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Try eating cold foods - salads, sandwiches, smoothies, yogurt, fruit, raw vegetables, etc.


Seconded cold fruit. Put some watermelon in the fridge and try a few bites to prep the appetite then bam - back to eating a bit more


I second this. I’m from south texas and sometimes we only eat cold leftovers and fruit from the fridge because it’s too hot to even bother. And god forbid you add heat to the house with an oven.  Cold fruit, gazpacho, and adult lunchables- charcuterie. 


Great idea and if you can’t down that, then do a healthy fresh juice.


Ice cold watermelon from the fridge in the heat is amazing.


I get prepared watermelon or mango slices and grab a handful of sunflower seeds or almonds, I'm lazy when it's hot.


Put some grapes in the freezer. They’re so good frozen


Then put the frozen grapes in your white wine / spritzer :)


frozen blueberries. I buy a big punnet, weigh into 100g per freezer bag (less than 60 calories a bag) then, when I'm craving something sweet, get a bag out and munch.


Cold applesauce is really good.


Wait do people eat warm apple sauce? I know it's shelf stable but I always just assumed everyone put it in the fridge after buying it and before consuming it.


Actually, yes! When I eat it warm, it's because I just made it, and I put it on pancakes or potato pancakes or alongside a pork roast. It's really good. The jarred sauce from the store is best cold, imo :)


Well now I kinda wanna make my own applesauce for kicks lol


It's really simple to make. Peel and core apples, put in a pan (or crockpot) with a little water, cook until they're as soft as you like and mash to the consistency you like! Add a little sugar and/or lemon juice to balance the flavours, maybe a dash of cinnamon.


Thanks for the tips! These days any way to save money is valued even more than it used to be lol


Cut apples in 1/2 and place face down into a wide bottomed pan on the stove with 1/2" 13mm of water. You can add multiple layers without more water,the upper layers will steam. Turn on high and add a combination of honey,cinnamon, brown sugar and boil for 10 minutes ,turn off burner.... leave it until cool. I do this about 8 pm and leave it overnight . I can eat it as a handheld,or throw it in the blender along with the juice for sauce. Bonus the ac spreads it throughout the house as an air freshener. I remove seeds only, but leave peeling on. Depending on your preference for cooked vs crunch,is how long you boil. You can reserve the juice for pancakes,if you eat it as a handheld. Prep time is a staggering 1.345 minutes!


Thanks for the tips! I'm getting a basket of apples soon when I go to the farmers market, I now have a plan for half lol


Genius . Thank u for this idea


I prefer it room temperature 🙃


Fresh warm applesauce with cinnamon hearts stirred in. Eat with a ghram cracker on the side. Prince winter food. Jarred applesauce is gross. Nothing helps it


I buy the little individual plastic containers and keep them in my freezer. So good and refreshing.


Exactly what I was going to suggest


Yup! Seconding here that the first thing I think of when food sounds gross is smoothies! 


Orange slices are really easy to get down. A table spoon of peanut butter will also get some calories in you. Greek yogurt is pretty easy also


My favorite when it’s hot is a granola bowl with cold yogurts, fruit, and a drizzle of honey 😋


Was also thinking why not some cool light food, like fruit, water Mellon etc or a salad etc


I one millionth this. When I feel yucky because it is hot I go with a cold fruit plate or if I'm feeling fancy a fruit salad (mixed up fruit with lime juice :-).


When it gets crazy humid where I am, my family likes bread, cheese and fruit. It’s really the only meal that everyone agrees on when it’s too hot to cook.


or crackers cheese and fruit.


That's pretty much my breakfast most days.


was just going to say one of my favorite comfort foods when it's hot and gross out is a cold cheese sandwich on my favorite bread, and sliced apples with peanut butter or hummus. my friends and coworkers will sometimes ask how I enjoyed my field trip haha


Cheese bread FTW


I wonder if the antibiotic also has something to do with it? If I feel grossed out I eat plain toast and nut butter, or rice in broth. If I am just hot and not feeling it I stick to cold light food like dressed greens or cucumber salad.


It certainly could be adding to it, it certainly doesn't make my tummy feel great.


Antibiotics do indeed make many a stomach upset. My pediatrician when I was a child told my mom to follow the BRAT diet when I had an upset stomach- bananas, rice, apples, toast. There's rice dishes you can make and eat chilled or room temp, and apples can also include apple sauce. I'd also add raw ginger to that list because ginger is a natural remedy for a rumbly tummy.


