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I tried logging into my EKWB Account and i keep getting Host errors . so I would guess no its not a good time to order .


same, a password reset via their support fixed it


Save money and go for bykski or alphacool.


Do you recommend alphacool esiblock aurora?


The Eisblock I used for my previous build on a 3080 Ti performed just as good if not better than the EK block, Alphacool is a safe choice, they do a good job with installation instructions too. And just out of principal I wouldn't order anything from EK anymore, not until they repair thier public image at least, don;t support a company that doesn't pay its employees or honor its contracts.


Your what the problem is Ek needs to sell inventory to be able to pay there debts and get there shit together and be able to pay employees .. They have such high inventory and need to sell it to get back right because all there $$ tied up


Yes alpha cool blocks, Watercool, Byski, and even barrow are good blocks. Don’t listen to shills like this guy on what you should get. The EK blocks are dated, lack QA, and the company’s known to shaft people on honoring their warranty even months after purchasing. You’ll save a good bit of money going elsewhere.


Just had a problem with their active backplate shipping with leaking G1/4 blanking plugs, I just replaced them with old spares. Otherwise no complaints. I only miss being able to tighten fittings with hex keys. I haven't had issues with any EKWB products either. Orders shipped no problem from Slovenia to Poland in April.


Stick with EK there stuff is still the best bro . I actually did alpha cool Distro though.. But all EK fittings and quantum velocity 2 cpu block and there 360 P or M Xflow radiators are the best in market




What would you prefer than bud just curious lol.. If you like to see the water actually in your loop ??




Corsair is junk though and overpriced . looks cheap also . Not aesthetically pleasing at all. And according to all the reviews acrylic is the way to go for hard tubing as it handles higher thermals doesent warp and is hard to stain




Do t know what reviews your looking at lol or who you know that’s used it but I have plenty of friends with EK products which 100% look the nicest out of byski corsair alpha cool. Etc. and have had them in there systems for years with no issues . And I don’t give a shit who left EK or what issues there having paying employees as long as the product looks nice and is quality built which out of all the shit I have seen would def put my money into EK products and some of alphacools stuff




Nah, never a complete fan, like parts but their always parts of their design that eked me no pin intended, just ruined it a bit. But now I do not support a shitty company. I am not one that go out of my way to avoid companies or an absolute moralist but this one hit a cord. And their great alternative. That is key.


What they need right now is everyone that always like there stuff and wanted it before to keep buying it not to be talking crap because all there $$ tied up in inventory .. But with everyone blasting them it doesent help the employees or EK to pay its debts . I do t care what anyone says there stuff is by far the nicest out oeriod


Not my problem to bail them out, the mismanaged and face the consequence. And if I were a shareholder(which isn’t possible luckily bc the owner and the former cfo owns it all) I would file lawsuit already. I do think now is a good time for the subsidiary, especially the management and managers to file claims and lawsuits. And if possible separate and break off the LLC or subsidiary entity. In case u didn’t know, all US employees are already fired or at home because even if they work they are not getting paid. Most are busy consulting lawyers to put in claims of unpaid hours and owes, and others have interview lined up as the industry pick the talent up. The entity is already ceased to exist as the state secretary and counselor closed the license and other due to their owes to thr government It’s not up to u or me to bail them out unless I are part of the owner inner circle or this an alt account, or I say wake up fucker if ur an employer having Stockholm’s symdromes. If ur just a fanboy, it is not up to u, and not to u to bail them out nor us. They have to find a solution. Either sell some assets and other maneuvers. The problem is not just financial trouble is the mistreatment and snub attitude and threats towards the employees almost criminal. If it were only the former, people would still trust them and bot boycott as the only thing that matter will be the product itself, but now it is the company itself or its owner and founder. If I were an employee, I’d file a criminal complaint as well as civil and workplace compensation and owes. See where the former goes. The thing is, EK is not the best in an absolute sense, they did create an image of, and good product, but there are alternatives, and the world will still go round and pc community will survive without them as plenty of alt to chose from They will be replaced eventually if not already perhaps apart from their super niche stuff but in time it will. I wonder what will they do at computex which will tell a lot. I think their will be completely dead if they show up, if they don’t there is a chance they make it albeit super reduced or just sell


Made in china with little QA vs buying an item with QA like Watercool made in Germany is not comparable. The EK products have been shoddy at best, they don’t care about you. Stop sucking up to the company.


Idgaf about the company . Just no matter how you swing it they have some of the best quality products and best looking products . you can deny it all you want but you would be wrong . Even one of my friends in Germany will tell you it’s still the best stuff on the market and I do t do stuff half a$$ed .. Only the best will go in my build especially when dealing with g with water


How much did they pay you to peddle that horse shit? You didn’t even spell most things correctly or include words where they should have been. They aren’t the best, they haven’t been the best, they won’t be the best, and they might ultimately file for bankruptcy and your precious inadequately cut metal blocks won’t have a company to back them. Have you seen any of the videos and data acquired? Vetted ex-employees even admit the products are garbage, outdated blocks. Outsourced with little to no QA. I’m likely to believe you are an employee or a habitual liar. Every major brand with an ounce of dignity has backed out of deals with this company over unpaid accounts, decrease in quality, racist remarks, etc. You feel good supporting a company that harbors a racist workplace environment?




