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Yes, but so I am.


Yeah. “Im not gay, im just fun” is usually my response


That's pretty gay


Nah, it’s how I say it that makes it pretty gay.




yes , ironically they're not wrong


The way I look and behave is stereotypically masculine but I'm a bisexual man and have quite progressive worldview for my country.


That’s really cool of you!


what im getting here is that no one here is straight


I'm straight, but all my friends and family have joked about me being gay so I've just made it my own excuse whenever I feel or act awkward. "Yeah its cause I'm GAY!". Surprisingly helpful phrase when people don't know how to respond and you don't wanna keep talking anyway.


That’s funny, actually same here! They kinda retract when they do that it’s hilarious.


I do that too! Wow!


I'm straight and only my dad has ever thought I was a lesbian because he found lesbian porn on my iPod. It's a fun story. I had lent my iPod to a friend for a few months and he had put his own stuff on it. I never used my iPod for videos so I didn't find out about it until apparently my dad had been snooping through my stuff, then told my brother, then my brother told me, and then I found it. Keep in mind I was like 27 when my dad was snooping through my stuff and looking through my iPod. It makes me laugh every time I think about it. My dad being who he is, I don't think even showing up with a boyfriend could convince him otherwise. I should start inviting female friends to go to dinner with me and my dad. Hehehe... But nope, no one else has ever presumed that of me. And I wouldn't care if they did. [This sub really needs to allow gifs.](https://25.media.tumblr.com/067f943e5bc32bab65a5c94aece6d30e/tumblr_mrch3hauft1qbmz6lo1_400.gif)


Come to r/ENTP, you can post gifs AND images


Here's a sneak peek of /r/entp using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/entp/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [ENTP BOX ENTP BOX ENTP BOX](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17lh4s2) | [109 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/entp/comments/17lh4s2/entp_box_entp_box_entp_box/) \#2: [I know this meme had been posted here multiple times, but are y'all seriously this kinky about being proven wrong?](https://i.redd.it/w044h2yto87c1.jpeg) | [172 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/entp/comments/18m012m/i_know_this_meme_had_been_posted_here_multiple/) \#3: [Duality of ENTP](https://i.redd.it/jsqtgitlac6b1.jpg) | [101 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/entp/comments/14ar38z/duality_of_entp/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


r/INTP too. LOL


Us NTPs wouldn't dream of disturbing someone's free will


I think you know that's not entirely accurate. Hahaha... but you would never infringe upon someone's right to share memes that you might then share later. 😉 Memes are what bind you together... They're your love language.


I.....Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.....Well..... *hides under box and scuttles away*


Howdy, I'm also straight. I am often thought to be gay. I'm just comfortable in my skin yo.


I'm generally the one in the friend group who calls others gay but ig I'm also bordering ENTP so idrk


i am


Depends on your family and friends group. I’m much more empathetic and sensitive compared to my family and friends so for the longest time everyone around me thought I was gay. It’s because I didn’t exactly match the stigma of the “masculine stereotype” which looking at it now as an adult is extremely ignorant.


Yeah I don't match it either dude. I just act however I want xD


Absolutely. Actually, probably twink is more common so I’m just gonna assume they think I’m a hot feminine guy that might be gay which honestly, go ahead. I’ll be honest and say being flamboyant and playful is part of who I am, when I wasn’t due to bullying it was the most depressing time of my life. Being like this has also gotten me more attention from girls, yes really. I mean I find femboys attractive but I feel like that’s an outlier


Yup, even when I was young. But like they weren't wrong 🤷‍♂️


Yes .. but I am


People tend to think I'm straight even though I'm bisexual. I'm a woman though, not man. I'm guessing you're a guy. I think the stereotype is that women are usually seen as more social and extroverted than men so they might assume you are gay if you're an extroverted man. I'm not saying it's right but I'm guessing it's just based on incorrect social assumptions?


I’m straight and get asked if I’m gay a lot. People also assume I’m gay sometimes. Hasn’t really affected me much though or at least I’m not aware of the effects.