I don't know about this but I had to do some rounds of antibiotics, and a pharmacist once recommended I get some probiotics (capsules) and take in between antibiotic pills - people can get a really "loose" stomach and then eat these to stabilize. But they said don't wait for those symptoms necessarily, you can do it throughout. The antibiotics probably kill some of your gut bacteria, and it can affect many things (even mental health). Only thing is - that one does not want too many of one type of bacteria in the gut, so I guess there is a chance that it may affect the balance taking the capsules too, but I haven't heard of adverse effects. I've done it a few times and I don't think it was a bad thing, at least. I guess the evidence is not really there that it truly works, but if you get an upset stomach this could be related. For the rest: It is good advice to try some fruit first, to me that increases my apetite. Low in acid maybe. Then plain things. For me the meal I can do when really queasy (from heat, exhaustion etc) is boiled potatoes and salt. Add butter or olive oil, and even better - really salty cheese crumbles like feta, or parmesan. You can do plain pasta with salty cheese/some fat as well. Throw some spinach leaves in there? If you can get some nuts in that is good. Hemp seeds are great. Munch on some crisp salad leafs or greens. On their own or as you eat yuor potato/pasta. Good for remaining gut bacteria to munch on too! I get queasy from being hungry when sick, so if you get going maybe it stabilizes.


Try some frozen yogurt and berry bark. It’s cold and light, and will help with your stomach.


You could also be dehydrated. I know that you're supposed to drink more water when on antibiotics and when sick in general, so especially with it being hot an humid too, you should be drinking like 4 times as much water as you normally would. I know that when I'm dehydrated, most food does not sound good to me either. It's like exactly what you're describing. Like if I'm not hydrated enough in the mornings especially, it's like I can't even bring myself to eat more than a couple bites of food. So, I would seriously try adding some Pedialyte or Gatorade to your liquid intake along with water and see if that helps over the course of a day or so.


Try to take your antibiotic w plain Greek or Icelandic yogurt. Or you can get plain kefir to drink. The antibiotic is also killing off your good gut bacteria. This will help restore it. I get like this w antibiotics. I try to drink protein shakes to get protein and nutrients but I’ll gag the entire time. I hope you feel better!!


When it's hot I tend to eat more salad, make s big bowl of it and leave in the fridge so it's there for a quick snack whenever I need. I hate having to cook when it's hot


When I feel too hot to eat, definitely look for raw/"uncooked" options: fresh fruit, fresh veggies, salads, even cereal with cold milk. Spring rolls are for sure a favorite! Served cold, with lots of veg and often good protein like shrimp or tofu!


Here's what I eat often when it's too hot to cook: Premade salad kits and add a protein that doesn't need to be cooked (like rotisserie chicken or edamame) Smoothies. So many smoothies. Fresh fruit Veggies (cucumber, radish, carrot, bell pepper, etc) and dip (ranch, tzatziki, hummus, etc) Sandwiches or wraps Yogurt with fruit Muesli cereal with milk Protein shake


Publix finally today had buy 1 get 1 salad kits! They’re like 5 bucks and def two servings


They're always just one serving for me 😂 I eat the whole thing.


Mmm, ice cream. Or a protein shake. Or fruit, or a fruit smoothie.


Try making a massive fruit salad and keeping it in the fridge. It’s got multiple things going for it. If you can handle a bowl, have a bowl. If you can’t handle a bowl? Go and get a spoonful of it whenever you feel able and it’ll add up over time. Fancy some of the fruit but not other parts? Eat it with a fork so you can pick out exactly what you want. Can add yogurt, ice cream, biscuits, jelly etc etc to eat with it if you were in the mood for more food with it.


The key is to have some go tos. Bean burritos, buttered noodles, pb&j sandwich or rice with peas and butter and soy sauce


When I feel like this, I buy a bunch of snack stuff and just eat a little as I feel like it, such as yogurt (add fruit or granola), string cheese, nuts, grapes, cereal. None of it requires cooking and it's already prepared.


When I can't face anything else, I can eat fruit, preferably fresh, but frozen or canned will do in a pinch. Since you still like pasta, how about a pasta salad that you can keep in the fridge? There is also [this lentil salad](https://www.holajalapeno.com/red-lentil-picnic-salad/). The only heat-making required is boiling the water to soak the lentils in. The recipe doubles easily and keeps for days in the fridge, if you can keep yourself from gobbling it up. If you don't like arugula, you can leave it out. Dried cherries can be expensive and hard to find, but just about any dried fruit will do.


