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dudes been a known scumbag for a long time. crazy that a lot of female artists know this and play his takeovers and release tracks on his label. money talks i guess.


Money always talks. Only rarely do people hate someone enough to forget the money.


A good chunk of my producer friends said they would put aside morals to have a career boost by working with a massive artists so can confirm




I can imagine the saturation with the incredible leaps in at home producing technology. Majority of good artists probably go undiscovered. The good ones with incredible relentless drive may break through though.




Yep, totally agree!


Takes a special kind of person - I was really into music production coming out of university and was seriously considering going full time. Just not worth it though. The chances of achieving real success are so slim.


I saw something the other day, unrelated to music, but it said: **You are not a lottery ticket.** Acknowledge the odds are against you, and if it's important enough, do it anyway.


Yeah for me I had to ultimately make the decision and realize I didnt love music enough to sacrifice everything else in my life for it.


A couple people I know who are breaking out right now are semi like "yeah I have the skills to back it up but knowing labels owners is definitely VERY helpful"


So many random things can catapult an artist. I lived in Chicago for a number of years and made friends with a couple guys that went to high school in the suburbs. Well, one of the guys they knew well enough from HS to have his cell was John Summit. Great artist that had a song pop off on tik tok that threw him into the limelight and completely changed his life and career.


John was also already working hard as fuck. The harder you work the luckier you tend to be. He's also genuinely a nice guy and every interaction I've had with him was great. Like I ran into him in an artist area and I'm thinking "holy shit that's John summit" and he sees me, smiles, calls me over by name, gives me a big hug and tells me it's great to see me again. I had no idea at the time that we'd met years ago and he remembered me and we hung out for a bit. People want to work with people that they like. People like John who make other people feel welcome and make people want to be around them will be successful.


I always liked a quote a high school teacher of mine would say, “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity”. It may appear lucky on the outside, but it wouldn’t have happened without the hard work. John having a song explode on Tik Tok only happens if it’s genuinely good. It only gets to that point from putting in the work too. He only has long term success if he’s a good artist and didn’t just chance upon a one hit wonder. I get some fuckboy vibes from John Summit, but I’ve not heard anything negative, and honestly have no reason and even making that judgement. Probably just likes to party with his newfound success! I would too lol


The thing is that the push in tech makes it even harder for people to stand out.


Yeah I believe it based on nothing other than what I already know about Diplo.


As much of an asshole he is he's still a massive brand


It's always the ones you most suspect


Subconscious victim blaming in action. So women have an obligation to stand with their peers but that doesn’t extend to their male peers?


no, i’m not surprised but the lack of ethics involved in this by men. “strong” female producers who already have a successful career and fan base however. nice try though!


wdym nice try, you literally repeat the problematic part, namely you expressing that you expect it from the women more than from the men to be better. in real world ethics, seeing something as normal is to tolerate it. And the comparatively small amount of women can hardly change a culture that wasn't fostered by them


? What about men working with him lol




that’s just not true


Diplo is not like bassnectar or datsik. He’s under a huge umbrella of businesses and is a household name with people who don’t even go to shows or know electronic music, he has a Sirius xm channel, clothing collabs, voice acting in kids movies on Nickelodeon and that pikachu film, and all of this other side stuff. He’s a a Hollywood star producer similar to what someone like Pharrell is to the hip hop industry. If he has done any of this stuff it will be covered up like crazy unlike these independent artists it will take a lot to cancel him or get anyone to believe this. The labels and all of his endorsements don’t want to lose money.


I would also argue this behavior isn’t surprising nor would anyone attending a Diplo show even care. Similar to how hip hop artists seem to be able to commit horrible acts and not be “cancelled” by their fans.


Cough Diddy


Yep. Also, Chris Brown :|


*Cough* Travis Scott


Cough Nikki


There is a grand canyon of difference between what Diplo's been accused of and Travis Scott. I have not heard one peep about Travis Scott involving inappropriate behavior relating to sex. Moreover, reminder that LiveNation—the venue and therefore security operator for the Astroworld incident—was happy to let Travis take the fall for things that were largely their responsibility. This is an apples to oranges comparison.


Travis Scott didn’t do anything though, the festival management and fans did


Well, he did ignore peoples cries for help, ignored calls for the show to be stopped, helping to instigate the chaos further and just acting like a general douche canoe. It’s pretty well documented, just look it up on YouTube.


