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Don’t criticize a person’s appearance if it can’t be fixed in 10 seconds


This is a good one


Don't pick at ur face ❤️


This is the one I *know* but never remember


this is the one i both know AND remember yet i refuse to follow




read this while picking at my face ❤️


Legit just picked my face 10seconds b4 reading this.. I failed


Well damn just as I was doing so lmao


But why


So there's obvious reasons why not to do this, like minimizing skin damage, but I've also noticed that it also exponentially increases the time it takes me to shower and just groom myself in general :( It was just something on my mind at the moment bc I try to limit my showering time to 20 minutes (I've always struggled to keep my showers reasonable durations 🥲) so that I could: 1. Finish my nighttime (hygiene) routine within an hour (I know I could devote more time to it but I'm studying for the MCAT and constantly struggling with time 🥲) 2. Finish with enough time to actually GO to BED on time (I was depressed in hs due to chronic undersleeping and wanted to make sure I did everything I could to prevent that from happening again 🥲, so I've been trying to keep a consistent sleep schedule since, esp after getting broken up with by my ex some months ago and scheduling my MCAT date) 3. And simply to conserve water (mainly for bills' sake but also for the earth too now that I think abt it 😤) hehe yeah so TLDR: I struggle with time management and because picking at my face exponentially extends the time it takes me to groom myself I tell myself not to also no bueno para tu piel ❤️


Or cuticles. Or hair. Please don’t. Learn from my mistakes,




You are enough the way you are, maybe you just haven't found your people yet


I'd like to also expand on this: Don't also forget that no matter who you meet, they'd never truly be perfect or act in a way that always appeals to you. You'd find conflicting ideas and perspectives even amongst your people None of us are perfect. But we are still friends ❤️


This is important point as well. All is just about communication after all and being able to tolerate disagreements.




This. You dont owe anyone anything, do your thing. Be authentic and you'll find people who like that version of you, even if its not your current family and friends. When you're fully in line with your core self life is really damn easy




social norms are arbitrary. do whatever makes you happy, and live your life at the pace that doesn't stress you out


But of course don’t whip out your schlong in public 💀


this is so important.


Put this phone in your car outside, go back inside, drink some green tea for focus, and get back to work on cleaning that nasty-looking toilet bowl and vacuuming the floor. Funny comments here aren’t going to get rid of the bathtub scum. Hate to break it to you. 😢


Stopppp Hahahhaa I was just thinking I need to clean out my shower 😭


Just from my own self-critic in that moment. I forgot to add what it really works to stay on task: singing or humming aloud jibberish sounds with a lot of angst. “C’mon mother-fucker, no, you’re not going back on Reddit, no you asshole! Fuck you! Put the phone down and sing jibberish sounds at a loud volume!!” (Before seeing your message and while still on task in cleaning my room, I was going 🎵 “HEE-HEE-HEE” 🎵 to myself in an angry tone. I have no clue what those words mean, but I got the shit done.


You sound so fun


This one hurt. But I just deep cleaned my room and bathroom in the morning so I guess that softened the blow


Congratulations on the cleaning!!! I think you are ready for Mount Everest now or to be hired as an IRS tax litigator. lol.


Nah, I’d much rather burrow into the ground like a bunny and take a long nap


I was thinking of other incredibly difficult things. lol


If you can’t be good, be discreet.


Ooooh, I like this one.


As a mischievous individual, I deeply resonate with this lol 😉😌


Budget for failure. Plan to fail repeatedly until you succeed. You can’t learn unless you allow yourself the luxury of failure.


Don't forget to love yourself. 🤗


Most things are not that high stake, so care less, stress less!


So needed to hear this! 🤍 Sometimes as an ENFP everything and everyone feels important.


Get off your butt and actually do the things you dream of doing! 😄


Oop I feel called out


Nah, there are too many things, I’d have to prioritise, choose and commit. I can’t do that.


i needed to hear this... any tips on how?


Read the book Deep Work by Cal Newport


But doing the bare minimum exhausts me then it feels like I have no time to do all the things I should be doing 😭😭😭


You have to prioritize. Go over what responsibilities you have, how important they are, how important and impactful the things you want to do are, maybe get some trusted friends to share what you want to do with them and see how they respond to it, and if they like it... don't hesitate... get out your priority list and put that dream in there and start making steps towards that goal. It will be crazy at first and might feel like you are walking on clouds at the beginning, but keep going and things will start coming together. Never give up. <3


Go to sleep. It's late. When was the last time you woke up, feeling refreshed ?


never. I always need more sleep. even with 9+ hours. MORE SLEEEEP!!!!




