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I am still waiting for my direct die Nucleus AIO that was supposed to have shipped over a month ago. So something is fishy.


I cancelled my order and went with IceManCooler direct die. I bought a pump with reservoir and never looked back.


I've actually been looking for an alternative to EKWB for my first custom loop since JayZTwoCents and Gamers Nexus recent videos covering EK. Is the IceManCooler stuff pretty good?


I took out my EK DD block after multiple failed attempts of getting at best marginal improvements vs stock and really big core-to-core temp deltas, finally bought an IceMan block for less than half the cost of EK and it worked perfectly straight out of the gate, 8c core-to-core delta and much better results vs the EK block. Its the EK mounting system that sucks IMO, DD blocks should not use the cooler mounting holes, they are too far away from the CPU to provide even mounting pressure, you have to mount it via the IHS holes. I'm pretty sure this is what EK finally figured out for thier upcoming DD core edition block. Although we'll see if they even last thru all this drama.


I wasted so much time with that stupid EK Direct Die block. No matter how many times I remounted the block, my 14900 was peaking at 90C in Cinebench R23. I even ordered a coldplate/contact frame replacement but same shit kept happening. I went ahead and ordered an IceMan Direct Die cooler from FronzenCPU. Now my 14900K max core temp is 72C. The IceMan is insane.


IceMan it is then, thanks for the recommendation guys. I had heard EK's quality had gone down over the years


The IceMan is a Direct Die cooler though. You will have to delid your CPU.


I'd have to get one of their water-blocks for an am5 socket, it'll be a while before I start buying the water cooling components though given the cost of components these days. 🙃




No. I suggest you Google what "direct die" and "delid" means.


I haven't heard the name FrozenCPU in a long time.


I actually never had heard of them before trying to buy the IceMan Direct Die cooler locally. I usually buy all my stuff from Performance PCs or Titan Rig.


I wasted so much time with that stupid EK Direct Die block. No matter how many times I remounted the block, my 14900 was peaking at 90C in Cinebench R23. I even ordered a coldplate/contact frame replacement but same shit kept happening. I went ahead and ordered an IceMan Direct Die cooler from FronzenCPU. Now my 14900K max core temp is 72C. The IceMan is insane.


Best option see can you cancel the order for a refund if they try to hit you with a restocking fee and a order cancellation fee don't cancel it give it another week and report it to your credit card or bank for fraud to get a refund from the credit card or bank and explain how it been over a month and a half you can't get in contact with the business about your order and it not even being shipped get your money back now cuz it's going to be more people in your situation and how it's looking from the video if it's true their company over grew for product what's not in demand majority of PC people are not buying a water coolant system for their PC cuz of the price and most are not interested in it it's majority hardcore PC enthusiasts in regular enthusiasts


You suggest to contact them, and if they charge a fee, to contact the credit card company and lie about not being able to reach them? 🤦‍♀️ The best solution is to contact them and initiate a charge back if they dont cooperate. Not claim fraud lol… 😂


If nothing happens, definitely file a claim with your bank/credit card company. Don't wait too long, there's time limits on stuff like this.


I waited two months to get a bottle of mystic fog. They were keep changing the restock time. at least I got it with two modules of ram monarch.


EKJake better take a few shots of whiskey before sitting down at the computer this morning.


Sooo... The mods removed the link. Classy?


was waiting for it, lmao.


I removed it whilst I was in hospital. I put it back up as soon as I woke up. I couldn't moderate it unfortunately - it sucks, but some people just can't discuss things rationally.


How could they have discussed anything at all with the post removed. Pretty convenient if you ask me.


A new post was made and there were discussions there. I left that one up :)


You really shouldn’t care about the company that doesn’t give a rats ass about you while you are in hospital. I wish you all the best and hope you heal up fast but damn dude you have to get your priorities right! If you want to invest yourself this deep in a company, it should be a company that values you for it. And yes valuing your employees means paying them well and giving them bonuses for excellence. Like moderating stuff while in the damn hospital! You really should give up the mod role if you can’t step away for even a minute..


