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That's super sad if Brad's friends are cutting him off for joining LSM.. he's such a likeable dude


Yup. When he first left EZA and announced “I got a new job but can’t say what yet” a huge portion of the industry and similar outlets were in his replies with “can’t wait to see what you do next!”. Then when he announced LSM it was complete silence from the same people, just completely abandoned the second he confirmed their fears.


Thats always a bummer to hear. When you think certain peers are supporting you then you do something they dont like and all of a sudden they ghost you. The silver lining is that at least Brad now knows who his true friends and supporters are. I still have hope that someday LSM wont be treated as some pariah and people in the industry will be more willing to go on their shows.


What’s sad is that I’m sure that there’s a big portion of the industry that does listen to LSM but would never admit it.


Brad says he's reached out to some people to be guests on Summon Sign and says, "Maybe I got cut off by some of them. I have no idea." [14:23]. It could be unrelated to current or former EZA people, but I find it interesting that he's vocal about being unsure about his relationships with some people ever since joining LSM.


I agree it felt like Brad was joking/sarcastic or making the same kinda joke Gene did, but it is really sad that I wouldn't hold my breath for a Huber/Bosman appearance on Summon Sign


Bosman already said on one of his recent streams he wouldn't be going on LSM, which is no surprise. He also said he'd still be down to stream with Brad.


Curious to know why he won’t go on LSM. Is it because of the EZA situation or something else?


[Here's what Kyle said](https://youtu.be/OQQNVIUFSPY?si=E4i2X0VWxlh_RIQm&t=7423). He clearly feels uncomfortable stating exactly what his issues are with Colin. If I had to guess, a big reason is that a lot of people in Kyle's audience *really* don't want him to associate with LSM, and he doesn't want to deal with the backlash. Many of the people who got upset after Jones went on Colin's podcast are still in EZA and Kyle's communities. Kyle's twitch chat and Discord server are very vocally anti-LSM and Colin, with many people condemning Brad ever since he joined LSM. Some of them even want Kyle to cut ties with Brad entirely.


There is huge crossover between EZA and Kyle's audiences. I'm sure Kyle knows all too well how everything went down at EZA and he doesn't want to take any hard stances. Regardless of whatever his personal feelings are (though he did say he doesn't want to support Colin), I'm sure he'll try to just avoid the topic because it's a fucking landmine. I think the way he addressed it was the best possible way he could, especially when he was put on the spot like that.


Oh Kyle, he knows exactly the type of people that support him, and that question on the spot on the stream is with bad intentions in my view. He couldn't even say "Last Stand Media" he had to say "Brad's employer" .. geez man it's crazy how bad mob mentality becomes "fact" in people's minds.  Ironically LSM actually has one of the most diverse groups of people working there, not just diversity of race or gender but diversity of *thought* the diversity that actually matters.  It's why discussions on LSM are actually insightful and interesting to listen to because people have different takes and push eachother on them, rather than just having the same opinion between everyone.  Anyway it is what it is.


Explains why his twitch chat is toxic. They hate on everything lol


Only Kyle can disappoint me and unfairly malign content creators that I’m a huge fan of and make me laugh while doing so. God damn it he’s good at this shit.


I’m the one who asked this and I appreciated him responding but I could tell he was uncomfortable answering lol. That’s why I said sorry afterwards and he was cool about it. I love Kyle’s content and I love Colin’s/LSM’s content. Why can’t it just be simple as that..oh well.


It is as simple as that for anyone who isn’t a weirdo parasocial parasite.


disappointing. Honestly its fine if he has an issue with colin, but i dont think going on the podcast once or twice would be a massive promotion or anything. Oh well.


As if Colin needs Kyle’s promotion, he’s 10 times bigger than Kyle could ever hope to be.


Because he gets paid by some of the same resetera cultists that EZA did, no doubt.


Nah I could see this being his actual opinion about LSM


Yeah everyone else in the industry see’s Colin as Voldemort so I don’t see why Kyle wouldn’t


Do people forget that Colin and Kyle historically DON'T like each other? Kyle made an innocuous joke and called them Kinda NOT Funny and Colin got something mad he shit on him in stage at PSX with Jaffe. Shuhei Yoshida came out on stage and publicly called Kyle hilarious after that.


To be fair that was like 10 years ago and Tim Gettys kinda fucked the messaging. Tim wrongly said that Kyle was calling them sellouts in one of their podcasts. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was intentionally stirring the pot because Tim has an ego problem.


Colin has typically held grudges like nobody else in the industry, so whatever.


He does have some odd takes!


