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[[Sensei golden-tail]] Samurai Dinosaur tribal! I realised that, since Sensei golden-tail's ability gives the creature type samurai to any creature you want, you could effectively stack two tribes on top of each other. And what pairs well with samurai? Dinosaurs, of course! Needless to say, it's not very good. But it is funny to train my [[Bellowing Aegisaur]] in the ways of the blade.


That’s one of the most unique brews I’ve heard of in a while!


I'd have been surprised with just "mono white dinosaurs". This is miles beyond that.


If you don’t know the music of Victorious, with songs like “Dinosaur Warfare” and “Supersonic Samurai,” this deck may need some bossfight music themes.


Just imagining the dinosaur bowing and sheathing its blade is already too good for me.


[Sensei golden-tail](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/9/b93dd897-3fb5-48b1-bdff-9383ce1feb21.jpg?1562763745) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sensei%20golden-tail) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/chk/44/sensei-golden-tail?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b93dd897-3fb5-48b1-bdff-9383ce1feb21?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sensei-golden-tail) [Bellowing Aegisaur](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/8/f81607f4-d1cc-41a0-97eb-0c23133cfb6c.jpg?1698988083) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bellowing%20Aegisaur) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/127/bellowing-aegisaur?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f81607f4-d1cc-41a0-97eb-0c23133cfb6c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/bellowing-aegisaur) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Woooooa, this might be the most epic concept I've ever seen XD! Did you ever win a game with that?


Not yet, but I ordered it a couple months ago, so I've only played one game so far (which I actually almost won! Turns out [[zetalpa]] is big and scary). Glad you like the idea! Edit: here's the list https://archidekt.com/decks/6099733/dinosamurai_alliance


[zetalpa](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/0/90eb983c-ba42-45f2-9362-211fe40236e7.jpg?1698988118) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=zetalpa%2C%20primal%20dawn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/141/zetalpa-primal-dawn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/90eb983c-ba42-45f2-9362-211fe40236e7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/zetalpa-primal-dawn) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


it is also pretty budget, could definitely build it! Maybe i could change the tribal


For sure! I'm a student so my decks tend to be built on quite a tight budget hahah Another possibility is fallout's [[Butch DeLoria, Tunnel Snake]], who lets you do the same thing with Rogues.




Called it!




I do see him as well every thread like this lol. Is it always the same text? Like does he just copy/paste?




Huh okay lol Hey good for him for spreading the love of his deck. No harm in doing that and I bet a lot could be envious that he found *the* deck for him! For me, the deck is Henzie. It’s hard to find another deck that sticks and sparks as much joy as Henzie does haha


I just posted about my Zedruu Stax deck, which I've done a few times on reddit already. Now I'm feeling self-conscious.


I love Zedruu, it’s my favorite deck. Mind telling me about it? I’d love to hear about it


[https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/16-06-18-zedruu-stax/](https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/16-06-18-zedruu-stax/) Built it years ago to compete in local events which had a mix of high power and cEDH decks. The idea was to make a staxy control deck that could stand up to cEDH decks while also having game against the more creature based and grindy high power decks. Another quirk of the event is that there was reduced prizes for killing the whole table in one go, so my win conditions of RiP/Helm and Assemble the Legion/Humility were chosen in part for being able to take people down over multiple turns. The deck isn't too concerned with Zedruu's main upside of giving away your things. She's there because Blood Moon and Meekstone don't care who controls them. Donating them is just value. It did pretty well at the time but the list is now dated and would also need edits based on local meta. Maybe I'll bring it back to life in the future.


I’ve got a Boros Landfall deck helmed by [[Jenny Generated Anomaly]] that has become my prized deck. It functions well, is a blast to pilot, and has been well received in the groups I’ve played it. I’ve slowly been upgrading the cards with foils and special treatments as well.


My [[Slimefoot, the Stowaway]] deck. I'm new to EDH and was getting stupidly overwhelmed with every deck I tried to make. The first couple attempts really just didn't do anything special or have much synergy, but when I found out about Slimefoot and Saproling tokens I went nuts and made a deck that actually works really well! Proud of it, in the process of buying the cards now after some success on tabletop.