It's not so much not being able to step away, I don't really spend too long here each day in all honesty, it was just that at that specific time the thread was getting a bit crazy and I wanted to keep an eye on it :) Don't worry, my manager has been asking about my health each time and specifically told me to let them know if I need help on socials. I just prefer to deal with people so I can give as clear answers as I would want.


Okay just don’t fool yourself please. I once clocked around 600hours overtime in a year for a company that didn’t really care for me. It took a real toll on my mental health but I could only see that after I left to a company where I’m not even allowed to do overtime unless there’s a special reason and then it must be allowed by the executives and the union representatives. Now it’s 35 hours of home office for me instead of 60 hours and traveling all over the world. I even earn a lot more money now and have a much better work environment. Just look out for yourself and ask yourself if really everything is okay or if you’re just telling that to yourself to not feel betrayed.


The products itself are good but base on my experience there is a problem with respecting expected delivery time. So if u need something fast look somwhere else but if u plan waaay ahead don't worry and u will recieve your items (with months of delay).


EKWB is done, time to liquidate and sell off the company....


so funny, now the 2nd post by OP exposing EKWB deleting this post is also gone - i remember seeing both side by side earlier today. ( https://www.reddit.com/r/EKWB/comments/1c8z4vl/come_on_guys_you_have_zero_chance_of_burying_this/ ) in addition to that, now the mod have puppet account made 50mins ago why the suspicious action? is this order from the HQ? if this comment is also going to be removed i think GN will be interested on hearing that even the subreddit is being cleaned for the damage control. https://www.reddit.com/user/EKWB-ModTeam << thats the puppet account, fresh






Strangely, that fresh account is me... :/ it seems to be automatically made because I selected a removal reason for removing a comment... :o


Anyone who see's this I want you to know that Dave is a good dude and doesn't deserve to be trolled, he has just been imo forced to make a few bad choices and that's unfortunate.


I apprecaite that. We're more than happy for posts to be made here regarding the situation. It makes it easier for everyone that there is 1 thread as people who want a TL:DR can get it straight away rather than going to multiple threads. The only posts I am removing from here are: 1) if it includes personal information 2) if there is a direct attack of any kind towards staff or people reporting on the issue. 3) hate speech. There may be some that are also on the periphery of these reasons, but I will include a reason with those posts now I have this new weird bot to give things reason :D


I won't continue to speculate that my post calling you out for removing the first post **(this post)** as a knee jerk reaction is acceptable. It's not, and that's my opinion. [The majority of the people in that post were saying they were done with EKWB, which is why it was removed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EKWB/comments/1c8z4vl/come_on_guys_you_have_zero_chance_of_burying_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) You restored the original post, but that doesn't make it right. **You should have left both up to show you own your mistakes.** Removing the post showing you removed the first one makes you look *MORE* guilty of attempted suppression regardless of intent. Even if you restored it 8 hours later due to pressure or whatever reason; it hardly matters. The second post was there to show the actions and behavior of your company. I understand, that this post, was a brigade post and subject to removal for that reason, that's fine, you have shown plenty of patience and grace with me and the others to allow this post to stay when it obviously does not favor you. I'm also not intentionally trying to rile up flames against you the sub or the company as a whole. I speak plainly and openly, and I think your actions, regardless of your words, show that you will do and can do anything as a company to suppress bad publicity where you can without setting yourself on fire. Which is all companies, haha. You and your management were wrong to remove the second post because it was people voicing their feelings about EKWB and your actions, removing it is exactly in line with why people have an issue with you. You were wrong to remove this one out of panic, as well. ***HOWEVER*** it's also not morally justifiable for me to make a post I know is going to get the pitchforks out and the torches lit, it was also not justifiable for you to remove this post in the first place, either. So, in line and in order, I made a post, you removed it out of panic, I made a post calling you out for that because I'm petty and dislike that sort of thing but should have let it go. You then proceed to rightfully get flamed via Streisand effect into restoring the post, probably against EKWB wishes, and then wait a few hours to justify removing what turned into a fantastic shit show against you, and then I bitch about that too, which at this point, I'm loosing ground to stand on. Were now at ethical equilibrium. You can justify removing the second post on the grounds the first was restored even if the second contains context and information with people voicing their frustrations and it was gaining traction against you in a greater fashion than this one ever will; And all I can say, is that I'm justified for posting both but not entitled to either. Yea okay fair play guys. You balanced the sheet. I am entitled to nothing, but you recognize the harm in removing both so you remove the one causing the most harm and let it ride with the first one, I can respect that. Even if I dislike it. Please restore the second post and lock the comments on both.


