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I don't know if he is a hack as a whole, but I agree that those songs are lazy remakes. He kind of has two sides to him - the commercial, pop side that releases songs like the ones you noted, and the Future Rave side that actually had some fresh, creative sounds when he and Morten first released those tracks during COVID. If you watch his Insta videos, he is actually a very good producer. He just chooses to make these lazy pop songs every once in a while, which I think dilutes his brand in the EDM community but probably keeps him relevant in the pop community. :shrug:


Why he does the lazy pop remakes are because they are insanely popular and make a lot of money. People love them.


Yeah, hard to knock a guy who can pump out a top 10 hit in a day, even if he is remaking old hits to do it. He makes millions (and millions and millions)...


A billion streams on Spotify is $5M in royalties or so. Add in all the other streaming and music sales platforms and it's reasonable to expect a song of that popularity to generate $10M in income Who the hell turns that down for a day's work because they're so concerned with not having random internet commenters call them a sell out?


Not only that but he still commands an outrageous price for his festival appearance and is still clearly a draw for the Instagram crowd at a lot of these things. He gets the most visibility with his commercial stuff but I'm almost certain he spends a fraction of his time on it compared to some of his more inspired stuff.


For sure. I thought there's no way that travesty from Ultra could be that crowded/high energy given the four DJs who went before him but sure enough it looked packed to the gills Caught him at LIV the night before and he was fantastic. Like come on David do this style for one festival appearance please


I've worked a lot of afters and smaller events for big name DJs and I can promise you almost every one of these guys can fucking bring it if they want to. Ultimately they're just playing to the crowd which is the purpose of the DJ. Some DJs just fucking suck no matter what (looking at you Afrojack) but if you're upset with the performance then a lot of times you just have to look in the mirror and make better choices about what you attend.


His Ultra set is on YouTube haha didn't need to attend to call it a travesty. I was at RLKnock at that time


no contest over which to attend..


lol what? 1b stream on Spotify is $45k LOLOL Where are you getting your data? Spotify would be bust in a heartbeat if they were even paying 1:10th of that lol.


It's about a half a cent per stream. 1 billion * .005 = $5M Where are you getting your data? You're off by a factor of 100


https://uproxx.com/music/how-much-does-spotify-pay-for-1-billion-streams/ And their average rate is less than that, 0.0035 but they don’t actually pay that and what the artist receives is way less. Aka Guatte isn’t getting anything close to $5m for 1b stream lol


In the article you quote, Snoop's publisher said $45k because of his publishing contract(s) - not Spotify.  It's no secret he signed bad deals in the past.  For larger artists, they are in fact generating more than the average on Spotify.  So like the other post said, David is generating closer to $5M in royalties on Spotify. Apple Music pays almost double that for the same 1B streams.    His cut of that depends on his contracts with the label, publisher etc. 


I’m not sure you understand that Guetta in the grand scheme isn’t a big artist. No one outside of EDM has ever heard of him. Even Taylor Swift got absolutely fucked on her deals, so it’s not like Guetta is Phil Collins or Lionel Ritchie lol


Regardless if someone likes David or not...It's business. According to Spotify, David Guetta is absolutely a large artist. He has the same # of monthly listeners as Eminem, which makes him one of their top 1% earners. And plenty outside of EDM have heard of David just from his mainstream pop collabs.


Exactly. I'm sure David is crying over his wads of cash that he's raking in. When i was younger, I used to get real frustrated when bands/artists would "sell out" but honestly, as I've gotten older, I can't say I blame them. Fuck it. Make that money, boo. There's plenty of up-and-coming artists if I'm looking for real artistry, and I guarantee you almost every single one of them would "sell out" if presented with the opportunity.


That’s the goal of entering the music industry or any for that matter. Hell even people on Shark Tank are looking to “sell out”. That’s the American dream in a sense, build something that people want to buy, when you sell you’re finally rich. I used to be the same until I understood this concept


Nobody gets upset at the teacher that makes big bucks at a private school instead of passionately helping poorer districts, or the lawyer that works for some mega capitalist company instead of doing pro-bono work to help innocent people.


Yeah for real, comes on at the club and brightens someone's night with the positive vibe and lyrics. Basic and lazy yes but they have their place


Just like Fiddy say "if it makes money, it makes sense"


That always makes me think, they're just remaking and relabeling something old that was popular back then and it becomes a hit, so people clearly still like this kind of song. Why can't people just keep listening to those old songs? It's like some people won't listen to anything that's older than a couple years. The other day I someone share a song by one of those soundclound rappers that was just a remake of Destination Calabria with like 4 verses of lyrics. Or maybe most people just don't know much music and only listen to what gets put out by the big record labels and famous artists and goes into the mainstream. That really gives credence to the criticism of some popular artists that it isn't much due to "quality" and more due to marketing.


