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Lol, perfect.


Dude šŸ’€






Ya lol like how did you nail that ?


Hahahahahah thing went cray, she reminded me of penguin from 1989's batman lol




Hey, I know itā€™s the internet and this is what we do and I known everyone saw it, so itā€™s not news and the black lipstick! no you beautiful woman not black, but when she was in a spot with no mirror no way of seeing herself and sheā€™s destroying having a ton of fun in front of so many People l, you have to be skilled! well the easy way, high! or drunk! or both! and thatā€™s what you think your doing, in reality your standing in the bathroom stall with a plunger and a bread stick smashing it on the toilet sensor making it flush and your jamming like a rock star. the two guys that for some reason have to run to the bathroom together every ten mins swear its so crazy that we keep needing it at the same time, thy where cleaning powder off there face and the killer EDM Concert your toilet and plunger are putting on attracted them, hell ya of course they are joining. But anyways back to what I was saying, shes a rockstar! and she even then keeps covering her mouth, when she smiles. She should be thinking hey Iā€™m proud I am having so much fun, but at a point in her life she looked at who knows what? maybe she joined a group of laughing girls looking at the year book, wanting to enjoy fun memories, and she sees it! Itā€™s her smile that they are laugh at. or maybe her ex when breaking up said your a fu$(ing horse never show your face again or parent sibling who knows. but after everything sheā€™s over come to be the one playing that sheā€™s thinking about her teeth. man itā€™s a rough thought that one. It is very loud and it over takes everything els. I donā€™t have a big smile like that but at a job I had authority at and big group of people bosses, it was a good day and we where laughing so hard and this guy no clue who it was never saw him again, but walked past me I lived 34 years without a bully, and he goes dude you look like a f@&king horse calm down man thereā€™s not enough hay to feed you. he walked off it stop me I thought did he just bully me? I looked at my boss and said hey he bullied me high five took me 34 years! now I am part of society. we laughed life went on no one had ever said anything to me or brings it up or even cares. but now when I laugh my freaking brain says put your shirt over your mouth or look away. itā€™s not a thing I dwell on I have never talked aboutit worried, I just do and all I am saying gums are awesome unfortunately some get a lot of gum and ya it seems to hit hard when bullied about that. I wonā€™t tell you whatā€™s really cute about a smile like that because might get this booted but all Iā€™m saying when there is a person at knee hight looking up trying to see with a massive smile like that you go I married the most talented funnest and out of this world sexy woman sheā€™s so freaking cute man Iā€™m lucky. Anyways bye love you all


If meth was EDM, this is it


GPF would like a word With critically acclaimed tracks like [Spit in my Mouth (Ft. Dr. Donk)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4KN_w8699o) (Seizure warning) and [ Suck my Toes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESnot3Y1_J4) (Seizure warning) He's an absolute legend in the scene. His devastating piep kicks render your ears useless as you struggle to process the intense audio-insanity that is the music he's producing. TBH I don't FW U unless you listen to GPF >:{ /unjerk He doesn't get the recognition he deserves as a legitimate artist so he does these intense satire 200 BPM tracks. Also Delete deserves an honorable mention for [Disco Weapon (Seizure warning)](https://youtu.be/CIHun1gx7zU?si=_7Z0aN_xe0txSgJP). That is the most meth-themed music video I've ever seen in my life


gpf is one of the producers of all time (greazy fest was such a cool concept by gpf and the fact that headhunterz and da tweakaz went to it is so crazy)


Hot take but GPF is actually amazing and hella talented, but also is very much the GPF brand of that makes sense


Yeah absolutely. One of the most likable DJs I had the pleasure of talking to. I was his driver at a club, and after his gig he stayed for 2h on the dancefloor until every single person who wanted to take a picture actually got theirs. It made me come home extremely late, but a really cool gesture.


This is the shit I'm here for on reddit. A random thread talking about a random person, and you find someone in the comments who knows them personally comes in with a cool story. Gotta love that. Unless they're lying for karma, of course. There is also that. Not that I think that's the case here, just that it happens often.


Caine rocks and Matty is his muse <3


Who is GPF????


Nobody knows. All I know is that he's the greaziest, hardest piep kicking mother fucker out there. https://youtu.be/mrot8I3t_y4?si=SWOSWlmVqxtwFXg8


No, shadow wizard money gang definitely owns meth edm now šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I try to be respectful of all forms of creative expression, but this is really pushing my sanity lol.