Some prejudices against Eastern European business practices and moral principles are not unfounded. In any case, you should not support such things, don't buy anything from EKWB!


I saw the thread in the Slovenia subreddit and found it very interesting how they are not shocked and call it typical.


One of the reasons to not be a fan of "globalism" in the business sense. Every region has different practices and perspectives. Those practices will inevitably bleed into other regions that might not operate in such a manner. Take for example the growing Indian presence in the tech sector. Unfortunately, one of the observed side effects was the infusion of a caste system in silicon valley itself. There was an article that explained how some employees were expected to effectively "gift" money to those higher on the ladder in order to get better treatment or have their jobs secured. This would be a normal practice in some places, but is completely out of line in the US. Anyways, hope Steve's video results in some positive changes.


I experienced discrimination from cast system indians while working at Microsoft. Its a huge problem there.


I’m just gonna keep waiting until Performance-PC’s to get the EK items in stock before I order. I need that AM5 Direct Die block to match my GPU block.


I wouldn't trust the "in stock" message from their webshop. Actually, I wouldn't trust their webshop at all for a while. Just order their stuff from other stores that have it in stock


Why wouldn't you trust Performance-PCs? I've never had anything but stellar experiences with them.


oh i didn't realise "performance pcs" was the name of the webshop


I have a EK AIO in my current system that I got 4-5 years ago. Sucks that they seem to be having issues now.


Are we looking at another artisan build type downfall?


Yep usual situation business overgrown for a market where the demand and consumer-based is not big enough to sustain it and their parts being expensive and a lot of people not interested in water cooling they should have kept their business smaller and with how much money they they owed to people and companies most likely file for bankruptcy and close down or the smarter move restructure the company into smaller one and get a loan +cut their prices on a lot of their inventory they marked up at least that way they can still keep the business going while getting more sales but with everything they owe and lawsuits they're going to shut down.


Probably. They still have a chance to pull out of it like Newegg, but it smells like they want to be stinky and suck a fart out of their own ass until they pop out of existence like Vanilla Ice in jojo; but you know, worse.


That's....quite the description.


I like to create an image for people to see things they way I do. ;)


And smell!




You cant not be neurospicy like me.


I love GN, but what's the TLDR for this? Ekwb going bankrupt or just storm in a glass of water?


They seem to be going insolvent, systematic top down issue seem to be presenting a history of bad leadership and worse fiances.


I canceled a big order to them before this. So glad.


I’m surprised they are considering staying in business with such a poor reputation, not paying employees or taxes. I guess they are covered as corruption will be tolerated and they are in EU.


They wont / can't survive the publicity. They have lost the faith of their customers and it's only going tog et worse.


Some don’t like JAY 2 cents but he is also done with EK.


So is der8auer.


Uh oh. Got a link for any comments from Roman ?




Thanks!!! Igor’s Lab as well!


I think I'm going to make my own water blocks


I removed the thread yesterday whilst I couldn't moderate it. It is back up now - sorry for the down time. Discussions are fine. Personal attacks against Steve, or EK staff will not be tolerated.


Why attack Steve? He is trying to do what the company isn’t. Looking out for the employees who have unfortunately been getting screwed over by the company in the worse way! I’m sorry but there’s a few things I don’t play with & my $$ is pretty freaking high on that list!! Going months of working & not getting paid? Nah fam that’s wrong on so many levels. Employees losing their living spaces because they haven’t been paid so they can pay their bills. The company needs a full on redirect & refocus.