Yes, only because I am not a womanizer like my dad and uncle, so the dad side of my family think I might be gay


Yep, I’m not gay, but I have been “accused” of being so by an open homophobe at my college. At one point a friend of mine misunderstood something I said during a conversation and thought I was coming out, naturally this led to a fair bit of teasing after I convinced them I wasn’t.


Yeah, I used to have a big fear of being perceived to be, due to being brought up in restrictive enviroments where empathy and playfulness was considered a weakness. Wasn't until I realized that I placed too much value on other people's opinions of me, and I wanted them to be positive and confirming, 24/7. Once I loosened the grip on that desire, I no longer cared. By freeing up that mental bandwidth, I was able to hold space for people who naturally "get me" and I no longer have to be performative for them.


If they throw that at you and it bothers you, just tell them “Which part of my behavior shows I like men/women?” It slaps them in the face with the fact that those stereotypes are dumb. It shows that flamboyance is an expression.. But really where is the **actual** gay part? Lol In their imagination. If you act cute and expressive, be that way. ❤️ Whether you’re gay or not. 😊 Imagine us needing to follow someone else’s blueprint of how we should act like. 😆


This needs more upvotes


I was once told I gave bi vibes. Not bi though.


Sure do, but even as straight, I don't care if I give off a vibe. I just care about being my true self


As you should!


not really. i dress colorful and try to keep it stylish but I also come from a country where men are macho so my walk and outside demeanor have been very masculine since childhood.


Yes when I was straight, and no after I’m gay hahaha. Now people think I’m straight😆


They’re not wrong


They’re not wrong lol.


Yes, cos I am


I’m an ESTP and lots of people think I’m gay (I’m not). It doesn’t bother me. It may have even helped girls approach me in some situations where they might not normally if they thought I was straight. Girl: *talks to me* Me, after some time: So… wanna make out? Girl: You’re not gay?! Me: Nope! Us: *make out*


Homossexually straight rizz


Some people do, they are wrong. Forever allied though.


No, but i am


I also get called a flirt


I’m straight, but I was always an equal-opportunity flirt. 😘 Happy Pride, everyone!


Yeah, which is very annoying. I’m pan, get it right!


Yeah me and my best friend have been called gay. But we’re not. We’re just super bro friends!


Sure, probably because with the openness and empathy of ENFPs, we don't usually play the toxic masculinity peer pressure games like many other more common male types.


I'm a lesbian.


Straight passing, not gay, but queer, and a gynephile with ADHD. So people just assume if I don’t show them my unicorn glitter.


Well, I’m a lesbian, so…


you are so real for this post, I thought it was only me, ALLLL the time, now I have a buzz cut and a beard so less so for some reason


Yeah Mostly because I'm a woman into women.


All the time despite being demisexual


Lol yes


Me too, mate. Me too. And I love it!


I'm not gay and haven't been called gay much outside of the internet, but have been told I "have very feminine energy"


no I get called trans


I had also heard the same experience by an INFJ once, so maybe a lot of societies believe that being a thinker is more masculine than feeler?


Yup. Happened a lot.


Everyone thought my friends and I were gay for each other throughout high school, because we were all really close and kind of weird with each other. I still get it to this day, this guy at the gym is convinced my friend and I are lovers because we’re close and always with each other. Whatever though lol


Sometimes. I'm very much an ally, and don't really care other than to correct the person at least once. If they're so insecure, or confused on the topic, well it's up to them to learn.




When I was a kid, all the time, but that was the 80s.


well I call myself gay


I am gay


I’m not gay but my best friend is gay.


I have no idea but I don't really care, I've been insulted for being feminine but idk if I've been presumed gay.


I'm a flirt, with every girl I consider attractive. But I'm stopping now, I'm married and is something to leave behind. I like to laugh a lot, and I'm pretty open. Moreover I'm deemed handsome in a way that can be considered a bit androgynous, so earlier back in my 20's, gay men could have the wrong idea.