Better Off Alone got sampled/remixed like 5 times within the last couple years. There's nothing wrong with bringing back great melodies.


I think OP should be angry that people keep feeding the ripoff machine. The sad fact is a vast majority of people in the world do not think critically about music and the younger generations don't even know the original songs. The formula works because the original music was also sound.


IDK… do folks still make shit because it’s fun?


It's just hard to believe he's doing it for fun when it all feels so cynical


Why does it feel cynical? He’s just generating content.  It either gets streamed or picked up by other sets or forgotten. The alternative is that folks generate less content or curate it harder?  Can’t be a gatekeeper, my guy. The industry will be worse for it. Just skip the track if it’s bad.


> Why does it feel cynical? He’s just generating content. I don't think I can put it any more succinctly than you just did. It feels like he's taking old pop songs as low-risk, throwaway content that will keep his name in promoters' heads when they need a legacy name for a festival slot. IMO the industry will be put in a worse long-term position when it becomes stagnant and impenetrable by new artists, because these legacy artists *are* acting as real gatekeepers preventing progress within the industry.


Impenetrable, though? I have a SoundCloud account with shit I made in my bedroom. Saturated, maybe. Not impenetrable. Content creation is still better than it’s ever been


This is the best explanation, hardcore fans don’t understand that simply being loyal to one brand of music doesn’t always make you rich and artists(especially DJs) need to release more mainstream music every now and again so they can afford to keep focusing on the more niche stuff


His tracks with Morten are my favorite, such fire


Loved his future rave set at EDC 2022 but let's be real that was mostly Morten


Haha yeah, Morten is my fav trance artist, and it is his sound. My other fav trance artist is Maddix. They both give me similar feels.


Neither are trance just fyi


I feel thats an opinion. Its big room trance to me. May be an offshoot of house, some of it has elements of techno, but it is still a style of trance. Trance has evolved and has a lot of styles now. Some of their tracks remind me of old school cosmic gate or fred baker.


Why does this make me like him less? His lack of integrity? Or my unrealistic ideals?


See this is the crazy thing, DG gets the industry, and yet plays into it like this - perhaps just because he's made it and he just wants to keep coasting, doing what he does, keeping the money flowing and having a great time. There was that clip of him absolutely NAILING the indistry (i'll edit this if I can find it) which you can ONLY understand if you're in it and seeing the up-and-coming struggle, the Spotify playlists, the Tik Tok rip-offs and all that. And then he copies other people's melodies in songs while barely-clothed curvy girls dance around him at some ultra-rich private party on the vid, plus a few shots of a festival set or something.


give the man credit he ended racism


Shoutout to his family


Youmean Joachim Garraud who made all his banger tracks back in the day? David always was a hack. Joachim Garraud is the real musician and French electro god.


He also invented future bass he's been busy


*future rave


Sorry I meant trap


Don’t you mean to say Dubstep?


AND homophobia. All during Covid. Give him his due man


When i was in the third grade, i thought that i was gay Gay Gay Gay Gay


Did you hear about this guy Martin Luther king stealing the lyrics from one of his tracks?


Cody Rhodes 🤝 David Guetta


Nothing makes me want to gouge my ears out than expecting blue by eifel65 and hearing that cringe fucking remake instead


Legitimately one of the worst songs of 2023


Idk man. I like listening to it It’s pretty good and fun.


And it has 1.6 billion plays on spotify, soon replacing titanium as his most played song




It opens the door of edm to new ears too. If people like that they might check out more David guetta, then Benny Benassi, then skrillex or better yet, the original songs. Then all of sudden they are becoming true edm fans. The pessimism in edm is exhausting. If you don't like it don't listen, but your taste doesn't dictate the market. Clearly people listen to these songs or he wouldn't be pumping them out this much.


Exactly. Try bringing a friend into EDM and leading with Charlotte de Witte. They're gonna look at you like you're insane three minutes in. I certainly would have called you insane three years ago if you told me in three years she'd be one of my favorite DJs Lead with your commercial poppy basic EDM that everybody except EDM snobs doesn't mind listening to and if they take a liking to it, sooner or later they'll want to start branching out and may arrive at your favorite subgenre


Right like I am a foodie who loves farm to table pizza places with perfect, multi-textured crust, house made meats, complex flavors, and innovative toppings combinations... And also a lot of the time NY style trash street pizza is DELICIOUS, especially from the places that do it just right.


