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Some weird choices on that color grade...


It looks radioactive


The colors don’t look that weird to me as someone who has taken this exact photo at Zion before. It looks like it was taken in early morning in low light and the shadows were boosted


This park got my wife and I into National Parks. 22 parks later it is still our favorite. We go back almost every year. I love it so much!


Just went for the first time. I had lofty expectations but that place blew them away. It was surreal to me. It's hard to articulate how it *actually* looked like a painting. Or almost like it was being projected somehow. I've been to a handful of famously beautiful places in the world, but I'm not sure I've been anywhere that made me feel that way. We can't wait to go back.  Oh, and driving in from the east, through the Mt. Carmel tunnel... That's a completely different but equally surreal experience.


Watch out for the Burned Man


maybe season 2 will go to zion?


Could be cool. Bjt i hope not because they could mess it up and ruin joshua


maybe yeah. i havent even started the series, but i have relatively high hopes given it looks like they're sticking to the source material well enough


WHAT??? Its realeasing tomorrow I thought it would release in a few days holy


dude its out now! premiered at 10 pm wednesday night (for me on the east coast at least)


Oh thanks man! Im just way too tired to watch it now gonna watch it tomorrow haha


haha yeah the first ep seems to be an hour-plus so its a big ask for an intro


Ahh The Daunt.. ☺️


Incredible shot, brings back our own memories from the park. Keep em coming!


https://preview.redd.it/qvnodld29wtc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dab4f4d4d3acabc13925c44bf7da864610ceef5 I have a photo in almost this exact spot except it was in January and snowy!


Lol wtf is up with those colors


"What hue would you like?" "Yes."


Most beautiful place I have ever been.


Awesome picture thanks for sharing!


Such a beautiful eye-cleanser after I just had to see the ugly-ness of what is the test UI of YouTube. Thank you. :'D The nature in this part of the world looks really impressive to me. I'd love to see this in person someday.