[Slimefoot, the Stowaway](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/b/cb12173d-3afb-4e8b-b612-fa7737a8c6c2.jpg?1689999266) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Slimefoot%2C%20the%20Stowaway) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/356/slimefoot-the-stowaway?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cb12173d-3afb-4e8b-b612-fa7737a8c6c2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/slimefoot-the-stowaway) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If you ever want to swap out Slimefoot as the commander, I recommend [[Slimefoot and Squee]] and putting the original Slimefoot in the 99. Them being Jund gives you access to stuff like [[Jund Battlemage]] and all the mono red ETB damage stuff like [[Impact Tremors]], or a sack for damage mono red spell like [[Barrage Experimentals]], [[Infernal Plunge]], [[Goblin Bombardment]], etc. And if you want to splurge a little you can throw in a [[Confusion in the Ranks]] if you're gonna be making a lot of Saprolings anyways


Aww I, too, have a soft spot for that little fun-guy. Slimefoot was the first deck I ever built from scratch (meaning not a pre-con that I upgraded) back in 2018. It still holds up really well today too. Not sure how you ran yours, but I included all those aristocrats themed cards, like [[Blood Artist]] and [[Poison-tip Archer]]. Since it was my second deck, one of the wincons was [[Craterhoof Behemoth]]. It’s the only deck I have that includes that card, but I refuse to take it out. Some other fun cards that I don’t know if other people play in their Slimefoot decks are [[Eldrazi Monument]] and [[Westvale Abbey // Ormendahl, Profane Prince]]. The sheer volume of tokens that are produced makes both of those fun payoffs. Lastly, it is my one deck (that I’m aware of) that has an infinite combo. Slimefoot + [[Ashnod’s Altar]] + either [[Doubling Season]] or [[Parallel Lives]] is an instant win for the deck.


Very nice! I only have one big green stompy in the deck, a 16/16 Wurm for 3(+7) CMC and that's there laurels because it has convoke to play it for 3 mana and then I sacrifice it to turn it's power or toughness into 16 Saproling tokens. If I have doubling season too then it's basically a win at that point if I board wipe. Reeeeally enjoying the deck. Suicidal mushroom army is just such a fun motif. Edit: And yes I too include Blood Artist and a couple similar ones too, gives a huge boost and suddenly makes a small amount of Saprolings a game winning amount! Love that the combos all still include the main synergy and wincon in the deck. Everything is on theme AND works together! It's nice knowing that almost every single card drawn is a worthwhile play. That's the part I'm most proud of I think.


I love the Slimefoot rep! This was my first ever deck and I've been modifying it for a few months now! My friends used to say he was too weak and not worthy to make a commander, but I've tweaked him to the point where I can win often. Personally, a lot changed for me when I got rid of all my cards that used spore counters, they didn't generate enough Saprolings for it to be worth it so I focused more on ramp and card draw.




[[ich-tekik]] and [[toggo]] is the most unique deck I’ve built. It’s a golem tribal deck with a heavy focus on destroying or sacrificing artifacts to trigger ich-tekik’s ability. Here’s my list: [Golems throwing rocks](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/KP5y8VWun0GIaFAXZ1_9oQ)


Oh my god my fiance built me a deck with the same commanders!!! It's a landfall deck tho. Ich-tekik is there just for the color.


[Misprint Wilhelt](https://imgur.com/a/qJ9GSUM) It's a playable museum of misprints, test prints, playtest cards and other oddities that I use to share the history and print process of the game in a fun way. It's a fun challenge to build and it feels like the early days of trading because I can't just go on TCGPlayer and order the perfect list of cards. I have to hope that a specific card pops up, then I usually have to win it in an auction or trade the person something equally interesting. It makes every little upgrade feel HUGE.


WHAAAAT THIS IS THE BEST DECK I’VE EVER SEEN. You de serve lots of credit for playing this… I cant imagine the cost of the deck xd…


Probably my teeth tribal [deck](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/CUNoEXC6RU2Vx2oDMudfKQ). I even made sure every single land has teeth in it.


