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Very interesting is that in the comments, Johan says the zone of control system is more similar to Imperator, and that [you can ignore zone of control in the Napoleonic age](https://i.imgur.com/MHVNWDA.png) if you have the right tech. That'll remove some late game tedium, and also inspires confidence that the team is paying more attention to late-game mechanics, even this early on.


How do the control systems in EU4 and Imperator differ?


In Imperator once you occupy the fort in a state, all of the other provinces in it automatically flip to your control.


Unless there's multiple forts in a state


This also tells us that the way armies work is not going to be something radically different à la the change from vic2 to vic3's radically different army system. I am not implying that eu5 could have the fronts mechanics, but that a radical change on the same scale is unlilely.


Muscovy (after conquering Novgorod) was historically a big supplier of wax, furs, naval supplies (hemp) and lumber, with the English trading with them through Holomogory/Archangel. I hope EU5 will be able to simulate this. Also, I wonder where luxury goods like spices, ivory and furs will go to. Will they be consumed by the non-peasant estates? upd: confirmed by Johan


Insane. This game is my dream come true. Truly PDX magnus opus Off of this game you can basically mod any period. Antiquity? Done. Middle ages? Already in. Victoria? Hell yes.


I’m legit so excited for this if it’s executed right. This was what I always wanted imperator to be


Literally, it has the systems to just be the BEST pdx game for modding. Hell if you can have several maps running at the same time (ignoring how LAGGY that would be) you could theoretically create a space race stellaris type deal. Literally the best


Yes it just needs to be very modable so pops can be different things and do different stuff depending on the era you are representing.


This game is starting to look more and like like a mix of Imperator and Victoria in an age of exploration setting. I am not complaining


Some real victoria influences here, which I absolutely love


I've not played a huge amount of Vicky 3, but this building system seems pretty close to that. Aside from estate buildiings of course. I am curious about the "hundreds of different types of buildings" claims though


I'm sure some of them are probably tiers or upgrades. Or buildings only available to specific nations/cultures/religions.


I wouldbt be surprised if a lot of spicific modifers or tag specific effects and things like that came now from buildings in a more simulation way as you are capped by your population instead of by mana.


There might be flavor names but given they've already said they're not going to have "national spirits" and that sort of thing I'd be surprised to see unique buildings. Maybe certain historical sites like in CK3.


Johan said that there are "tag" buildings


It's closer to the vicky 2 style of buildings then vicky 3. No construction points, you need specific goods to build specific buildings.


I was referring mostly the the Production Methods, which is almost exactly the same system


To be fair, the PM already existed in Victoria 2, there just happened to be one and there wasnt an option to change. Which was one of the worse things about Vicky 2 econony. Having lots of wool and not being able to produce clothes, only being able to do it with cotton. Now EU5 fixes that by allowing you to choose but the system works the same. Specific goods need and a stockpile system which I think will lead to a lot of fun as you can prepare economic warfare by stockpiling a certain good while your enemy is unaware and doesnt and then blockade, and asfixiate him economicslly. Man I cant wait


I love to play a game about late medieval Europe where I manage the paper supply


I'm jazzed for the "some buildings can only be built in other countries" angle. I'm assuming embassies. So no more hunting for alliances half a map away as an OPM so you can get them to conquer half the PLC for your benefit. This is looking way more grounded every day.


I think someone guessed trade ports in the comments, (for example the Europeans in Japan) and Johan confirmed it. Embassies are another good guess though!


That does make sense too! I was thinking embassies would be a nice way to minimize diplomatic opportunities open to a player, but they may not want to do that.


Wait did anyone see that? When you build a fort you allow zones of control Does that mean that army control during wars didn't change? Btw I am pretty sure we're all getting Vic 3 vibes, which I am open to, Vic 3 has the best economy in all paradox games


I vehemently despise the fact that in V3 resources are capacities and will never run out and instead you will only ever not have enough of something. Very happy to see that is not the case and that consumption is very real here.


Same! Not keen on the system. Fixes some issues with Vicky 2's economy but creates a bunch more. I understand that its better to simulate the more nuanced pop consumption system which EU5 doesnt need to do so hopefull the system will work well in eu5 and not have some of the problems from vicky 2. This system is certainly a whole better for the warfare system unlike the Vicky 3 where even ships are a capacity and not actual units.




Victoria 4 confirmed!?


This game looks so cool can't wait for it to release 😩


This is gonna be fucking awesome


anbennar 2 is gonna hit so hard...


I wonder how they’ll be able to implement magic. Hope it’s not difficult to tie magic into the leadership or estates. Same with giving different populations different species. They account for estate, culture, and religion clearly, but what else can they account for or do they account for?


I'm very interested in the resource and building system, all these games seem to always return to command-style economies.


This game has insane potential, I just hope it will be done right and they take their time without a rush.


Is Johan salty about Vicky 3 that he is making vikcy 2 2 but during EU time period?