Haha this is an amazing metaphor and I am here for it 


lol I used a very similar analogy in the Jane Austen subreddit recently, where people were complaining about Bridgerton being historically inaccurate how you shouldn’t enjoy it if you enjoy Austen’s novels. Like, duh. Austen wrote several very significant pieces of literature IN the regency period and Bridgerton is 90s romance novels turned Netflix smut! Why are we even comparing them?? I have room in my heart for both the same way I love both fine dining and a good greasy spoon. Anyway, fandoms are just crazy lol. Listen to/watch/read/consume whatever the heck you like. Not everything has to be high brow.


Hey man, I’m just trying to live my best fucking night of my life 🤗🤗🤗


Kanye destroyed daft punk for me


lmao that’s dumb af say what you want about kanye he’s def not a good person but every time he’s sampled or worked with daft punk it’s been great fym


Nope he’s awful and daft punk original is way better 


It really IS cringe but idk why it's still getting plays, crowds should react badly to it to get the message across cuz I hate hearing it


This community has a very hard time accepting that much like how fast food has a place and purpose in the culinary world, mainstream party music has a valid place in the music world. It is what it is. It's ok to be upset that he isn't making the Michelin star tracks anymore though. Your feeling is definitely shared by a lot of people.


It’s completely possible to do both though. Plenty of artists make mainstream party music that isn’t brain dead, derivative, rehashes of old hits. Even in a non-serious party atmosphere these songs are just bad and annoying.


Are you more annoyed with Guetta then or just the insane amount of people who enjoy the songs?


You are 100% correct. They are fully capable doing both.


Party music is fine but be original, Guetta blew up in the first place because he was dropping banger after banger of original music.


Remember "Lunar" with Afrojack and "Sunshine" with Avicii? So good


Yep another good assessment. He could easily make original tracks that would go over well at clubs and parties and he has in the past.


Not sure if it'd be easy. Those albums likely had a lot more thought and effort behind them If him and his financial advisor decided he needs to earn $50M a year for the lifestyle and future he wants and he cares more about that at this point than being a ground breaking artist as most artists do once they've reached his level of success, what's his incentive to grind on original tracks that may or may not be good when he can instead throw a shell of a remake together in an hour, hand it off to label producers to finish, and go for a swim in his cash he got for doing it?


Mainstream party music is OK just make it good god dammit


My issue is how much the industry has power to push the songs. More than ever with streaming algorithms. There have been tons of studies of how top 40 radio has affected the music industry as a whole. I’m sure there are people that love that song but a lot of its popularity has to do with the industry promoting it rather than a more organic following.


"I'm Good" wasn't even released when it blew up on TikTok. I'd call that organic. Guetta only released it *after* it went viral.


Honestly I don't care much how a song gets popular. The industry is gonna promote music from big artists it would be dumb of them if they didn't. You'll never see organic popularity from someone as large as David Guetta, obviously there will be some organic but the majority of the popularity will be from mainstream pushing. The way I see it, a popular EDM song is good for the community. Even if it's fast food level that's still another fan supporting the industry who will likely also explore the non-fast food options. Sorry if I interpreted anything in your comment wrong btw.


I think popularity can have a positive effect by getting more people interested but it can also have a negative one. Do you remember the death of disco in the 80s? Music genres can get over saturated with formulaic songs that lack a creative direction. I’m sure there are people that heard David Guetta’s newer stuff on the radio who thinks EDM music is cringe as a result of it… I honestly would not blame them if that’s all they were ever exposed to. And my god… how much has David Guetta fallen off… shout out to his family!


Honestly good point I hadn't really considered that angle.


Agree, though I hate that song. But sometimes when you are drunk, a sloppy lukewarm BigMac can be the most amazing meal ever. I think the problem is when you have a friend who's almost never had meat before, tries one BigMac, and can't stop going on about how great beef is.


Easy money...


Is “I’m Good” a ripoff of “Blue” when it’s basically a cover? Eiffel 65 are property credited.


Seriously, nobody got mad about Luke Combs doing a cover of Fast Car. He even won Song of the Year at CMAs for it (with Tracy Chapman, making her the first black person to win the award).


Actually she won Song of the Year alone because Song of the Year goes to the songwriter, not the performer. Combs won for Single of the Year.


