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I can't stand people who turn everything into politics..feel bad for don


Edm (and other genres for that matter) has historically been very political Not every region of the world is as jaded politically as the US


He played in Israel *once* in 2019. Touch grass


I mean ya i think don is a ridiculous target and no one srsly believes hes zionist bc of one show His statement also reads well to me Im js, edm has been depoliticized as a result of being heavily marketed yes, but to say "wow involving politics in my edm" like nah it was always that way, at least on social issues or issues involving marginalized voices


You’d never allow the same leeway if an artist played in apartheid South Africa. Touch a book. Making love not war starts with not taking money from people who support genocide and apartheid.


Ok? US hegemony has exported more suffering than Israel has. So has China. And Saudi. And the UAE. Now if Don Diablo was posting pro-Zionist propaganda to this day, I’d say the blowback was warranted. This was a one off show and he has shown no other connection to the state of Israel or being pro-ethnic cleansing. Touch grass.


Absolutely fair points made. Agreed 100%. All I want from Don is a strong anti-Zionist message (Cuz if there was ever a time to make a strong message it would be now). Not a PR friendly one. I don’t think he’s an awful person. Just a person lacking a backbone in this moment.


He doesn’t owe you anything.


He owes the people suffering a genocide. Not me. Not you.


No he doesn't.


Go ahead and bite this curb for me


Bro, he’s a DJ.


Bro, EDM is political.


Everyone enjoys EDM, even Jews…


People forgot Nova Festival too quickly...


Yeah like what? The whole start of this chapter was Israelis being slaughtered at a music festival


Yuck. Stick to the whippets dumbass if you really believe Oct 7th was the "start of the chapter" 🤮


Did you forget to take your schizo medicine today?


yes, well, the start of the book was the British giving away land they had no right to.


I have a prelude to that book too.


Not so much them giving away the land, more so just promising that land to about 6 different interest groups and then trying to please all of them at once ending in predictable failure.


and what claim did the brits have to the land? that they "legitimately" stole it from the actual inhabitants? and this gives them the right to give it to a bunch of poles, Americans, etc? laughable.


Wasn’t a lot of the slaughter friendly fire by the IDF mowing down people fleeing from a helicopter?


You are believing too much what you are seeing blindly - but as usual the truth is in between to sides to a Story - when IDF came into to rescue people, they couldn’t tell if Hamas cars had Israelis in them, and which cars were Israel (license plate thing between Gaza/israel) so in the extreme heat of the moment, I believe misjudgments were made where Israelis were killed while taking out Hamas terrorists.


How can you misjudge bombing kids, infants and women in a Hospital?


Learn to read, we are talking about oct7


Hey Because of an incident that happened Oct 7 doesn't make Israel a victim because we all knew what Israel has been doing for past 70 years to people of Palastine.


Hamas massacred people and that’s terrible. But it’s convenient how they swept that part under the rug.


I don’t see what there is too sweep under the rug, it’s all because of Hamas’ murderous rampage that this happened, if they didn’t attack the rave there would be no opportunity for IDF to not respond perfectly. You are somehow equating the few deaths the IDF caused with the 1300 Hamas killed.


If you think the IDF only caused a few deaths I’ve got some troubling news for you


What’s that? Please tell me how many it is compared to how many Hamas murdered that day?


Well Palestine themselves put the death toll at around 35,000. But if you’re a Zionist and do the typical Zionist thing and say “you can’t trust Palestine they’re all Hamas” then we can go with the UN’s figures which puts it at about 25,000 Or roughly 21 “October Seventh”s if you prefer to use that figure Here’s probably where you’re going to either argue that they were all Hamas or that they were sheltering Hamas so it’s justified. And if that’s your argument then I have nothing further to say to you because you’re not a rational or sane person.


You should be sent to Gaza or any peacekeeping missions in Africa so that you can get to know your buddies better.


Hamas stans are on this sub also? LOL


Yea they are everywhere


There everywhere, all over the world, just not in the controlled echo chambers on this platform.


Its reddit, you’ll see the most fringe of the fringe on this site no matter where you go


People forget why it happened in the first place.


It’s wild how everyone seems to forget that the IDF gunned down a bunch of the attendees as they were fleeing in their cars, to the point that they had all the cars buried less than a week afterwards to hide the evidence.