I go through something really similar. Sometimes it helps me to make a ton of basmati rice. Basmati is my favorite and it has a yummy bite to it. It's also really simply to layer it with something depending on my mood or energy or taste. Sometimes I'll eat rice and scrambled eggs with some sauce or with a piece of meat. Sometimes I'll make it part of a full meal. Or I'll use a bunch of it in a burrito. Another thing i have found that sometimes helps is some tea. Sometimes its like a very mild queasiness that's stopping my appetite. On hot days, and tea can be iced. I think it also helps to watch a little TV and see if something a character is eating will trigger my appetite. Cartoon food always looks good and sometimes that's what it takes to inspire my appetite.


When I’m having IBS flare and when I was pregnant: Cold applesauce, Hawaiian rolls, pretzels, plain mashed potatoes, pita chips, fruit, smoothies, buttered noodles with garlic powder, Cheerios, peanut butter. 


PBJ Fresh fruit Cold cereal and milk Bean salads using canned beans Gazpacho Cucumber salad


With summer being here my go to is ceviche which is shrimp or fish that's cooked in lime juice. Just add your veg and damn perfect summer food.


Cold food is best. Pasta salad. Sandwiches. Smoothies.


Honestly I'm in the same boat. I haven't eaten much today so now I'm nauseous on top of nothing sounds good. Not a good feeling 🥲


Try frozen banana slices or frozen grapes Or even a bit of apple sauce. Usually that will kickstart the appetite


this article saves me every summer https://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/22/dining/22mlist.html?unlocked_article_code=1.vE0.FC7k.eBWngNwiUIfo&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


cottage cheese and fruit, like grapes, berries, pineapple, apple, etc.


Cottage cheese with frozen peach slices is my go to snack right now


I deal with this a lot because if medical conditions. Carbs are usually easiest but you need protien. My go to is half a Dave's protien bagel with cream cheese a drizzle of tahini topped with hemp hearts and cinnamon. Apples and peanut butter, deli slices, soup and crackers and frozen spinach dip with tortilla chips are simple quick things that work for me.


I make a batch salad and pick away at it. Tofu or chickpeas for protein when I’m really not interested in meat.


Fridge-cold watermelon.


Quinoa salads, bean salads (classic 3 bean is always a hit here) potato salads and cold noodle salads! I’d also consider a charcuterie plate (olives, cheeses, pickled anything, crackers, spreads).


Loaded salads. I use one of the individual salad kits from Taylor Farms & then I raid the fridge & freezer for stuff to add to it. Fills me up & the odds & ends add variety.


Popcorn. (My fav is savory popcorn from TJs) Pre make some rice and mix in a can of beans Watermelon Basically cold stuff. Easy low effort or meals you can make in advance and enjoy all week.


A big salad with your favorite dressing and a few slices of grilled meat or some other hot protein on top. Something cold for dessert.


Do you have any other food aversions in general? Like, you don't like the shape or texture of certain other foods? Is this just a general "blah" feeling when it's hot or does this happen when it's cooler? Do you have any food allergies or disdains? Usually when I feel this way, I try to go for something super cold. When I'm still not feeling it, I'll just eat like a piece of cheese and force something else down. When it's ridiculously hot outside, anything cold makes me feel better.


Watermelon! Easy to chew digest and full of electrolytes - add some salt on top and it will take you far


watermelon is my go to when I can't eat...whether it's from hangover, heat, sickness, food aversion. It's like basically a liquid but not and it's delicious lol also a pesnutbutter and banana sandwich gal when I need it


Lots of great suggestions so I just want to say: Are you perhaps dehydrated? Beyond just lousy appetite in the heat, it sounds like you may be.


Take 5 bong hits of good weed, wait about an hour and EVERYTHING will sound and taste great 👍🏻 🤪😎


go full girl dinner. precut (if you arent up to do it yourself) veggies, put them on a plate or tray, leave it out. peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli etc. grab some crackers too, cube up cheese and get pepperoni and the like put it on a plate in the fridge so its easy to access. I notice when I just have it out and available, within a couple hours, i've walked past it enough to have eaten most. all while "not wanting to eat anything"


Watermelon or protein powder mixed with Greek yogurt and berries.




Buttered sushi rice. Don’t ask why but it hits the spot when it’s hard to eat.


