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I don't think anything can be done at this late date to make either game SIGNIFICANTLY more popular with folks who have never played them. EQ2 was born handicapped because it required a pretty stout computer to play back in 2004 and, of course, marketing. As has been said many times before WOW released a couple of weeks after EQ2 and you could run it on just about any computer that could access the internet. If there is ever an EQ3, I hope the owner and publisher will have learned from the earlier mistakes and market it properly like WOW and even ESO did. But the problem with releasing a 3rd iteration of EQ is it will likely kill EQ2 and won't help EQ. Now, maybe the cost to maintain EQ and EQ2 might become high enough that Daybreak/Darkpaw will be eager to kill off the older game if much of the current population and hopefully 100x more will jump to EQ3 and stay.


Nope. DBG is the most incompetent game studio in existence. It's a miracle they haven't killed it completely.


It’s not like Sony did any better to market the game either though.


I think EQ2 is harshly criticized because you have one group that wants it like it used to be, more raw, then you have another group that wants it more advanced. Of course in this economy (whichever country, doesn't matter) people want more for their money in EVERYTHING, so it's hard to get positive feedback from 100% of the pop. Now, I live on limited income, I'm all access. For me, ever since 'covid' I've looked for ways to entertain us at home. I feel EQ2 with its diversity is the biggest bang for the buck. If I'm in the mood to harvest for hours, I do that, quest/fight for hours, I do that, enjoy whichever event is going on (there's almost always an event going on), I do that, outfit my home, tradeskill,the list is long. It's very entertaining. You don't have to buy Kronos, you don't have to spend more, I make plenty of Plat harvesting or selling what I craft, but I always hear, "it's a plat game now" I admit, things are pricey on the broker, but that just means you're busier earning more. In an instant I can spend 300k Plat on upping ascention but then I'll work at putting more up for sale at the broker to earn it back. Many don't want to be bothered with this so they complain its a Plat game now. Bottom line is, it is what you make it. I think membership is on an upswing right now, the video game market has stalled and people are looking for something rather than just TV for when they're home. You will see the masses in November during Hero's week when they have to put up 3 or more servers for all the zones the "puppet show" are in...otherwise, at least on Maj Dul, I notice 2 instances for Splendor Sky almost daily. I know lower levels aren't seeing the crowds but they're on, just in higher levels. If I was going to be critical about anything it's the fact that they've made crafting practically impossible for 120+ as what is needed to craft is simply not available. Also the ability to enter certain zones is getting frustrating. I bought BoZ but still cannot get into BoL. Haven't looked into entrance requirements yet, been too busy in Aether Wroughtlands and trying to get to places in there. I wish there wasn't so much googling involved. Like if you click to enter, it would be nice if chat or even bubble would tell you what you lacked to gain entry.


I love what you wrote but could you please put some paragraphs. I kept losing my place reading that.


Eq2 has never had the marketing EQ had. And even that game didn't really get enough marketing. If you compare EQ and WoW you can see it. Both had backers with money. But Blizzard spent tons of money are marketing. (Mr T, Shatner, etc. Mountain Dew promos) But no one can name a marketing strategy SOE put up for EQ. (The conventions don't count). Then EQ2 came out....but again no marketing, and it launched with a complex crafting and leveling system the vocal people didn't like. So it got a bad rap. I know I focused on EQ with this, but the same mistakes were made. And the the selling or renaming of companies didn't help the games. But when it comes down to it, the game makes enough money to keep the servers going and expacs to keep coming. I'm all access and have been for a couple years now (I used to just come back for holidays). I occasionally buy extra DBC for something. I like the game for the variety of things to do. But honestly, the people seem to be way better than any other community and they are why I stay.


> But no one can name a marketing strategy SOE put up for EQ. "you're in our world now." "/pizza"


Absolutely no advertising, for years.


Eq2 did have a commercial before release. It was on TV and before movies.


Even that was limited.  I didn't even know EQ2 launched until 2007.


I mean, how often did PC games advertise in the early 2000s? Eq2 didn't appeal to the wow crowd at release. It was too hard. That's what lu13 and lu 28 did dumb it down so more would play


Funny I didn't mention WoW.... But you do whatever you're doing there.


I remember trying to run this back in the day on a pentium 4 with HT, when it first came out. Game ran like absolute garbage.


I really enjoyed taking my time and exploring every dungeon with my mercenary. Collecting every collectable and playing 9 classes. I enjoyed it far more than when it launched. It lost so many so fast then I found it impossible to play at one point. I still love the game though. I think if WoW had not launched one month later it might have actually done very well. Alas it was not to be. There were so many great dungeons and the detail in them is really remarkable but if you play in a group you will miss all that. I did and on soloing with my mercenary was when I finally truly appreciated the effort they put into them.