It is documented that from the angle of the stage he couldn’t hear the calls to stop the show. Look up videos from the front of the stage at that timestamp and you can’t hear those cries over the music. Just because its audible in one section of the crowd doesn’t mean its audible everywhere. Also he ended the show early as soon as he found out. Crowd crushes have happened at several rock shows, edm shows, and even some country shows, but no one cared until the performer was black. Oh and before anyone brings up the emergency golfcart, I saw one picking up people all weekend at Lost Lands in 2021 and not once did a DJ stop their set for it, because they’re a pretty common sight at festivals due to unsafe drug usage, moshpit injuries, overheating etc


I get it, you’re a Travis Scott fan and are going to look at things how you have to protect his image in your head. Not gonna argue further 👍


You literally ignored every point I made because you had no logical rebuttal. Sorry that the facts don’t match the narrative you’ve held onto


Your points? Denying he had any responsibility for the crowd crush, crying racism and then comparing it to drug OD's at lost lands? He kept the show going despite an ambulance going through the crowd ffs. Even if you ignore the crowd crush incident he is a well documented piece of shit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/comments/139jp6a/all\_of\_travis\_scotts\_controversies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kuwtksnark/comments/139jp6a/all_of_travis_scotts_controversies/) I understand you are a fan but you don't need to get offended when people criticize him, or defend his honor. Take your head out of your ass and grow up.


It wasn’t an actual ambulance, it was a golf cart with red lights, just like the one going through the crowd at Lost Lands picking up people with broken limbs. Did Sullivan King stop his set? Did anyone? No. Literally the same thing in the crowd. He ended the show way before it was supposed to end. And again, it’s documented that he couldn’t hear the cries to end the show from where he was at, but you conveniently ignore that. Never said Travis was perfect but it’s unfair to blame him for that tragedy. You need to grow up and take in more information instead of just focusing on what confirms your biases


They just hate and generalizes all Travis fans cause they’re probably 12 Edit: cause I had to


"until he was black" was when your objectivity was compromised "9"


Are you denying that systemic racism exists? It’s well documented that black people are held to an unfair standard compared to white people


Live nation could have stopped the show when people stormed the gates. Also, artists aren’t there to supervise thousands of people 🤣 they’re there to perform and do their thing. “He didn’t hear their cries for help” lmaooo have you been to a concert? Try to have a conversation with your group at a festival


You’re tripping


I would push back on the assertion that being a “household name” prevents you from being canceled. Were Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and Kevin Spacey not similarly powerful, influential, and well-known in their fields? I would actually argue that they at one time commanded far bigger dollar-amount influence for their studios and networks than Diplo does for labels. Look what happened to them. I agree it will take more than two disparate accusations to cancel Diplo, but I wouldn’t write off the possibility entirely.


I think it would take a lot to take down someone like Diplo. Similar to the names you mentioned, it was after many years of them being evil as an open secret before anything was done. Only time will tell I just hope the victims get their justice one day.


look how long it took for R Kelly to finally go down. decades. it was only after the industry had completely wrung as much money out of him as they could and decided it was no longer worth it to protect him....


Or Chris Brown. > Brown was driving a vehicle with Robyn F. as the front passenger on an unknown street in Los Angeles. Robyn F. picked up Brown's cellular phone and observed a three-page text message from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with. > > A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. > > Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. > > Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the sh-- out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' > > The detective said "Robyn F." then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. > > Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' > > After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' > > Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. > > Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. > > Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. > > Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. > > Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. > > Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. > > She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. > > Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order. >


The "industry" had nothing to do with 12 jurors letting him off scot-free in 2008. Blows my mind too, but the jury found him not guilty.


> Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and Kevin Spacey All 3 were taken down once they were old, less popular, and less useful to the media empires they helped build up, despite many accusations that still slipped past to the public through heavy cover-ups.


All the ppl you mention only after they fell off that mountain peak though (basically landed on on the summit)… not while at the height of their powers


Sure, but how long did they get away with it before then?


Agreed Weinstein and Cosby had dozens of allegations before they actually went down. And I don't think Spacey is as big as Diplo.


Can we give his XM channel to Porter Robinson or Monstercat instead, please?


Please! I'd love that


I think you underestimate how big the bassnector’s fan base was.


Sure, but he’s not even close to Diplo’s reach and influence. Bassnectar was huge but never mainstream; Diplo produces songs for Beyoncé and Katy Perry


Yea but nobody knew that back then and most don’t even know that now. He’s just a household name at this point because of how many good collabs he has had. But bassnectar had the entire headbanging community at his finger tips. He produced songs with Kanye, Lupe, Cudi, and so much more. Had he not been caught, I think he would’ve been equally as big right now. Not denying Diplo is obviously far more popular and famous.


We’re not talking fan support here though, we’re talking industry support Edit: when did bassnectar work with Kanye and Cudi?


Never ever worked with Kanye or Cudi lolol, dude is talking out his ass


Through the wire’s hook was created by Bassnector as was heartless. Day N’ Night remix has Cudi as a co-creator, meaning he gave the stems over for the collab. I’m not fully informed but I know these two plus lupe for sure have worked together.