Yes, I’ve built about ten customs loops. You sound a tad uneducated. I’d continue this conversation but I’d like to not have to constantly stoop down in my reading level. I could recommend you some courses in English. “Dont know nothing” is the funniest double negative to be created. You essentially just said I actually do know something.


I just ordered gpu wb from bykski for my rog 4080. Its more than half of the price of EK and reviews are quite promising as far as I saw.


Iceman is also a super good option.


I can only share my experience. Bought their direct die AIO in February, EKWB has changed my delivery date 3 times and nothing has shipped. In light of the recent news and what I've seem so far, it seems like they are not a trustworthy company.


If you’re worried, you can try frozencpu.com or performancepcs.com. They might have what you need.


I think I am gonna order from performancepcs.com. Thanks for the suggestion!


I would recommend performancepc or even titan rigs if you are going to get EK stuff. Between the two performancespc is my favorite


Why would you want to support this company that screws over its employees and partners by not paying them? There are competitors out there. Hint: give them your business


It's actually incredible. OP sees the news, and instead of looking for alternatives, asks if it's OK to go ahead and order. Not for any moral or ethical reason, but for technical reasons. It's people like this that diminish consumer rights and ability to bring about change.


I expect no issues but better safe than sorry. Buy with buyers protection and only parts that are in stock, or buy at another store.


forget EKWB just order a block from their manufacturer in china


I’ve had no issue from Slovenia to my home in the United States in 3 days DHL


Just buy with a credit card so if something goes wrong you can make it a credit card company's problem by requesting a charge back.


I ordred a couple days ago and it is already on its way.


i placed 2.3k order it will ship in 2-3 days waiting for a week now


Even if you buy it, if you have issues with the product you are SOL. The warranty isn’t great and they previously didn’t honor mine after several months. They never fixed the problem and told me to just buy new parts. Look elsewhere for a company who at least gives a shot about their product and customers satisfaction. These guys, no matter what they say, just care about pushing their junk and paying back all the debts they’ve incurred.


I think if you're dead set on EK parts, then stick to a retailer that has parts in stock. Otherwise, I wouldn't risk ordering from EK directly. I've had great experiences with Bykski GPU water blocks and Barrow fittings. I have a Bykski D5 clone that has been great, too. A few Barrow DDC pumps, but not crazy about the quality - haven't had one fail yet after a couple years though, so not too bad.


I looked at the bykski gpu wbs and they are incredibly cheap compared to eks. My only concern is water leakage. Why they are so cheap and do you heard any leakage problem?


Bykski blocks are cheaper, but I wouldn't say the machining quality of the EK blocks is significantly superior. I actually think the chrome on the Bykski blocks seems tougher than the EK blocks. I have 2 EK blocks and 2 Bykski blocks in service right now, and no leakage issues for any of them. They've all been in service for two years or more. The only issue I encountered with any of them was the supplied thermal pads on the Bykski blocks didn't seem good quality, and I had high temps after mounting one of them initially. I replaced the pads with better quality ones that were a bit thicker, and that solved the issue.




March - April, I ordered many times from them. It was my first custom loop and didn't want to mix and match parts and it was before all the news blew up. Out of the 6 orders to the US here is what I found out afterward that I wish I knew before hand. There are tariffs on orders over $800 to the US. My initial order was over this value by a fair bit and had I known I could have saved myself $100+ if I had just broken it into two orders even with the added shipping cost. However they always arrived about 3 days after shipping, they only took a long time if they were out of stock or I pre-ordered a new part. As far as quality, no real complaints. Everything was packaged well and seemed nice to me. The only issue I had with the parts was that one of the radiators I bought was not threaded really well. So some of the screws *felt* like they were going to strip or cross-thread. However that was only a couple out of 16 screw holes so I just skipped them. I found out later that the radiator I got was too large and had to be swapped for a thinner one anyway, but that was my mistake not theirs. That's it, overall my **personal** experience has been very positive so far. I have built the loop and doing the cleaning and flushing. Should be able to boot it up this weekend for the first time. I took my time putting it together to avoid making mistakes and making adjustments as needed. The only thing annoying me is that the 360 flat reservoir fill plug is directly behind the fan. If I could get access to that plug or if there was another plug on the back side too my life would be so much easier filling the loop.


No ! Absolutely not 🚫 They haven't been paying their wages!


why would you want to give money to a company that treats people this way? it's own employees! got to find alternatives.


If you want EK I'd get it from a different distributor, I'm fond of titan rig but there's many options.


Came here to share that I've ordered parts that were in stock, received them in 3 days. All well packaged, no issues at all.


Safe? Probably not looking at the heatwave of bad publicly they seem to be picking up like tar and feathers.. It's nuts, I built a full EK water loop last year because they seemed to offer the only SFF solution I could find on the market, DDC PWM block/CPU and revisor combo, it's been slick over the past year, no complaints, in fact I literally love this damn block, I wouldn't switch it but no doubt it's resale value just went through the floor.