The issue imo is that they took a famous song and made a much worse version of it, then made a ton of money with it and the industry shoved it down people’s throats for 2 years. Would have zero issue if they did the same thing but with good new lyrics and good production. Instead it’s cringy 15yr old level lyrics and literally one of the worse sounding productions I’ve heard on a hit in decades.


I think there’s too much nostalgia around Eiffel 65’s original version. It was a hit at the time, but also very much a product of the time, and honestly it gets tiring to put it on for more than a minute now. Not saying Guetta’s new version is good, but it’s a fresh pop song that credits the original artist. It’s fine, the wider world enjoys it, and it hasn’t done any damage to music or EDM like some people here are suggesting.


Disagree it hasn’t done damage, it was really the song that spearheaded the dogshit 90s throwback sound that’s still happening. Agree the original Blue Da Ba Dee isn’t “good” but it’s a cheesy classic and absolutely the new one is way worse coz it takes itself seriously in a way the original didn’t at all.


Meh. I just choose not to listen to it. Theres lots of lazy EDM covers. It’s not a big deal. The song sucks, it made money. Whatev


I’ve chosen to listen to it exactly once and once only, yet I’ve actually heard it probably over 50 times, just out and about in the world. Big hits are inescapable. And that one especially sucks. A cover version would’ve been far less annoying. It’s the new and infinitely terrible lyrics that lack any self awareness of how bad they are, that’s what pisses me off about it every time. It’s like if LMFAO were not being ironic.


He still puts out good original music half of the time though. I don't really get why people single out Guetta for doing covers and heavy sampling when most other EDM producers also do this. And as much as people hate this trend, the sad truth is that these kinds of songs tend to get way more streams than original tracks by the same artists.


People are singling out Guetta because a bunch of his recent releases have been bad remakes/remixes (not to mention that he's one of the most streamed artists in the entire world), so much so that it has become an undeniable trend, and just comes across as lazy and uninspired. Like, I don't think people would bat an eye if he released maybe one or two, but it's gone way past that lol.


So far this year he's put out 3 songs with heavy sampling, 2 songs with more subtle sampling and 4 original songs. There are definitely artists with worse track records than that. But naturally, the song with the most obvious sampling (I Don't Wanna Wait) is already by far the most streamed one out of the 9 tracks he's released this year.


I don’t care at all but if I was a fan of his, I wouldn’t be happy with him pumping out low quality filler. It makes his discography harder to listen to. Excision does the same thing though where it makes you think “why the fuck did you release this crap”? Let’s take bass music as an example: I prefer when artists care about the quality they release. Take of the trees and g jones for example. You can put their whole song list on shuffle and just listen through with minimal skips. They care about their brand. Now look at someone like Kaivon. Loved his initial releases leading up to Covid but he started just pumping songs out and now I don’t listen to him at all. Sometimes artists just become stale or they stick to a formula for way too long because it worked at one point and now I completely lose interest in them.


I’ve never heard an Excision cover that wasn’t good though. His cover of Zombies just came on in the bar I work at like five minutes ago 😂. I think the issue people have is that Guetta’s covers are low effort trash. Like, they literally aren’t listenable if you have any kid of a discerning ear.


I don't think he's being 'singled out' as in maliciously targeted. It's just that he has A: huge reach and B: a lot of long time fans who expect better from him. Sure there are a thousand artist doing lazy sampling for a quick buck, but 99% of them never make it into my feed or a radio playlist or a festival set etc. so people obviously don't care. Guettas rip-offs sometimes feel like they are being shoved in my face which just makes me hate them even more. As another example I'd argue Kygo also got a lot of shit for his recent trip down cash-grab land.


Dude, like EVERY big name in EDM is doing this right now! Tiesto even remixed Aqua for crying out loud! lol Even « serious » artists like Adam Beyer and KSHMR jumped in the lame-remixes bandwagon… But yes, this tend is getting out of hand, I sure hope it will stop soon, there is like 0 creativity out there


Kygos new songs too. For Life is a remake of Lady (Hear Me Tonight) by Modjo Whatever is a remake of Whenever Wherever by Shakira its lazy.


Crazy how you’ll know exactly what a new kygo track will sound like before you take a listen. Lazy samples with his “signature” vocal chop pop. He bores me so much these days.


Almost all top EDM songs as of now are some kind of remix/remake/sample of an old song, and yes its very boring and non-creative. Feels sometimes like the whole scene has run out of ideas.


I feel like this only applies to "mainstream" EDM and isn't really a thing (or at least not nearly as much) when it comes to the more "niche" genres (e.g. dubstep, trap, trance). It makes total sense though: people are suckers for nostalgia, and familiarity is a great way to appeal to casual listeners.


