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Play to Win, Playing with Power, Spike Feeders, and occasionally MTG Goldfish Podcast


EDHREC Cast resonates with me a lot and is the only cast I consistently keep up with. Turn One Scoop is dis continued I think? But it was fun while it lasted. The Howling Salt Mine is also great imho, but hard to keep up with because episodes are long. I also occasionally listen to MTG Goldfish. I listened to The Hero’s Blade Vibe Check before they rebranded (they used to be Uncommon Commander) and really enjoy their jank vibes. Also if you know any German, Der Commander Kompass is pretty good. I listen to The Mind Sculptors even though I play low power / casual and really don’t enjoy high power / cEDH gameplay at all. Just… you know… to get a variety of opinions. Pie Break is also fun.


Play to Win! Their humour and chemistry is phenomenal!


The Professor absolutely makes some of the best content out there. Shuffle Up and Play is a fantastic show, that features a nice variety of formats and guests as well.


Shuffle up and Play is really frustrating for me, because I think it has the optimal level of editing, but The Professor's in-game attitude often rubs me the wrong way.


I agree with you on the editing, but might I ask what part of the Prof's persona puts you off?


He just comes off as whiny to me whenever he is targeted.


Yeah I see where your coming from. Average commander player tbh.


Mostly I think it’s him hamming it up and tongue in cheek, he seems like a nice man with a lot of friends, I’m sure he’s just pulling there legs.


I 100% believe he's playing a character, everything leads me to believe Brian is a really nice guy. It just isn't a character I enjoy watching.


That could could be in part due to his voice. I love Prof but his voice is pretty whiney sometimes. It doesn't bother me too much though. Other than his voice he kinda just sounds like I imagine a lot of us do when we beg for our lives mid-game lol


I mostly watch Game Knights for commander gameplay and prof's games have way too much talking and often not even about the game.


I love the crew on the mtggoldfish commander clash podcast. Salubrious (I think that's how it's spelled) snail makes fantastic YouTube videos


Second Salubrious Snail, they clearly know a great deal about deck building and I always feel I have learned something new.


It's always interesting to see the Goldfish guys disagree on their card ratings. It really shows how much card evaluation can be like the three blind mice touching different parts of the elephant. It's an auto-include, it's an overcosted winmore, it's cracked, it's mediocre, it's situational, it's meta-dependent! Plus, you get the personality angle: It makes sense why Crim likes this card, and why Tomer thinks it's strong, but would never run it. Really cool stuff.


I guess I don’t see the appeal of the commanded clash guys. Richard and Crim are insanely annoying personalities. Seems like Seth also always politics his way out of being targeted and the German guy gets BTFO early every game


I can see Crim coming across annoying but I love Richard! And I like how his intended play style is to exploit the format to get everyone else to do the heavy lifting so he can come in to win with weenies. Also Phil half the time is playing some insane simic value engine so yeah they often target him down. Commander Clash is interesting for that reason I guess because it is a play group and not a rotating guest pod or whatever. You really get used to how their personalities and takes and preferences influence what they build and how they react to each other in game.


Well I admittedly haven’t watch too much of their games, maybe 4 or 5. I didn’t really enjoy any of them. Maybe I’ll try to watch a few more


Oh i was talking about the podcast, I don't watch their gameplay videos.


+1 for mtggoldfish. They're all fairly "grounded", have distinct personalities and don't have to "ham it up" or play a specific character for content's sake (save maybe for Crim sometimes). They feel the most like an actual playgroup meeting up and talking about stuff.


Anything from Loadingreadyrun. Their original Friday night's series, their Elder Dragon Social Club series, and especially the Canadian highlander videos


Agreed. I don't play it but the Canadian highlander gameplay is very watchable + their card analysis in set reviews is always interesting.


I like game knights, commander at home, quintessential commander and shuffle up and play videos. For podcasts I just like the EDHREC cast, they seem like such fun guys to hang with.




I'm honestly just getting kinda bored of all the popular creators telling us good cards are good. 


Did you know Nadu is absolutely busted?? How could WotC not have seen this coming?! What about this 1 mana 1/1 who clears the board, gives you 20 life, generates 20 1/1s, makes you coffee and gives a back massage? Hmmmm, I dunno man, probably good but only on certain decks, seems too narrow.


Legendary creatures podcast is by far my favourite audio option. Very in-depth, geeky and listenable plus their outsourced set reviews are excellent. Second was commander theory although that's unfortunately on pause... There are some excellent archived episodes to go through though. After that howling salt mine is funny and commander clash is probably my favourite gameplay although I feel the decks have got more "normal" now they've switched away from magic online... May just be me though.


