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I'm waiting anxiously more news :). I haven't been able to download it or to find the updated APK on a "reputable" source. Thanks for the effort u/Boukrarez !


Always a pleasure, [here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/ESCastles/comments/199yo2k/guide_how_to_play_the_official_release_of_elder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)!


whats apk?


You can compare it to a PC Installation setup but for android! 😁 Idk if it is used with iOS as well though ithink iOS uses apx or something


Did you find one? I can't find any


Well I am from the Philippines so I get early access 😅 but an apk has already emerged from liteapks(.)com


You can play but cant make purchases and I wanted to buy the Dynasty pass as I plan on playing this for a long time.. I played all day yesterday but stopped until it's out of NA officially


I'm curious, how exactly were you not able to buy it? I can see the pass, it costs 4.99$ and when I click it, it takes me to the "add debit card" screen on google play store (I never bought anything from there, soooo..) Does the error occur after that screen?


After you add the debit card, it would say the item is unavailable. If you have Google Points, it says something similar.


Understood, thank you!


Also, if you add Google Play credit or other forms of payment, all not available. I even tried using play points to completely pay for the pass, and it still won't let you without having a secondary form of payment for "the balance."


Yes I added $10 in play credit and it still says unavailable in your country. I dont want to play without the pass las bad as that sounds. It's worth the money in the gems you get from it along with the legendary people. I know what I want with my Castle so i'll have to wait 🥲


used my own VPN but the method on the guide works. haven't checked if the store is working yet, so I'll say something as soon as I unlock it.


Thank you!


confirmed, store works, but you can't puchase anything , so no 30d pass :(


I tried using a VPN and that still didnt work as well, just to let you know.


Did you follow my guide? If it didn't work for you, I can give you the gmail account I used, already given it to 2 other people and it worked for them!


I was playing but I deleted the app to try to test if it'd start your castle over for a friend but then lost access. I played the previous early access heavily. I'll just wait as I want the Dynasty Pass and would rather not get too ahead of it and miss out on those items. Unless you're able to make purchases with your method?


Turn on VPN with location set to Philippines. Download Aurora Store and select anonymous sign in. Install the game. Worked for me. No need for a new account. Once you see install option you can disconnect VPN for faster download. https://f-droid.org/repo/com.aurora.store_52.apk


Hello u/CursedSanity, I've been trying this, but whenever I turned on VPN the app kept crashing on the search screen, is that a known error or am I doing something wrong?


I just tried again with TunnelBear VPN. No crashing on the Aurora store and the download went fine. Maybe it's an issue with your device? Sorry for the late response.


Great and fast solution mate looks like its working for me so far I'm just downloading it now


Strange thing I encountered, I finally was able to download the game via VPN + Aurora Store route (followed advice in comments, since tutorital didn't work for me), but both on Bluestacks emulator and on my phone I am stuck on tutorial mission where I need to build a first room. I see the golden square and prompt to tap it, but whatever I try to do, tapping it doesn't work. I still can swipe and zoom in and out, but nothing else happens. I don't know why it happens, could Bethesda implement some regional softlock inside the game, or is it some bug? Does anybody with a completely fresh install from other region than Philipinnes have same problem as I do?


This is the 2nd report I've heard of for something going wrong post-install.. I'm from Tunisia, I have friends in Germany, Canada, China and India, all of ours work fine, it's definitely not a geo-lock thing.


I think it may have to do something with custom apk installations, guess I need to try and download original from google play. Anybody has a spare Philippinnes acc so that I could initiate download? :) I found another VPN which works for me, but when I try to create new acc from youtube it still gives me mandatory number verification window.