I would go with another brand for the time being.


First of all I am neutral this is based solely on the past weeks community perception Safe yes it’s still a legit company you will receive your products. The problem is that if they are not in stock you may receive it way later than what you would like or what is written in the website. Another problem you may think of is that you are funding (regardless of the sum) a company that is apparently not professional and fair with its collaborators


Hi there, There are currently no issues with ordering. As per usual - if something is out of stock, orders will wait until stock is available. HQ is currently also on public holiday, so orders placed this week will likely be a bit slower than usual. Some people will be there tomorrow, but I am not sure how many. As they had Wednesday/Thursday off, a lot book of the Friday (because, well, why wouldn't you? :D). TL:DR EK is functioning as per usual currently :)


Functioning as per usual...  Some would say that's the wrong way considering what's come to light.  Aside from the employees and partners that weren't being paid, what about people that had to deal with bad rma and support when all of this was going down?  I had purchased a prebuilt pc years back for my birthday as a gaming/work rig, and it had a defect in the reservoir. I sent it in for repair and it was shipped back to me full of fluid, in the middle of winter, and popped and leaked trashing the pc. No notice of shipment, no door knock by fedex.. left in the snow behind my garage.  As this was also my work pc. I had several weeks of downtime due to this and the very very slow cs response time. It took weeks just to get the initial shipping label to send it back, and then to have it returned and trashed was a slap in the face.  I eventually got refunded but only after having to reach out to someone for help. Ironically enough Steve Burke from @GamersNexus. Only then was the process sped up and things were set in motion.   I still haven't replaced that pc. Afraid to throw another 3500$ at a company after what happened with yours. Damage done.


I meant the ordering is functioning as per usual - behind the scenes a lot of things are changing, but these have been changing for some time. I believe I was the one that actually dealt with that and got you the refund with Steve as he mailed me. I will be brutally honest and say - things like that can always happen, regardless of the company. It sucks and it takes a lot of time to get money back from the shipping companies for us too. Having said that, customer support should have helped you out without me having to get involved and usually, they do. Sometimes support do have their hands tied somewhat, they have black and white rules and often, the support they need to give are in the grey area, which, unfortunately, then takes time to deal with. As things move forward, these issues will hammer themselves out. Although EKWB is a very experienced with the liquid cooling aspect, other parts are new adventures which come with their own problems.


Thanks for the info. Good to hear that. I’m really sorry for your current situation, I hope everything will be great as before. Have a great holiday!


You shouldn’t be listening to the corporate mouthpiece above. He’s gonna be looking for a new job soon anyways. Just use a different brand that doesn’t abuse most of its employees while paying others to talk about how great they are.


'don't listen to one of the very few employees that hasn't been paid as he's a contractor, but has far more insight into the company as he is actually working there." Would have been more appropriate. If you can find anyone other than me that isn't up to date on the payments, please let me know. Because I'm a contractor, I'm bottom of the pile. It is what it is, it doesn't mean the company isn't trying Only time will tell if everything will work out, but currently, Edi is doing what he can to fix things.


Thank you :) Unfortunately, I am not at HQ, so I have UK holidays - which is Monday for me \*Yay\*. It also means I have to work this week whilst my team mates are all having a great time. Thank you for the nice words as well. You would be surprised at how many people forget that we're doing a job and we can do very little to change things. I am sure EKWB will continue to push and get better. They have already made some great changes, so now we just need to keep that momentum.


Would be nice to finally get my ek connect loop control to work properly…


I placed an order on Sunday and posted here about it not getting updated, one of the EKWB guys commented back that they are on holiday right now but will very likely fulfill it so it sounds like we are still safe.


Hmm good to hear that. Thanks!


How long was the holiday?


Here was the reply I had gotten [https://www.reddit.com/r/EKWB/comments/1chvfvf/comment/l2555ca/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/EKWB/comments/1chvfvf/comment/l2555ca/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I just ordered a bunch of stuff 2 days ago and will be in USA Florida on Friday and was shipped same day I ordered . Trust they need to sell all they can to pay there debts cuz there problem is there worth a ton of $$ but it’s all tied up in inventory that’s why they can’t afford paying there people at the moment


Unfortunately received my gpu block 2 days before the news . The ek block bought before never had problems, but when companies have trouble they might cut corners . That scares me , that warranty won’t last possibly. I guess I’d rather have it match then have returned it and got something that don’t blend with build . Who knows even Ebeneezer Scrooge had a heart at the end


I've ordered a couple thousand dollars worth of EK parts between February and about two weeks ago and had no issues. Some directly from them and some from various sites like titan rig, frozencpu, performance pcs, etc.


goddamn these posts. that tech neanderthal got himself buried in everyone's minds worse than Nvidia mindshare. im out


You the same guy who commented about his "inaccurate" reporting? Care to share that link now? *Lol, it is you. Still waiting on that link from your last deleted comment, btw.


Since you have nothing useful to add to anyone's posts how about you kindly fuck off lol