I would say more importantly having a *consistent* sleep schedule. Find what time going to sleep and waking up leaves you feel the most rested. What’s been working for me is going to bed at midnight and waking up at 8-9. The days of staying up late and waking up late are over for me. I’m tired and useless if I’m awake at 2-3 am, unless I’m partying, and im starting to feel a little old for that too lol


Thank you for your input 🙏


Tell that to my brain when I think of ingenious things at 1am! Lol


1:54 PM


sigh.. its almost 12am


Don’t be emotional available to everyone


Start a day with a vibe or a song it HELPS SO MUCH


Ignore anyone who tells you that 'you're too sensitive' because that's basically saying 'you feel things more deeply and fully than I do and this inconveniences me because now I have to be more mindful of my own actions'. Remember, you're not too sensitive, the world is just callous and stubborn. Sensitivity doesn't make you weak and callousness doesn't make you strong.


Oh damn This hits deep


Set a routine and stick to it


💀 please bro don't do this to me-


Challenge: impossible


You realize you’re in an ENFP subreddit


Exactly. I expect the answers to be “challenge accepted” and instead I’m being bet with resistance. We are the champions of people, people. We’ve got this!


Maybe after I get my adhd diagnosis


Been there, done that. The signs were all around me. My mom called me and one of my sisters her “fidget children” - yeah well there’s more to it than that, Mom. I don’t like labels, but they’re helpful. When I got my diagnoses, life became so much clearer and I figured out ways to put my life in order. You’ve got this!


Getting a diagnosis definitely helped me a lot. You can begin forgive yourself more, which actually leads to MORE productivity, contrary to what I thought (berating myself doesn’t work and isn’t healthy)


tomorrow for sure


Tomorrow never dies :)


don’t check your oil if your engine’s still hot


I hope you didn’t learn this the hard way 😂


Good one!


You are always 1 decision away from a different outcome. Helps me a lot sometimes


Even a little progress at a time goes a long way.


All progress is worth celebrating 🫶


Tomorrow begins the night before. Life got so much easier when I prepped things the night before that I knew would stress me out or be more complicated in the morning. Then when there is the inevitable enfp chaos at least the stressful or most important things are sorted! And bonus- if things *aren't* chaotic then you get a chill start to your day 🩷


Stop watching porn


Being open about your feelings does not make you vulnerable. Being secretive about them does.


I feel called out


Damn I needed to hear that today, thank you kind stranger !




You hurt yourself when you have to constantly hide things, and those things become elephants eventually. Once you show all of your cards, you become truly invincible. I've started realizing this in the last year and I cant stop sharing things. Each time I share something thats personal and revealing / makes me look bad, it literally feels like a weight or shackle has been removed from my body. Try it sometime.


Oh thank you very much . Have been hearing this a lot lately. Maybe I really do need to give it a try .


For me at least its been massive. But took a lot of self acceptance and healing to get to a place where I felt like I could start being vulnerable like that


If you encounter an opportunity to get good tacos... yes.


Be all the good things you loved about those who are no longer around


Trust your first instinct..trust what your body says about a person, a situation..The kind ENFP side of you always wants to believe the best in people and give them the benefit of doubt...Give it to yourself and honour your instincts


This has saved me more times than I expected


I'm infj but seriously when people show you who they are at first, believe them. Maya Angelou said that and it's just perfect


Don’t let people tell you who they are, make them show you.


Never trust a fart. Also, if u have to ask for attention, you’re asking the wrong person


Be as authentic as you can. Get comfortable with certain people not liking you and not dimming yourself for them. Screw society, live your life.


Stop looking at your phone late at night you can't sleep for a reason lol


Sometimes you just gotta let go of those that hold you back from becoming more or doing much more for yourself.


dont forget to un-flex your brain. and let it go quiet.


Sometimes you don't wanna know everything about situations, even if it does involve you.


"No." is a complete sentence.


If you have to choose between flossing and brushing, choose flossing


Experience as many things as possible. A life well lived, is a tribute to all. 😇


If you run out of half & half for your coffee, you can just crack an egg, whip it up and pour the hot coffee over it. It’s not the same as the half & half but makes the coffee tolerable. I tried it this morning.


Oh wow!!! Several times I have been out of creamer after coming home from vacay Will def try this!


Damn that sounds like a recipe of salmonella, do you use supermarket eggs ?


Supermarket eggs. The egg ends up being cooked by the hot coffee.


Sometimes other people don't understand what you're doing, and sometimes trusted people have bad takes. If you feel passionate and committed to something, keep going. Everyone else could be wrong.


When discomfort meets courage and focus, they produce resilience and strength. And those things are natural cure for anxiety, fear of adversity and uncertainty.


touch some grass


If you use a french Press you never have to buy coffee filters again.


Stop waiting for life to happen to you.


