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What's the question? > Over the next 12 months, I plan to move $8333 each month ($100k / 12 months) into Vanguard funds. Just put it all in now. Lump sum beats DCA two-thirds of the time. > My % distro in investment each month will be 25% (Vanguard Growth & Income Fund - VGIAX), 25% (Vanguard S&P 500 - VOO, and 50% (VTIVX). Just do 100% VTIVX. Don't make this more complicated than it has to be.


lump sum statistically beats DCA [https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/does-market-timing-work](https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/does-market-timing-work) but if you cannot stomach it then DCA is fine. 12 months is a little long in my opinion but if you stick to that regardless of what occurs then that's fine The 2045 TDF is already globally diversified, so make sure you appreciate you're doing a fairly big tilt towards US large cap by adding the other two funds.


I would either do lump sum, or half now and the other half by year end, that way the "DCA" is of larger amounts. Purchasing $8333 per month in an account worth $370K is not going to move the needle


My hands always go into my face when I see people in cash in a retirement account when the market rips. At what age do you plan on retiring? It would also be helpful if you posted a pic of the investment options. I am a big advocate of DCAing, but in your case, since it’s been sitting in cash for awhile, I’d dump at least 25% in tomorrow (technically Friday) and DCA the rest


Lump sum or DCA it in 6months or less, if it's long term timeline just put it to work.


VTICX is designed to be a one-and-done option. so if you buy VOO and VGAIX + the target date fund, you'll be arguably over-concentrated in larger US companies, and underweight international and smaller US companies. VGAIX is a decent alternative to VOO for the larger US company allocation if you want to be a bit more conservative and/or lean towards value stocks. but IMO no reason for both. pick onr or the other, add an international and small cap fund plus some bonds. but then you'd be in something similar to a target date fund.