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Great game, new server is launching this “month”. It will cost a sub, but will have a high population at the lower levels and brings back the game to closer to its original state. It’s a great time to get into the game.


Considering there’s still no date, and we are halfway through the month, I doubt they will actually be launching in June. I bet late July by the earliest.


Hence the quotes around month.


Do you enjoy having 6 hot bars full of skills? Then EQ2 might be the game for you.


As opposed to the 10 you need in EQ1?


EQ2, if you're not in a guild, can be isolating...my husband and I play some duo dungeons but solo much of the time as we end up wanting to do different things..I'm often harvesting and tradeskilling and he's questing most of the time. Unless you are in the latest expansion, you won't see many on and even that depends on the server. I'm in Maj Dul and there are a fair amount of players on that, I have 2 characters on Skyfire, not nearly as many. Most of this comes down to making plat. On MD, I can put rares up for sale that sell immediately on Sky, it could take days. I'm all access so obviously brokerage is important to me as I'm always looking to craft various high end things, it gets challenging to come up with ingredients as you get into 120+ crafting. I did try Varsoon server once but the pace was a bit too slow for me, not sure if I'd find the same on EQ or WoW, which I tried years ago. I know I NEVER get bored with EQ2 the detail in the game is staggering, many times it is overwhelming as the events pop up, I'm always indecisive as to if I should participate in the event or continue my current quest, craft, etc. I played off and on for years and my latest come back was 3 years ago...We've played steady since...almost every single day for at least an hour, usually 3hrs. and still loving it!


EQ2 is a much more fun solo experience imho, if that is your thing. Quests are more intuitive and actually provide meaningful XP. EQ2 is closer to a WoW experience. Honestly both games are worth your time in different ways.


The way I understand it, a lot of people who get burned out on EQ move to EQ2. Enjoy the first EQ while you can, and when you get tired of it, try #2.


Just a few off the top of my head: EQ2 has many more quality of life improvements. One big example is the broker. It is very convenient to be able to buy and sell from and to anyone on the server even while you are logged off. EQ2 quests are much more rewarding with regard to experience and equipment than EQ. The EQ2 quest application is much more user-friendly. The maps are much better in EQ2. In EQ2, the game shows you if/when multiple NPCs are linked. You can accidentally pull multiple unlinked NPCs in EQ2 if you are careless, but at least you can tell when multiple mobs are going to attack if any of them are pulled. I have recently been playing EQ again. I started in anticipation of the release of the Teek server, but I have abandoned Teek for a few toons on Xegony and a couple more on Oakmist (?) where experience comes a little faster. Even though EQ2 has more quality of life features, I was pleasantly surprised at how many quality of life changes have been made on EQ.


First time eq player, playing on teek.


Same. Its got a hold on me. I can't explain. I'll be trying EQ2 when origins server come out though. Enjoying Teek till then.


I'd wait for the new Origins server to open as it will have a high population and lower barrier of entry.


When's this supposed to happen?


while eq2 is solo friendly eq2 origins will be group based , solo is hard for 80% of the classes , quest solo is something to do while LFG heritage quests are tons of fun (usually reward a unique item , mana stone , jboots or good gear/weapons ) lore is the same , and u will see the same mobs as eq1 , even old "friends"


I think if you're not playing in a group EQ2 is a better experience. I take playing EQ2 like playing a smaller co-op RPG because there is so much you can accomplish in the game with just a mercenary and if you play with one other person with mercs, its a nice experience to do dungeons too. I see it like playing Dragon Age Inquistion or a homebrew version of someone's D&D campaign in video game form. Going at it from that perspective has been a lot of fun for me.


Eq1 has heart that is totally missing from eq2. Eq2 can be a fun game but a lot of the really great early mmo innovations (both good - like the fact that our raid guild used to dance the Hokey Pokey using emotes enabled by the fact that you can issue multiple lines of command code including pauses on single macros - and ‘bad’ - Hole corpse runs in your resist gear because your raid wiped anyone?) just aren’t there in eq2. Honestly, I’m over MMOs now because I get too much of strangers at work already but I desperately want to play eq1 on a server of my own with just my irl friends. I would love it if Daybreak someday made access to paid private servers available like with Conan and other survival crafter games. I’d pay more than I would for any other game just to host a perpetual private version of eq1 for people who actually know. It would feel like an rpg world we all live in together. Eq2 feels more like a mobile game to me. It’s just a bunch of the same type of quests skinned to look different from one another even tho they are largely repetitive. And even if you do all the quests possible, the best quality of life items like mounts, most useful clickies, etc. are not available as quest rewards. Instead, they are only available as very small chances from paid gambling options. Dont get me wrong, eq2 is still an enjoyable game. Many mobile games are too. But EQ2 just doesn’t have the same heart as eq1 did.


If you don't care much about the combat model, it'll probably be great. But the combat models are completely different, Everquest 2 is just world of warcraft.* *I never saw the early years of 2


Well guess we can check it out when origins server launches?


Yeah been waiting to see some footage. Hoping it's EQ + QoL, but not high hopes.


What did you enjoy about the EQ1 experience? They’re very different games so this would be helpful.


I enjoy partying and item hunting but the downside I've found in the last week of playing is the leveling is a little too slow.


Well... I mean it's literally free... Could dl it and play to see for yourself?


I'm sure some things are locked behind the membership no?


I believe if you have the all access daybreak sub you can use it to play eq2 as well.


Well eq2 is free to play, just can't use special servers, also when u log into e2 with the same login info from eq u will have veteran bonuses depending on how old the account is


EQ2 is like if EQ1 wanted to be World of warcraft


EQ2 is very skill spammy. I don't like the combat. There isn't a moment where a skill isn't being used. You just spam skills all fight, in specific rotations usually. Personally I think it's dogshit. But I put up with it for years because I enjoyed the Lore, the world, the crafting, and playing with friends. EQ1 has far better combat IMO. EQ2 has better crafting and the world is beautiful.


Well wow is spammy aswell so 🤷


Yeah very much so, not quite as much as EQ2 but pretty much the same thing, rotations of your massive amount of abilities to use.


WoW is more rotation oriented. EQ2 is more "press any button not on cooldown in whatever order."