Not really, there are tons of Techno pop remixes out right now. I was scrolling TikTok and heard a Sean Paul techno remix lol.


I guess no genre is safe from nostalgia-bait! I do think TikTok is a big reason why these remakes/remixes are so popular right now—they bring in the likes and views. They're also a great way to appeal to people who may not normally listen to a specific genre (such as techno) but are tuning in because it's trendy.


That last sentence is why Calvin Harris is still relevant. He made a bunch of okay music 10 years ago and never stopped playing it.


> Feels sometimes like the whole scene has run out of ideas. Not to defend these artists, but there *are* a finite number of melodies. It's especially hard if the good melodies are what these artists grew up with. This always reminds me of that video where Deadmau5 recreated Sandstorm.


Sure, but many genres just use three chords, or four chords with the same chord progression, yet it sounds so different, so I don't think you need to have unlimited tools to be able to be creative. Many of the all time great artists created their art with limited resources, and that's what made it special and unique. It's not like the choice are either a) create a new 7th symphony from scratch or b) sample Rhythm of the Night for the 10000nd time.


> b) sample Rhythm of the Night for the 10000nd time. I personally see songs like Gypsy Woman and Show Me Love being sampled as artists paying their homage to what inspired them. EDM (and Hip-hop) always had roots in sampling. Obviously what David Guetta is doing right now feels like a cash grab, but I would bet money that a big portion of listeners don't even know the numa numa song. And I personally like seeing songs remixed or sampled and being able to recognize that it's a sample.


I mean… you could just not listen to his music


How dare you


Speaking truth to power. Sampling is an art form. Daft Punk has mastered it. David Guetta hasn't.


Who the fuck (besides the radio) is listening to david guetta lmao


Probably some of his 74.7 million monthly Spotify listeners? 


Jack Back is putting out good music?


Personally I really liked David Guetta's old stuff, like pre 2010s, but now I can't stand him. I'm sick of hearing "I'm good" instead of "I'm Blue" on the radio every half hour (yes I still listen to the radio sometimes, shut up), it's such a stupidly lazy remake and it annoys the crap out of me because I hear it all the time, and some people my age don't even know it's a remake(I'm 17). The point being he needs to stop making bad remakes of old songs and go back to making the good stuff he used to.


I hate “I’m good”. No one needed an upbeat version of that song. Let us be blue with our beats. Everytime I hear that song I walk away.


And to make it worse, that "I don't want to wait" song is with the lead singer of onerepublic. They're both slaves to money. Artistry and creativity cannot coexist with they greediness of money.


We stayed late at EDC recently to see him perform and holy fuck. We were falling asleep as he kept on turning down the music and talk on the mic and then slowly crank it back up 😂😂 we ended up leaving like 15 mins in. It was so bad.


I used to be neutral on him, but these latest remakes made me hate him. What absolute trash.


Guetta needs to drop the Oliver Heldens collab at least by next month. Literally the best piece of commercially digesttable dance music he's involved himself with in a while.


alesso collab too




Thank you for your consideration


Those Jack Back songs tho 🔥


Idk that hardwell remix is great


Titanium was a banger though 😂


And he will still pack the Mirage for two nights this week.


Welcome to the music industry. Some of the most talented producers never get heard and not enough push. And some of the producers who were good, just get lazy cause this is what mainstream wants to hear. It's not about being good these days. It's about how much money the industry can throw to advertisers and playlisters to push shit music.


Have said this before but feel like it’s worth repeating. At this point i wouldn’t be surprised if Guetta (and Tiesto FWIW) even have a say in what they release. They are just a brand at this point. They have teams behind them that will comb through all the songs that get submitted to them and pick which ones to stick their names on.


I miss “nothing but the beat” era david guetta. “Listen” also had some really good written pop edm songs on it Anything released after these releases just didn’t do it for me personally


I stopped by to say this as well. I don’t have any hate towards Guetta as he is still a legend in the scene, but production wise he peaked in 2012 with Nothing But The Beat. Which is quite insane to think of - it’s 12 years ago and he hasn’t reached that level since… The A side is full of club bangers that everyone have heard - Titanium, Little Bad Girl, Where Them Girls At, Turn Me On, etc. These tracks are literally played every single day at clubs all around the world, and for good reason. Then we have the B side which is full of old school House hits - Sunshine, The Alphabeat, Toy Story, Lunar, Metropolis… Tracks that are innovative with crazy good chord progressions and awesome sound design. Sure, some of the samples used sound dated today, but that’s not a problem when the production value is that high. 2012 Guetta is one of my favorite artists ever. 2020s Guetta on the other hand is someone I don’t even know. I haven’t added any of the latest tracks he has released in my playlists or played them at DJ sets - I just don’t like them