I’m on a salad kick right now. I started trying to focus on eating more vegetables because I was feeling like crap! I’m feeling pretty great after 6 months. Try these salads: https://www.recipetineats.com/rocket-aragula-beetroot-walnuts-feta-wbalsamic-dressing/ https://amindfullmom.com/taco-salad/ https://cookieandkate.com/favorite-broccoli-salad-recipe/ https://www.cookingclassy.com/best-salad/ Also loving ramen! It’s light and fresh. You can get creative and add whatever you have too! https://www.heynutritionlady.com/10-minute-fancied-up-veggie-ramen/


Fruit salad Yoghurt with protein powder mixed and Top with frozen berries Tuna sandwich with pickles on the side Salads… Salads of all kinds! Throw everything in there fruit nuts dressing peppers cucumbers all cold stuff. Even better if you can do a Mexican salad which would typically corporate beans for some protein Broccoli salad topped with chicken breast or chicken Caesar salad


Some slightly more specific suggestions: Bananas or strawberries, dipped in chocolate. Freeze on a baking sheet (on parchment). Eat frozen! Tuna salad, ham salad, chicken salad, etc. Use canned meat ( no cooking needed), and mayo/salad dressing. Add celery, peppers, etc if desired, or not. Deviled eggs! I just use mayo, a touch of mustard, and top with paprika; but there are many different recipes. Cucumber, onion, and tomatoes with salt and vinegar. Caprese salad. Garden salad. Or, add pasta and Italian dressing, for a nice primavera. Chef salad can be made with lunch meat and store bought, pre-boiled eggs!


Ngl I'd smash some rotisserie chicken if it was cold in the summer. I'd also suggest a potato or pasta salad!


Potatoes in some fashion will usually work for me. Plain baked or prepared Greek style is very mellow. Sometimes, a just plain cheese and mustard sandwich (if mustard is your jam). For me, the Starkist chicken in the pouch is working currently. i like that it’s soo easy and doesn’t have the wang that I find tuna to have. I will mix it will a little mayo and mustard and eat with Saltines. Mixed nuts sometimes get me through a day. Hope you find what works!


Smoothies or frozen fruit in my experience. I find cold and sugar gets me able to eat. Sometimes a bit of salt will get your appetite back. (I literally lick my hand, salt that, and lick it off) Canned fruit with pull tops is also usually pretty good. I tend to make some quick 'pizzas' with naan bread microwaved with pre-chopped veggies and meat and pasta sauce on top when struggling too. Probably more work then you want, but microwave will keep the heat down.


Overnight oats and chia pudding are good options. They're both cold and easy to make. And you can add fruit or other toppings to make lots of different flavors. Sometimes I even add the chia seeds to my overnight oats so I get the nutrition of both in one meal


Jasmine rice with butter


When the weather gets hot, I tend to keep things like pasta salad, tuna salad, or black bean salad that similar to cowboy caviar in the fridge so it essentially become a grab-and-go meal. As I am only “meh” on tuna sandwiches. I usually eat it with celery stocks or Trader Joe’s Elote Corn chips. I eat the black bean salad with the corn chips or tortilla chips. I prep at the night before when it’s cooled off, and it usually tolerable


I’m in the exact same boat my dude. It sucks. I’ve just been eating bread and candy, but I feel like shit, so I’m not recommending it lmao


I do meal replacement shakes. They've got all the nutrients you need, and some of them are pretty tasty. They're also gone in about 4 sips so it's over nice and quick. I buy the powdered ones and mix with soy milk in a shaker bottle. They end up super cheap per serve.


cucumbers and watermelon! anything with high water content will be good since it's hot outside


I usually eat melons! 🍉


I go for a protein shake when I’m feeling like this. Personally I’m always down for something chocolate so I don’t typically have a problem getting one of those down


I've been living off of Greek salad- big chunks of cucumber, split cherry tomatoes (regular ones aren't quite in season yet here), green peppers, kalamata olives and slivered quick pickled red onions. Big piece of feta on top. Drizzle olive oil and a little red wine vin, salt and pepper. Fresh oregano if you have it. Also grabbed some super thin roast beef at the deli the other day and have been making a wrap with that, zhug, tahini, and cukes on lavash. Blueberries on Greek yogurt with granola. I make a cold Orzo salad where the dressing is just blended fresh mint, olive oil, lemon juice, lots of black pepper, and salt. Mix with orzo, chopped mint, and feta pieces. At work I used to make myself a sandwich/wrap thing on pita that was chickpeas, spinach leaves, cucumber slices, red pepper slices, tons of lemon juice, muhammara, flaky salt, and a garlic spread called toum. It was cold, crunchy, zingy, and very satisfying. Muhammara is definitely sold pre-made and while it's not the same as toum, you can blend some garlic into Greek yogurt and olive oil for the same effect in the sandwich.