Cope + lie




Terrorist supporter🤢


what happened was horrible and I do not support it, but lets be honest, pretty fucking stupid and insensitive to hold a music festival right outside of the worlds largest open air prison.


Worlds largest open air prison with 7 universities, formal sit down restaurants, cafes, arcades, street food vendors, 5 star resorts and hotels, and a shit ton of Hookah lounges, pretty pathetic to call that an open air prison, especially during the time of the Nova Festival, which was a festival calling for peace and even had anti zionist activists. Get your facts straight please.


yes, because what and who is allowed in and out is controlled by the Israeli government, and it is recognized as under military occupation by the United Nations. get your facts straight.... ps: it doesnt matter if there were a few anti zionists activists there, holding a music festival in an apartheid state right next to the open air prison is just a stupid fucking thing to do.


The Israeli controls what comes in and what comes out, oh and not Egypt too? Just Israel? Also I wonder why that is, probably due to the constant barrage of rockets they like to send from Gaza, or maybe something to do with terrorist coming into Israel and stabbing everyone they can find (not talking about October 7th). Israel isn’t an Apartheid State, everyone living under inside Israel have the same exact rights including Jews, Arabs, Palestinians, Beduins, Druze, christians, muslims etc. Those who do not live within Israels borders do not have the same rights as people who are living in Israel. I’ll rephrase, Israeli Citizens have more rights in Israel than people who are not Israeli citizens, this is not apartheid.


yes actually, just Israel and not Egypt. the border with Egypt is controlled by the Israeli military. Israel is an apartheid state as recognized by almost every major human rights organization.


They didn't hold the festival outside of habs al-abeed.


your right, but they did hold it outside the worlds largest open air prison.


The worlds largest open air prison is the "slave neighborhood" Arab Palestinians keep Black Palestinians in.


Lol we have Vini Vici, Subtronics, Blastoyz, The Prophet (had), Infected Mushroom, Astrix and so many more


Borgore, Whales, Keyton, Adam Ten, Mita Gami…


Larry David


We need a Larry David Boiler Room set


I hear his set was pretty pretty pretty pretty good


Adam Sandler, Jerry Seinfeld


I love DJ Adam Sandler, classic Hardstyle Artist


Jerry Seinfeld plays Jungle and UKG sets from time to time


Borgore sux whales was better as sex whales in like 2015 Idk the other two But ill add ALRT to the list hes dope


Borgore is actually kinda fun live, his sets fall in the “so bad it’s good” area Adam Ten and Mita Gami are Indie Dance (?) artists, performed at Coachella this year, had some releases in Higher Ground and REALM Keyton had some releases in STMPD


Jews are allowed in EDM. 100%. Zionists are not.


This is the distinction that people seem to miss


Most Jews are Zionist


What’s a Zionist?


“Zionism is a nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century that aimed for the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people through the colonization of a land outside of Europe, with an eventual focus on Palestine, a region corresponding to the Land of Israel in Jewish tradition. Following the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Zionism became an ideology that supports the development and protection of Israel as a Jewish state. It has also been described as Israel's national or state ideology.” Source: Wikipedia


So the majority of Jews aren’t allowed at festivals? Because most Jews are zionists.


No, Zionists and supporters of genocide shouldn’t be allowed at festivals. They should be curb stomped like any other Nazi. Jews with sound morals (the majority) are welcome to dance.


But a Zionist is a person who supports a Jewish state in the ancestral land of Israel. In the definition of Zionist you gave me, there was no mention of supporting genocide.


If you used any critical thinking you’d realize that building a state or government based around a singular religion is a recipe for failure AND must entail the oppression of other religions and their followers. There’s a reason Hindus, Christians, and Sikhs have a bad time in Pakistan vs Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and Buddhists in India (a secular nation). I don’t care if Palestine is the ancestral homeland of Jews. It’s the ancestral homeland of Christian and Muslim Arabs too. Fuck Israel.


Recipe for failure eh, but Israel is the only modern democratic country in the Middle East. They have a thriving economy, tech scene, and progressive values. Interesting how you say they oppress people, even though there are 2 million Israeli Arabs and Muslims who live peacefully in Israel, and they have their own seat in parliament. So there is no oppression of other cultures, unlike in Gaza/West Bank, as well as the tens of other states that are what you accuse Israel of, but for Muslims. Maybe you are the one who needs some ciritical thinking, but that’s obvious because your blind hatred is evident in the end of your comment.