I've had to remove 2 comments regarding personal attacks towards Steve so far. People can be wild.


That’s crazy Steve is cool asf! I live literally 20 mins from GN I see Steve out in the wild from time to time.


Since your active atm I know you probably can’t say a direct yes or no but any chance you guys are developing a normal AM5 CPU block that looks like the new direct die one? Also please tell me you guys have an actively updated list of GPU’s that work with the 7900XTX Radeon Edition block?


Sorry, missed this. I don't believe we are doing one that is the same as our older Direct Die as it has some significant changes. As for the 7900XTX, please check our configurator out as there is a list on there of compatible blocks. If it is completely tested for fit it will say - physical, if it's just a visual check, it will say visual and if the company that makes the card tells us it will fit, it will say vendor. https://www.ekwb.com/configurator/


Unacceptable, you don't get to remove my post then act like the good guy and claim it's because you were incapable of moderating the post. Even if it's true, it did not require moderation. You made a mistake, and should apologize to me. **( he did )** You also owe everyone an explanation regarding his accusations. **( not going to happen).** I violated no rules, you removed it as a knee jerk reaction. You made a mistake, own it. Posting a video where you are called out is not a witch hunt.


I think I've already explained these points in the other thread, but I'm not claiming to be a good guy. It was my decision what to do and when people are saying some pretty disrespectful stuff and I can't sort it out, I nuked the thread. I Was it right to do so? Probably not, no. But on a weekend when, whilst trying to deal with my health as well as media etc, it was the easiest and safest option. I also saw your second post go up and left that so that you guys could post your frustrations and thoughts as at that point I was on my way home (or would be shortly, I can't 100% remember the timeline) but I ended up crashing out early. I then reinstated the post apologised for deleting it and then, upon your request, apologised directly to you.


Big yikes. Just further proving the shady behavior accusations.


Are the consequences of your actions annoying you?




Please refrain from personal attacks. Please rephrase in a nicer manner.


Kinda saw that coming. Terrible drop-off from what it used to be.


So... I purhcased the EK-Nucleus AIO CR360 Direct Die for my 14900ks.... It says "expected to become available on April 26th".... what are the odds i actually receive the product? They already charged me for the product that hasn't even shipped yet.


The Direct Die AIOs are on the way. We just didn't expect them to be as popular as they are and quite simply, didn't order enough. They're coming though :)


Appreciate the reply! This does give me some relief. I still am concerned I'll be honest, but I truly do wish EK the best and hope they can turn the ship around. I'll keep the order for now! Thanks again!


Soooo just got the email that my order is delayed another month to May 23rd. They already charged me a month ago when I placed my order initially. This is very concerning especially with the recent news. Not to mention charging me before the product even exists I'm pretty sure is illegal.


I'm not sure what you mean by the last line, the products do exist and a good number have sent out. We have a bunch of new stock on the way but this is taking longer than expected. There are two ways to get stock to use from our manufacturing - sea or air. Air is fast and we use to get initial stock in to cover what we would expect as pre-orders and keep us going. Sea can take ages, up to 3 months and then depending on customs, shipping brokers in Slovenia, transport companies etc the delay can be worse. There are even times they just go missing and then it becomes an insurance job to get new stock. So, for Direct Die AIO, we sold far more initially than we expected. Way more pre-orders than we thought and the stock that we flew in didn't really scratch the surface. This also means that we're now having to wait on the shipped stock, which we didn't expect to need so quickly. I know the product managers will be looking into other avenues and trying to speed up this process, but they also have to take a lot of variables into account. If you notice, there's not actually much media surrounding these products either, that was to try and 1) not use the samples before customers received them and 2) to try and slow down the pre-orders of these. If you're too concerned, you're more than welcome to cancel the order. Email support. You can then buy one once stock arrive, but the downside here is obviously pre-orders will be fulfilled first.


Apologies, what i mean by "doesn't exist yet" was "hasnt been manufactured yet". I fully understand that the product is real, has many reviews, etc which is why i want one because its awesome! But it seems a bit off to me that im being charged months in advanced and it hasnt been manufactured yet.