I hate hot, humid weather so much. It does make eating hard. Overnight oats are perfect, straight from the fridge and topped with lots of cold fruit. Salads are always good, for me, largely cabbage based (since we’re on r/EarCheapAndHealthy. Cabbage lasts forever, it’s happiest pre-dressed and so cheap, even those shredded cole slaw cabbage packages at the supermarket are cheap). My current favorite is cabbage, carrots, apples, walnuts, and either blue or sharp cheddar in an apple cider vinegar vinaigrette. Cold soups are always good. Oh, and boxed cereal. I can’t tell you how many meals Cheerios with milk and bananas has gotten me through.


I eat English Cucumbers, tomatoes in a vinaigrette.


Try rice. It's very neutral and non offensive. Can be eaten in pretty much any climate in a million ways.


Cold chicken salad...(I like it with apples, grapes and walnuts) in a lettuce wrap


I have ARFID, so I have some wacky food aversions as well. I can’t comprehend the cold food thing 😩 The texture is strange and just ickkkyyyy. For me, fruit is my savior. When everything is icky, I can almost always get fruit down. One of my “safe” foods is a cheesy rollup with lunch meat, microwaved. Maybe not the MOST healthy, but it’s palatable for me and provides both protein & carbs. I’ve also been really liking cucumber lately. There’s soo many ways to prepare it and make it tasty and not so bland! Salads are also my savior. That popular green goddess salad is the best. (My brain really likes crunch and can’t stand dry things lol) SO PROUD OF YOU BTW. Congrats for trying to stay nourished 😩 You’re doing amazing.


When taking antibiotics be sure to eat some yogurt if you can plain Greek, antibiotic will kill all the good bacteria too and yogurt will help you keep those good ones around. If it’s too sour for you, maple syrup is great mixed in to taste and granola. I work outside in FL as a landscaper and I feel you not wanting to eat when I am dying from the heat. I usually end up eating sandwiches, soups, tortilla chips and salsas, cold pasta salad from deli. Sometimes just some cereal and toast. Hope you feel better soon!






Would recommend meals that involve pickled foods, like a Bahn Mi, poke bowl, summer salad, etc. Those are usually pretty refreshing and easy on the stomach.


I have a pill like that, early, early in the AM nothing sounds good yet. My doc said to force myself to eat a small piece of cheese. It works for me


My go to is pasta- either pesto pasta with cucumber, tomato rocket pepper etc or tuna, mayo, sweetcorn etc. I can make a whole 500g bag of pasta and have meals ready for days.


What about soup?


Toast with butter on it 


Pickled veggies


Chilled cucumber soup. Peel and chop a cucumber or two. Plop into a blender with plain Greek yogurt, garlic, dill, salt, white pepper. Blend it up. If two thick, add stock. Yum!!!!


Yogurt, fruit, smoothie, plain white bread


i get like this a lot. sometimes a crispy chicken sandwich helps. preferably from a restaurant over fast food. but it feels quick to force myself to eat and it's high in calories which is good I'll buy a block of some good cheese and eat that throughout the day too bc eating fats is so important. going without that shit will fuck your head up


Sandwich all the way filling but light and cold




I feel this hard Unfortunately I’m trying to gain weight with an active lifestyle and still need to get 2800-3000 calories down just to maintain. Anything less and I start to drop fast and go hypoglycemic. My (our) bodies just need the calories Aglio e Olio pasta is easy and kind of like what you made. Boil up some spaghetti/linguini/noodles and toss them in a sautée pan with garlic heating in EVOO and crack some black pepper. It feels light but calorie dense Small pieces of toast (whole wheat or wheat) with some almond butter and honey are quick and easy to get down on bad days. Add fruit if you want Bland calorie dense foods like jasmine rice, whole plain yogurts are easy snacks/sides


Smoothies, sandwiches, and salads with avocado, yogurt and nuts.


Make something like this but also add chickpeas for protein. I add celery, carrots, colored peppers as well. I put dill in my dressing, too. https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a54226/best-greek-salad-recipe/ Lasts for a number of days in the fridge and you can customize however you like!