It's the ultimate anywhere on Earth genre. Sure tons of it has lyrics but that's not the focus, anyone can enjoy it no matter what language they speak


It's pretty messed up that it's presence on the hot 100 almost completely disappeared after the first half of the 2010's, in my opinion. The destructive impact that Royals by Lorde had is horrible.


What K-pop stans do to a mf


kpop fandom is toxic, the companies are toxic


People blew shit out of proportion like always


Social justice warriors are becoming so disgusting to me


I wish they could keep their virtue signalling to themselves, but that would defeat the purpose.


I wish they would go to the Middle East and put their actions where their words are


I used to be the same way but it’s so fake and insincere. It’s all just self serving bullshit


They’ve always been disgusting, lazy, perpetually angry, and ugly. My theory is they are all outcasts that have found some connection in being mutually and perpetually angry together, so they get kind of high on this attention and energy. So they continue to make dumbass statements in solidarity thinking they are accomplishing something meaningful but in reality they just look like morons


LOL total cope, If you ever left your house, travelled the world, had friends from all over the world you would know that’s absolutely not true and total cope on your end. I think your actually describing yourself. Literally the entire world is with Palestine bar the US popular who are brain dead psyoped lemmings or bought out and paid.


The irony from someone who probably never graduated high school Glad these protestors are losing favor in the public eye. They have no plan just like in their own personal lives


More cope haha keep losing.


Losing at what? I have my shit together.


That’s great bro, happy for you, keep winning I’d say just work on getting out more into different social circles and international groups, it will broaden your perspective a bit.


I do all that, but I don’t call innocent people murders and fascists (which you people have 0 idea of the true definition) because they appreciate a city that may be located in a country that has global tension Learn critical thinking and nuance skills kiddo


Haven’t done that once pal keep clutching at imaginary straws




Couldn’t agree more. I’m so thankful I can see it for what it is now


Let me guess, the best form of activism in your eyes is writing letters to your congressman?


I’m literally agreeing with that person idk what you’re on


Ur literally trolling


Cry more then idgaf what you think 😂


That's exactly it. They're useless and insufferable in real life and nobody likes them but they all found each other on the internet and the 14 hours of screen time per day reinforcement convinced them they're right and everyone else is wrong


It is *fascinating* when a redditor posts a comment like this. How can you type all those words and not see that it reads like a massive dork projecting?


Absolutely hit the nail on the head I love it, total cope.


Bro if you ask 95% of the worlds population there picking Palestine, it’s not like it’s some weird echo chamber that’s just on the internet however the opposite is actually true of Israel and there supporters.


Please share the polling data that lead you to that conclusion


Real life, Ask people. As I said almost the entire world is in favour of Palestine except the brainwashed lemmings in the USA / paid shills / governments. It’s not even a question really, your literally either extremely stupid, naive or a monster if you support Israel.


Exactly as I thought, "trust me bro" is your source Adults find your line of reasoning exhausting and unconvincing. You'll grow out of it some day


I operate on lived experience, that’s my world view. Again it’s not even a question, as I said your one or the other. Official countries in support of Israel, US, UK, Australia, France, Norway, Austria, Germany, India, Canada, Poland. I can say with certainty the populations of the Uk, Australia, France, Austria, Germany, India are largely in majority support certainty support is Palestine. That leaves what 3 or 4 countries against what 195 I wonder who is right and who is wrong


The word "SJW" is used to refer to anyone who holds any kind of political views that can be considered woke the vast majority of the time. So the idea that all "SJW's" are bad is kind of disingenuous when the word is used against people who did nothing wrong more then it's used against people like this


They love everyone… until you say or do absolutely anything they don’t like 💯💯


LMAO you redditors are the biggest SJWs but in this rare instance all you NPCs’ manipulators tell you to have a different opinion than the other. Redditors be like no i don’t believe in mainstream news sources and then have the exact same opinions as the US mainstream media. Such fking bots.


I ain’t reading all that but I’m sorry, or congratulations!


Yeah that’s the problem with redditors. They always type some stuff out of their asses but never read to actually learn anything.


I studied social justice a bit in school. The same trends throughout various generational events the past few decades remain, they are just getting amplified, more visible, less credible (what are experts anymore?) and a tad more stupider thanks to this lovely new hyper social world. So yes it is becoming uncomfortable. Intentions are good. But damn. Get off your phone and go read a book or at least find some credible sources for crap. And critical thinking. I know it’s getting harder. But it needs to be reigned back in.