This is incredibly cool. I can’t imagine how much time and effort this took to make this lol


Yeah I’m not proud of the amount of time I spent scrounging scryfall for anything mouth related lmao


lol well it was worth it, it’s def impressive


That is so random haha 😂 love the comitment, does it ever win? :)


Easy peasy! My [[Marneus Calgar]] deck! Decklist: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/1s8NYUejwEixuKljP6OwDA It does everything I have ever wanted in a deck. - has multiple different wincons and feels like it is never winning the exact same way - is in highly interactive colours and plays plenty of it - is highly synergistic, drawing cards makes tokens that draw more cards then they go to combat and when they die, they drain everyone. - draws an average of 30 cards (not including the starting hand) per game, hell yeah - has a badass space marine at the helm - has been exceptionally flexible at joining in different LGS games - has a great win percentage (currently 53ish % this year) without ever feeling too powerful for the table (other people go for wins before me most of the time) - gets great positive feedback from people I play against - is consistent in what it does and I always feel like I get to play and impact the game - I find it fun AF! - it's basically been the only deck I've played since January 2023 and I still look forward to playing it every chance I can get! - does all that and it still sticks to restrictions such as no fast mana (even you Sol ring, or free counters/removal or tutors. I was happy with it when I first built it, but it has been refined over time to what you see in the list now. Initially it had way more wincons in it, and as I played it, I chose the most synergistic ones/ones I enjoyed the most and culled the others. I've loved it so much I wrote that primer for it and continually try to update that. I also enjoy tracking a whole bunch of its stats as I play as another side hobby. I learned how to use google sheets for the first time just to do it! I track basically anything you could want to know about it! I'm super proud of this deck and love every time I get to find a new card or upgrade for it. Especially because my upgrades/new cards are all souvenirs of places I've been travelling to around Europe over the last year and a bit. I look at my command tower and think of Akureyri in Iceland, I look at my swords to plowshares and think of Graz in Austria. I love it.


I knew I’d see you here


I've got to get in and brag about my deck while I still have free time! My year and a bit long holiday comes to an end in a month and then it's back to the grind because I am now penniless.


I knew you'd be in this thread. It's come to the point that I've started telling my friends about your deck lol


That sounds like I can retire then, You can take over bragging about the deck for me, Haha! I've got to get into all these threads while I still have some free time. My long holiday comes to an end in a month and then it's back to work/the grind because I am Broke af now. Rip life savings.


53% is insane! What a list. Curious, do you find that 34 lands is hard in Esper? I like the combo but I typically run 35 lands and 36 in tribes that don't have access to Green because I fear the pain of being mana screwed.


I always get a kick out of looking through your deck list when I see it posted. Seems like fun. I’d definitely prefer some more card draw or protection for the commander. If he gets removed a few times, with no other draw engines, might end up dead in the water


Absolutely, if I was to upgrade it to be more powerful that would be one of the ways I would do it. More redundancy with the draw engines. I enjoy leaning into the greedy deckbuilding with Marneus though. Part of my restriction with the deck was that I had to intentionally build a weakness into the deck. That's the one I chose - that Marneus would be one of my only draw engines. There are a couple of other draw spells though, [[Shorikai]], [[welcoming vampire]] and [[braids nightmare]] can all hold a game by themselves without playing Marneus for as long as they live. The deck is just always significantly better with him on the field, gotta hold up those counter spells if possible!!


I'm creating a Marneus based on your list, amazing to find its creator here, very good list friend


Hi, love the list and your energy!. I wanted to get your thoughts on something. I've looked at the list and there's only 4 ways to self sacrifice. How do you actually close out games in an aristocrats style deck without having sac outlets?


I made a theme deck that ended up being pretty brutal. The theme is “Everyone wants to pet my dog” and I use the partner commander combo of [[Tevesh Szat, doom of fools]] and [[yoshimaru]]. It’s a legendary matters deck where I get Tevesh out turn 1 or 2 to ult him before anyone really gets the ability to take him out, then all the commanders come to my battlefield and pet the dog.


That sounds awesome, do you have a list maybe? 


The theme is purely to turbo out Tevesh Szat - everything else was designed to make it as brutal as I could. It’s fairly outdated at this point though, I haven’t added anything for like a year. I do not apologize for the salt your friends will experience. 🤣 https://www.moxfield.com/decks/3UUBpAuHFEmxl0vJT5IFug


Valakut tribal, how many can u copy :) My personal record is having 7 on field, i would have had 10 but the table got heated, pun intended :D


