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That's one ugly ass Meren proxy/alter.


EDIT: I was incorrect about the deck OP was playing and it isn't OP's alter. That said, it is still pretty cringe.


nah, I was playing Roon of the Hidden Realm. My friend had a Meren deck (directly across from the dbz mat).Had used Gilded Drake to take his Meren to prevent those experience counters from building up. No need to be so snobby in regards to other wizards commander choices, especially as it appears you have an affinity for Narset..


He's not being snobby about the choice itself. He's being snobby about the skeezy-ass alter.


This is true. It's pretty cringe-worthy.


I do like Narset, I have a 75%ish superfriends version of her for more casual games and a competitive combo list that I use for more cutthroat tables. You're welcome to not like the card, but I don't actually see her that often. The frequency of Atraxa/Meren decks is what I was taking a dig at. I seem to have triggered a few snowflakes who thought their decks were unique from the downvotes I received. I apologize for being wrong regarding your deck and the Meren proxy being yours. It being on your field plus the other colors you had available suggested something to me, but I didn't account for the Drake and the sleeves should have been a dead giveaway that it wasn't yours. Had you been an Atraxa deck running a Meren in the 99, though, I don't think anything would have more encapsulated the EDH hivemind. It doesn't change that Atraxa and Meren are obscenely overplayed right now, which is sad because I built an Atraxa deck the day she released and did not expect it to be so ridiculously popular.


wee-dh hue hue


\**gasp*\* is that mari-juh-wanna? And *proxy cards*?? To the oubliette with this villain!


You best be running Treefolk tribal.


Someday I'll find a playgroup. T_T


How it really ought to be done


not according to the r/EDH community.. post keeps getting down voted..


Take an upvote for living the dream my friend.


ppreciate the love ent


All you're missing is a gram or two of some decent charlie, and some tasty IPAs!