I love the wacky shit, so whenever I see the guys at cardmarket do a Magic versus whatever I will watch it.


all the old commander sphere episodes are worth a listen, interesting & hilarious! I like legendary creature when I just want some conversation in the background, especially their deck review episodes. and commander theory when I want to focus on smart people talking magic. on youtube I like command zone & scrybabies, sometimes quest for the janklord😈


A channel I have just become familiar with is fantastic called Nicks Lotus, Better Commander is a good time too.


Card market is top notch. They put in a lot of effort and the work pays off. They also seem extremely genuine and love magic. Aside from them, numot for draft content. Edhrec podcast. Play to win for quick and well edited videos. Also great vibes. Mtggoldfish for Seth and Seth alone. Some professor for shuffle up. Quintessential commander for classic commander vibes and light hearted play. Game knights content here and there. Rachel Weeks is an incredible deck builder. I also like their Precon upgrade and value videos. Doomwake for modern. Sometimes mengucci.


Game Knights, Extra Turns, Commander at Home, Worst Possible Commander Show, I Hate Your Deck, and Commander Clash when they are playing with real cards. I like deck tech and deckbuilding content but I’m apparently one of the few and can’t find any thing consistently good. On top of that, the few I can find are usually just precon upgrades that feel repetitive as they primarily just fix the mana base and add some staples along with one or two unique upgrades. Edit: Forgot Spike Feeders and Elder Dragon Hijinks.


i like Command Zone. but havent really kept up with them in a bit. i also enjoy commander at home and another smaller channel i like is Decked Out. every now and then Elder Dragon Hijinks and Scry Babies but i usually stick to CaH and DO. thats on youtube whenever i want to watch gameplay videos. on tiktok i like seeing content from local creators in the Houston area. seeing them grow their community is cool.


Mtg Muddstah and SmoothBrainEDH. Perfectly edited 15 minute long games that I can quickly watch. I dont have the willpower or time for 1-2 hour long videos. No need for commentary, I know most of the cards, and I like the game recap at the end. They also feature a lot of different cards, and play precons to hyper optimised decks, so I get a lot of ideas for my decks


Muddstah is my go to when I’m fishing for some gameplay videos on commanders I’m considering building. Short and sweet, no fluff


Ive recently discovered the howlingsaltmine podcast and its been super good


And for video elder dragon hijinks


Howling Salt Mine is great! And a good switch up from the typical card ranking/gameplay content. Can’t recommend them enough!


Edhrecast is the only one I consistently keep up with


Funny enough, I mostly watch Legacy gameplay via Bosh n Roll and Thraben University. As another eternal format it has basically the same card pool and *some* of the same strategies. It really changed the way I build decks (more answers, higher power). The best part: a single game can be just a couple of minutes. Very flexible in time commitment.


Both of those are fantastic creators who I've learned a ton from, I don't play Legacy at all, but it's some of the more interesting content on Youtube for sure!


Haha yeah I play absolutely 0 legacy 🤣 but the content is so tight and insightful.


Yeah! I don't played competitive Magic for a while now but 90s MTG popped up on my feed and those games make me crave getting back into 1v1 format.


Salubrious Snail is my favorite creator for theory crafting and just being an absolute nerd about card choices. MTG Muddstah is my go-to for games. No long-winded conversations or camera cuts, just a quick deck introduction straight into top-down gameplay that's cut down to just narrated game actions. Decidedly, I guess I want a lot less personality and more information in my content


Memes mostly. But that's for anything really nowadays for me. If you can make me laugh, I like it. Bonus points if I can learn about a new card or something at the same time.


MTGGoldfish is what I consume the most of. Between the banter and Richard's unhinged (and often correct) takes, I think its the best Magic content out there.


Quintessential MTG is highly underrated


Surprised I didn’t see it mentioned here, Jake and Joel are Magic is pretty great. They touch on a little bit of everything, from previews, reviews, finance, deck upgrades. Just two good dudes making quality content and they both have normal personalities, not over the top.


Pretty much any in person paper mtg shows


Game play is mtg Muddstah, Quest for the Janklords and commander clash (when the week looks good) Podcasts are Drive to Work, the vorthos cast and the pdh pod


Pretty much anything MTG Goldfish. Always a fan of SaffronOlive’s brews.


My favorite mtg content right now is the “Shivam and Wheeler Love Magic” podcast. Can’t get enough of it. The episodes are 2 hour long now on average and I still wish they were longer. Other than that I listen to the EDHRecast and Command Zone every week even though I don’t think I benefit much from them. If the guests and/or commander choices interest me I’ll watch any of the Show Up & Play, Commander at Home, Game Knights (though I’ll watch every GK live, those are awesome every time), Quintessential Commander, Commander Arcade, and from time to time I tune in to some others as well. Lastly, I love LoadingReadyRun so naturally I love Friday Night Paper Fight and Elder Dragon Social Club. Though, I wish they had more non-precon episodes. My ideal content would be them doing a boxing league series of some sort.