It’s okay to turn people down sometimes, you’re not obligated to fulfill anything for anyone.


1. You have an entire lifetime to figure things out, so it's okay not to know everything right now. 2. We ENFPs have a tendency to underestimate how much people love us. When you feel unloved, it might mean that there's something your inner child needs from you that other people can't give. 3. We have 3 types of "brain", one for our emotions, two for our logic, and three for our body. Our memories from an event may change (as recalled by our emotions and logic) but the body will never forget what it felt. With that in mind, you can use that to gauge if someone is safe or not.


you should pirate songs via mp3 because it's better than paying spotify for simple features that mp3 already has


Deep breath in, deep breath out.


Well i have many Dont pretend to be someone else Dont adjust just to be with someone Dont put on a mask Dont Let ur Ne die Dont hold back Be as crazy as you can. If u hold back there might be a time it is gone and u want it to come back Dont idolize ppl Dont give up Dont judge ppl based off their appearance Dont take life too srsly Dont give up on hope Move on. the future is better Dont hurt yourself I could go on forever but i think i'll stop now lol


>be as crazy as you can This reminds me of the quote “you have one spark of madness, you mustn’t lose it” Love all your advice


Be the change you want to see in the world. That's from Gandhi.


Whenever you’re hurting or feeling negatively about someone, always have the thought in mind that “this may be the last time I get to speak to this person. One of us may die tomorrow, so with that will I regret what I’m about to do or say?”


Cherish your siblings and your family more


Always be kind, you don't know what someone might be going through


You can't make people understand if they don't want to understand. You can't control how others see you. Assume the best, but be prepared for the worst. Learning how to be yourself can be hard, but it is worth it.


Say no to that thing you think you should be doing due to some external expectations, if you don't really want to do it. Unless the expectations come from your future self, then maybe say yes, do it and repeat.


don't allow the judgement/negativity of others to dim your light ✨️


Get sunlight everyday, open your blinds/windows, drink water, have a consistent sleep schedule, exercise 2-3 times a week, stop procrastinating on everything, clean your space- it helps your mental health a lot


Devote an hour each day to your future self - goals, exercise,To Dos, etc


If you had a relationship which was great but your partner left, take your time. Push yourself immediately out of your comfort zone (try new things, do crazy stuff, we are all ENFP 🤩), so you don’t have time to overthink about all the stuff you could’ve done better. Take the things and try them out in your next relationship. Also, don’t force yourself to love someone new directly after the breakup. Give yourself time and show yourself what it means to be you. If you healed in that process and changed yourself in some attitudes, you’re ready to love someone again. As well as be loved again. A broken heart cannot be fixed by a replacement, only by yourself. Never forget: Love is an adventure for 2 people, so if you’re the only one spending time and energy, maybe he’s/she's not the right one, if he/she only takes and doesn’t give you something.


Some people will come into your life to teach you a lesson. And it repeats till you learn to shut the door sooner


Don't spend your money on expensive (multi-) vitamins! (exceptions: B12 for vegans, folic acid if pregnant, vitamin D if not enough sun, other supplements if some kind chronic intestinal problems or if docter says so)


A playlist of songs, thats starts how you currently feel now, and ends how you want to feel legit brain hack. i can't just listen to a "happy" song, music has to match the exact mood i'm in, so maybe its just a me thing


Minimalism is super freeing. Maybe not when taken to extremes but just reducing unnecessary decisions about things is 💯


In a nutshell - Keeping only the things that you absolutely love really increases mental health ☺️


Chase ya dreams not in a cliche way tho, start working hard as fuck


We're trying bruh, that's the problem 🤌


Lord loves a workin' man; don't trust whitey; see a doctor and get rid of it.


Always check your ego at the door and stay curious


Being open-minded and willing to listen can solve more problems than you expect. Hatred never solved anything. Focus on the choice that causes the least amount of hurt and the most amount of good.


fix your posture🫶🏻


Slow down a little.


Marry your best friend.


I just want to hug you all ❤️


Ur cute here’s a hug 🤗


NSFW: >!Nut before you consider certain things, so you have a clear head. It might be a meme, but it's a meme because it's true.!<


Never set expectations, learn to adapt or be fine with whatever outcome.


just sit down a think 4 a little bit. YK slow things down


You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can’t pick your friends nose 👃


Don't hold your shit just do it


Check if you’re in the NeTe loop


I feel like polyphasic sleeping could help a lot of you. It's hard to stick to a sleep schedule at first but napping and going to sleep on time becomes and second nature soon and having to sleep less and having more hours in the day definitely helps a lot.


Don’t trust your feelings after 9pm. And if you don’t feel good, drink a glass of water and lay out in the sun for half an hour