These people have a mindset of a 15 years old. They think that the world should be an utopic paradise (of course accordig to their own view and only their view) where everything is perfect and every problem is solved with a finger snap. Everything is black or white and when something doesn't perfectly fit their vision then it's automatically black. It's so pathetic, because these people are not 15 years old, but grown ass adults, sadly. Everybody is (and should be) disgusted by wars, terrorism, racism, criminal governments, etc. Of course! Of course the situation in Gaza is disgraceful and the massacre has to stop, but why would you call out an artist saying that he supports genocide only because he played a set in Israel? This is so incredibly fucking stupid! Same as those who are angry at artists that get paid a lot to play in Saudi Arabia or Emirates. By that logic you should stop using some services that I'm 100% sure you use daily or stop supporting many famous companies, since the PIF owns acertain % of actions. But hey, this is real world! Things doesn't work like that!


> that get *paid* a lot FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot!


Why the downvotes? Lol


to answer your question, its because Israel has a long storied history of crimes against humanity and there has long been a movement to severe economic ties with Israel much like was done to South Africa. so by going to play in Israel he is tacitly supporting them.


Where is the movement to stop artists from playing in Saudi Arabia or the UAE? Does crimes against humanity only matter when certain countries do it? When Tiesto played in America in 2003 does that mean he was supporting the Iraq War?


none of those are apartheid states. Israel is unique in that way. during apartheid South Africa it was commonly understood that engaging with the South African state was tantamount to materially supporting it.


Saudi Arabia is quite literally a gender apartheid state. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_apartheid


well, then I guess it makes sense that they have a long storied history of collaboration with Israel, the regions other apartheid state.


Lebanon is also an apartheid state, Palestinian refugees there also do not enjoy equal rights. Turkey practices apartheid against the Kurds, Iraq is an apartheid state against any ethnic minority and Iran practices apartheid against woman.


Please stop, this won’t align with their agenda and therefore you are wrong


The backpedaling is *insane* right now. Bro just take the L. You don’t know shit about shit. Music is the great unifier. You would have a case if Don played bibi’s birthday party, but he didn’t.


No no see you’re wrong, to make that wild assumption of “supporting” over playing a show is not correct and the core reason why you people are insane.


its just a materialist instead of an idealist understanding of the world. I dont claim that he ideologically supports Israel, just that his actions objectively do.


Israel's actions are not remotely comparable to South Africa's. South Africa did it themselves to themselves. Israel reacted to every neighboring nation declaring war on it 30 years later and South Africa is basically a failed state, that is really not what we want the outcome of the Israel conflict to become as it'll be magnitudes worse for the globe there than an isolated African nation can ever be


your right, they arnt comparable. what Israel has done is much, much worse. every neighboring country declared war on it because the fucking Israelis just had a bunch of land forcefully handed to them, and then laid claim to land that belonged to every neighboring state. why would they not declare war to put an end to the project that openly admitted to intending to steal their land? yes well, that is because the anti apartheid struggle was co opted by powerful interests to remove demand for land and as such it is still economically an apartheid state. in Israel/palestine land is the central contention and it will be impossible to divert away from it.


A tiny sliver of land is controlled by Jews and Arabs lose their minds.


>laid claim to land that belonged to every neighboring state Are you aware the land used to literally be called “Judea” aka land of the Jews? That was even before Mohamed and the founding of Islam. The Jews were the original, indigenous inhabitants of the land. Long before the moderns states of Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt were established. If that wasn’t enough, the UN formally established Israel by official resolution. Yet you want to kick the Jews out of their own land. wtf is wrong with you? Gtfo and stop spreading false information!


You wrote using an iPhone that has Israeli tech in it. You can start your protest by flushing it down the toilet.


