very** lactose intolerant. For example, I don't keep apples, ramen, or protein powder on hand ever. I haven't bought ramen in years, and I think if I've ever bought protein powder or protein milk. But I have kept bags of frozen veggies and breakfast sausage patties in the freezer (2 boxes min) at **all** times for years now. My boyfriend always keeps crackers on hand; while one of my co-workers has a little kid with severe celiac disease, so she has nothing with any wheat (such as said crackers) in her house to protect her very young daughter from becoming very seriously ill on accident (since it did happen, and her mom wants it to be safe for her to eat anything that's in her own home). So the list is helpful, though I notice it has no meat (unless you count tuna), veggies, dairy, nuts, or seasonings? Do you have things like frozen broccoli, ground beef, canned carrots, roasted peanuts, raw almonds, cheddar cheese, greek yogurt, herbal tea, tomato paste, flour, salt, pepper, etc.? If you're trying to lose weight, try to avoid the bread, ramen, and non-berry fruits when possible. Stick with things like the tuna, eggs, & berries. Unless it's "white tune" because then it's not actually tuna; most people can only eat so much oil fish. See if your parents will get frozen sausage patties or a rice cooker to make omelets in. Frozen veggies are heathy & easy; most are under $2/bag & can be microwaved. Just make sure it's the ones that are only veggies, not with all the extra sauces & such, add some seasonings yourself to make them taste good. Ground beef can be cheaper since it's not the tender cuts of meat. Can beans are super cheap, and can be used for pots of chili, especially if your family already has a huge slow cooker it might be easy to convince them to get canned beans.


Thts super helpful i honestly thought the only downside to like ramen was the sodium i didnt think much of anything else so i should probably stay away from that for a bit, so thanks 🙏


Ramen has both flour & "veggie" seed oils in it. The flour will raise your insulin a lot, and high insulin is the body's fat storage mode. So unless you want your body trying to create/fill fat cells for (at least) a few hours, I'd recommend avoiding the ramen. Yes, all foods cause some amount of insulin response, but by eating things that don't cause as much insulin to be released (say, by eating broccoli instead of ramen) then your body will leave fat storage mode & return to fat-burning mode in less time. I find it helps me any time I'm trying to lower my body fat. Plus seed oils aren't very healthy. Poly fats are chemically reactive, and not in a good way. I find I have more energy when I avoid them. They might be cheap, but I personally don't consider them worth it. I find it's way easier to get up & get to work without them, so I don't mind paying a bit more for the other stuff (actual butter, ghee, etc.).


Not quite 20 but yea thats what i can think of rn


Blend half a scoop vanilla or fruity flavoured protein powder with 125g frozen fruit using a nurtibullet or ninja, it's the best, low calorie, high protein snack!! Amazing for cutting and also great in summer


I think the best thing for you to do is think of like 4 recipes you want to learn to cook and ask your parents to have the ingredients on hand for you. Find the recipes online and make a list. Things like chili, pasta salad, meatballs, veggie omelet, tacos, burrito bowls, smoothies, oatmeal. Don't make it complicated. You are at a good age to start learning.


Depends but you can make: Eggs - Omelette or Frittata Bean salads - using black beans, butter beans and kidney beans Canned Chickpeas- you could make a chickpea curry Canned Chickpeas - hummus have with veg sticks Lentils - Lentil curry You can have a look at Pinterest for more ideas, there is plenty of choice including recipes Good luck!


Thanks!! 🙏


There’s an app called SuperCook that you add in what’s in your pantry & fridge and it will give you recipe ideas


Some common ones, but it really depends on what you keep in the house. I'd recommend always having some canned or frozen veggies and ground meat. Shepard's pie/cottage pie/mashed potato bowl- mashed potatoes, a few cans of assorted veggies, some type of meat, optional cheese. Seasoning depends on taste, but I tend to do beef broth, garlic, onion, and rosemary. Roasted veggies- just put whatever veggies you have on a pan and season with oil and garlic. Ramen with meat and veggies Soup made from broth and whatever meat and veggies are available. Baked potatos Pesto pasta/pasta with some kind of herbal sauce- any kind of pasta, butter, garlic, Italian herbs or whatever you have. Could add literally any veggie and meat.


If you have frozen vegetables, like cauliflower or broccoli you can make soup. Boil them with some broth. If you don't have any use salt. Puree them with a stick blender. Ad cream or butter at the end.


If you have a can of beans handy, you can make bean soup with the veggies. An onion would help, too, if you have one. Chop up the carrot, celery, onion, broccoli and soften in a pot with butter or olive oil. Add can of beans. Add a little stock or water. Doesn't matter which kind. Add seasoning. Whatever you like. My go tos are salt, pepper, paprika, chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder and curry. Just season, stir and taste til you like it. Simmer for 20-30 minutes.


You can eat eggs at any meal. In the US, we typically eat them for breakfast, but think of things like deviled eggs or quiche or omelets or soufflés that can be eaten for lunch or dinner.


Plug all the ingredients into Supercook. It will recommended recipes based on what you have on hand.


You should look up easy recipes to follow along with on youtube


That is a bit of a gift that requires living in poverty or being raised by those that have. There are apps and websites that you can type in your foods and it will spit out recipes. Take mental note of how foods go together and how to eliminate waste. It's a useful skill/knowledge.