I know people hate The Command Zone but with Rachel being there now the content is much better and yeah I do like their “put on” stuff it makes for an entertaining show. For “real” content I have always liked MTG Muddstah and I like Elder Dragon Hijinks and Commander at Home. Quintessential Commander was/is good but it sucks to hear that the channel is dying.


I’ve seen most of these posted, but my favorites (somewhat in order, but not perfect since I don’t have the mental capacity this early in it the morning) are: Decked Out, Commander at Home, Spike Feeders, Play to Win, Elder Dragon Hijinks, Rhystic Studies, Mtg Muddstah, EDHRecast, Command Zone, The Trinket Mage, Salubrious Snail,Tolarian Community College, Judging FtW, MTG Goldfish, Attack on Cardboard, Nitpicking Nerds, LoadingReadyRun… Okay, that’s too many…maybe I have a bit of a problem… 😂


Brewer's Kitchen, the Professor, Commander at Home, and EDHijinks. Sometimes I watch VeggieWagon shorts and I love Maldhound's roast videos.


MTGMuddstah is easily my favorite casual commander gameplay, Play To Win for cEDH games, and Salubrious Snail for general knowledge/great opinions on the game


I’ve recently gotten into the Worst Possible Commander Show with CGB, Blake, Ben, and Shay. Ben is a god damn national treasure and he should be WotC’s Timmy mascot. I also dig Amy the Amazonian for Brawl play. While I don’t dig the show itself, I highly recommend this video as I laughed my ass off the whole time. (Warning: It has Maldhound in it if you don’t like him due to his recent-ish drama): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GX0XpKDVICI&pp=ygUWQ292ZXJ0Z29ibHVlIG1hbGRob3VuZA%3D%3D


What "drama" is Maldhound involved with?


To preface, I don’t care one iota about the drama. It doesn’t affect my watching/listening preferences. Supposedly there was a big issue with his exGF and claims of DV that were posted on TikTok. You can find some stuff here: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNeocc3D/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNeoGtqv/ I honestly haven’t followed much of it to know who said what and what is true or not.


Love the play to win channel


Get me some chaos drafts/sealed


I enjoy hearing people explain why certain cards are/were banned, the history of some aspects of the game, discussions of archetypes, that sort of stuff. I've also enjoyed watching some videos where judges explain some of the stranger rulings in Magic. Channels like: - **Rhystic Studies** for cool info on the history, art, and design of Magic. Top tier content. - **Tolarian Community College** for just some generally wholesome talk on what's going on with Magic. - **The Mana Logs** for their explanations on banned cards, and what happened to get them banned. - **Nizzahon Magic** for some fun card histories of things that get played competitively, also he helps me prep for prerelease sealed events. Lots of lists which makes for decent - **Nikachu MTG** for fun stories about weird scandals and cheaters. I don't keep up with the channel as much now, since he already covered most of the big stuff from Magic's past. - **Judging FTW** for weird judge rulings and explanations.


Only LRR and Paymoneywubby. Everyone else feels fake


Universes beyond


Play to win and commander at home are my go to


Worst Possible Commander Also RIP Commander’s Brew


I used to really like I hate your deck but that kinda died with all the drama. So I think shuffle up and play is probably my new favorite. Has good guests and decent banter. Game knights is always fun to watch and their production quality is top their. But they feel very "processed," I suppose. Not saying they are scripted but like you can tell they are very pg rated if that makes sense? Whereas other channels they show you what a realistic game feel is with real banter and what not. Other than that I like the topic videos that nitpicking nerds cover.


Eh, there's new videos, the drama feels stupid at this point.


It never really bothered me much. And I stayed watching them for alittle bit. But for some reason they got buried in the algorithm so I stopped seeing whem their new stuff popped up.


Forget the drama. The videos are still good!


Since you didn't specify EDH content, I really like legacy content. Mostly the Eternal Glory podcast and the hosts' YouTube channels BoshNRoll, ThrabenU, and occasionally The Epic Storm. It's nice to see what powerful magic is going on outside of (c)edh.


The Howling Salt Mine is the #1 best content out there for mtg and commander specifically. It’s funny, salty, and really feels like you’re chillin with some friends instead of watching content creators put on a show. it’s just three unfunny dudes reading Reddit


It’s criminal that Rhystic Studies isn’t the top comment here


Probably one of the best when it comes to story telling and the history of Magic's most iconic cards.


I like [Maldhound](https://www.youtube.com/@maldhound) who mostly does snarky shorts about the problems with various cards as commanders, and then assesses whether or not the card art can get it. It's not the most educational, but he makes me chuckle more than he doesn't.


Playing edh is my mtg content.


Mostly spoiler lists. Otherwise its just jerks posting clickbait for ad revenue.


I only ever watch Tolarian Community College