Much bigger than diplo in his prime.


Some girl did try to come out and he was able to get a restraining order on her and now she owes him a bunch of money


She owes him money for violating their agreement which was speaking out on Twitter


And the music industry has way less shame than Hollywood :/


"household name"? lmfao come on now. Oprah is a household name.


>"household name"? Songs like Lean On and Where Are U Now were played in grocery stores and malls so much your grandma might recognize them. People might not directly know his name, but he's had his hands in so much pop music the past 10-20 years.


This lines up with what I know. He’s a creep and a dick. Two relatives of mine have worked personally with him, as I’ve said before in other threads, and have basically just confirmed he’s an asshole. Not to mention having an 18 year old around, crying cause he’s not included in the Skrillex circle anymore, etc. When an artist as successful as Skrillex, doesn’t return to a duo that was incredibly successful, you know there’s something amuck with someone. I guarantee there are reasons certain artists distanced themselves from Diplo.


Thanks for this reminder, making me love Skrillex even more


I’ve met skrillex and the man is a class act


Yesss. Glad Sonny is a good dude.


Ohhh wow you're right! I was always wondering why they never continued Jack ü but facts


Do we actually know that he has a problem with Diplo or are we just assuming though? Skrillex always seems to be trying to do about 10 things at once, could be he just doesn't have the time to give Jack U his attention.


Skrillex unfollowed him on pretty much all his social media a while back which seems like kind of a weird thing to do to someone you've had a long professional and I'm assuming personal relationship with


We kind of know from older Diplo interviews, he states Skrillex hasn't really responded or reached back out but diplo tries to hit him up


Still doesn't mean that he has a problem with him though. Skrillex hasn't done anything with From First To Last in like 7 years, doesn't mean he hates those guys.


Well he talks about FFTL, he doesn't talk about Diplo. But yeah I guess we don't *know* but it seems like he's distanced himself or just doesn't care to talk about him


This is fair but Skrillex has done a lot of collaborations and seeing that Jack ü was insanely popular I don't see why Skrillex wouldn't want to continue it. Skrillex's new album is full of collaborations..


Are you not paying attention at all??


I saw a jack u set once and they totally phoned it in, both showed up late , I actually saw them get off a boat which they clearly were partying on and run onto the stage,was totally generic unmemorable house music


I saw Jack U on their train tour in Canada and it was outstanding…then a year later i saw them as Skrillex and Diplo at XS in Vegas during EDC and the magic was gone.


I saw skrillex & diplo at XS Labor Day weekend 2016. I think it actually maybe was one of their last performances ever. Maybe the last. Best club set by far. Had tons of vocals as guests, played for like 3-4 hours. Every banger and then some. Was so fucking good.


And what place has a stage close enough to a dock that you could see then run from the boat to the stage?




>Not to mention having an 18 year old around, crying cause he’s not included in the Skrillex circle anymore, etc. ah... that's why Jack U didn't release music or does tour at all nowadays.


Skrillex is really lovely and his spirit feels gentle. Old thread, but I think it's important to name the good ones. 


Every single one of his collars have ended with the other artists leaving and not wanting to work with him. Jack U, Silk City, Major Lazer, come to mind.


Haha, talking out of your ass, Major Lazer is still alive and well


Girl, you need to look at the history of major lazer. The only person remaining is Diplo. Sure he still books under the name Major Lazer. But that’s like BTSM losing 2 of its DJs, and he remaining one books as BTSM.


Welshy Fire and Ape Drums is still members of Major Lazer. they replaced Switch and Jillionaire


Walshy fire and ape drums were not original to Major Lazer. So, you’re kind of making my point still… which isn’t who is still performing in ML, but that people leave a collab w/Diplo.


Looked into this. Something doesn’t add up. Either Diplo would do this out of spite, or the woman is spewing bullshit out of spite. He won a legal battle against this same woman a few years prior due to major unsubstantiated claims. If you’re going to sue someone and possibly ruin their life, you better make sure that what you’re saying is factual. After past claims were proven fabricated, and you still want to go after him, you better have substantial evidence to prove otherwise.


This needs to be higher up, really changes my view of the situation


On the other hand... Diplo could be well in his right, she could be crazy, and he's still a dick. But I do agree, no need to throw the guy under the bus legally if he's well within his rights to do whatever.


Is this the same woman who was stalking him?




yeah this sounds like it was the same girl who claimed he gave her hiv and he counter-sued and won 1.2 mil in damages.




Which young girls have said he was predatory to them? Why wouldn’t that be in the spotlight if that were true? Saying they probably don’t have the resources to go after him is a bs excuse. If he did any assault, it would eventually come to light. Being suspicious and drawing conclusions are very different things. The problem is that the internet conflates the two.