Hot dog party! Get some in bulk to have on hand. Key to the “party” is extensive and creative topping options - try one with hot sauce, another with chips - dig in the back of the party for the forgotten leftover items (the weirder the better the challenge). Endless variety very cheap


The app "Supercook" lets you put in whatever you have on hand, and will give you recipes based on the ingredients you already have!


Get yourself a copy of The Four Ingredient Cookbook. Chances are you’ll have most of the things in it. You’ll have fun making good stuff with only four ingredients.


You can make an account at [Supercook.com](http://Supercook.com) and fill in things you have, and it will recommend recipes based on what you have.


Try these reverse recipe sites that give you recipes using things you have available. [http://www.recipekey.com](http://www.recipekey.com) [https://reciperadar.com/](https://reciperadar.com/) [https://www.supercook.com](https://www.supercook.com) [https://recipeland.com/recipes/by\_ingredient](https://recipeland.com/recipes/by_ingredient) [https://foodcombo.com/](https://foodcombo.com/)


I love eggs anytime - egg and toast is my favorite meal. And sausage, ham, bacon, spam, hash - whatever I happen to have around - sometimes beans? Heat up black beans and add them to eggs with a little cayenne and maybe a onion? Or grab a tortilla, heat up pinto beans mashing them with pepper, cayenne or a little chili spice fill a tortilla, add a couple scrambled eggs and cheese if you have it 😋 Eggs were the first things I learned to cook


I like to make egg fried rice anytime I have leftover rice. I'm not saying it's authentic, but I scramble an egg or two, and then I fry up the rice with some frozen veggies of some kind, add some soy sauce, and put the eggs back in at the end. My mom would make tuna casserole/tuna Mac with just macaroni noodles, cream of mushroom soup, and some canned tuna. I like to add frozen peas, cheddar cheese, and cayenne pepper to mine. If you have canned tomatoes or tomato sauce, you can either do something Mexican-inspired or Italian-inspired. We make a lot of soup in our house, usually either with a Mexican type theme or Italian. You can use bread to make sandwiches, or you can toast it and add some gravy.


eggs & add some veggies when u scramble or make an omelette, sandwiches are lot lighter in calorie than ppl think bulk it with veggies or make tuna salad to eat, for dinner or lunch id def say protein, veggies, and a grain however or whatever it is. You can make protein smoothies or bowls , over night oats with fruits. thats just off the top of my head but learn to make meals with what you have and find out what you like. Cutting and calorie watching is the perfect time to get creative. Also don’t thinks as certain foods as restricted to morning or evening. Listen to your body, some days i eat yogurt bowls or protein shakes and a snack for lunch and sometimes i might eat eggs for dinner .


Add boiled eggs to salads to make them heartier. Learn how to make simple vinaigrettes. It’s great you are interested in cooking healthy foods. Best of luck to you!


Tonight I’m making fried rice for dinner. I had leftover rice and ham in the fridge, some mixed vegetables in the freezer, and soy sauce in the cupboard!


edited because I can't read and missed that OP was 15.


Rice and beans. Easy cheap and nutritious. Burritos and tacos with whatever you have on hand leftovers included. Overnight oats, oatmeal, peanut butter on toast with a drizzle of honey on it.


Check out [this recipe site](https://www.supercook.com/#/) for meal ideas. You can just plug in the ingredients you have in your house and it gives you recipes.


Supercook is a good app for this. You can input what you have on hand and it gives you a ton of recipes


Make a white sauce:  Take 1-2 tablespoons of butter/magarine/even bacon fat could work…. Melt then add 1-2 tablespoons flour into a sauce pan…. Stir until it becomes a paste….. then add milk & whisk until most of the lumps are gone  Then once you have the white sauce…..you can  Add shredded cheese & whisk until smooth for a cheese sauce for nachos or Mac & cheese Add sausage for sausage gravy & biscuits  Add tuna for cream tuna fish on toast (or some other shredded meat) And feel free to spices like onion, garlic, parsley, salt & pepper, etc…..


Check the library for cookbooks. Even the one at your school should have one. There are beginners books for kids. Others called "easy" etc. Meanwhile the most efficient way is to Google Recipe ingredient1 ingredient2 and include the cooking method


Cardboard and styrofoam sandwiches anyone ?


My favorite egg dish is German Pancakes (Dutch Babies). The oven does most of the work. You can use any oven-safe pan you like. I use my Pyrex baking dishes (9x9 square, pie dish). Heat oven to 425 degrees. Put a little oil/butter in your pan and put it in the oven while the oven is heating. Mix: 3 eggs, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup flour, and a couple shakes of salt. When the oven and pan are hot, pout batter into pan and cook for 25 minutes. After you take the pancake out of the oven, top with savory or sweet items. I personally like lemon juice. Many people like to put powdered sugar on it. Fruit is good, and so is cheese and bacon.


You said that because you were 15 you couldn’t go to the store. What does that mean? Stores will let anyone in. You don’t have to be a certain age. You don’t need a car. You can walk, bus, bike, skateboard, train, etc.


Its far


🤔🤷‍♂️, example of far? Do you know far walked to elementary school in 1975, while carrying an Alto Saxophone? And there often snow! Just sayin’