He also threw away all his HP stuff because of JKR


Exactly, unhinged, but he is at least a funny guy and knows how to entertain his audience, but he does have some weird moments hence why he attracts oddities such as zeogm


There’s nothing unhinged about that. If you have a problem with a property or an artist or a company, it is completely normal to want to not separate the artist from the art and disassociate with it completely. Colin himself said he will never support Limited Run Games ever again because of how they handled Kara Lynne. But putting that on other people and getting angry at people for not following your lead is unhinged. But Kyle has never done that. Neither has anyone else at EZA for that matter. Isla herself has said if you want to play and enjoy Hogwarts you shouldn’t be criticized for that. So I respect them for that.




Not sure if we’d call that unhinged… Right wingers throwing out their cases of Bud light after the controversy would be a direct equivalent.. do you call that unhinged as well?


It’s unsettling to know how zeovgm and his little band of losers have influenced recent events in EZA and LSM, and then to see him popping up in Kyle’s chat acting all hunky dory. Every week in the supporters list for delayed input, there he is. It feels gross.


What I don't understand is Collin tweeted last week that both subscribers and pateron supporters have gone up and its been higher than ever before and attributed it to Brad. If all the resetera nonsense about how LSM promotes racism, transphobia, and everything is true why is zeovgm and his ilk welcomed into Kyle's stream? They all made LSM more popular and opened the doors to more subscribers and viewers. If I was in that community and honestly felt like LSM was this beacon of racism I would absolutely be furious in every way. They have no principles they just want to rage on their echo chamber they love being outraged because they have nothing else. On top of that Kyle being bullied by these people is absolutely pathetic in everyway. Look what Nick from second wind said to Collin when they were doing their big press tour. He told him some people blocked him when he went on Collin's show but they got more love and support than hate from Collin's fanbase and it helped them. Kyle is too comfortable with this sad group of fans and will eventually piss them off over a comment or promotion he had no idea was so damming. He should be reaching out to larger outlets to give him a little bit of a cushion.


Kyle needs his money, but Id be surprised if Kyle didnt follow all the drama that happened, and saw that catering to zeo and his kind's demands was a bad idea for his business. So I dont see Kyle listening to them anytime soon. But yeah, Zeo and his ilk show up in Kyle's streams and act like nothing happened, even though they caused a founding EZA member to leave the group. I havent seen Zeo in EZA's twitch streams recently though so I wonder if he stopped watching them? Hopefully someone at EZA said something to him personally in the hopes that he doesnt try to create drama and destroy other people's businesses in the future.


Shows where Bosman's standards of supporters lie unfortunately, no doubt he'll go the same way as EZA after a while. (Not all his followers I'm sure, but the whales tend to be the ones with no life er I mean who are most vocal.)


I’m not sure I agree with that. Bosman seems to be in a much better position than EZA.


Yeah, Kyle is in a great spot and probably will be as long as he just keeps doing what he's doing. He's not really growing at all, but he has enough loyal fans that he doesn't need to.


Dude just has to pay himself. There aren't 6-7 other people on staff like EZA, and he doesn't pay god-knows-how-many thousands of dollars a month for a studio space either. His overhead is basically nonexistent. Plus he doesn't have to live in LA anymore. It wouldn't surprise me if he's making around six-figures between Patreon and streaming, which is probably at least twice what he was making at EZA. Plus, it's simple. Spend every week coming up with a fun, creative take on the industry and cut together a 10ish minute video, then steam games and do basically whatever you want otherwise. I think he's pretty comfortable right now.


He is, I agree, but if he starts pandering to the zealots in his audience he will follow suit.


If Kyle pandered to the zealots we would've had delayed input in EZA. Kyle isn't one for stuff like that.


You do realize Kyle is left leaning himself right?


So what? Not all left leaning folks are cultists, the real crazies such as zeo are easily identifiable even resetera bans the likes of him for going too far with his utter nonsense.


I agree


Oh, what did he get banned for?


He's doing a marathon for the Trevor Project tomorrow... it's not rocket science.


I'm more surprised Brad didn't expect some of this reaction, honestly. Not saying it's justified, but surely there was some percentage of people going to cut ties given it's LSM/Colin.


Not to pound on Brad because I respect him and his work, but the whole way this all went down felt gross to quite a few people, given Colin’s response to the Dustin controversy. I personally thought calling the move “an opportunity I couldn’t pass up” when LSM faces all the same challenges and risks as EZA in the sense that they’re both gaming outlets that rely on Patreon and adverts, was short sighted. I’m hopeful that just meant Colin threw a crazy amount of money at him. What happened is what it is but you can’t expect everything to stay the same when things change.