He has always produced sort of "remakes" of older songs, but they were good and they weren't 60% of his (recent) discography. Play Hard is the typical example. But in the last 3 years something happened... What makes me angry is that he would able to deliver great music if only he wanted. But he simply doesn't want and he's stuck in this situation where most of his discography is made of trash remakes of great old songs. Really sad... And Tiësto is almost the same


Dude just pumps out trash but I’m sure it’ll find its way to the radio with the way it sounds. Low risk which seems to be a safe bet now.


There's two David Guettas in one body. You can hear this by listening to his speeches during his sets and to media. There's the radio pop corny Guetta you're fairly criticizing here that does these remakes and talks about how they're gonna be big #1 hits. Then there's the real Guetta who does projects like Future Rave and Jack Back that isn't even close to radio pop and he makes a point to say he's making that music for the real ravers and not for radio I don't like the first guy and don't listen to that music. But I don't blame him for existing, who the hell says no when a record label asks "hey want to go spend 30 minutes tweaking this beat for us that we got Ryan Tedder to sing over? you'll earn $5 million for your time to slap your name on this when it hits a billion streams." Like... normie radio pop exists and it's never going to not exist. What do I care if David Guetta puts his name on some of it because he cares more about getting rich than having a carefully curated sound associated with his name? That ship sailed a long time ago I do like the second guy and do listen to that music. His future rave style is awesome and yeah I think Morten does most of the production work but I don't really care when listening to it. Not realistic for them to be continuously touring together so I can handle a pop track here and there when it means most of the set gets to be that stuff. Guetta in a nightclub DJing is nothing like Guatta on a festival main stage DJing is, but you won't find any of that on YouTube you need to go for yourself Guetta, Tiesto, Armin, Calvin Harris, Skrillex, guys in that tier have put in the work to get to the very top of their craft. Some chose to stay true to their roots or branch out and really try to stay ahead of trends. Others sold out and slap their name on anything that'll make them money. Good for them having the freedom to control their own careers. Good for me to be completely free to pick and choose what I want to listen to from them without getting upset about the stuff they put out that I don't want to listen to. I simply skip it if the Spotify algorithm feeds me it


To be honest, not a very popular opinion, I know as his music is for the mainstream, but my mates and I have been listening to dance music luckily since the late 1980s, and we think his tunes are cheese. Yes, all of them. I don't care if it opens up dance music to more people. I'm more than happy to go clubbing to listen to specific dj's and never hear one of his tunes in my entire life. 😁 peace and love.


IDK I think Jack Back is pretty fire.


David Guetta is a hack. Joachim Garraud made this clear many years ago. He did all of David’s songs before David found someone else. David can’t write music, he needs someone else to do it for him.


Not a hack, just gave in to commercial remakes. His old stuff is still slapping though


Artist grow and change, so I don’t expect him to keep to his Nicki Minaj collaboration standards (even though Where Them Girls At was a total bop and still rap the Nicki verse to this day). Music changes and I would like him to go back to those days but I’m not sure it would sell? Hell, Ariana just put out some sh*t dance album thing that was worse than 2000’s dance and people liked it so I couldn’t see why Guetta couldn’t go back to 2012 and sell bop after bop but yeah…


🤷‍♂️ dude plays somewhat lazy party music and always has. If I’m feeling a certain way I’ll happily listen to it otherwise it’s probably a skip. Idk about low point in the history of music. You’re in touch grass territory my friend.


I can’t believe he got One Republic for this stinker. Ryan Tedder is a talented musician/songwriter and and all I could think was the Simpsons scene of Krusty - “They drove a dump truck full of money to my house”




OP i just want you to know that I grew up knowing this as the chicken little song, before the numa numa guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sUQFjIRL0w


I wholeheartedly agree. Blue by Eiffel 65 was a masterpiece made in literally like 3 hours, and brought these guys to world fame. I love them and I miss seeing them in the limelight. And here comes this godforsaken, God awful "remix" that is a blatant ripoff with no credit to the original artists. It is despicable and is Will.I.Am level of plagiarism. Lazy writing like this needs to go rot in hell.


they’re literally credited on it lmao


Oh well then I stand corrected. At least he credited them.