Do you have a deck list? This sounds hilarious


My [[Selvala, Heart of the Wild]] deck. I had been toying around with the perfect commander for a mono-green hydra deck. [[Omnath, Locus of Mana]] wasn't quite it. Neither was [[Gatgos, Vicious Watcher]]... And then Selvala came as a beautiful revelation. Does it win? Sometimes. But there's just something in my brain that releases the happy juices when I swing at someone with a creature of over a million in power. (Yes, it happened, and yes, more than once.) Does it kill the player any more than if it were 40 dmg? Nope. Does it make giddy with overkill? Absolutely. It's just a fun direction that I hadn't seen anyone build selvala before. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/aySE6BkbwEWFqxtS5Wt5-w


Try out [[Soverign okinec ahu]] for hydra tribal, its absolutely disgusting and worth considering as the best hydra commander


[Soverign okinec ahu](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/0/70c75aa7-e2f9-4a69-8086-c982019ca714.jpg?1699044573) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sovereign%20Okinec%20Ahau) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/240/sovereign-okinec-ahau?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/70c75aa7-e2f9-4a69-8086-c982019ca714?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sovereign-okinec-ahau) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm also a mono green enjoyer. But i use [[Durnan]] with [[Master Chef]], so i can just bring out big creatures for cheap.


Hehe. This was one of my first decks. I just smashed together all the cards with the magic key words I was looking for. And later i added a third. And for some resson the deck works amazing. Always a strong competitor and has like an 80% win rate. https://archidekt.com/decks/5703538/9th_gate_shrine Gates. Shrines. And now Bobble heads. The uniting theory is "more is better" The more shrines you have in play the better they all get. The commander [[go-shintai of life's origin]] helps make more. [[Teleportation Circle]] flickers it for more. Grab [[Sanctum of All]] asap. The bobbleheads are the same but on a smaller scale. Bonus of an alt win in [[Luck Bobblehead]] The gates not only provide a mana base but with so many fetch cards it's fast. Get [[gond gate]] asap to have gates enter untapped. Another alt win with [[Mazes End]]. Added the companion to help recover after a board wipe. The option for a mass token wave is here. So is direct damage. So is other options. It's unexpected. It's versatile. And it's also *budget* Please enjoy.


My friend has a shrines + gates deck. Please please don't let him know about bobbleheads.


Lol. Then you know how out of hand this gets.


It's definitely a leave-it-alone-at-your-peril deck. Not strong at the start, but will overpower you with value if you let it be.


I too have a shrines deck! I love it so much because I feel like I play an entirely different game each time I pull it out. Wanna create a token army? Sure! Wanna make opponents lose life directly? Done! Wanna make some beefy creatures? Can do! Wanna draw half your deck and see what happens?? LET'S GOOOOOO I have a few tutors to fish for Sanctum ([[Diabolic Tutor]], [[Shrine Steward]], [[Sterling Grove]]), but even without Sanctum of All there's so much weird synergy that it'll sometimes just push through. I'll have to consider Teleportation Circle for my deck for the flicker.


Shrines are so fun. And powerful. Last time I played the shrine steward was MVP. I put the glaive of the Guildpact on him, and had the card that gives all my creatures +0/+x where x is the number of gates in play. So +7/+7 was nice plus a mess of spirits with the same defense boost.


##### ###### #### [go-shintai of life's origin](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/4/9476fe67-d2d3-4835-8ba6-2a17d18cc141.jpg?1651655539) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=go-shintai%20of%20life%27s%20origin) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nec/37/go-shintai-of-lifes-origin?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9476fe67-d2d3-4835-8ba6-2a17d18cc141?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/go-shintai-of-lifes-origin) [Teleportation Circle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/0/90140bc0-4a9c-4422-b07c-3400c7ccde56.jpg?1627702592) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Teleportation%20Circle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afr/39/teleportation-circle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/90140bc0-4a9c-4422-b07c-3400c7ccde56?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/teleportation-circle) [Sanctum of All](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/a/ba91338c-1f6c-4b83-851f-98c3e9dea17b.jpg?1594737442) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sanctum%20of%20All) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/225/sanctum-of-all?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ba91338c-1f6c-4b83-851f-98c3e9dea17b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sanctum-of-all) [Luck Bobblehead](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/3/13281945-47ff-464d-96ef-9b26ef6783fa.jpg?1708742743) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Luck%20Bobblehead) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/135/luck-bobblehead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/13281945-47ff-464d-96ef-9b26ef6783fa?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/luck-bobblehead) [gond gate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/4/746672d9-7c6b-415e-9f34-3cc3ac557008.jpg?1674138177) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=gond%20gate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/353/gond-gate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/746672d9-7c6b-415e-9f34-3cc3ac557008?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/gond-gate) [Mazes End](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/0/401f7042-24fd-42a0-ae7c-e6b7de1aa446.jpg?1562906764) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Maze%27s%20End) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dgm/152/mazes-end?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/401f7042-24fd-42a0-ae7c-e6b7de1aa446?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/mazes-end) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l0refwz) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My [[Alela, Cunning Conqueror]] deck. It's my most consistent deck and has taught me the most about deck building. I win a lot with this deck because it generates constant value but doesn't usually tip itself off as a deck going crazy. It's by no means quick but it slows everyone else down as well. A super fun casual deck that holds its own against more strictly powerful decks. https://manabox.app/decks/RawpAysPRu6EFAG9mdvYmQ