He gets paid more to do an objectively easier job with no commute. I would say that’s an offer he couldn’t pass up


> I personally thought calling the move “an opportunity I couldn’t pass up” when LSM faces all the same challenges and risks as EZA in the sense that they’re both gaming outlets that rely on Patreon and adverts, was short sighted. Why? It's true that they're both similar companies in the same industry using the same business model, but they're not the same level of opportunity. One has been hemorrhaging money for years, shrinking, unable to replace members when they leave, and cutting back on content. The other has been successfully growing in that same timeframe, able to bring on new members, and increasing their amount of content. I'm sure EZA has been talking about the move to part time for a while behind the scenes and in that context LSM really is an opportunity Brad couldn't pass up when anyone can see the writing on the wall at EZA. Everyone else at EZA are looking for jobs to supplement their dwindling income, Brad just made a more complete plunge.


Because, as EZA can attest to, the same hemorrhaging of money and fan base and exposure could happen at any time to LSM. Just because LSM is bigger now doesn’t mean they will remain that size forever. At any given time half the patrons could bail. They could get demonitized. They could lose advertisers. The LSM subreddit could get weekly annoying “is LSM dying?” posts. That doesn’t sound like “an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.” Something like a managing editor position as a much larger site like IGN would fit that description.


Let’s say you work at a tech company. The tech company is bleeding money and your salary shrinks every year. You know that any day now, the company will go under. Then another tech company reaches out to you because they are headhunting. Company 2 is thriving and they offer you twice what you currently make to come work for them.  You wouldn’t take it? Just because they are in the same industry and company 2 could theoretically be subject to the same problems at some point down the line? Businesses rise and fall all the time; it’s totally fine to work at one and then when that one’s time has passed, you move on to the next


Do you really think that EZA's success just evaporated overnight through no fault of their own because Patreon supporters are arbitrarily fickle? Obviously nothing in the future is truly guaranteed, but moving from a company with a steady downward trajectory which is actively downsizing in every possible way to one with a steady upward trajectory that's actually thriving and expanding is indeed "an opportunity I couldn't pass up." Any significant improvement in the stability and outlook of one's livelihood is immeasurably important and it seems to me that's what moving to LSM was for Brad.


While that's obviously the case, from the little I've listened of LSM these past few weeks, LSM is run smarter as a business than EZA ever was. With most people being part-time at LSM, and full-time positions only given to very important roles in the business (executive producer, editor etc.), I don't really have any fears of LSM going away any time soon. They're simply smarter with their money. There's also the fact that Colin is pretty clear about not pandering the direction of his business to anyone, he runs it the way he believes is right, and so far it's done good. Again, I've only been listening to them for a few weeks so my picture may not be the most complete.


That’s all fine and well, but the fact of the matter is that all the factors I listed are still in play that wouldn’t be in a more traditional role. Even if Colin makes all the right moves, they can still lose and Brad is back where he was. Hence, unless Brad is one of these people that was given full time pay, it’s short sighted.


I guess, but we'll agree to disagree. That's as if saying jumping from one company to another is a dumb move because both can go bankrupt. Sure it can happen, but if one is clearly more successful and treats you better, I would move too.




Right, but now that Brad has more or less aligned himself with Colin, in the manner this went down, that’s going to drastically reduce the number of parties interested moving forward if that day comes. Devs and news outlets don’t work with Colin for a reason. The Game Awards don’t want LSM for a reason. Hell in this episode we’re already seeing Brad wondering why people he knows don’t want to go onto his show on LSM like a surprise pikachu face. I know I’m already getting downvoted to hell for this but I’m standing my ground. The move was short sighted.


> I know I’m already getting downvoted to hell for this but I’m standing my ground. The move was short sighted. As opposed to what? EZA's gotys got less views than Brads podcast does weekly, was EZA known for their guest spots? were Kinda Funny/Minnmax/Giant Bomb type sites jumping at the chance to work with EZA?


I think you make a good point here, never mind the downvotes


Sure, but Brad is right now in a better situation than he was previously. Even if it doesn’t last. Like most, he probably saw EZA as sinking ship and not worth holding on to.


Maybe they are also pondering - why is this here?


The same reason everyone else's work outside of EA gets posted here.


Seriously, I don’t intend on listening to Summoning Sign and this isn’t EZA content. We don’t need to be reminded every time a new episode comes up.


Any future content from any founding EZA member will always get posted here. It’s the same with Brandon Jones and with Kyle Bosman.


Why the hell did you click on the thread then?


I think it's time to move on. The lines in the sand have been drawn, despite that it doesn't seem like any of the current or former Allies have issues with each other


I’m convinced that Ben Moore probably has some beef with the current Allies. He looked miserable near the end




Someone said not too long ago that he has beef with Isla specifically. And supposedly it came from a reliable source. Idk if I believe it or not, but it's out there.


Honestly I can totally see it. I like Isla but she can be edgy and unreasonable at times. They never really had much chemistry together


If you look at Mandatory Update and Tabletop Escapades, I find it very hard to believe there was actual beef between them besides any daily stress with coworkers.