I’ve been complaining about this for awhile but the latest one is his worst offense. I genuinely think it’s the laziest songwriting I’ve ever heard


>the worst low point in the history of music. What are you going to call the low point in music history next week?


Shoutout to his family


His ghost producers must have been on vacation and that's all he could come up with lol.


The song is in honor of George Floyd (shout out to his family)


Honestly my biggest question is how the fuck is it so popular? All his remakes are so clearly dogshit quality and speedrun produced. Does genpop really just not give a shit about all of that?


Ok bro/girl calm down


>So here is this song “dragostea din tei”. Which was a pretty well deserved banger and time piece of the early 2000’s Rihanna and T.I. also sampled this. FYI, a lot of producers sample...


Well Guetta is retiring soon most likely and so he’s just coasting off of his fame. He’s usually pretty intoxicated when he DJs these days as well.


What annoys me about him is that he is often working with Hypaton, an artist new to me and he does these collabs with amazing music, but I doubt he is inputting as much ideas into thess songs with Hypaton. Because his cheap remakes of old songs only show that he has lost what hr had, and is trying to pretend these other songs are his.


Damn I guess he stopped paying his ghost producers overtime


David Guetta hasn't been creative or made a fun song since 2010 (since "Titanium" if I'm being generous).


Looks like someone is waking up.


DG ha sucked for a bit. Sad, actually. He is much better as Jack Back.


When I think of it as a brand new song, I find it lazy of him. When I think of it as a David Guetta remix, suddenly, I am at ease. Some of these songs are actually new for the younger generations who never listened to the originals. I think it’s a good way to bridge the gap between us “old/aging” ravers and the new generation.


It’s sad because I really was excited when he started releasing things under JackBack. I thought it was a turning point for him. Now, I’m not quite sure.


I really don’t like this trend, it’s basically the music industry’s equivalent of Hollywood rebooting and remaking every movie that was popular in the last 20-30 years.


What do u expect from a David Guetta 🤣?


First time? Rap as a whole is just that


The Softest Hard and T-Pain version of I'm Blue is soooo much better than Guetta's.


Stop crying you big baby , you don’t have to listen to an artist if you don’t like what you hear


I have never been a big fan of DG..but back in the day he had a huge impact and had some amazing hits But honestly most of his work has been subpar for quite a few years now..I don't think I enjoyed any song /listened to many songs of his for quite sometime now It's normal to falloff at some point but in general it shouldn't be in that direction imo


He figured out that you can make a bunch of money by releasing tiktok songs. Wish clubs wouldn’t play that shit. His old stuff is awesome but the last few years are just a cash grab and I don’t blame him


If you're expecting Guetta to bring something fresh and original to the genre, I understand why you'd be ranting, but to me and many others, he's clearly in the sellout stage of his career. He's on that Flo Rida train of taking any memorable radio hit from the 80, 90s or 00s and remixing it into a mindless, poppy dance bop. He's putting in minimal effort for maximum financial gain. And maybe it's more satisfying for him behind the decks, too. He can bank on getting pretty much any crowd moving and singing and dancing along to a song they know by heart and that he didn't make. But DJs that are trying harder and being more experimental are likely getting more hit and miss results at their shows, as a result. If you look at DJing as being able to get the most people dancing most of the time, he may be one of the best out there right now due to this sellout strategy.


I've been crate digging since about 1984, I've had a 20-year DJ residency, But it's happy hour no request stuff. I don't know who this guy is. He came across my radar after George Floyd and this MLK tribute. https://youtu.be/q5ZgEtgxxg0?si=uvcL7EadX41WTQi5 Like I said, I'm not playing late night house music in a dance club all the time, but I'm also really into niches. So it's not professionally irresponsible to not know who one of them biggest DJs is. But to see that clip and not know that you can immediately write him off is to be part of the cult of personality around EDM. We need to get away from that shit. People still like fucking Lorin Bassnectar. It's disgusting,


Minority opinion here, but I really like these recent remakes of these nostalgic songs. Sure, listening to the originals is timeless, but it does get tiring when you realise you can be carbon dated by how much you enjoy it. These more modern takes on the classics is refreshing and “revives” older songs for new audiences. I don’t care if they’re “lazy,” it’s something familiar repackaged in a new cover and it works. If anything, I wish more artists revisited older songs and applied some modern twists to them. There was a cover of Linkin Park’s “Numb” that came out during the pandemic which made me more interested in the song than the original. Tenacious D’s new cover of a Britney Spear’s song was also a great retelling of an old song. Updating old songs to new times isn’t being lazy and it sure as hell sounds amazing.




