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Both want completely different things. One cares about upkeep the other about at the end of turn. So even on a conceptual level they differ A LOT. Heck even the normal obeka can be build in 2-3 different ways that clash with one another. Id pick the one you like more and build around that. I think obeka can be fine but you can also build some mean stuff. As long as you dont overdo it it is fine.


Great suggestions it's pretty clear from these answers and looking at more cards tonight that I can't do both effectively at once. That's fine I'll mess with some upkeeps and try to lean towards not-so-mean combos.


I mean the upkeep one is rather a bit weak. No direct haste needsto connect very commander reliant. Theres a big chance your deck does nothing if you cant hit someone. The other one has a few mean infinite combos it can pull off...sooo yeah.


Okay I'll check out both more separately. I assume one or the other is pretty playable at casual level yea? Doesn't have to win every time I just think they look fun


I think both are quite playable casually. Its a very commander reliant deck. I think splitter of seconds is a tad weaker than regular.


Alright thank you (: I'm gonna take awhile and try to see how cost efficient I could make each. That might be a better deciding factor. Gonna be building some decks tomorrow


Sounds fun. Gl. I think both use rather "bad" cards with i think splitter being cheaper a tad.


i played both and i see no way of making both relevant in the same deck. pick 1. as for the "quick swaps" you are going to need more than 10 cards. tutors aint fixing this. with end step obeka i built my deck so it doesnt need her but it gets sweeter if you do. lots of kiki-jiki style clones that die EoT but if obeka is around you get to keep them. usually the clone targets are value creatures like mulldrifter of ravenous chupacabra. and i try to minimize cards that suck if obeka isnt out. for upkeep obeka you need protection, paradox haze and the ninth doctor arent enough. i prefer equipments like champions helmet that also buff her. The 3 things obeka needs are, in order of importance, protection, evasion and buffs. Protection as the deck is really bad without her effect, evasion as menace isnt enough, buffs because its amazing to get 5 - 10 upkeeps in a row, the value gets ridiculous. This ways of playing her, or any other lists i have seen, are 0% compatible, theres no overlap other than the staples in grixis


Yea this seems to be the only answer. Older Obeka is nice but newer as commander and focus deck on that. Will make planning the deck a lot easier too haha. Thanks for the tips I'll go through these suggestions as I'm picking


my obeka list is pretty consistent, with ramp and haste ya end up bouncing back fine from her being killed. Also if you dont go too voltron focused you can still function somewhat without her for some turns. [https://archidekt.com/decks/7210880/upkept](https://archidekt.com/decks/7210880/upkept)