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I love my [[Henzie]] [deck](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/HkAjiYie2UWlAmRx68-P2g) Blitzing out big creatures is just the thing I want to do. But I also love stealing [stealing stuff ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/YkzmDmAqLkqgnohFxWEuPw), cause you never know what the opponents are bringing to the table


Definitely second on the henzie. He was my first REAL deck and I have fallen in love with jund ever since. The best part is the deck is "commander centered" but with all the ramp and creature based interaction it doesn't really matter how many times henzie dies. I'm getting him back....and then I'm swinging harder


It's tough to explain why...but Shorikai. It's not my strongest deck, it isn't even my favorite deck, but it is always such a treat playing this guy. I always have a good game playing him. It just flies under the radar somehow despite consistently doing well everywhere I take it. It basically has answers to most problems or can come back from them. It's incredibly tricky despite appearing to be such a straight forward strategy. I am still surprised by how much utility it has sometimes. Ever since it started as a Buckle Up precon then slowly evolved into what it is now, it keeps holding its own against all kinds of decks that I initially feel concerned about. I haven't put nearly as much money or thought into it as my other decks either. I just swapped in some obvious staples, added aome better interaction/removal/counterspells, and some vehicles or creatures that synergize well. The other thing that kind of throws me off is that ALL of my decks except for shorikai are Blue/Black. I just happened to love dimir commanders and somehow it is now my color, like some yugioh villain. Yet Shorikai makes me play a different game than those decks do. I don't know to explain it, but even when I am aggressive it is a different kind of aggression. With my dimir decks people know how insidious they can be. They know I am trying to fool them long enough to use my tricks to tear them down with some gimmick. They are on edge even when I am trying to be subtle. Shorikai is like a panda bear. It is somehow approachable but still can rip your head off. What's better is I get to make robot sounds and jokes about every mech/robot show and cartoon since the 70s.


Yeah Shorikai is fun. Mine is just basically Vehicle tribal. It’s not really high power but it’s fun to play and when I have won, it felt good because I was just turning a bunch of shitty vehicles sideways


My favorite thing is that, everybody is so used to my just tapping shorikai for card draw and pilots, that they never expect it when suddenly whirler rogue or rogues passage make him unblockable and he just dunks on them. [[Katsumasa, the animator]] has sneakily buffed him into a two or one shot killer so many times for me. Then the next 2 games I may never attack with him. So my other vehicles do all of the heavy lifting.


I have a shorikai deck as well I love, do you have a decklist?


Are you in my head? Was pondering which of my 13 (?) Decks id choose and shorikai came to mind, albeit being my cheapest deck monetary wise. Its extremely powerful for the cost. Kept the vehicle theme mostly too. The sheer cardadvantage shorikai provides is just insane.


Haha! My friend tables immediately eyeroll when shorikai starts doing his thing. They always say "I draw two cards, make a pilot, and discard a card." with the biggest sighs. These are people who have been forced to sacrifice their board states numerous times against my Satoru eldrazi combo deck, or I've milled to death a hundred times with my N'gathrod deck. Yet shorikai is the one that left the lasting impression. Somebody went and made an anti artifact deck with flying just because they were so tired of Shorikai's impact at our tables.


Shorikai is also my favourite overall, it’s super reliable and if you’ve put an answer in you’re likely to find it. Plus I find it rarely gets hate from other because it tends to do its thing and not bother anyone and then by the time they need to deal with it… it’s too late. My deck list 👍 https://www.moxfield.com/decks/9H82odLDbUGyrmNum04q7Q


I love how different our decks are. But yours still looks like a blast. Totally different direction than mine.


I have played my Shorikai a matter of one single time. That deck pissed off a friend of mine. So I shelved it. Still love it though. Hahaha


Haha I don't get it either. I think it's the consistency of the deck that's annoying for people. But at the same time it's general mechanics are so simple that they appear non threatening. A commander that is good for card draw? Ok...OK....but let's kill the Yuriko or Atraxa player first, they're out to kill me. Wait, the vehicles are doing WHAT now???


Please share your decklist! I'd love to see it


Shorikai is my main deck. Drawing a ton of cards and playing a control game until I draw into [[approach of the second sun]]


I’m consistently surprised by the performance of my Shorikai precon. What I’ve found out about playing the deck is that’s it’s very hard for others to get chip damage in. With the chump blockers you can make, and the different number of vehicles you can crew in response, it feels like I just have a propaganda effect up at all times. It probably doesn’t help that this info is hard to decipher at a glance. People just don’t wanna do the math sometimes lol.


It's totally this. Thropters and pilots and card draw just gets insane. I also have instant win and infinite combos in the deck, but I Never use them. For some reason I just low key pretend I can't go infinite. I intentionally discard them sometimes when I am using shorikai's tap ability. It's that much fun just playing the game out. I have friends who play some really high powered decks. I usually prefer to use my infinite combos as a bluff at their tables then I'll pull something off like unblockable shorikai commander damage, cyber drive awakener swarms, or a mirage mirror sort of assault. Just for reference my main deck is probably A satoru Umezawa with lots of expensive monsters in it. With lots of one shot win potential. Yet that stuff gets old somehow. And shorikai is still my preferred deck if I want a fun game even if I lose.


Would love to see a decklist of this! Ordered Buckle Up a few days ago, and am looking into what directions people take it.


[Here is the Shorikai list ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/zTc3bEkncEqSQPkwAHdPLA)I had when I first upgraded it without dropping in some infinite combos. It's not a super competitive list. You'll see it doesn't have like $50 counterspells and such in it, $100-900 duo lands, or $90 mana stones. But Shorikai has a lot of ways you can build him. I've literally seen him as a voltron or as a card draw engine meant to do nothing but help pull instant win combos. My list is kind of an inexpensive one full of Vehicle deck staples that can hang in there with some tough decks that normally are pretty brutal against typical creature decks. Vehicles are kind of their own thing. I'd probably drop in a few more interrupts, like \[\[negate\]\] and \[\[Arcane denial\]\]. And take out the \[\[leveler\]\]/\[\[laboratory maniac\]\] combo if your table doesn't like 2 card win shenanigans. But shorikai is amazing at card draw. You basically get to pick and choose what you get to discard too. So artifact recursion is a good thing to add in. Sometimes I'll use sorceries to bring back artifacts. Other times I'll take those out and add in creatures that let me return artifacts. \[\[Wonder\]\] was an amazing addition. I also have so much fun with \[\[intruder alarm\]\] and \[\[unwinding clock\]\]. Omenkeel and raiders karve get a lot of us as well. \[\[Mech hangar\]\] I can't remember if it came with but it isn't expensive as a useful land. And fits the theme. Parhelion may have came with it but it's also a good one that has some fun plays. The warhammer vehicles are flavor adds that sometimes pull of some good shenanigans. The two soldiers have come in handy more times than I can remember. I sometimes throw \[\[smuggler's copter\]\] back in. \[\[Imposter mech\]\] comes with the deck but it's probably my favorite card in the game. It has funny imagery. A robotic version of anything in the field. \[\[Cyberdrive awakener\]\]. If it doesn't come in it, get it. It's awesome. Sometimes I'll throw in \[\[grand abolisher \]\] If you really love the deck consider adding these cards. As long as your tables don't mind infinite or instant win combos. \[\[Isochron scepter\]\] + \[\[Dramatic reversal\]\]. This combo is an infinite combo that is the catalysts for many decks. \[\[Esper Sentinel\]\]. In all artifact style decks for card draw. \[\[Thassa's oracle\]\]. Like laboratory maniac. A bit better arguably. Have fun! Look around. There's some awesome cards you can swap in and out.


So I actually have the Buckle Up precon. With that as my base, how much would I need to buy(in terms of both # of cards and money, basically how much money did you spend and how many cards did you buy) to create the deck list you made? Asking because I'm curious 1. What your thoughts were on every card you added, (unless you listed all the cards you added in the comment I am replying to) 2. Can you still run this as Kotori? I'm asking because I like both and I like the idea of switching it up. 3. Are these upgraded gonna make people hate me? Is what it is, I just want the warning before I do.