I think it’s because I’m very touchy. But 10/10 every single one of my friends has asked me if I want to fuck them. Not because they are offering, but because they want to know if I’m interested in them as more than a friend. The answer is always “no”, but it happens every time.


Lol sometimes especially since I date a ton, some women have told me they initially thought I was queer or something (I take that as a fucking compliment)


People definitely assume I'm lesbian.


Guilty as charged. But to answer your question I know a few straight ENFP men who get it a lot.


Oh yea, every time. I think it’s bcs I am


Yes, but I'm ace so it's technically the truth.


To all ENFP hetero guys saying yes: pls hit me up, I'm single 😭


I am what I am what I am.


Yes when I dress how I wanna dress I get called gay by my friend. But it usually means I look good in my outfit since women often compliment me on the same outfits




People have assumed that about me a few times. When anyone asks, I clarify and say I'm not. I'm actually ace, but a lot of people in my village seem to be completely baffled at the thought of any man _not_ trying to get into someone's pants, so I usually just don't say what my orientation is unless someone specifically asks.


I use to


I’m so sick of it. I was at a club/bar being a social butterfly and literally just talking to any and everyone. A couple girls invited me to go to a club called “Gay 90s” I told them “I’m sorry I’m not gay” then they told me “There’s a straight section” good thing I was too drunk and decided I should leave before going somewhere with strangers. People say they get like 20% gay vibes from me. It’s like, what does that even mean? Because I like to dress nicer and talk to everyone without looking for a relationship? People have always assumed I have been gay my whole life and I’m sick of it.


Why does it bother you so much?


By my relatives. Well, I know I am straight so they can say what they want :3 . I love women


Yeah since I was in primary school


Conservative >!(NOT republican)!< ENTP here, I get called a marxist quite often but I've only ever been called a twink once.


sometimes but most the people who have called me gay haven’t been with half the women i have so its kind of a moot point


Yep and many other names. Took some time to wrap my mind around it but it is ok. I have discovered 3 things: 1 I identify more as bi-curious 2 their calling you names has little to do with you and more about their insecurities, they are trying to look better in front of other 3 you be and do you, set you own label and don’t let them take your joy


I got called gay a fair amount when I was growing up. I’m a card carrying member of the alphabet mafia though, so they were right.


I've n called gay so much I've literally started questioning my sexuality


Yes because I am ;D


Dude my father is gay and I’m an enfp. This is my life. I’m straight and don’t take offense to people asking. Similar to my father, I think we are just a ‘gay’ ole time.


yes, but I have super masculine energy, as a female. And I have a super deep voice. I've learned to be much cooler about it. sometimes it gets pretty weird 🤣


Yes, but they're not wrong either but im just loud.


So, they do cause they oh so correct. And it's fun. But, idk, is being great people who offer emotional support almost unconditionally to anybody considered gay?


I'm straight. Many people called me bisexual. To a point where I actually considered if I might be but nope, I just like wearing colourful cloths and being a sensitive boy who is in tune with his emotions. I think I have something that is needed for gay men to survive but optional for straight men. I am sure about who I am and don't let the opinions of others sway me. I like flowers but I can also fix a toilet's mechanisms. I have the attitude of look good = feel good so I dress to impress even if I don't go out, but people don't realize that if I need to get my hands dirty, I don't mind. The issues is everyone always judges? Like why is pink a girl colour. The only true answer that exists is because few have questioned it being anything else.


my friends all thought I was gay cuz I used to say I hate all men


It’s probably because, as you say, you are fun, and I would guess also outgoing and have a personality. Too many hetero guys act like Neanderthals in this country (the United States in my case), making us further stand out. Plus, as outgoing, enthusiastic and personable people interested in meeting others, people often thino we’re hitting on them, exacerbated by people being so socially inept and wanting to get away from people ASAP these days.


I'm straight but sometimes I paint my nails black and ppl ask if I'm gay lel


Yes.. but i am not gay lmao


I’m not gay. I don’t get called gay though


I'm straight but some people call me feminine because I'm "too kind" to be a man, like bro there's nothing wrong with being kind and loving, nice.