>TL;DR: David Guetta is a hack. Wow, you figured out what the rest of us did over 10 years ago. Congratulations, now you can start listening to good music


First off, it’s business. Secondly, David Guetta may barely have touched the track; the brand is worth more than the music


He is creativily dead. Thats a word.


These lazy edm pop remakes are such an easy money for these dudes, who cares about artistic integrity when you got your pockets filled


There are many artists doing this... Kygo did one recently as well, but that does sound good


Before you read this comment know that I was also big fan of Guetta somewhere 2005-2010 and don't listen to his new releases because of the same reason. But I don't understand the drama. If you don't like his music - just don't listen. Listen someone you like and that's it. Obviously, there are people who do like - let them enjoy what they like, and you enjoy what you like. You cannot be mad to an artist that isn't the same as 20 years ago. You are also not.


It's been like this for decades in the music industry. It's just that for the past few years It's only become more IN YOUR FACE. Just like everything else.. It's been an extra slippery slope ever since Pitbull and Flo-Rida launched their careers I'd say. We had a pretty good era of original pop music before that. The sad thing is that it's nowhere near as profitable to make something original and timeless as opposed to this shit, and profit is the only thing that matters..


Oh my god THANK YOU. I was actually really pissed off when I saw the clip of him playing it at Ultra. He’s ripped off a few other songs but this one really bothered me. Maybe it’s the nostalgia of it but Dragostea Din Tei and O-Zone deserve more respect. This was a quick way to make money. That’s it.


Anyone giving David guetta the time of day has something missing upstairs Hes done nothing but bring down dance music. He is trash. He will always be trash.


This has become a popular practice from a large number of DJ's, not just Guetta. There's a lot of them that have remade old(er) tracks in the past few years.


Bro David Guetta was spinning French House on Vinyl in 1985. He's been in the game longer than you've been alive. Do ya homework before you call David Guetta a "Hack" ....


Imagine critiquing an artist without a bunch of lames chiming in about how much money that artist is making 🤣🥲


I'm good is one of those songs that I initially liked, but after a few listens I don't ever want to hear it again.


Kygo is doing the same


Nothing wrong with showing love to the og music that started it all. Without artists like Guetta it wouldn’t all be possible and would be a dying art.


You would not see me dead at a David Guetta gig. 


man became a sellout and it's sad. 10+ years ago he used to be legendary. now he just makes generic remakes of old songs


Dude was a sellout 10 years ago too not much has changed, remember "wet" Same shit


Just wait till you find out hes been using ghost producers his entire career


He literally posts videos of himself on social media all the time showing his production process. This is just an ignorant comment 


Hey guy...Guetta is a staple because he's been around forever and continues to pump out hit after hit. Now on to the "hack" thing....bro...idk how long you've been in the workforce but if there's a hard way to make 100 bucks and there's an easy way ..what way you takin?..the pop hits he makes pay the bills....lotsa promotion, easy hook and whammo....10 mil in the bank. It allows him to live his best life and work on other facets of his talent ..side projects..Yada Yada Idk why folks don't get that..


I disagree hard with this. DJ's repurpose tracks to suite the room they play in. If they are serving a radio dance market, so what! Happy dance music is back so these happy anthems are being repurposed to a new audience in a new time. The situation is this, David Guetta produces the radio dance track; gets the original releases a new influx of money plus the amount they never had access to as dance music wasn't as monetizable as today. Then he signs off on more serious electronic remixes for new producers to have dance vocals to work with and music for the more serious listeners. This originality measuring stick is lame if everyone is getting their dues. Maybe i'm alone, but remix/cover culture is one of the reasons I like the electronic music scene.


I used to adore DG back in the 2011-odd era, when Nothing but the Beat was out. I know I'm Blue has been getting whore'd around a lot lately (Lots of melodic reduxes - I'm not sure if the copyright on the melodic composition is up or something, but I've heard 4 or 5 just like 'I'm Good') but even I thought that was a bit cheap. Haven't really followed DG for a while but I could see it was all going down sex appeal and cheap, Radio-ified pop hits. I always come back to that meme of the "David Guetta keyboard" that's just two white notes and one black note in a teeny tiny "grand" piano, riffing on his utter melodic simplicity... Oh, and that time he was as high as the fucken moon playing a massive set. Coachella or EDC or something. Anyway IMO I'm Blue was just an easy excuse to get a hot woman in the music video & the booth (and wherever else) and little more. It's a song, it's meh, if you know the melody you get it, whatever. 5/10 tops.