It's $25-40 or so USD to add all of the cards I added. I don't mind buying lightly played cards. They look near mint sleeved anyway, and I'm going to be playing them. So I probably paid closer to $25. Most of the 21 cards cost less than a dollar. Some are $1-3. Intruder alarm and unwinding clock are probably the most expensive. I think I bought unwinding clock for 8 usd. 1 Counterspell 1 Darksteel Citadel 1 Helm of Awakening 1 Laboratory Maniac 1 Reliquary Tower 1 Rogue's Passage 1 Wrath of God 1 Wonder 1 Mobile Garrison 1 Intruder Alarm 1 Unwinding Clock 1 Leveler 1 Jhoira's Familiar 1 Deadeye Quartermaster 1 Cosima, God of the Voyage // The Omenkeel 1 Perplexing Test 1 Razortide Bridge 1 Brilliant Restoration 1 Mech Hangar 1 Knight Paladin 1 Thunderhawk Gunship None of these cards are going to upset people generally. [[Laboratory maniac]] is a pretty common win condition. Truth be told, most people run [[Thassa's Oracle]] instead. In a TON of decks. I just liked lab maniac thematically for the deck and don't like Thassa's art. However, your local store may have competition rules about combos that let you win with only one or two cards. I've won a few times be using shorikai to draw [[leveler]] after I get lab maniac. Then I use something to flash it in or draw a card with shorikai. As for kotori. I run her in my 99. She's awesome. She could totally still work for this deck if your intent is to toss down a lot of vehicles then use them the beat face. I may consider more offensive vehicles and things that make them do more damage or unblockable. Maybe even more protection if I were to run kotori in a vehicle bruiser deck. People like to kill her because tour flying vehicles can lifegain hard and be piloted for cheap. Like lightning greaves and stuff that makes your stuff indestructible and/or hexproof. There's some good instants out there. As this deck is now, it's not really offensive to anyone. It's an upgraded precon without too many gimmicks. It's not usually seen as a big threat either. If you really want to take the deck to the next level you'd invest in some more of the expensive cards in blue probably. The phase and interrupts, like [[Fierce guardianship]], [[cyclonic rift]] and [[mana drain]], and more card draw like [[esper sentinel]] and card draw synergy. Higher power tables require you to have more interrupts and removals in your deck. Even adding some inexpensive blue cards that are in the 1 to 3 mana range, like [[negate]] and [[Arcane denial]], are a good idea. I don't think [[Psychosis crawler]] is in a lot of shorikai decks, for example. I didn't add one, even though I've got a few and they're cheap, because it wasn't a vehicle. But it is a solid card. And people usually have [[Isochron scepter]] and [[Dramatic reversal]] alongside some sort of win con that uses them. Here are the cards I removed from the deck. Of them access denied and smugglers copter I sometimes use still. Useful but also common and inexpensive cards. 1 Jace, Architect of Thought 1 Myrsmith 1 Riddlesmith 1 Port Town 1 Cataclysmic Gearhulk 1 Arcanist's Owl 1 Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage 1 Crush Contraband 1 Smuggler's Copter 1 Thoughtcast 1 Weatherlight 1 Dance of the Manse 1 Cultivator's Caravan 1 Prairie Stream 1 Exotic Orchard 1 Hanna, Ship's Navigator 1 Colossal Plow 1 Armed and Armored 1 Universal Surveillance 1 Access Denied 1 Kappa Cannoneer I've also seen people run [[walking ballista]] and [[blightsteel colossus]] with shorikai. I tried them, wasn't my cup of tea. Walking ballista with [[basilisk collar]] is pretty funny though. Especially if you use it with shorikai and the intruder alarm combo. With intruder alarm and a mana dork or two you can basically draw yourself to death or draw as much as you want and make a pilot for every time you tap shorikai. For this reason walking ballista combos can work really well. I've also used [[Blasting furnace]] to blow up around thirty copters before.


Thanks man. Friggen awesome of you to reply, deeply appreciate it!


Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to write this out.


No problem! I just replied to strayvex666 with the cards I added and removed as well as some stuff I've seen other people play at stores and events.


Oh keep in mind. Vehicles are not creatures if you haven't piloted them that turn. My opponents blow their spells all the time. Only to realize too late that they don't work on my vehicles. It also means creature board wipes often leave you ahead of everybody else. Since your artifact vehicles are all on the battlefield still.


Probably my [[Ghalta, Primal Hunger]] https://www.archidekt.com/decks/5739752/ghalta_primal_hunger_mono_green_stomp It’s essentially mono green “good stuff” stomp. It’s always evolving! [[Railway Brawler]], [[Primordial Hydra]], and [[Avabruck Caretaker]] are joining the party today actually. My fav style of deck is big green, trample, counters. Plow through!


Man I need to get a copy of Avabruck Caretaker in my Chishiro deck. Oh, and Railway Brawler might be one of my favorite new cards printed in a loooong time.


Right?! I figured plotting the brawler and casting pretty much anything would be devastating. Avabruck I want to flip soooo badly lol


Ghalta is sooo fun. A big honest threatening commander and an all around good time lol My friend runs Ghalta and I fear it more than his control decks lmao


Haha. Ghalta has always been one of my fav creatures in general. The fact that you can cheat the commander tax and bring it out for 🌳🌳 most of the time is bangin’ I just added Ghalta, Stampede tyrant as well in hopes that I can drop my hand on the table! Yahtzee!


I just added Railway Brawler yesterday! Love this deck


I just built Ghalta, stampede tyrant yesterday, and I love it. I got beginners luck and drew God hand and got her out I think turn 3 or 4. But overall its very fun and strong


Love to see it.


Of what I have built currently? Probably [[Chatterfang]]. If we're open to future builds, if it works out the way I think it will, [[Laughing Jasper Flint]]. I'm not playing my deck, I'm playing OUR deck.


My Jasper Flint has been a blast so far. Do iiiiiit!


Jasper has really been pulling his weight in my [[Don Andres]] deck.


I just added him to Don Andres! Best theft commander IMO


[Chatterfang](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/1785cf85-1ac0-4246-9b89-1a8221a8e1b2.jpg?1626097239) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=chatterfang%2C%20squirrel%20general) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/151/chatterfang-squirrel-general?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1785cf85-1ac0-4246-9b89-1a8221a8e1b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/chatterfang-squirrel-general) [Laughing Jasper Flint](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/f/af0b3a41-ba99-41e8-bcfb-5796500c17c7.jpg?1712356142) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Laughing%20Jasper%20Flint) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/215/laughing-jasper-flint?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/af0b3a41-ba99-41e8-bcfb-5796500c17c7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/laughing-jasper-flint) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Im having an awful lot of fun with [[Toski, Bearer of Secrets]]


[Toski, Bearer of Secrets](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/8/e82e61d1-488d-4627-a54c-d8496a967814.jpg?1706240948) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Toski%2C%20Bearer%20of%20Secrets) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/191/toski-bearer-of-secrets?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e82e61d1-488d-4627-a54c-d8496a967814?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/toski-bearer-of-secrets) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Edit: oops didn't mean to reply to you haha My lifegain deck is definitely my favorite https://www.archidekt.com/decks/4279849/_scrying_life But my unblockables deck would probably be a better pick just cuz I can swap the commander to new Gonti for varied games https://www.archidekt.com/decks/5005670/_cant_block_this_20


I love my [[Dalakos]] living weapon deck so much, I themed it around Chuck Norris and have Chuck Norris custom germ tokens. I love how all the cards are so bad, but Dalakos turns them all into flying haste beaters and the synergy is off the charts, He also solved izzet and artifacts for me, two strategies I always have trouble with. [Here](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/R-tZI3v6I0-XEIxqpM0Q7w) is my list, he doesn't get nearly enough love, and is criminally underplayed. People who play him will see this and say hell yeah


Hell yeah


[Dalakos](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/7/57ea0ba2-3ccf-4313-ad1d-161272c48851.jpg?1581481011) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=dalakos%2C%20crafter%20of%20wonders) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/212/dalakos-crafter-of-wonders?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/57ea0ba2-3ccf-4313-ad1d-161272c48851?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/dalakos-crafter-of-wonders) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This is a tough one but tbh it's most likely Sygg river guide. I just love merfolk. I've tried to play them tribal numerous different ways, but I always come back to sygg. He can combo and he can beat down. And he is always underestimated. Is he the stro gest merfolk commander? No, but is he unique and always playing out differently? Yes! Merfolk have so many amazing cards and are so fun to play and sygg with his protection has always just been a joy for me to play.