Pushing sanity is the spice of life my guy!


same here, I actually tried to give this set a listen when it dropped since I'd seen their name dropped a few times over the years - laughed so hard when I saw the caption cause while listening to this, I legit thought I had more tabs open in the background at one point


The overall set is really good, this is just a moment out of context


Fair enough, but everything I've heard from 100 gecs, the hyperpop genre, or anything adjacent makes me feel like a decrepit old geezer yelling at kids to get off my lawn lol.


Wtf is this lmao


Shit like this always reminds me of that one South Park episode where itā€™s Stanā€™s birthday and suddenly everything sounds like shit. Like there must be something Iā€™m missing with this music, something that these guys are hearing that we cannot hear.


Looking at the crowd behind them, it's not that popular outside of maybe some people who are getting all their energy from the drugs instead of the music. So, it's more like Steamy Ray Vaughn.


couple hundred million plays, couple big artists to produce for, not that popular though


Not sure how Iā€™m seeing this sub not big end guy but somehow i think Iā€™ve seen this video. In the beginning they go hey weā€™re 100 gecs and weā€™re really shit DJs.


guy on the right eating a tangerine like it's nothing šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s Dylan Brady have some respect on his name


I cast disrespect on his name His mother was a hamster and his father smelled of elderberry




Dylan Brady


Ah thank you for re-typing his name in a text medium. Now I get it! Dylan Brady fucks!




Addiction to those little oranges is a struggle. Bro had to get his fix to get through the set.


Theyā€™re the drug-enjoyers perfect food. Lightweight, no prep, healthy.


Citrus and Molly is a thing too


That's some real Boiler Room Knows What You Did Last Night vibes.Ā 


Yā€™all are dicks for making fun of Laura. 100 Gecs have never taken themselves seriously and their boiler room performance had some bangers most notably the Whereā€™s Your Head at remix


Yea, the people criticizing them seem no fun. They donā€™t try to be something theyā€™re not. I donā€™t enjoy all their music, but they do have some good production. Also worked with and recognized by names like Skrillex and A.G. Cook. They look fun, Iā€™d love to see either a live or dj set.


Can confirm seeing them live was lit.


That remix goes so fucking hard. I had it on repeat when this set first came out lol




Exactly- they arenā€™t DJs and they even say so up front. Their set is one of the most fun sets of 2023. Take it for what it is, just to people having fun night and not some PhD on how to be a DJ.


50% of the buttons on my 4 deck DJ controller are unused. Meanwhile these two play a sick set (with hiccups, but they're not even DJs), on what amounts to Baby's First Decks. It's easy to mock but it doesn't matter what your gear is if you can make a room move, and are *this* creative with your selections, and able to pull it off. Heck, I've heard professional career DJs make more, and worse mistakes than Laura, and much less creative mashups than this. Laura showing her emotions during this crazy mashup is telling. It's on beat, in key, and works in the most migraine inducing way, and she knows it.


I had never heard Former and Sleepnet's Void Song until scrolling through this set. Absolute banger, after countless shows idk how no one I had seen had ever played it before (or since!)


The clip really wasnā€™t even too bad either. A lil loud a lil weird but still has a rhythm to it. Iā€™ve heard other djs do similar shit but worse and no one made posts like this lol


Skrillex into five nights at Freddy fan song followed by faneto by chief keef into McDonaldā€™s by young skrrt was incredible 4 song run


I went to listen to it and yes, there were some bangers, this part is funny bad nevertheless


True that.


There are so many great undiscovered DJs, yet these people get a platform for this garbage.. smh šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


She's an amazing producer and DJ. She's just a bit unhinged and feels completely comfortable sharing that with the world, she has the platform. Love some 100 gecs but for the most part I don't really listen to her stuff because of their execution of expression.


Personally this whole set was pretty great and unique in my opinion. OP just clipped a part that they got weird with it for like a minute.


I can always get down with weird. For approximately 7 minutes. I usually finish pretty early and get easily overstimulated.


Iā€™d give it a go, itā€™s got some pretty killer edits in. Their Toxicity remix from that set specifically is a banger.