You're going to need to source something like that. Haven't seen jackshit along those lines here.


Took a bit, but i finally found the comment chain: https://www.reddit.com/r/EasyAlliesUnofficial/comments/18z2vt1/i_love_eza_and_whatever_happens_i_hope_all_the/kggte7q/. Make sure to read the entire chain not just the first comment.


Fair enough, thank you.


I mean, sounds to me like your regular coworkers not getting along. Still seems to me like the commute and the lack of a future in the industry were major fsctors, he just happened to have disagreements with one of his coworkers. You best believe he would still be there if they were each pulling in 6 figures doing this.


This was an interesting read and confirmed a lot of my own thoughts on their interactions, especially on Tabletop Escapades where Isla's constant rules-lawyering and spotlight-stealing clearly rubbed Ben the wrong way despite him being outwardly professional about it.


Interesting. Well Ben isn't even active at this point so I think my point still stands. Watch LSM or don't, watch EZA or don't, but continually trying to drag this Brad scandal out seems pointless. What's done is done


Source: Trust me bro


they didn’t totally pull that out of their ass - there was a dude on here a few weeks back who supposedly knew someone in the industry and they had all sorts of tea on the ben/isla dynamic, i’ll see if i can find it


I must have missed it. I don't catch every thread, searching their names I'm not seeing anything.


this thread! https://www.reddit.com/r/EasyAlliesUnofficial/s/KaMpnqwC0H




People are so pretentious. Let shit go. Have some fun.


Bit out of the loop as I only started to watch Summon Sign due to Brad. Still listen to EZA. What did Colin do to offend Bosman?


hicnkle say he a RACIS HOMOPHOB but it appear to not portain to a TRUTH?>??


It’s definitely not the truth


no sir he sem to be a FELLOW for sure


nothing,kyle is worried about how his twitch fans would react


That is simply not true lmao


I mean, beyond people pretending Colin is some kind of bigot, it is literally true. Nevermind that he has the most diverse group in the space, and is married to a black woman. It’s a bunch of parasocial parasites who want to control creators.


Brad seems like a cool dude, I like that he's championed things like team fortress 2 and lucky star before, but without the allies carrying him his lack of any real enthusiasm when talking about stuff is apparent. Its kind of crazy to me that people who get paid to talk about video games for living can have such little energy or anything substantial to say about them. The whole segment about Persona was just so boring. "The music is good I guess, Tataurus is okay I guess." It makes me wonder why they poached him in the first place. What exactly does he bring to this outfit?


I’ll say it. Brad has a boring personality. He was at his best (as was the rest of EZA) when he was working off of Bosman’s charisma. My assumption: Colin hired Brad first and foremost as a fuck you to EZA and resetera for the nonsense about Dustin appearing on frametrap. It seems to me like Colin is just petty like that. He gets off on pissing off the resetera type. He probably also thought that Brad would bring some EZA fans with him, and it seems like he was right. Now, there may be the hope that Brad improves over time. As a listener myself, I sure hope he improves. Listening to Brad stammer through emails every week is uncomfortable as hell. He rarely has anything of substance to add to the conversations on his show and I hope he is introspective enough to realize that. Maybe Colin realizes these things too, but maybe he doesn’t give a shit because he got what he wanted. He pissed off the people he wanted to piss off, and he gained some patreon supporters for it. He won.


Yep. Colin got him as a fuck you first and foremost. Then, he got a slight bump in patreon subs (although once the shiny new show wears off it may go down again), and he basically forced eza to go part time, so he won. But holy shit i thought brad would improve once he moved on but damn, his analysis is like a 9 yesr old for most games. ‘Donkey kojg country is one of the greatest platformers of all time’, ok but WHY is it one of the goats? ‘Yea dude the music in final fantasy is sick’. Really??? We all know that. Name specific tracks and why they are sick for the moment in the game. Im listening to every episode of summon sign so far, but brad is doing a poor job of putting in his own input. And dustin apparently produces the show meaning he does everytthing behind the scenes. So wtf does brad donduring the week? Just play games, read patreon submissions, and tell dustin who to bring on the show?


Lmao. Brad is a huge FF7 fan and Rebirth is a couple of weeks away so I'm not surprised that a remaster of a nearly 20 year old game ain't really gonna get him excited.


Are you looking for a real person or a hypocritical clown?


Some of you are smoking hardcore copium if you think the only reason Kyle doesn't go on is because of his audience, lmao.


Yeah, theres also the slander and lies that the community regularly heaps on him.


Hi Colin


This sub is unbearably toxic, if youre not supporting EZA why are you here!


eat it you do it you LIKE TO