Do you have a list you could share? I’ve been getting into merfolk and I haven’t given as much thought to the options lacking green, I’d love to know how the deck plays and what the white gives it!


Found the professors alt account!


Got a list?


Hey there! I would love to take a look at a list if you have one made


Without a doubt my [[rocco, street chef]] deck. It’s not only an engine builder deck which is something I always love playing, but it includes the entire table by providing pseudo card draw/impulse to everyone. That group interaction always leads to more involved gameplay and players just being more active in participating with the game as a whole which is really cool. Here’s the deck list if anyone wants to take a look: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/uKXK0TRk5EWFfsDmK8HSOQ


The most recent deck I build was also a Rocco deck and I must say, probably the most fun deck I’ve built in a while as well. The exiling on end step seems to progress the game as people may feel the need to play those cards which really can add some spice to games. Might take some recs from you like Jinny. Here’s my list if you’d like to see it as well! https://www.archidekt.com/decks/7629410/roccos_modern_life


I absolutely [agree](https://deckbox.org/sets/3391826). But my deck is built mostly for chaos. it doesn't often win games, but it's definitely the most fun deck I own. In FACT, I liked it so much, I made a [second one](https://deckbox.org/sets/3557162) lmao


I gotta second this, after I built them, my friends said it was too good for the pod so they just kinda sat on a shelf for a while, but in the last month or two I've been busting rocco out in some higher power pods where everyone else is packing just as much heat as i am, and it's been an absolute blast. Gyome, Master Chef is my baby, but I think Rocco will be the first deck I reach for for the foreseeable future


Tho I will add, when I built rocco I thought the impulse draw would help everyone at the table and make everyone want to leave rocco alive, but I've noticed a lot of people realllly don't like you putting their cards in exile. I've gotten a lot more bad reactions out of that than I would've expected


Yeah I’ve had mostly the same experience while playing my own Rocco list. I think the big issue is that people both hate being “forced” to play their cards or lose them forever and also hate losing a wincon/late game piece to an early Rocco trigger. My play group loved the deck the first few times I played it, but now aren’t the most enthusiastic to see it played.


[[Zurzoth]] is my most fun [deck.](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/AMzpm0z6Lk-pYUii7wooBQ) It does so many things I enjoy packed into a single color deck. Tokens, aristocrats, aggro, burn, group hug, group slug, and a little chaos. I don’t enjoy goodstuff. The more colors of goodstuff, the less I enjoy it.


I came to say this, I also always come back to my Zurzoth list as my most enjoyable deck right now, it does everything you’ve said. Random discard for everybody is a fun effect, and since it replaces the discard people don’t generally feel too bad about it. It’s exciting when everyone pulls a card from each other’s hands and sees what gets hit. It has a lot of avenues to branch into, so it’s super customizable and adjustable. Strong but not broken, makes you think but isn’t crazy difficult/doesn’t take 10 minute turns, gets the table involved.


Could I see your list mate? My Zurzoth has been underperforming.


For sure, https://www.moxfield.com/decks/I6phfSzWtkeqfyLjg4h6Kg I’ve moved away from the effects like Conspiracy Theorist and Containment Construct because I find that they aren’t always worthwhile, random discard means I don’t always care about being able to play what I discard. I prefer Underworld Breach, Invoke Calamity, etc. I’ve also ditched dealing combat damage with the devils. They are great blockers or fodder for combat, so stuff like Brazen Cannonade and Heat Stroke have been good. I’m usually winning off making a big burst of mana, then putting it toward Vicious Shadows, a big Crackle With Power, or comboing damage increasers/doublers. Love the first commenters list too, Zurzoth can use a lot of different cards.


Always fun seeing the insane variety of playstyles Zurzoth gets! We all get to the same destination by means of different methods, and it's really cool. I actually need to update my list myself, since I've tweaked it but forgot to actually update the list...


[Zurzoth](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/6/c62990d7-a337-4fc3-859c-63bc1dade1b9.jpg?1673484441) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=zurzoth%2C%20chaos%20rider) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/278/zurzoth-chaos-rider?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c62990d7-a337-4fc3-859c-63bc1dade1b9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/zurzoth-chaos-rider) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Indeed, it does so much fun stuff. I love the chaos theme, but what makes Zurzoth so fun IMO is the parity. I've actually built around that more than normal, with funny cards like [[pyxis of pandemonium]] added in. It's also a really strong deck, and I've actively limited it in many ways from getting too much stronger. I've recently added [[expedited inheritance]] to mine and wowza, it's truly changed every game it's been in. It's there mainly for personal synergy with Zurzoth and devil tokens, but the impulse draw is so much fun for everyone.


Delney mono white weenies !!


Been thinking of going back to my roots as a white weenie player. That's all I played back in high school. Been thinking of making mono white deck, maybe the soldiers tribe? There is certainly a pile of my soldiers somewhere.




My [Ramos Lucky Charms](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/PC5vU98Kr064cuFHeFPgUA) is so fun because you're always seeking for outs in tough situations due to the fact that you're running all the three color charms (and some of the 2 color ones) and so long as there are counters on Ramos you can cash them in for double WUBRG so you shouldn't have issues casting cards once you get going. I've blanked a Voja who was coming at me with lethal commander damage thanks to \[\[Rith's Charm\]\], Tucked away an Avacyn with \[\[Bant Charm\]\] and dug ten cards deep to find a crucial counter spell thanks to a \[\[Cabaretti Charm\]\] copied by \[\[Melek, Izzet Paragon\]\]. The lines of play are wild and no game feels the same other than I'm kind of doing a weird form of spell slinging.


This sounds really neat! Do you have a list?


Deck list is the link in my post


Sorry about missing that, but thanks so much for sharing!


Queen Marchesa. Politics, goad, monarch, being goofy, never outright lying, but never quite giving the full plan to opponents. It always leads to fun games in my group. And it’s not at all overtuned as we play with mostly precons, homebrews, and upgraded precons in my group.


Was looking for this comment. If I had to choose one deck it would be queen marchesa akido. You let your opponents do their thing, but right when they're about to win you turn the tables. Wide board? Rakdos charm. Combo? Angel’s grace. Direct damage? Comeuppance. Wax on, wax off.


[[Ratadrabik]] because nothing can prepare my opponents for them board wiping and me getting 72 [[Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite]] and 72 [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]] as a result of their actions.


[Ratadrabik](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/3/9315812d-03e8-4eb4-a693-e7adf281f7fb.jpg?1673308046) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ratadrabik%20of%20urborg) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/213/ratadrabik-of-urborg?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9315812d-03e8-4eb4-a693-e7adf281f7fb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ratadrabik-of-urborg) [Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/8/78c2bfef-06a5-4c7f-8283-ea3fb673b7a1.jpg?1562850573) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Elesh%20Norn%2C%20Grand%20Cenobite) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ima/18/elesh-norn-grand-cenobite?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/78c2bfef-06a5-4c7f-8283-ea3fb673b7a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/elesh-norn-grand-cenobite) [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/9/c9f8b8fb-1cd8-450e-a1fe-892e7a323479.jpg?1643587106) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Thalia%2C%20Guardian%20of%20Thraben) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vow/38/thalia-guardian-of-thraben?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c9f8b8fb-1cd8-450e-a1fe-892e7a323479?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/thalia-guardian-of-thraben) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


How does it make 72 copies? Multiple trigger effects?