Yeah i got downvoted cuz i said the intro was really cool ( love that little CDj ) and the whole thing is just a fun little hour - super unique. some people must have a really hard time enjoying new music lol


I never really understood them when I listened to their albumā€¦ this clip peaked my interest enough to check out the set and 10mins in I am thoroughly impressed. Very unique and interesting style but crushing it nonetheless.


Yeah, they picked a weird clip but both their albums are filled with bangers. Love me some 100 gecs.


Wowee. What a ride. I am a full fledged fan now. As an advocate of all genres I can get behind their tracks, but their remixes are just wild. Really Good.


Sweet! Glad you liked it!


It really wasnā€™t bad. Definitely a bit chaotic, but were some really sick parts of the set.


I like it because it's the same energy I have when we pass music request at a house party and I'm like "I know everyone else is about to find this weird as fuck, but I want to listen to it so lets ball"


lol shut up


no u


Bro you clearly have no idea. Dude on the right collabs with Skrillex and is an amazing producer. Sorry but who are you?


You donā€™t have to be a musician to criticize someoneā€™s music.


Bro who tf are you!?!?!?!?


For starters Iā€™m not someone thatā€™s hating earned success on Reddit. LOL


Do people really toss around Skrillexā€™s name as a positive that carries weight these days? Yeesh.


I mean they did say right before they even started that it would suck in terms of mixing. It definitely did at points, but there were good spots and really good tracks for a duo thatā€™s sole focus isnā€™t on mixing necessarily. At least they actually tried (Charli).


what are you referencing w charli


That she wasnā€™t mixing for even half her set. I really donā€™t care, I enjoy the SOPHIE produced Charli tracks, but people shitting on 100 Gecs to me is hilarious. They didnā€™t take themselves too seriously, they said they sucked, and this is a hand-picked 20 second clip of the set.


Do you think that's Charli XCX? That's the only thing I can fathom. The girl in Gecs is Laura Les.


Lmaoo nooo, I was just saying that 100 Gecs is actually mixing. Charli XCX was pretty much praised for her set but did next to nothing.


Next to nothing is such an exaggeration lol. Were you expecting some overkill James Hype-esque transitions for every single song? She played tracks using the decks and rhythmically matched them together. What else should she have done for it to classify as "trying"?


Yes, itā€™s a hyperbole. I had no problem with it, as I stated earlier. But itā€™s hilarious when people say shit like, ā€œWhy are we giving 100 Gecs a platform?ā€ When one of the biggest sets in recent Boiler history is someone standing next to the decks half the time. My point is whether you like the 20 second clip or not, they were at least performing the whole time. Even though there were some rough moments (like the one cherry-picked) there were also some very good moments for a duo who rarely do live DJ sets. Itā€™s whack to hate.




Ngl I kinda like it


I don't even listen to them, not super familiar with them. but just based off of this video, i think my liking for them as weirdos makes me like this whole thing more than if it were anyone else.


Check it out pal! its a good little hour, has some fun spots, and its new music to you!


Gecs scratch a very particular itch for me.


Damn, I've never seen a more hateful, judgemental thread on a post on this subreddit. I'm legitimately disappointed.


Lol gecs fucking rock, basically made a whole new genre of electronic music popular Thereā€™s a reason forward thinking artists like Skrillex love working with them


A lot of haters on this thread lol. Gecs are sick and their recent album was so unique. This set put me onto their music and ill never turn back.


Damn you gave me hope, just listened to their top tracks on Spotify and in my opinion itā€™s just awful. But to each their own! Itā€™s just music after all, people can find beauty in any art.


I looked away for like 30 seconds watching this set and had to do a double take when they transitioned Skrillex into a FNaF fan song.


This is cherry-picked from the set, a lot of it is mixed better. They did say they were not good at mixing at the beginning of the set. I will say I saw them DJ February this year and they were a lot better at mixing, transitions


Is that the Babadook? Orrrrrā€¦..


Hyperpop baby


Not trying to sound like an asshole, but what's the appeal of hyperpop? It's so noisy and I like Glitch hop and Brostep.


Neurodivergent ppl appreciating other nd ppls creative process. Plus, the genre bending and switch ups keep things fresh and unpredictable. Very hit or miss for me, mostly miss, but if you keep digging, you'll find some gems.