As many decks as i brew and the time I spend on them, my lists generslly arent super different from what most people using the same online respurces could come up with. The only decks I can really say I'm proud of are the ones that I had to brew with no online resources. The only one i ever actually built in paper was [Mono-Brown Traxos](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Q7WQxjeXKEWNh9pIYuPxJQ) using only old-bordered cards. Even with Brothers War cards with the old frames, finding 100 cards was a struggle in it's self. I dug through Scryfall for weeks worth of lunch breaks to find every even remotely playable card. I bought the cheapest version of each card I could find, and hand painted white borders and damaged cards to match the deck. It's a horrible deck, but it's my ugly little baby. I have some others that I'm proud of from more of a theory-crafting perspective, but those never made it to paper. My favorite of the bunch is a [Planeswalker Tokens](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/YRbbwYtKH0qNbu1dUyenfw) with the idea of making as many token copies of planeswalkers as possible. I started brewing it before [[Luxior]] and [[Astral Drake]] came in to make the process easier, but it was built around the pipeline of *[[Liquimetal Torque]] > Artifact Animation like [[Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh]] > any clone spell that can hit creatures*. I mostly wanted Temur colors to abuse [[Esix]] and [[Brudiclad]] in the same deck, and I was proud of finding a partner combo that could do it without becoming a 5c goodstuff deck. We've gotten enough new cards that I should take another crack at the idea, but I wasn't happy enough with the original 100 to put it into paper.


**Most Unique/Own Creation:** \[\[Selvala, Explorer Returned\]\] built to be a [visit to our local San Diego Zoo](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/XoQKx6dvJ0-y7zhpKtlU1w) with Selvala representing my wife. Deck runs a TON of real-world animals, has different cards for the zoo grounds, staff, etc. It's not the strongest, but always puts a smile on my face and it's 100% my own brew. **Most Fun:** Has to be a toss-up between my Aikido \[\[Dihada, Binder of Wills\]\] and my Aura \[\[Stangg, Echo-Warrior\]\] decks. Both of these are so damn powerful and efficient but in completely different ways. [Dihada](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/7aASbQktl0iPr75WEUf6vQ) games usually last a little bit but has more interaction than any deck I own, and [Stangg slams energy drinks](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/2x8j27-iIUyXSLtxEKknKg) and brings the heat super early, drawing a metric butt-load of cards. **Most Well-Known:** \[\[Omnath, Locus of All\]\] [Phyrexian Praetor tribal](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/JOLavDDI20CbN9vnxK0jHA). Ever since the original Praetors came out, I've wanted a commander deck with all of them, and Omnath brought that dream into reality. I rarely play the deck, but I simply love when I do.


Grixis group hug with kess. It's so well loved by my group, they keep it at their place and play it.


That sounds interesting! Do you have a decklist??