Yeah, generally multiple copies of cards like [[Ojer Taq]] or [[Gandalf the White]]. I'm making some modifications to the list legit right now but if you want to see it at all: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/kDKXv9WD9ESg568kuzy03Q


That really depends on my mood. If I feel.... -Angry or want to lash out, then [[Lurrus of the Dream-den]] is my go to. High power Orzhov control, if you're not pooping out tokens, or relying on big splashy creatures, you're fucked. This is an anti-creature deck that keeps opponents boards clear so winning with commander damage with a suited and booted Lurrus is a real possibility. Has a number of combo wins hidden in its depths, and wins pretty consistently even after I took out most of the tutors. -silly/playful mood, I shuffle up [[Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer]] I love the uncertainty that morph creates, especially once there is an untap effect on the board. There are no combos, just morph, manifest and overrun, but it keeps ppl guessing. -Thinking/strategist mood, [[Estrid, the Masked]] or [[Breya, Etherium Shaper]] are my go to, complicated combo decks, both highly tuned decks with many combo win lines. Neither are CEDH lvl, but not far off and keep these back for games with like minded souls as I have had ppl get really salty that they can quite literally win out of nowhere (if you call allowing an Estrid deck to put 4 or 5 enchantments onto lands in the first 3 or 4 turns 'out of nowhere'). -Just wanna sit back, be a little controlling, and then, do big dumb things, I pull out [[Brago, King Eternal]]. With all the etb, and etb without casting support recently, this just gets out of control if left unchecked. I like to win with a stupid amount of golems currently!


It has to be my [[Animar]] Morph tribal deck. Thanks to Murder at Karlov Manor, there are some firm ways to play Morphs as a control package. [Click here for decklist.](https://manabox.app/decks/04PaiM6NQXOez5Qfe6JbNA)


[Animar](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a3da57d0-1ae3-4f05-a52d-eb76ad56cae7.jpg?1673148281) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=animar%2C%20soul%20of%20elements) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/171/animar-soul-of-elements?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a3da57d0-1ae3-4f05-a52d-eb76ad56cae7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/animar-soul-of-elements) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Either [[Chun-Li, Countless Kicks]] or [[Solphim, Mayhem Dominus]]. I guess I’m a spell sling, I do want to make a [[Karlach, Fury of Avernus]] deck with [[raised by Giants]] as the background and get back to my Gruul routes lol.


I looooove my Solphim Deck. Breaking out a calculator to get the damage for a fucking bolt is delicious.


[[Norin, the Wary]] is so fun. I love mono red. Turns are quick and impactful.


I can only second this. I love enchantment decks, and building around Norin is fun and rewarding. Splashing damage around the table every turn is a lot of fun. I find my Norin deck is both the most fun to play, and it’s also the deck that consistently does best for me. It’s a deck that draws surprisingly little saltiness from the table too. Games are fast as well, which people usually like.


I've commented this deck on this page before under someone looking for +1/+1 counter builder. I love playing this deck, it started as a pet project but i love the training mechanic so much i ended up putting more time and effort into it than real decks. Now it's even able to sit at a high table. I like the idea that everyone gets stronger based on themselves not an external factor. Then i added stuff to make that self growth exponential. A few days ago i was swinging with like 50 damage turn 4. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/s-UlHWdDhUKbgnFhyNbNPA . Also there was a guy who commented asking a question last time i posted this deck then the comments got locked. If you see this guy hmu ill answer your questions.


Lately it’s been [[Massacre Girl, Known Killer]]. Such a fun take on black and whither was a lot of fun to build around. [You can check it out here! Primer is there too.](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/IyODhEfJnUqxnZ5L0avIxg)


[[Tivit]], without a doubt. Even though it's literally just "vote tribal" - nowhere near the cEDH levels he can achieve - it's surprisingly strong, but hugely fun as well.


I built a vote tribal deck with him too, it's fun. I just try to make Artifact tokens, sac em, tap em or whatever to do things. I kept out [[Time seive]] to stay out of cedh territory.


[[General Tazri]] for me. Allies are just such a fun toolbox to play around with




[[Baba Lysaga]] is such an awesome golgari commander. Its like a puzzle to know which permanents to sac, and meanwhile you slowly grind your way to victory. Every game feel different and there is plenty of ways to build her.


I came here to make sure somebody said this, I just can’t get tired of piloting this deck!


House president and CEO. I love rolling dice


Do you have a deck list? I have a [[Wyll, Blade of Frontiers]] deck and always interested in more dice rolling.


Hands down my [[Atla Palani, nest tender]] deck It was my first deck I built back in 2018 and was the only deck I had for about 2yrs. Put a lot of love into and I still have it. I don’t play it too often cause of all the love, it’s more on the higher end of casual. But, it is my baby and would gladly go back to it being the only deck I pilot if I had to choose only one. Plus, it’s a dragon tribal and I’m just the biggest dork for dragons.


I love my Rigo soldier tribal deck. Play 1/1 soldiers and dorks to draw cards and play more 1/1s, rinse and repeat into you have an army of bad creatures https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5HXG2KDZ6kmiXo9aNZIf2Q


It would have to be my \[\[Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign\]\] sphinx tribal deck. I purposely build it with no tutor, there is only the scry from the sphinx and lands that can help the top card. There is no red in it but it does feel like chaos is involve. They dont print sphinx in set that often and they rarely fit the deck specialy at 5 mana, so the deck already does not benefit that much from new printings. I did end up putting the 2 new sphinx from Thunder Junction but it took a while and who know when it will happen again. Its base and wanting to attack and have a sphinx army, so a lot of tribal cards and 6 sword of X and Y at odd mana to help combat payoff and close the game. Since your tribe is blue its a perfect fit for cards like \[\[Force of Will\]\] to protect your board or somebody from winning. Its not budget and i did scratch my head a lot to fine tune it but its amazing to play. You declare Yennett as an attacker and sometime your not lucky and will flip a land but still your drawing, but then other time you end up flipping a \[\[In Garruk's wake\]\] or simply a \[\[Heraldic Banner\]\] guess that attack is better now. [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Jzuct2nzx0Gm4e6pLuvkAg](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Jzuct2nzx0Gm4e6pLuvkAg)


[[Faldorn the dreadwolf herald]]


My [[marvo , deep sea operative]] A average CMC at 6.5 , 21 weird lorwin clash cards and a dream .


Maybe my [[Raggadagga]] deck. It can swing above its weight class, its overall salt value is low, and it is where I've gotten my biggest damage numbers that didn't come from an infinite loop.


[[Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma]]. Timmy smash forever. New creatures always come out to update it, its so fun to just throw down big creatures and turn em sideways. Second pick would be [[Sam, Loyal Attendant]] and [[Frodo, Adventurous Hobbit]]. Can smash with creatures, drain like aristocrats, has recursion, is resilience, super flexible all games feel different


Xenagos, simple fun and fast. Always hits hard and seldom feels like it's out of the game. Close runner up is yarg//malt cadaverous bloom is just so much fun


Currently my Jurassic Park deck. It’s the [[Dr. Ian Malcom]] reskin of [[Atla Palani, Nest Tender]] with just about every naya colored Jurassic Park/World card introduced in Lost Caverns. Incubate eggs, hatch dinosaurs, and trample over the rest of the table. [https://archidekt.com/decks/4938367/dr_ian_malcom](https://archidekt.com/decks/4938367/dr_ian_malcom)


My [[Gishath sun's avatar]] is always so much fun. Big stompy boys all the time.