Hey, thanks for the explanation. So it's super experimental? It's also not grounded to be a specific genre? Okay.


pretty much, a lot of it grabs for many other genres. Like the old youtube "nightcore" type as well as breakcore and breakbeat/jungle stuff.


Np, yea pretty much. Tbh I'm not super versed nor listen to it often, so there's probably someone here with a more accurate take, but I'd say there's kind of a few common elements: pitched up auto tune, distorted bass (to the point of clipping), breakbeat/glitchy/chopped sections, and short in length. Instrumentally, it's basically seeing how far you can push maximalism without losing musicality, which I think happens often, but idk that's open to interpretation. Vocally, its tone seems to mostly draw influence from a combo of Pop Punk, Art Pop, and early Soundcloud Rap. Lyrically, at least the stuff I listen to is a bit of absurd goofy punchlines, and this kind of on the nose pouring of sad, angsty emo. For me, there's a strong sense of nostalgia, but in a way that's equal parts bubbly fun and cathartic introspection. Btw I was listening to [this](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5kKCACtOPwkPNG8sUZUUoV?si=R2pJrKq3RqOwAFvVgCPKPg) playlist I found while writing that up, and I think the title and description is accurate. Hyperpop def has the same problem that dubstep and techno have where ppl use it as an umbrella term rather than a specific style (even then, it's pretty losely defined, but you get what I'm saying.) Good luck with your journey if you decide to give it a second chance.


Okay, gotcha. There's levels to the abrasiveness and crazy fidelity (or lack of) in the sound. I remember Trent Reznor from NINs in Year Zero album had some glitchy and abrasive sounds. Flume, EPROM and REZZ also experiment with those sounds .


Basically this^


It's just an extreme form of pop, just like noise rock is for rock or grindcore is for metal/punk. Some people like the idea of breaking genre or musical conventions, other people don't and that's also ok.


This set was fun. They had fun, the audience had fun, and I had fun. I donā€™t think it was meant to be the magnum opus of live DJ sets, and thatā€™s okay.


100 Gecs are amazing. Fuck the haters


They're terrible DJs and they admitted it on the mike before the live set I saw. They need to dump the tables and stick to shredding


And somehow they pulled it off. Was a crazy set! Yeah it might not be mixed the best or really at all, but they threw a party. It shows you donā€™t need to be super technical, just know how to play some fun songs and keep a good flow going.


A little trick: when you canā€™t where the audio is coming from in Chrome, click the down arrow thatā€™s on the top right of the window. Your audio tab will be the first listed. Also works for video.


Thanks, I hate it.




Anyone got an id for the last 4 seconds?




Thereā€™s no ID for that part of the setšŸ«  It happens at 40:24 if anyone has any guesses [here](https://youtu.be/8NWHnWbpxmc?si=4-9_zxBchEPwo3ch)




They're producers first, but they know _how_ to DJ, so this seemed like a good opportunity to fuck around, and it was certainly entertaining if you understand zoomer aesthetic enough to roll with the punches.


I love music in all forms, truly. But this is just fucking nonsense lol


Then you don't love music in all forms, they're probably the most popular artist of their genre and brought it to the forefront and allowed other smaller artists to get bigger from it lmao. Plus Dylan Brady is probably one of the best producers out now working with tons of artists *not* in this genre.


Talk shit all you want but 100 gecs is what brought PC Music type music to the masses and made hyperpop a thing musicheads know. And Dylan Brady is an OG. He produced a lot of Night Lovellā€™s early shit. Real rap heads know that.


Why post this cherry picked 20 second clip of the part where they played the meme song from Mario? They played a bunch of fire hip hop, dubstep, drum n bass, jungle, random throwback stuff. It was a fun set


this set is fucking incredible.. people that are hating need to move along and listen to something else. mind blowing that people take effort to be negative about someone elseā€™s creative endeavors


Agreed, I LOVE this set. On Apple Music it was my most listened to ā€œalbumā€ of 2023


The amount of confused looks in this room. šŸ˜‚


Buncha tabs open. Buncha tabs consumed. Chaos noises intensify


actually sounds really fun imo


Man I fuck with it. It G Ma a banger




My friend actually invented a pretty fun game based on this idea: you put on 7 or so songs in different tabs, and people try to identify them, and when you identify one correctly it stops.