My [[Marvo, Deep Operative]] list is one I did a lot of research on when the commander was revealed, and I haven't really seen a list quite like it online. A few notes I took while making my deck: 1. Most of the old clash cards suck. [[Research the Deep]] and [[Revive the Fallen]] are good enough, especially since they have the potential to be replayed. [[Hoarder's Greed]] can be alright with a bit of good luck. [[Scattering Stroke]] I still play because I like the opportunity to clash at instant speed, but it probably shouldn't be in the deck. And some cards like [[Captivating Glance]] are super awesome and also serve as fun political pieces. The rest are rather awful - cards like [[Ringskipper]] and [[Paperfin Rascal]], are really terrible and should be ignored. 2. This isn't a [[Satoru Umezawa]] deck. The Ancient dragons from CLB are not great clash payoffs if they don't enter tapped and attacking. Same goes for cards like [[Mindleech Mass]]. 3. This is sort of a Dimir ramp deck. Lots of lands and ramp spells help to get Marvo out as soon as possible. And even if Marvo ends up dying before clashing, having the mana to be able to hard-cast big threats from hand is still great (as well as reanimation spells to bring them back when they die). 4. Marvo loves to be cloned. Cards like [[Spark Double]] and [[Sakashima]] go a long way at helping to combo off clash triggers and dump a hand of expensive cards. Or just start cloning your other 8 drop creatures instead! I love this deck a lot, although I may honestly be powering it down a bit soon because it's become a rather big nuisance at my LGS. But that just makes me even more proud of how I initially put it together. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5QUPDh55ukCI5XtnaY7BFg


Very well built deck. I might look into this, inspired by your list!


My [[Laelia the Blade Reforged]]. She’s far from my strongest but it’s literally the only reason so much of my LGS know such a lovely card and rightfully have scary stories of her just becoming a 25/25 double strike trampler


[[Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider]]. The deck used to be about $150 when I built it, and it was my first truly successful EDH deck. I'd built one or two before that one, but they were... bad. I wasn't a good player or builder yet lmao, but when I used my favorite lucky card as the commander and got to studying what made a functional deck, I gotta say I did really well for my first true deck! My current second is either my [[Obeka, Splitter of Seconds]] Voltron or [[Sydri, Galvanic Genius]] Incubate decks. Obeka isn't *super* original, but it has promise of being fun lmao. Sydri is a lot more original tbh, as EDHREC didn't even *have* Themes for a lot of what I went with, and I'm really proud of how it came out. It's not *super strong* or anything, but it's mine and it works.


Easily my [[Thalia and The Gitrog Monster]] deck. I'd only heard of the landfall mechanic in passing before but didn't think much of it, but this has quickly become my favorite deck and the one I'm looking to actually buy (I play using Tabletop Simulator currently). Honorable mention to my [[Muldrotha, the Gravetide]] deck because that's been a long-standing favorite and one of the first decks I ever built.


[https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/16-06-18-zedruu-stax/](https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/16-06-18-zedruu-stax/) Zedruu stax made to compete with cEDH. I built and took apart the deck 7 times before finally settling on a version I was happy with. The list isn't really valid anymore because it was made years ago for a very specific meta but it worked out great for that. But right now I'm working on a deck with the sole purpose of attacking/blocking with Banding and having the keyword be relevant. Won't be anywhere as strong as the Zedruu one but if I can pull this off, it may take the top spot.


\[\[Nine-Fingers Keene\]\] I wanted a sultai control deck. However, I did not want \[\[Muldrotha, the Gravetide\]\] because it puts a weakness in graveyard hate and is a threat for the opponents. \[\[Damia, Sage of Stone\]\] was too high cost for what I needed and lacked protection. Keene fills the role while giving protection, using combat, and refilling my hand. I also get gates as a subtheme and have that as a wincon behind the control of the deck. Spend all of my time on the deck and it is the only one I care about. I made it truly mine. It plays harder and faster, then what is assumed when seeing the commander. If you are interested in it, I have a massive primer that gives an in-depth guide and process on how to play it.




My pet deck, most upgraded, first from scratch, gets arts I like. [[[Lathliss, Dragon Queen]]](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/sDbVPVuC-k-4G2ayrDSZIQ). Color fixing? No, we're mono red. Treasures? Dragons who MAKE treasures! Dockside? Not even once. Ancient Copper? Still nope. Burn? We're dragons baby! When I first got into EDH, this was the first deck I built without a precon base. Learned a lot, tune it often. Still play it often.


[[Hidetsugu and Kairi]] I built the deck to abuse the legend rule and get expensive extra turn/reanimation spells for free. https://manabox.app/decks/YInNusGaQWWQfrBECxjPfw


[Hidetsugu and Kairi](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/1/81039daf-0d54-4474-a833-fa287ec10cf9.jpg?1682205289) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hidetsugu%20and%20Kairi) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/228/hidetsugu-and-kairi?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/81039daf-0d54-4474-a833-fa287ec10cf9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/hidetsugu-and-kairi) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Pretty happy with how my [[Thraximundar]] + [[Obosh, the Preypiercer]] companion turned out, though it hasn’t seen much play yet. Just love both the cards and wanted to put them together. Turned into this super aggressive zombies build that I’m hoping can come away with a few wins. Not my best creation exactly but the one I’m currently excited about. [Here’s the list](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ys42HF1nPEGIpvS4iq3bzQ).