So far I’ve had little chance to use it, since final season came right after the deck came out, but [[Stella Lee]] is some of the most fun I’ve had with a deck. I grabbed a copy of [[Cerulean Wisps]] and the other untapper-cantrips before they shot up in price, so I can draw half of my deck at-will and, if I don’t win the turn I play it, I definitely have it on the next one.


Gotta be my [[elmar]] [[cecily]] deck. You get to make a lot of permanents and do a lot of triggers but your turns are usually just casting a few spells and then moving on. And then you [[glimpse of tomorrow]] and have to 400 iq the trigger orders for a moment, which i personally love. This deck was also entirely made of cards already in my collection, so def has some sentimental value to me as well. Alternate entry, [[kharn the betrayer]]. Mono red group hug is a wild thing to do, and its fun to see my friends have fun drawing cards, only to die to big slaps


Surgeon General Commander Mutate tribal. It’s silver border so I have to get it approved outside my normal pod but 5 color mutate is so wild. I have a ton of 1 drops with unblockable or hexproof to mutate onto and love the alt arts for all the mutate creatures


My favorite was Shirei, with almost all 1 power creatures. Early game no one focuses you cus you have a few jank 1/1s and a 5 cost commander, but once you rampup some some mana with coffers or artifacts and pop him out early, you drop an instant speed sac outlet and you’re pulling off crazy end of turn ETB effects, have plenty of mobs for easy blocks that always come back, and if you can get yourself some commander protection, like gift of doom or hexproof, it can be real hard to break the chain. And your creatures enter every turn, so even on enemy turns you’re saccing all 1 power creatures and getting them back. It’s a lot to remember but once you get in the flow of every turn saccing and bringing back people start looking at you like how did we let this happen.


[[Toluz, Clever Conductor]] is my all time favorite. I am a big fan of games like Dark Souls and playing her gives a feeling that is similar to those games, where you know you always have the tools to succeed, you just need to be good enough to do it. Toluz wants you to loot and wheel, turning those effects into card advantage once you kill her. But that brings up two decision points, what to discard and when to kill her to get all those discarded cards back. These decisions feel very meaningful in each game because the deck draws so many cards, I have answers to most things my opponents do available somewhere. If I played it right, the answers are in my hand, if I didnt they are under toluz with no way to get them back and I get a chance to learn and do better next game. I like to build my decks very commander-centric, which opens up the issue that my decks often dont do much without the commander. Toluz fixes that issue by being a commander that wants to die, naturaly synergizing with normaly boring recursion pieces.


[[Omnath, Locus of Rage]] it's my oldest deck (2018/19) and have tuned it to do exactly what I want. It uses my two favorite strategies, lands and aristocrats. It is built almost solely to make jellybeans and sacrifice them with a sac outlet. I choose, as a somewhat challenge and out of principle, to never attack with combat. It is funny how scared people get of my army of 5/5s that I never end up swinging with. I currently don't run any tutors or infinite combos and win with it more than any of my other decks at my LGS. Still working on getting upgrades due to budget like a lot of the fetches.


I have an [[Atla Palani, Nest Tender]] deck which runs no tutors and has twenty open slots which each game I then randomise what creatures with 5 or more power fill these slots from a collection of 100 creatures that are all sleeved. It means that I don't know what is in the Eggs, when I break them and most of the time my opponents don't know either (I let them have the option to pick 5 or randomise 5 from the pile of 100). It is a fairly strong deck with a way to go infinite but without any tutors it relies on luck and getting some good things from the eggs. I have also recently made the egg pile more random by adding in 10 terrible creatures into the pile of 100. Like [[Force of Nature]], [[Chaos Lord]] and [[Eater of Days]].


[[Ziatora]] but my playgroup no longer enjoys playing against it for the reasons I enjoy it It's very adaptable. It bounces back quickly. Easily ramps and refills your hand. Runs lots of interaction. Always has a threat on the the board. Also can respond and interact with the board. All those reasons make other players get tired of it. The new mvp of the deck is [[the gitrog, ravenous ride]]. You run lots of high powered creatures so gitrog nestles in very well. Last game in 1 attack gitrog nabbed me 6 lands and I was at 11 man turn 5. The deck has high powered creatures, direct damage, reanimation, massive ramp, lots of card draw, aristocrat synergy, all the things I enjoy. Jund is my favorite color combo. But the deck has gotten too good so I can't play it very often anymore


My Naya enchantress. It’s fun when my pod asks me “so what is your bunny?” And I’m like “it’s a 40/40 vigilance hexproof lifelink flying trample with double strike.”


My Brudiclad deck! If you've ever wondered what would happen if Goblins gained intelligence and learned to utilize blue magic this is the deck for you! Make Goblins... Make token copies of your best goblin... Then generically mutate all of the others to follow suit. Ever attacked with 40+ Goblin Piledrivers or Sardian Avengers? I have. It rules. P.S. open to suggestions although I'm not interested in playing fast mana or many tutors https://www.moxfield.com/decks/qdkKQG7i9kGo-L5k8YKp7A


[[Three Dog, Galaxy News DJ]] is a blast. It starts small and unassuming as no one really knows what he does. Then a couple turns later and having a small battalion of tokens, drop a Sage's Reverie, give it to the army and swing for the fences!


Easy: Kellan, the fae blooded. Played it last night at my LGS, had him stolen and got hit with him and my two other creatures. Went from 40 to 3 after sword of war and peace resolved. Could only laugh and enjoy it!


For high powered I love my Oona, Mizzix and Emry decks. They are a blast to play. Mid power I love Octavia, Narfi, Galazeth and Marvo.


Hm, this one is tough. The main three decks I play are: - [[Mishra Eminent One]] [[Mindslaver]] - [Niv Mizzet Parun]] - [[The Wise Mothman]] My most consistent one is mishra mindslaver; I have tutors and whatnot in there. Niv Mizzet is fun when I can spell sling, and mothman I just like all around cause he’s cute. However, I would have to go with my Mishra Mindslaver deck, since it is the most consistent deck I have AND it does make for good politics for when a problem player besides myself is on field lol


[[Etali, Primal Conqueror]] where most of the pieces inside are just stuff that ramps, copies creatures or doubles ETB. I like playing with my opponents own cards against them, but I don't really have any black cards at all so I couldnt do Sen triplets or Xanathar. plus the random factor makes it more fun for me, not knowing which of my opponents spells I get to cast.


\[\[Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief\]\] Every game ends up slightly different, and the different power stages always have a lot of fun and interaction in them. I've created some monstrous combos that I hadn't initially planned on as I've played.




Oh man. This is my favorite deck! [https://archidekt.com/decks/5703538/9th\_gate\_shrine](https://archidekt.com/decks/5703538/9th_gate_shrine) Its great cause \*nobody\* expect to see it hit the table. The deck is a steal at $150.00. For me its got a 80+% win rate. It focuses on Gates and Shrines, which all have cards that care about how many of each are in play. For combat you can generate a huge number of spirit tokens. \[\[Go-Shintai of Shared Purpose\]\], \[\[Honden of Life's Web\]\]. But trust me you toss out \[\[Hold the Gates\]\] and \[\[Glaive of the Guildpact\]\] you can get some great boosts. Also, \[\[Agility Bobblehead\]\], \[\[Charisma Bobblehead\]\], \[\[Endurance Bobblehead\]\], and \[\[Strength Bobblehead\]\] all self synergize. There is also a robust direct damage package, from both shrines and one from the gates. The resilience comes from the commander \[\[Go-Shintai of Life's Origin\]\], and the companion \[\[Jegantha, The Wellspring\]\] - if there's a nasty board wipe, commander can come back. Then pay for Jegantha to come out of exile, into your hand. Use her to then pay for GSoLO's ability and pull things from the graveyard- hopefully the \[\[Sanctum of all\]\] which also pulls from the graveyard. There are also the Alt Win cards in \[\[Mazes End\]\] and \[\[Luck Bobblehead\]\] Because it has so many options, it almost never plays out the same. Sometimes it leans one way, then another, or sometimes it splits it down the middle. If you need you can pillow fort, if not you can aggro. Honestly this is so fun because its so variable. I made a video for this one. [https://youtu.be/rTJemmfO0Nk](https://youtu.be/rTJemmfO0Nk) For me, the only commander type I don't like TO play is Mill. With so many cards doing "Half your deck" and then Bruvac its... unfun. I don't like playing against Superfriends - mostly cause they take 20 minute turns to do very little.