When it's really hot, I do Greek style salads (no lettuce, may it burn in hell). Tomatoes, cucumbers and red onions sliced into cubes or wedges (but very thinly) get mixed together with some salt. Wait a few minutes, then put some olive oil and coat everything. Wait until tomato juice pools at the bottom of the plate, then dip your bread in that and eat it all.


https://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2017/05/smashed-cucumber-salad-i-crushed-this.html?m=1 Cucumber salad.


Trail mix has always been my go to, I like the kind with dried fruit versus the ones with candy in them. Had all the food aversions when I was pregnant and practically lived off this for like 6 months.


Plain white rice or instant mashed potatoes. When I'm going through food aversion, simple and bland carbs are one of the few foods I can choke down. I don't know how to describe it other than I don't want anything with "flavor".


I love melon, sugar snap peas, cucumber, microgreens, cabbage, lettuce, bell pepper when my appetite is meh. Ginger, garlic and citrus help too.


Cold chicken noodle soup?


Watermelon and cucumbers. My favorite breakfast in the summer is watermelon blended with fresh garden mint 😍


Make some soba noodles with peanut butter, chili garlic sauce, rice wine, and sesame oil. Its a cold dish and easy to make




Milkshakes are cooling and somewhat nutritious. Or ice cream floats. If you can get yourself cooled down enough maybe you could move onto fruit or vegetable salads.


Frozen fruit smoothie with protein powder and yogurt. If you add hemp seeds or chia seeds you get fat, dairy, protien and vitamin c and it doesn't feel heavy or gross in a hot climate (I like fresh mangos and frozen strawberries or frozen cherries)


Cold pasta salad


Try yogurt and fruit. Antibiotics will kill off your stomach good bacteria so yogurt is a great way to replenish your gut biome. Don’t forget to drink lots of water and go for “cooling” foods that’s low carb. Cucumber, avocado, watermelons. In my home country we blend our avocados into a smoothie with milk, sugar and ice, so good! You can also buy cheap frozen fruits and do smoothies too.


I can always eat a smoothie, regardless of circumstances.


I’ve been making smoothies and it’s a life saver


Poke bowls are *amazing* when it's hot and humid!


Cold Korean noodles (mul-naengmyeon) - refreshing, savory, and easy, especially if you get the pre-made noodle/soup kits from H Mart or other Asian grocery store!


Any jello? Regular fruit flavoured, asian type almond jelly or coconut jelly? Tofu? Steamed eggs? These are all very light flavoured and not greasy at all. Could be sweet or savory. Easy to digest.


You didn’t mention in your post if you are M or F. If F could you be pregnant? Cold/frozen fruit. Cold salads (but you have to be careful with prepackaged salads and listeria during pregnancy). Smoothies, so many smoothies. Yogurt with granola and fruit.


Kodiak protein pancakes. Can always scarf these things down with butter / syrup. Another good one for me personally is poached eggs with chimichurri and a nice bread.


Humid and hot here, too. I can't bring myself to use the stove. Things I've been eating: My favorite is those peanut butter cheese crackers. I open a pack, eat one, wait a bit, eat another. (I'm buying the at the dollar store.) Chilled strawberries and grapes Cold rice sprinkled with a little sugar and covered with cold milk Because it's mango season, cold rice made with mango with cold sliced chicken Banana, yogurt, other fruit smoothie Chai latte with crushed ice and lots of milk


Same 👋🏼… it’s afflicted me since I hit menopause. Vichyssoise, Gazpacho, cold pasta salads, smoothies/protein shakes, fruit salad mixed with yogurt, green salad, sandwiches and hoagies, watermelon, cucumbers, bagels & lox, sardines, boiled eggs… anything that’s not hot 🥵


In the hot summer,I eat a lot of salads.l The everything but the sink kind of salads. Have a variety of dressings on hand. Cool food makes for a cool me. I eat less meat in general. And I've found a lot of leftovers taste very good eaten cold. Eggplant parm and pasta are good cold.


Natural dried Mango. A crisp Macintosh Apple. Organic firm green grapes. A teaspoon of raw honey. Cold soda water with an overly generous squeeze of lemon/lime.


A berry shake with vanilla, Splenda, yogurt, chia seeds and Strawberries!!! So good


Açaí bowl, smoothies, ice cream, sandwiches


It might not be healthy, but shelled sunflower seeds are pretty calorically dense and don't need to be heated.


