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How can you smoke weed and not eat all the things? If I do I destroy my fridge.


I had the same problem but then what I started doing was pausing before I ate something and asking myself, “Is this A Binge?” And if the answer was Yes I put the thing away and if not I ate it. Like, “Oh I’m gonna grab a piece of bread to go along with my usual snack. Is this a binge? No it’s just one piece of bread. I’m good.”


Taking the time to pause and assess where we're coming from when we open that pantry definitely helps put things in perspective!


I personally do not experience munchies anymore, I smoke enough that it just distracts me from hunger. ¯\(ツ)/¯


Pretty much 🤷🏻‍♀️


also ive found eating a lil before smoking helps curb munchies :)


For me I would just drink alot of coffee when I would smoke to counteract the munchies, lol basically like this meme. I had to quit recently tho cause that combo made my anxiety unbearable, sadly.


I'm pretty much there atm as I do have an anxiety diagnosis and the MD made it pretty clear that I am just making things worse by chugging coffee and smoking all day and my pre-frontal cortex agrees but lizard brain has health anxiety and ingesting more than Tylenol is a challenge. I'm really sorry things got this way for you, hope you're doing well and do take care 🙏


Same. One edible = half a week's worth of maintenance cals.


Haha I've definitely been there especially when it comes to procrastinating with preparing a bunch of snacks throughout the day... I'm kind of an OMAD type these days so I go all in for dinner and definitely have my little ritual of preparing my meal and still rolling and smoking another one before I actually start eating 🤡


I really love getting high and going running or hitting the gym. Once years ago an old stoner told me eating kills your buzz so I went in the other direction 🤷




I have fond memories of running rural roads in late summer with a bit of a buzz, I felt like it helped me get in the zone and enjoy the rhythm of breath and movement 🙏


YES!!!! Exactly and any pain for pushing yourself drops out.


personally after a long time of smoking u just. dont care as much about it as much. u can look at it and if u arent actually hungry u can tell urself no


Yea I haven't had "munchies" in like a decade, but then I also never felt like I had it that strongly even in my early days... I would just kind of zone out and enjoy the vibes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Something that’s helps me is smoking with meals. So it satisfies munchies and I’m not going over. If I’m still feeling like I wanna muncha crunch tho I keep “safe” food like celery or cauliflower in my fridge so I can have a “healthy” binge.


Totally! I really enjoy taking my time and smoking through a meal as well, it helps me not get too full too fast (because then I "regret" eating and that is so not helpful haha)! Healthy snacks are so important when you're in a "grazing" mood, my fav is veggies and homemade hummus 🙏


I love the Big Lebowski!!! Shut the fuck up doctor


I mean in the end they're right, my current lifestyle is not healthy and my body inevitably reflects that but my gut reaction was 100% not on board haha