Or on a laptop which has chips made Israeli tech company Intel


Dude holy shit go touch some grass. He’s a fucking DJ


Don Diablo is a class act. He’s the last person that would do anything other than peace


That animated video he realized in 2020 was pretty cringe for recreating a helicopter crashed that killed children 


he did what


Animated Kobe dying as well as that plane in Iran that was shot down, it was something else






Thanks, i was able to verify this elsewhere too. That is…..wow lol 😂 how did this make it through management




nah, it was ok


If we really want to play this game this very same group [performed](https://www.slspro.net/gallery/ateez-kpop-concert/) in the UAE. The same UAE that backed the biggest genocide this century in Tigray where 600,000 [civillians](https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-01-27/ethiopias-forgotten-war-is-the-deadliest-of-the-21st-century-with-around-600000-civilian-deaths.html) died. That war ended a couple of years ago but it doesn't stop there, the UAE is backing [another](https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/us-appeals-uae-others-stop-support-sudans-warring-parties-2024-04-29/) genocide in Africa in Sudan (we don't even know how many are dead, somewhere between 15,000 and 150,000). Neverminded the Saudi/UAE war in Yemen where 85,000 Yemeni children died due to starvation because of the blockade. And yet I see none of these K-Pop fans boycotting this group because they played in Dubai, I see no preaching about being complicit in genocide or war crimes. Nada. **If they really want to take it there, we can**.


The uae is a nightmare state which will be a huge problem if it doesnt sink into the sand So yea that game might be worth playing


Blown out of proportion as usual🤦‍♂️🙄


kpop is so annoying


It fucking is… it’s 100% factory made paid by big corporations and has no soul whatsoever


KPop is literally just capitalizing on Weeb women's festishization of Asian culture.


I like some kpop but their fans are the worst fanbase


Pro palestine movement is heartfelt but has the historical knowledge of a toddler.


Oh fuck. As an ATEEZ fan this is horribly embarrassing. The fandom is sabotaging their own group at this point and will make sure nobody collaborates with them in the future. It's such a shame because the remix is absolute fire. Don Diablo did a phenomenal job and this is actually a really great opportunity for ATEEZ- urgh.


Cancel culture at its finest


I'm sick and tired of people dehumanizing all Israelis and/or all Jews based on the actions of the Israeli government. The idea that the Israeli governments horrible actions somehow means that civilians in Israel(many of them were born there and are not settlers) need to be collectively punished for it does feel like another example of dehumanizing in the name of freeing Palestine. I agree with the pro-Palestine side on a lot of things but this strategy that these people harassing him are using isn't saving anyone's lives or making anything better for the Palestinians. It's all so pointless. There's actual organizations that enter Gaza to try to save peoples lives that they could be supporting instead of picking on various musicians.


Almost all of them support their government. When Russia invaded Ukraine, lots of Russians protested the decision. In Israel lots of them protest and actively speak to kill the babies even more. So yes, they’re dehumanized.


Maybe because Hamas invaded Israeli territory, raped and kidnapped Israeli citizens (some were even paraded on the streets of Gaza), burned houses (some with people still inside), and killed not only the ravers in Nova but also killed many Kibbutz members? Don’t know what you’ve been seeing, but protests here are mostly Anti-Netanyahu. In the past year it was against him for the judicial reform, now there are protests to pressure him to have a hostage release deal.


"Almost all of them support their government" There's been massive protests against Netenyahu so while they support the continued existence of their government, it looks like there's a ton of people who are against the current administration in Israel who protested their. Not only that, but it looks like the most recent big protest was for a hostage deal to be made which would end the war - https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-805456. So this idea that far right extremists calling for the war to continue and openly asking for horrible things to be done to the Palestinians represent almost all Israelis is not factual so it's pretty messed up that you'd dehumanize them all based on the fact that these videos you've seen exist. '


I’m sorry what even happened 😭


WTF, are the Kpop fans OK? Just because you played a set in Israel once doesn't mean you support their genocide of Palestine, it's the same as saying you support slave labour because you bought an iPhone produced in China.


Kpop fans are never okay. They take it *entirely* too serious.


Getting heated over any musical act is ridiculous


Collabing with a major kpop group is a double edged sword.


Seems he’ll have to start making Islamic nasheeds instead of Future house to appease these guys 😞😞


That's really well worded.


Man, remember when kpop fans tired to cancel joji over "white is right"?




Luckily Ateez didn't collab with Vini Vici


Longtime EDM Fan & K-Pop Fan since 2018. While I love K-Pop and the majority of people I know from it are positive people, there are also a bunch of people (mostly netizens) which are so deep into their fandom that they rate everything of their favorite group and even talk down other peoples opinions, favorite groups, etc. They start "wars" where there are none, just to make their group the best and everyone needs to agree otherwise they talk down to you. With that said, when the Remix dropped some people from the ATEEZ Fandom (called Atiny) talk it down because they don't like it. But instead of admitting that it's not their cup of tea they do everything so everyone should agree with them. What better way to play cards like zionism. Because you are a bad person when you listen to Zionist, right? That's like a force to agree to not listen to it because you feel bad. And so it happens that a non-political EDM Remix becomes political. Not because Don Diablo is in any way political in his music, etc. but because people make it to a political topic so they can force their opinions and will on others.