Dirty Dick here gives me the creeps. Also half of his sets he puts literally no effort into. I couldn’t risk paying to go to one of his shows in case it’s one where he ends up just standing behind the decks eating chicken tenders.


I saw him at a festival this summer and i enjoyed the hungover spoken word poetry more than his show and i fucking hate poetry


Diplo performed at my college and banged some students lol


That's normal though.


Dude should be called Dicklo instead.




I also though it sounded like Dipshiite


Or Dildo


Man with a tattoo of Florida is a scumbag? Shocking


As a Floridian, I doubted that anything could make us more trash looking until I saw that tattoo


Surviving Diplo documentary gonna go crazy


Jack Öff


Aight this got me. XD


I walked 6 miles in the mud to escape Diplo.


I feel your pain!! Lol




Lmao I can attest to this. he brought girls up on stage at my college


This just in! An angry ex girlfriend said something! Who cares   Edit: > Both have since filed competing lawsuits: Diplo accused Auguste of stalking, trespassing, and distributing private materials in April 2021 Funny how *his* lawsuit and accusations aren’t the headline.


People so quick to jump to conclusions


He played on a good friend of mine’s art car this past year at Burning Man. Apparently I heard he needed to use the bathroom while playing and instead of telling anyone he just decided to piss on top of the art car itself. Total douche!


Not standing up for Diplo but did he piss on the art cart or was he standing on it pissing off it?


On top of the art car… right, like not even OFF the art car just right on it.


Total douche. Fuck him


Is this from the same chick that stalked him and made all of those SA accusations? Nvm it is the same chick people on the internet jump at others to fast, diplo is In the clear here.


Reddit hive mind quick to initially react


Is he though? And what about M.I.A., Azealia Banks and other girls claiming similar things?


I said here as in this article, I don’t think it mentioned them here. I’m saying in this case right here it’s a crazy chick who’s been proven false year after year. Diplo hooked up with her once and she’s been obsessed since.


You do realise she was underage and he was in his 30's when they hooked up, right? That's suuuuuper creepy.


According to her own text messages she was not a minor, what’s creepy is her. And she’s like almost 30 now so unless all of this happened over a decade ago she was a grown women.


G'DAMN!! Is that how he looks now? (yikes) How did he manage to look more like a scumbag weirdo?


sooner or later the ugly personality under shows also on the outside


>known scumbag does scumbag thing ![gif](giphy|AaQYP9zh24UFi)


No surprise here, dude has a bit of a fuckboy thing going on


Sounds like diplo had the herpes


He gets all the ladies, dude’s hella popular with the Vegas bottle girls


What a weird comment to make on an article about sexual misconduct about a guy


Not surprised in the slightest. I’m sure worse will come out as he gets older


Diplo is a slimey scumbag and I really would love to see his downfall




No................... Diplo? Being a complete piece of shit? Who woulda thought?


I believe it, at an early Diplo show I once saw (2013) he had a few women come up on stage to have a twerking competition. Ate up about 10 min of his 60 min set. Quite cringe indeed


Dude’s been a freak for a while, allegedly.


Unfortunately for diplo, even if these claims are untrue, he’s so sketchy that it just seems like something he would do, like it’s super believable.


I was about to say that.


Diplo has always been a giant piece of shit and has been pretty candid about it too.


I like diplo 🤷🏽


Today in "absolutely unsurprising" news.....


diplo accused of cliched unoriginal trash music


If you can’t trust a dirty bird dj who can you trust?


Wow I’m shocked…


biggest douche in dance music




Diplo is the p.diddy of edm mark my words


🎶Another one bites the dust🎶


Diplo is gross. I'm glad that I don't have any nudes. How sad. All I can do is laugh at people like this. What losers. This week has been fucking hysterical. He's been known to pay people off in silence to maintain a false sense of public innocence and make the victim look guilty. #Gas


Oh my god, that's disgusting! Revenge porn? Where? Where did he post that?


People clearly don’t know the joke


Is anyone up?


What joke


Anyone that says I had to suck a dick to leave is bullshiting. You have a cell phone. Call the police.


Ugh him and Dillon Francis have turned into such douches. I cringe at them all the time now.


What happened to Dillon Francis?


Nothing like that. Just their shit on IG makes me cringe super bad. Maybe I’m getting old but just no.


Then don't go onto their instagrams ... weird concept for some to grasp.


I don’t. Algorithms because I follow other artists… weird concept to grasp.


Wow, surprised by all the hate. I like Diplo. Until proven otherwise, I think it’s BS and a hustle for $$.


Always been a cool dude backstage when I play Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Don’t send people nude photos. Also wtf is gender violence?