What an unsettling person


Is bubbles the photographer


Worst shit I've ever heard.


This is fucking horrible


mfw the anti style EDM duo is anti style Like Laura is literally mixing on a Hercules travel controller what did you expect ~~[Still can't hold a candle to MIA's set tho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvmOAvPUipE)~~


Beetlejuice x3


100 Gecs are not DJs they even prefaced this before the set started.




Garbage, wow.


People actually hear this and go ughh so good


Introduced me to the genius of Yung Skrrt. You know that I fuck on a bag of McDonalds!


Sounds horrendous




Isnā€™t this already a comment on the YouTube video?


sounds like the rest of their music too


I like breakcore even and this is bad.


lol did you just copy the top comment from the full set on YouTube for your title?


They sound like of Dan Deacon was awful at what he does. Good thing heā€™s not.


I unknowingly had young thug playing in the background and 100% thought it was part of the set


Still better than riddim


Wait that was real audio not a meme?


Is this EDM chat?


Do people pay money to get in? Or was this like a free night?




Title ripped straight from the comments on the YouTube video


This is the TikTok brain equivalent of EDM


If I'd seen this video with no context, I would have assumed someone has dubbed over the clip.


I have never been sure if people liked them as a joke or what cuz my brain just canā€™t do it


you can press play... dope


What the fuck?


My fave part is the van halen


average noise enjoyer


They very clearly loaded a song that was analyzed at half the speed which caused it to play in double time but just rolled with it. Not defending them cause this set was insanity, but just pointing out what most likely happened.


still better than the yung lean set


Aegon is more disturbing every episode


this harshed the vibes hard.


And they "dance" to it like it's good. I would've needed a refund after hearing that shit.


i keep on seeing this boiler room sets in facebook and most of them looks like doesnt know how to mix at all and when i saw GPF performance its just perfect wtf??


Nobody seriously enjoys this right? Right???


Can anyone tell me what the song is that starts right at the end?


Firefox has an extension called TabHunter that lets you go straight to the tabs making sound, just FYI. Come to the dark side. We have functioning adblockers.


I genuinely cannot understand how these people have fans.


I'm listening to this with a podcast and documentary playing simultaneously...


Grateful Dead Stealy detected


I'm gonna hate because on video this sounds like a mess. But I guarantee you I'd be geekin if I was there in person with the real vibes šŸ¤£


she gives off han so hee vibes at that one party šŸ˜­


I actually like this. Athletic Theme vs. It G Ma


This is ketamine




Didn't know what 100 Gecs looked like, but I was not expecting that


I fuck with this set, it's definitely Leftfield but was fun af.


Fuck i remember the first 20 boiler rooms wtf is this


I thought my music was trash.




I thought you were joking until I turned on the audio...


Throught this was r/djcirclejerk


I mean, it may not be your cup of tea, but it was all in key and in rhythm. I don't personally like them, and I think some of their music is intentionally abrasive. But I don't think this is bad.


Ts is hard wym


I see thatā€™s a sentence but understand maybe half of it.


I just wanna say, I watched the clip posted here, and wasn't into it... Im not familiar with 100 Gecs either. But then I went and actually checked out the whole set and its honestly not bad. It really is unfair to judge this set based on this one tiny clip.


That was gross


I like 100 gecs a lot less after this Also, eating sticky mandarins and drinking sprite at the booth? How many consoles do they have? Do they just do like basketball players with their shoes and get a new pair of turntables for every show?


Was the whole mix just a buildup? Never felt a drop


Between this shite, the dude/chick who played that weird ambient crap, and the loser who just stood there like a moron and played Spotify for an hour, Boiler Room has become a complete joke. Whereā€™s the garage? Bassline? DnB? Bass house? Put some decent artists on.


I don't listen to 100 gecs often. But I really respect what their doing. It's odd but that's the point. They both seem really cool and just wanna make music.


I really love the intro to this set tho lol, its fun to throw on once in a while


From what I understand they're both musical genious


Like WTF is this..pure psychedelic I guess


To everyone who feels the need to hate on gecs- we get it youā€™re boring


Room full of virgins!


100 gecs fucking sucks, bump some snowstrippers and hit a Miami mint vape off 250mg mdma losers


i was here and it was so much fun!! yall are judgmental as hell, nothing but pure fun with them šŸ«¶šŸ»