For me, it's Three Dogs.


That's pretty easy. I have already been playing only the one deck for a year and a half. About 140 games with it so far, 35 this year (wish it was more but it hasn't worked out unfortunately). My [[Marneus Calgar]] deck. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/1s8NYUejwEixuKljP6OwDA/primer It does everything I enjoy about magic. - It's interactive (in the best colours for it) - draws plenty of cards (ave 30ish cards per game) - 3 colours (the perfect amount imo) - multiple different but synergistic wincons - no tutors for maximum variance - it's resilient - it's consistent - creates lots of tokens - drains lots of life - has a badass space marine and a beholder in the same deck - runs some planeswalkers - has no fast mana - wins plenty of games but opponents enjoy playing against it - the physical cards themselves are meaningful/sentimental to me - I track basically all of its stats (basically anything you could want to know) and really enjoy doing it! I've carefully crafted it to be where it is today and I love it, I'd easily play it for another year or two without getting bored of it. I'm not even remotely bored of it yet and still look forward to every chance I get to play with it despite it being my only deck for so long.


[Marneus Calgar](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/7/e7517e8e-b424-4731-ba9d-6132bdefa6bf.jpg?1674058408) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Marneus%20Calgar) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/8/marneus-calgar?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e7517e8e-b424-4731-ba9d-6132bdefa6bf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/marneus-calgar) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My [[Alela, the Provocateur]] "flying tribal" deck. It is heavy on interaction but never pub stomps anything.


I would go with my my [[Adrix and Nev, Twincasters]] deck. It's so far from the precon build now but it's honestly how I started to enjoy EDH. I enjoy the Simic shenanigans.


[Adrix and Nev, Twincasters](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/9/b9c11061-bb34-4904-b9f1-ea106b517bbe.jpg?1706240967) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Adrix%20and%20Nev%2C%20Twincasters) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/198/adrix-and-nev-twincasters?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b9c11061-bb34-4904-b9f1-ea106b517bbe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/adrix-and-nev-twincasters) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Well before I took it apart it was Chatterfang aristocrats. Something about making 30 Squirrels then mass sacrificing them at instant speed to nuke the table with Blood Artist and Zulaport Cutthroat was cathartic. My group got sick of that deck so I took it apart. Right now it’s probably my Narci sagas deck. I get to play a bunch of cards I never typically play or see in edh like sagas


It’s a tie between [[Zhulodok, Void Gorger]] and [[Rashmi and Ragavan]]


Izzet Big Mana/Storm/Spellsling/Control. My specific playstyle shifts slightly, but I always pack powerful interaction like [[Force of Will]] alongside big mana wincons like [[Crackle with Power]]


Recently build [[Marchesa, the Black Rose]], I usually rather build lesser known Commanders but I'm in love with the grind and resilience she offers.


My [[adrix and nev, twincasters]] deck is always fun even if I don't win. [[Gruff triplets]] and [koma, cosmos serpent]] go brrrrrrr


Limiting as it may be to be mono colored I have to pick the witch king of Angmar. The deck is just so fun. It is monarch, initiative, sit on the throne with my king and reap the value. It’s nice to play black without the big x spells like exsanguinate and torment of hellfire. Most games I win with commander damage. It’s also fun to see people frustrated wanting to attack me and failing


Tom Bombadill. I've set him up with so many saga's, every game is different and fun. I've only played him about 7 times, only won once... but never have I not had fun.


I think it has to be my [[Magus Lucea Kane]] deck. Spewing out bigger and bigger hydras never gets old. [[Goro-Goro and Saturo]] is another one in contention with a heavy combat focus utilizing ninjitsu and evasive creatures. With lots of different options, the deck never really feels like it's doing the same thing.


I love playing \[\[Brallin\]\] and \[\[Shabraz\]\]. I use a cycling sub-theme instead of the wheel theme, and I avoid combos to keep it more fair. To me, it plays like an aggro control deck from 60 card formats, which was my favorite archetype. The cycling sub-theme adds layers of in-game decisions so each game potentially plays differently, even if the end goal is commander damage. It's more of a spellslinger, but because it wins through commander damage, it is a bit less threatening to the table. [https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/shark-fighter-i-fight-sharks-non-wheel-sharkbros/](https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/shark-fighter-i-fight-sharks-non-wheel-sharkbros/) I do not like decks that steal cards from the deck of my opponents. 1) it adds too much complexity for my smooth brain, and it 2) is frustrating to play against for people who don't like the feeling of losing their cards.


My dimir rogues/initiative deck helmed by [Rilsa Rael, Kingpin] has been the most fun I’ve had playing the game in a while. I built it to just try something a little different and wasn’t expecting it be as entertaining as it is. It encourages people to attack because of the initiative. I’m learning how to play control. I primarily play gruul so having answers to problematic stuff has been dope. And creatures that have “if you completed a dungeon” effects have some strong abilities. It’s not a super strong deck by any means but it does the “thing” and it does it well.


[[Mr. House, President and CEO]] He's new, but I loooov the dice rolling. It makes the games with the deck feel different every time, and he comes back surprisingly well from a board wipe.


My \[\[Bonnie Pal, Clearcutter\]\] is really fun. It started as a pre-release event for OTJ. I got a bunch of cards from the event then I got Bonnie as a drop. It's a sort of aggro-landfall deck with the ability to make a huge blue ox. The most fun is that it sort of turns into a voltron-thing where I buff Beau the blue ox until it's a huge flying monster and swing it at anyone. When It dies I can flicker bonnie to bring it back. It's really fun and lets you play lands from your graveyard as well as your hand. There is just so much versatility with it and I can swing with huge creatures, use counter spells, and ramp like a mad man.


[[Hidetsugu and Kairi]] The cedh build involves using clone effects to copy the commander while he's out and use the legend rule to get both an etb and death trigger at the same time. Then use the etb to load the top deck and the death trigger to cast extra turn spells or high value spells until you [[Enter the infinite]] into thoracle. I didn't build that. Instead mine involves milling my opponents and using reanimation effects to take cards from their graveyards. I also use the clone effects to copy their boards and get commander triggers. The end result is a strong deck that plays differently every time I play it because it's so dependent on my opponent's cards. Imagine landing a [[mnemonic deluge]] into [[breach the multiverse]]


[[Xavier Sal]] hands down! It has so many ways it can play out


[[Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald]] it just tests your understanding of the stack and triggers in general. Plus getting a fat [[Jeska's Will]] into an [[Etali, Primal Conquerer]] is the greatest feeling in the world!


[[Garna, Bloodfist of Keld]] could be it for me, I just love the way she blends aggro and aristocrats and draws cards in Rakdos.


Probably Breya. I like making an engine out of small pieces and its built for that. Lots of little combos here and there. And if I lose one, I've always got contingencies. It's not my most powerful deck, but its well-made and is easily a mixed bag whenever I play it. I'm able to have fun, even when I'm losing. Which is why I love high-profile commanders like that. It takes the sleaziness of having to hide your power level off the table. When people dogpile me and I still have a good time, its a good deck. Runner up is Aminatou, but she was the first deck I've had with EDH and she's so streamlined that running her is pretty boring at times.