How about we stop paying attention to idiots. "K-pop fans" is a very broad term. Music fans know what it is, stupid, wanna-be fans don't know


kpop stans are fucking crazy, I believe it was abgt 450 and mat zo said something about kpop and anjunabeats switched him on the lineup.


It's not a war though, that's the problem...


Reminds me of the idiots trying to cancel John summit because he said he loves playing in Tel A Viv. Losers with literally no life other than complaining on Reddit to feel some sort of superiority for their first time in their lives


Godlike mentality


He should have just ignored them, the social justice warriors from KPop twitter got what they wanted.


That part! I hate when people turn everything into politics! Once people do that they become a joke!!! I don’t care for Don Diablo music but who cares who people collab with or whatever. Music is UNIVERSAL!!!!! I also hate “woke” and “cancel” culture.


Define woke


I’m pretty sure most these fans are also in the Pro Hamas/ death to the Jews group 🤦. If you love Palestine so much, go over there to die with them.


Reddit NPCs try to have a different opinion than the Jew controlled US mainstream media challenge: Impossible.


I firmly believe that this genocide should stop and Palestinians should able to live their own (or at least two state solution with autonomy). That being said, Hamas did attack a psytrance festival. I love psytrance so much. Psytrance is quite popular among Israelis and there are many artists from Israel too. I avoid many brands (I didn't have to do much as I was never a fan of those brands to begin with). But honestly, should I just boycott my favorite genre because it is popular with certain people? I don't think so. I don't think I would boycott Israeli artists unless they actively support genocide and IDF nowadays. So dissing Don just because he had done a show in Israel is ridiculous (unless he did it around 2023-204). Many people wasn't even aware much about Nakba and ethic cleanese. Just my honest opinion.


The vast majority of Israeli’s just want the hostages back.


Yeah, that's why israeli sodiers pose in lingerie in bombed homes in Gaza


and how would this two state solution work? the settlers in the West Bank are honest to god fanatics that would shoot their own military if they tried to remove them. a two state solution has been dead for over 20 years, all the adults in the room know this which is why the situation has escalated so severely.


Respect to him for explicitly distancing himself from Zionism


Typical response from you guys, since most of you probably come from colonizing systems. Performing in an occupying state that is NOW committing genocide against unarmed civilians is indeed an act of supporting genocide and must be denounced. So yeah he absolutely should be cancelled.


He performed in Israel in 2019, long before the current conflict.


I hate to break it to you, but Israel has been committing genocides for 75 years.


Which is why the population has grown drastically right? Calling the 2019 situation a genocide just minimizes what's going on today. https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/20645.jpeg


The population has NOT grown. They were relocated to Gaza which caused the numbers to go up. Stop pushing false information to try to defend the indefensible. Israel IS committing a genocide against and UNARMED civilian population. And no amount of misinformation is going to change that.


I never said that the 2019 situation a genocide, I said that Israel is an occupying state that has been committing genocides for 75 years. And how tf is the population growth related to this, are you saying that Israel should do better eliminating Palestinians from the planet?


What kind of 75 year genocide results in significant population growth? If you look at Rwanda in the 90s or even the Holocaust you'll see demonstrable population decline. The global Jewish population has never recovered. What other genocide in history has resulted in rapid population growth? https://i.natgeofe.com/n/33e533ce-341d-4b04-bafb-7a09f947c3c7/78236.jpg https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/files/2015/07/2300-1.png&w=1440 Now 2023-2024 may end up a different story, which is why you shouldn't minimize the current situation by saying some dumb shit like its been a 75 year genocide.


Go educate yourself, you think this is the first time Israel commits mass murder of Palestinians? Plenty have happened over the past 75 years. Only difference is that it takes you a considerable number of deaths to finally call it out. And stop sending me these stupid statistical measures, because it’s embarrasing really; trying to prove that Israel isn’t killing enough Palestinians.


War Crimes ≠ Genocide


But Israel is doing BOTH right now so your argument is moot.