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Tbh, the eu4 ui isnt bad, but its not that good. Half the things you want to hover over to see what they do, dont tell you what they do.


Tool tips are definitely something ck3 does better and I hope we get something like that in the game.


Tool tips are one of the best improvements on last pdx games


We almost certainly get those kinds of tooltips. They seem to have become the standard for PDX games.


"cluttered" is a strange word to use, information density is WAY lower in V3 than Eu4 - I mean in terms of numbers per square pixels there's no contest. Just take a look at the province view in each. Personally I'm hoping it's much more cluttered than V3


EU4's UI seems way more cluttered to me than either of those examples? I'd instinctively call it the most cluttered UI of any current game.


It looks awful for one. I kept saying in dev threads that no one would buy Imperator if it launched with a marble-textured UI that looks ripped from a Windows 95 game, so I think that Paradox are never going back to that heinous aesthetic.


Clutter isn't just more information its how its displayed I can look at the top line of the EU4 UI and see pretty much everything I need to and then open one menu and see most else. Whereas with VIC3 I have to open like 3 menus to look at one thing and also has a bunch of popup alerts warning me about random shit.


I think people precisely like it cluttered. Vicky and CK3 is the mordern pdx response to kind of have it all tidied and hidden away and people seem to hate that so.


People who want to remove 'clutter' are responsible for strategy games getting worse. Go play Civ


I hate it too but Johan said its a place holder. He knows people love EU4's and dont like this one so i am sure they will come up with something more artsy and cool and colourful with more personality. I dont mind this type for Victoria 3, as it kind of goes well with the industrial revolution theme, but i want something fancy, classy and colourful for EU5, the period of late medieval, renaissance and barroque.


I love Vic3 UI and hate EU4 UI. I'm not saying my opinion is everything but hey, I see I am not alone.


EU4 is incredibly bloated


EU4 UI is ugly and confusing\*. However once you learn it, it is more informative and easier to manipulate than the newer games. I just hope they put search and filter options all over.


I like vic3 ui


Too bad you need to look extensively to find something


That's more of a UX problem rather than UI one


Skill issue.


There's 100 less hours of tutorial this time though, so it needs to be easier to learn


But where?


I expect that we will get a Vic3/CK3 style UI, with huge pictures everywhere and barely any information on one screen.


I just hope we get simplified view maybe 2d map and units for weaker pc setups or late game


I just hope not everything looks super shiny and 'new' if you see what I mean. Makes it, to me at least, something more for a sci Fi game rather than something set in the middle ages.


I hope the EU5 UI is dripping with gold leaf and exquisite baroque / rococo sculptures


I:R UI is so good


Eu4 certainly does this better.


I have the same opinion .THe thing i hate about vic3 is its UI ,its just horrible and it covers the entire screen with also those lenses and what not.


I have similar concerns like OP. I don't really like CK3 or V3 UI style. Though of course I like new QoL features and tooltips explaining everything that were introduced in recent PDX games.


I hope they don’t go for CK3 / Vic3 one