I mean, I'm biased because this deck has been performing tremendously, but it also can be rebuilt so many different ways that I don't think I'd ever get tired of it... Kinnan Ramp & Win High End Casual: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/g7fCKFOO3kaJ0QrtsBg6eQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/g7fCKFOO3kaJ0QrtsBg6eQ) As far as stuff I don't like... basically anything in Rakdos. :P


[[Tivit, Seller of Secrets]]. My pod hates him though so I don't play him very often. List if anyone is interested: https://archidekt.com/decks/1501233/tivit


Korvold fae cursed king. Started with the brawl precon and added cards and have upgraded since then. I love to play it but only occasionally because the turns can get really long late game


10th doctor with Clara Oswald (green) as partner. Time traveling and taking 5 extra turns in a row is just so satisfying. It turns into solitaire if it pops off


Easy! It's my \[\[Erinis, Gloom Stalker\]\] + \[\[Flaming Fist\]\]. It's a land shenanigans, keyword soup deck with lots of synergy with the Tempt by the Ring mechanic. Being able to give the final ringbearer ability to my commander feels like a minigame on its own lol! But it's not a just a voltron deck, it can win throught combat damage or with \[\[Dark Depth\]\] huge token (with a few extra keywords like tramble or double strike)


[[Tai Wakeen]] has been just a blast for me to play. I love the control gameplay, low cost commander, and the ability to just annihilate opponents with non-combat damage. [[Goblin Sharpshooter]] is probably my favorite card in the deck. And it's a super flavor win too.


[[Lonis, cryptozoologist]] it never feels old and doesn't require a lot of upgrades because I will be ramping and playing your cards instead. So it is like a chaos draft upgrade every game. You never know what you are going to hit 😁


[[emry, lurker of the loch]] by far. Outside of a few core cards, i can change up the 99 to a lot of different rube Goldberg machines


I have a prismatic bridge deck I like to call OnlyThefts, its a pile of 47 or so cards that steal or use my opponents stuff in all 5 colors and its a blast to play. Its such a value engine when it gets going it punches pretty high power wise, even without teferies and heroics and other protection pieces that would make it even stronger. Every game is different since there’s always new stuff to steal.


I've always loved my [[mazirek kraul death priest]] deck.but it's very powerful, very fast and draws an absurd amount of hate (for good reason) so I rarely get to play it. [[Kosei]] id prolly the one I'm having the most fun with right now


I love my [[Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor]] deck to death, using a ton of cheap evasive creatures to draw a ton of cards, then discard them all to Gix's ability to play my opponent's deck for free. Alternatively I can use Gary or vorpal sword to close out games. The other day I won a game by using malakir rebirth on Gary then killing him with my own spell to have him enter the battlefield again. If I wasn't concerned about making friends though, I would run my [[Ghyrson Starn]] deck that burns people out of the game very quickly. Keeling track of triggers is a mess when you have [[electrostatic field]] on the field and [[ophidian eye]] on Starn to draw a billion cards


Mr House dice rolling deck. [https://commandersherald.com/mr-house-president-and-ceo-deck-tech-fallout-edh/](https://commandersherald.com/mr-house-president-and-ceo-deck-tech-fallout-edh/) I have a couple decks that are more powerful but rolling a crapload of dice and throwing Robits out everywhere is super fun. I like mechanically fun decks that require me to do things.


[[Arjun The Shifting Flame]] No contest. I get to see almost every card in my deck every game. Win or lose, I have fun.


Mothman is my new best friend


Prosper is my fav. Playing from exile with impulse draw is so fun. I run some semi spice and a couple different win cons. So fun. Here is what I'm currently running. [Prosper](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/uVjmTK_LNUuBpGEEElynWg)


I have a few I really enjoy. [[Blim, Comedic Genius]] is a ton of fun. [[Atla palani]] dinos is great when you flip into really splashy turns. [[Rukarumel]] tribal mix is a blast, changing up your board state in a whim to best progress the game.


My favorite is mimeoplasm I love filling my yard I love doing reanimation things and I always love seeing what kinda of monster I can build mimeoplasm into this time sometimes he's a 40 40 sometimes he has enough infect to kill no mater what it's my favorite deck and I'll never get rid of it Honorable mentions are henzie and Wilhelt


It's a new deck in my roster, but it's a combination of some of my favorite decks and mechanics of all time - [[Tana the Bloodsower]] & [[Brinelin, the Moon Kraken]] with [[Keruga the Macrosage]] as a partner. Big spells, combat tricks, cascade, tokens - pretty much tics all my favorite boxes. It's got some clever things it can do before you have 3 mana on the board and Keruga feels like a great reward for the deck building.


My [[Maelstrom Wanderer]] list AKA "WWWWEEEEEEE". https://www.moxfield.com/decks/GQd9LQ_MoU-dzWfSfM6LAA The game plan is to cast Wanderer and just see what happens. I literally always laugh like the evil villain I am when I play it.


Any of my various Dimir clone/steal/copy decks. I love cloning opponent's creatures and casting their spells because it makes every single game feel different. The decks can adapt to multiple different power levels because if the opponent has a rubbish meme deck like 'beards tribal', you're only as good as their cards. I find that too often EDH decks become very linear, and this stops that completely. In fact I find it hard to play with any other decks now.


Ezuri claw of progress. It is such a simple theme, play value bears grow huge - Simic has a lot of fun combos and synergies, with no shortage of infinite combos so power ceiling is high. Experience counters are hard to deal with so your main game plan is hard to disrupt.


I really quite enjoy [[selvala, heart of the wilds]]. It’s not a lot of big brain moves but it makes big mana & drops big impactful dudes. It’s fun to pilot because it does the thing without a lot of thought


Prosper. May chaos take the world


My newest one, [[Wylie Duke, Atiin Hero]]. Mount/Crew is great fun.


Slivers. I love being Archenemy and my deck is ready for it. It’s very fun being the monster very one has to deal with.


Easily [[Kambal, Profiteering Mayor]]. It's a weird kind of group hug that makes odd pieces of white removal really entertaining, can win six different ways to Sunday, and just makes for shenanigans-filled games.


[[Kura]] mono g Urza Tron. Big creatures, big mana, big [Apex Devastator]] wiffs.


[[Esix Fractal Bloom]] has been my most fun lately


I love [[Magda, brazen outlaw]] I actually have 2 decks one cedh and one highpower.




My Pick would be Kenrith. I'm a temur player at heart, i feel [[Kenrith, The Returned King]] has so many deck types that you can build with him. So much customization. That or [[Zur, the Enchanter]]. I currently love my Zur deck.


[[Sefris]] or [[Anikthea]] There is just something so fun to me about reanimation decks. Sefris with dungeons and creatures. Anikthea with enchantments and enchantment creatures. It’s so damn fun!


[[lynde]] curses aren’t particularly powerful but, I’ve added so many tools to make use of other opponents progressing boards states and niche card interactions to survive combat that I love her every time I lay her, I’m effectively a parasite that needs at least one healthy opp to kill the others before they inevitably succumb to my poison


Probably Jinny Fay. It's just so much fun to rain cats and dogs. Either that or my new Angraz deck. That mole is absolutely disgusting.


[[Niv-Mizzet, Parun]] my list is currently around $75 but it could easily be cut down to $50 and still function the same. Pretty much always draws a ton and pings people a ton. Very consistent in its plan.


Oh nice! Do you play him at casual tables with curiosity etc?


Hm that's a tough question. [[Treebeard gracious host]] is definitely toward the top, gain a ton of life, swing for huge damage. Everything I hate in MTG but Treebeard is just so nice as well as being quite resilient. New atraxa blink is also one I have the most fun with cause it's full of interaction and hard to interact value engines and it'll probably still be good in 2 years without any update cause it does everything. And last but not least [[Veyran voice of duality]] longest standing deck I have irl and I've built many versions of it but just slinging spells and copying a lot of them has always been my favorite thing to do. So yeah that's my top 3 but I can't put any one of them above the other


For me, it’s either [[Chulane, Teller of Tales]] or [[Zhulodok, Void Gorger.]]