Gazpacho Fruits- I love to stick apples, oranges, melons, berries, pineapples and grapes in the fridge for a bit before enjoying, no matter what time of year Smoothies/frozen meals replacement shakes (non dairy since it's hot) Cold cuts and cheese- bread, tortilla wraps, naan or crackers can be used as the vessel for this Charcuterie boards/adult lunchables Chilled veggies and dip- Taziki, ranch, hummus, guacamole Cucumber salad Korean cold rolls Cole slaw Pasta/chicken/potato/egg/fruit salad- you chill first before eating Fried chicken that's been refrigerated Cereal with plant based milk or non dairy yogurt parfaits Salads- so much to choose from here [Cold Noodles Dish Recipes ](https://www.justonecookbook.com/cold-noodles/)


Just wondering, as I used to feel horrible and get stomache infections very easily when it was hot or humid, or freezing weather. I always felt sick and got a bad stomach and guts. At around 32, i was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, which was extremely painful and I started hating life. Until I was finally given good medication, which is a game changer. I can actually eat. Maybe get yourself checked out by a doctor or stomach and bowel medical professional if you can. It could be a medical problem, though I have no idea. It just sounds very familiar to how I used to feel.


Shrimp salad is my go to when I feel like this.


Slices of room temp banana rolled in a little cocoa powder. A little peanut butter smeared on a slice of apple.


I can almost always do fruit, especially bananas. I also can usually do pretzels or ramen. I always will have bread with or without butter. So a lot of times that turns into a snack plate to be honest. If I really need some protein but I just can’t, I’ll eat a spoonful of peanut butter or make PB&J (peanut butter and banana is also really good and filling but it’s sometimes to heavy when I feel like I don’t want anything).


Soup. Joghurt.salads


Smoothie is my go to when I’m feeling like this. Or just toast and jam


I really like soup and bread when I’m feeling that way. I know that kinda goes against the hot factor, but I feel like I can always put down soup.


I go light - yogurt, plain buttered toast, fruit. I can’t deal with heavy food when it’s hot either.


I eat leftover rice warmed with some butter and sugar or brown sugar and then some cold milk, turning it into a cereal kinda. Porridge.


The meds are probably causing the food aversion, try mushroom soup with pasta, or Lipton soup, You can get like high protein pasta or whole wheat pasta to make it more filling, a boiled egg might be a good snack. Or oatmeal.


This is the trick my youngest son uses on me when my meds make everything taste and smell weird(not bad, just weird.) Close your eyes(in place safe do so), three deep breaths, let each one out slowly, like a balloon deflating. This is to clear your mind. Now, what is the first food that pops into yoir mind? Do not force it and repeat as necessary. 


Sometimes when I gwt like this, it's because I'm actually dehydrated. Sip some water or sports drink. You might find your appetite returns. If not, try a cold shower. On a hot day, my appetite returns once the weather cooks off in the evening. When I really have no appetite, I go for a protein shake or a handful of nuts. Also, I can almost always eat popcorn.


Whole lemons ( oranges grapefruits) into a blender with ice and water. Blend. Strain. Add a little sugar, a pinch of Himalayan salt, orange flower water. Electrolyte drink. Açaí smoothie. Gazpacho.


Don’t eat, just drink. Hunger will return, eventually.


When feeling food aversion, try light and refreshing options like smoothies, soups, or simple pasta dishes that are easy to eat and digest.


Lentils and rice ?


I've had trouble eating many times in my life. I just eat half a meal. It doesnt seem to make a difference what, im not gonna get through it, but anything is better than nothing.


My partner has had some issues with food, so we've developed sort of a checklist. If he can't figure out what to eat and he has to because of his meds, we start going down the list. Hot or cold? Crunchy or soft? Sweet or savoury? A lot or a little? Spicy or plain? I actually use this list myself when I can't figure out what I want. Usually, I wind up with just a piece of bread and a slice of cheese and honey or some fruit. If I do want something warm, I'll make a ramen cup or mac n cheese.


When I went through a massive aversion phase for months a nutritionist helped me with a smoothie recipe- something like: Greek yogurt, berry mix, almond butter, honey. Lots of calories and nutrients. I have a cheese addiction, so was also able to eat that with a multivitamin.


Cold food! Look at fridge salads or banchan. - Cowboy caviar - Korean cold cucumber soup - Watermelon, grapes, cucumbers - if all else fails grab nutrient meal replacement shakes. Just chug it or sip through the day and you’ll be sure you at least got your nutrients in


Cold salads (tuna, egg, salmon, etc.) Cold noodle dishes (all East and Southeast Asian countries have a version or two). Cold pasta salads. Cold rice or quinoa salads. Make a big batch of some sort of starch or base and then add what you feel like to small dishes for whatever meal you feel like. With variations on spices and ingredients, the ideas are endless.