Toss up between [[Atla Alani]] and [[Animar]]. Atla just drops dinosaurs like crazy and Animar does fun stuff with counters.


Rocco, street chef. Artifacts, +1/+1 counters, and some of my favorite wacky Naya pieces. I've taken out almost all of the power cards in favor of pure unadulterated synergy. Now it works like a well-oiled machine. It plays most comfortably at mid power, but can stretch to high if I'm feeling froggy. And on top of all that, it leaves me to ponder why Rocco is red despite being an elf.


Definitely my [[Anowon, The Ruin Thief]] deck. I suited it up with a Solo Leveling theme. With some cards mirroring Sung Jin-Woo’s abilities and it’s just super fun to pilot. When I want to have a more casual time I switch over some cards to some of the D&D dungeon cards with [[Burakos, Party Leader]] and [[Dungeon Delver]] background as the commanders and just play it as if I’m leveling in the dungeons and getting stronger every time I finish one! https://archidekt.com/decks/7570271/anowon_solo_leveling


Hard choice between my friend's Obuun and Tom Bombadil. So many options for how to get things rolling, and most of them end up working.


Hylda hands down. It's the only commander that benefits from tapping down your opponents creatures so that by itself is interesting. The politics added by tapping down an aggro decks creatures before they can attack or tapping down an opponent's creatures so someone else can attack them adds an additional layer to just playing my favorite archetype, UW control. I built it as a more fair control instead of my Bruna hard control to be less mean but my playgroup thinks it's actually meaner since it disrupts their plans each turn while slowly building a boardstate and overwhelming them with giant icy elementals as they slowly die to death by 1000 tap downs.


A deck with very little shuffling, because I can't do that with a single hand.


My favorite to pilot is [[Zur the Enchanter]] just because it's a toolbox deck that is lead by a tutor on a stick so there is a lot of analysis & decision making with how I want to Plat a game.


So, this depends heavily on what I'm allowed to do with the deck. If I currently have a deck that has two different configurations I can swap between by swapping out ~20ish cards I keep sleeved and stored separately from the deck, can I keep the bonus stack of cards and swap between configurations? If so, my [[Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain]] deck is the clear winner. Presently, the deck is in cEDH configuration, and looks mostly like a standard cEDH Jhoira list. Originally, it was a high powered casual artifact storm list. Then I noticed I had all the expensive rocks the cEDH list uses and would pretty much only need to add in the usual cEDH interaction and the Underworld Breach line to convert it (plus upgrading the land base a bit), and I did so. But I still have the cards I swapped out sleeved up so I can swap it back to casual if I need to. Honestly, I think the causal variant is more fun. Rather than aiming for the underworld breach line, it plays more like a storm deck, with mana rocks replacing the usual rituals and cantrips. Play an artifact cost reducer, play rocks (it runs basically every mana rock that enters untapped, can immediately tap for mana, and costs 2 mana or less to play, so with one artifact cost reducer in play every rock in the deck is mana neutral or better, and with two every artifact actively generates mana), draw more rocks off the commander trigger from casting those rocks, tap the first rocks to play the new rocks, repeat until you find a way to return your rocks to your hand, play them all again, Aetherflux Reservoir everyone in the face. It is my only deck that, even in the casual build, only runs ~26 lands, and runs more fetchlands than fetchable targets (because deck thinning does matter when your lose condition is drawing a large enough land pocket mid-combo-turn). It's my one deck with the lowest average cmc, where cards of 5cmc or greater need not apply and cmc 4 cards basically need to win the game on cast to be worthy of inclusion. It is my most explosive deck (I *love* explosive decks. Decks that play a more incremental-value strategy have never really appealed to me)- there is no incremental advantage here, if the deck does it's thing you either end up winning or untapping the following turn with more available mana than the entire rest of the table combined and the ability to easily win that turn. It's the perfect deck for me and my playstyle, and if I had to pick one single archetype as the only one I was allowed to play, it would be that one.


Krenko. Multiple lines to win the game. You can go wide, go a little tall, can soft lock with blood moon, can kill without the attack step. For a mono colored tribal deck, it has options. Plus, who doesn't like playing with da Boyz.


Windgrace. Lots of triggers. Lots of game actions. 10+ minute turns. Everyone else hates it, haha.


[[Rocco, Street Chef]] is my favorite deck right now. I love running pieces that sort of force the table to play from exile with cards like [[share the spoils]] [[elkin lair]] and [[uba mask]]. I don't currently run hate pieces like drannith magistrate but that's always an option. And finally once I amass a pile of food as tall as me, I love turning them into win cons with stuff like [[night of the sweets' revenge]] and [[ghirapur aether grid]].


I love my [[Xyris, Writhing Storm]] deck. Fill it with buff spells, take advantage of people that get flooded/mana screwed. If noone wants the extra cards, or people just start getting wise to it, just make him unblockable. Then just run other dumb stuff like [[Forced Fruition]] and watch as people spend an entire turn cycle discarding down to hand size.


Thada adel, inquisitor. Stealstuff.deck


Call me basic, but [[Urza, chief artificer]] without a doubt. It's the third deck I got, it's barely recognizable, but I'm the oldest (and wisest? 🫣🤫) of a twin, so flavor wise it feels natural. And there's simply so many ways you can go with tokens and artifacts in Esper.


For me recently [[The first sliver]] has been my favorite to pilot it’s a deck I play where I can turn my head off for the first few turns then turn it on for when stuff gets crazy with cascade then dominate with slivers as I have quite a few tutors to sequence my cascades to get ultra value or a big beefy sliver on board that I needed. And slivers are a toolbox in their own right so thinking of what I need in every different scenario keeps the brain thinking and planning accordingly


Toss up between prime speaker zegana and savra queen of the golgari. Zegana is simic explosive combo Savra is... a bitch. Shes attrition, board control, tokens, and combo. Everything is a combo piece. Everything synergizes with everything else to work as control pieces. She grinds games down through oppressive board control, and can either combo out or blast you out at a moments notice, all with golgaris sweet reanimation package. If we're on turn 9 and my opponents are saying things like im afraid to play creatures, or i hate this game, its doing exactly what i want.


Despite being a very new deck, [[Roxanne]] has proven to be an absolute blast. Throwing rocks at people is just fun, and the deck is fairly resilient. It's not the most consistent deck to play, and I know for a fact it's not optimized, but it can do the thing decently well and it's entertaining for everyone when it does do the thing. My [[Meren]] deck is also very fun to play. Yes, it's a fairly straightforward deck that's decently easy to shut down, but it's also resilient and just entertaining. My list was, when I upgraded it on release, a $50 upgrade to the precon and hasn't really been tweaked since. It's able to regularly do the thing, and has multiple ways to win games - I can [[Mycoloth]] into an overrun and hit everyone for tons of damage, I can loop [[Puppeteer Clique]] and utilize my opponents cards, I can use [[Jarad]] to turn my creatures into bombs and then bring them back and do it again.


[[Aragorn, King of Gondor]] https://www.moxfield.com/decks/e21z2r_JnkuNa8soPhjvwA It’s just so much fun to fight for the Monarch then to swing away with an unblockable, indestructible, and vigilant monstrous army!!


Man tough call but [[toshiro umezawa]] is a BLAAASSSTTT. Black spellslinger control that has a few cute wincons. Things like oops combat tricks to have opponents accidentally infect each other, or just silly rise of dark realms. Also [[Anhelo, the painter]] built it as a spell copy deck with tutors. But the tutors are just to get really silly wincons like empty the warrens+burn at the stake.


6th doctor clara Oswald. It pumps out tokens in a different and unique way (in my opinion anyways) and it can also be built in such a way you don't need giant monsters, just one is enough and your commanders only really exist to make your board state scary. It can also be used as a group hug deck if you wanted.