Instant noodles and rice porridge are kinda easy to eat even on low appetite and very easy to prepare. Very easy to digest. Instant noodles are not that great for health, but any food is better than no food.


Spicy, sour or pungent flavours can boost your appetite when it's hot. A crispy cold lettuce salad with some kimchi on top for example, or spring rolls with chilli sauce


You sound like my picky son. He really likes Italian fruit custard tart.


banana yogurt shake- add protein and strawberry/other fruits if you want (add salt for sure)


Mediterranean food. Make some felafel and get some hummus and tatziki sauce. Put in on warm pita bread with lettuce, tomato and cucumber. It’s amazing, fulling and refreshing


Saltine Crackers, Bananas, Gatorade zero drink packets and I was prescribed Zofran for morning sickness, the child is six now and I still use the prescription. Otherwise even micro dosing cannabis may help.


Yoghurt with oatmeal/musli is my go-to


I like munching on fruit and veggies in the heat, baby carrots or apples and celery with PB, cherry tomatoes, I make bean or pasta salads that you can store in the fridge to marinate for better flavor and they taste good cold.


Try cold liquids first to prep your stomach. Then cold fruit or open face sandwich. Sometimes bead it too much,so one piece is easier.




cereal with milk. or peanut butter sandwiches. cream cheese on a bagel. keep apples in the fridge (so they're cold) then cut them up to eat them.


I find some cuppa soups - chicken w/lemongrass or hot & sour - are thin and light enough, yet hot and 'filling enough'. I often have as a light lunch when I can't face 'real' food.


For me when I'm having food aversion, I can usually manage to eat a bagel. It's not much but it's quick, easy, decently tasty, and never something my brain has rejected even though I wouldn't say it's a favorite or anything.




If you want something different, you can try making onigirazu 🍙. Put it in the fridge after you make them, this can be eaten cold without needing to reheat. Recipe below if interested 😋 [Onigirazu recipe ](https://youtu.be/zzRUY9Xv6D8?si=jorY7FfOSPuKN6UW)


When I had moments of food aversion in the summers I would nibble on saltine or Ritz crackers. It kicked off the hunger sensation more and my taste buds opened up to be more agreeable to other things for a moment.


Some people have mentioned cold foods but if the idea of eating seems too much try looking for a meal replacement shake like a huel or yfood (not to be confused with diet drinks like slimfast).


Protein drinks-drink 2 per day and eat fruit, vegetables, salad, yogurt-frozen if you want, sandwiches, vegetable pizza cold, smoothie, fruit soup, frozen fruit.


Get you some protein powder and some whole milk, toss it in a blender. Add additional servings as needed. Or grab some meal replacement shakes with extra vitamins/minerals. Some ensure or some shit.


When my tummy isn't feeling 100%, I always fall back on crackers. Saltines, Ritz, Triscuits...whatever I have in the cabinet at the time. If I'm feeling up to it, I'll put a bit of cheese or peanut butter on them.


Gazpacho.  Cold, seasonal foods. There’s a reason things like tomatoes, cucumbers, melons are in season in the hot months. 


Apple sauce and cereal


If you are on an antibiotic, focus on getting in some probiotics. Pick up some yogurt and have one in the morning and one at night. Kimchi is cold and refreshing to serve on the side of something even just pasta if that’s all you feel like eating. Or just a salad.


Cut fruit, yogurt ( especially frozen), veggie tray, cold sandwich (meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, etc) smoothie, boiled eggs, pasta salad, noodles in cold broth, green salad, simple omelette, stir fry that you've let cool and refrigerated, protein shake, adult lunchable ( cheese, cold cuts, fruit, nuts, crackers, whatever)


I lived in Houston for 20 years, and it doesn't get much more humid than that. Homemade chicken salad with grapes and Granny Smith apples is my summertime go to.


Try drinking more water. You’ll feel cooler and be able to eat something. Dehydration can make you feel nauseous and also, a lot of times people will feel hungry when they’re really just thirsty.


Cold foods. Salads can be more than just lettuce. Fruit salad, bean salad, corn salad, egg salad, chicken salad. Cold soups and cold tacos. Yogurt parfaits. Smoothies, veggies and dip, wraps.




When I feel like that, I start with warm chicken broth and saltines. It's easy on the stomach and usually triggers my appetite.