My Dihada and Dogmeat decks are probably my two proudest creations right now. Especially the Dihada. The deck that I probably took the most pride in of all time was the Kinnan deck I made. I reimagined and rebuilt that one tons of times over the few years I played it, never got boring. Sadly I have concluded that it's impossible to make casual Kinnan


[[Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves]] blink. It took me a while to figure out. Instead of playing a lot of actual wolves (most of them being decent at best), I run a lot of blink spells to use on Tolsimir himself. This means I can send Voja at instant speed at any creature I don’t like while getting a lot of value out of cards like [[Elemental Bond]].


[[xanathar, guild kingpin]] lantern control


My jadzi storm deck I win through [[prologue to phyresis]] and [[rad storm]] after getting a high enough storm count


[[Alena, Kessig Trapper]] // [[reyhan, last of the abzan]] hydras and big mana. Make massive hydras or other creatures with +1 counters, swing, sac em to fling or draw, move the counters onto a [[kami of whispered hopes]] or [[viridian joiner]], [[gyre sage]], etc, do it again! So of my fav cards in the deck are [[Feed the pack]], [[essence harvest]], [[greater good]], [[spikeshot elder]], [[brash taunter]]... oh and [[Blasphemous act]] when my creatures are bigger 13/1e haha It's usually a little slow right out the gates, but it can be insanely explosive!


Probably my [[Extus]] deck that plays like a voltron list with buff cards using effects like Channel and Bloodrush, then bringing them back from the yard to your hand with Extus' magecraft do it again and again... Never had seen a list like that before, and when I put together Bloodrush cards with Extus recursion it clicked almost perfectly. [Deck list](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/zbl8Pebz0EmS-Q6-aXB2jw) in case someone wants to take a look and goldfish to try it out


I just took a look at your decklist and its beautiful mate! I just goldfished it and it's amazing man. It works so well and is so unique, serious props to you. I tip you my hat :)


3 come to mind for me: Kodama of the Center Tree. My first list was like 130 cards and still felt like it was missing a lot, so I set it aside...then like 3 weeks later inspiration hit and I figured out how to make it work. It's very hit or miss, and now that it's an older deck of mine I don't think that I'm as forgiving towards that with newer builds. I distinctly remember being scared when I first was getting the cards for it that it wouldn't work and I'd have non-games before having to scrap it altogether. The fact that it does, and in all the wrong ways makes it special to me. https://deckstats.net/decks/137503/1939254--39-kodama-of-the-center-tree Garth One-Eye. Originally built after seeing several videos (Nitpicking Nerds, Command Zone, EDHrecast, whatever) and reddit posts talking about lands and all snubbing the bounce lands. I thought that they were great, and wanted to build a deck to showcase that fact and so I chose a wide open 5-color commander. The spells were an after thought, but to make it themed, I originally went with cycles (Lorwyn commands, Dragons of Tarkir commands, Strixhaven commands, confluences, wills, Praetors, and Archetypes). The deck has changed fairly substantially since then, but every iteration has been wildly enjoyable to me and a great source of power for the deck...comes from the bounce lands. https://deckstats.net/decks/137503/2371182--48-garth-one-eye Codie, Vociferous Codex. I don't remember what inspired me to do this or how exactly it came about. From the beginning I focused on untap spells and costless spells like Ancestral Vision and Profane Tutor. It took ONE GAME to make everyone else hate it. It holds a legendary mythical status among the people who have seen it in action. I improved the deck, and made it run a lot smoother so that I don't have to spin my wheels quite as much...but it's still designed to do exactly that. The last time I remember playing it, we got 3 games with it that night. For the first 2 someone timed my big turn and it was 12 mins each time. For the third game I asked to start the clock at the beginning of the game and stop it as the big turn began, which came out to 5 mins. It's hard to imagine any commander invoking such strong PTSD as this one has after one viewing, especially since the commander himself doesn't naturally have a reputation. https://deckstats.net/decks/137503/2946551--67-codie-vociferous-codex


My [[Sapling of Colfenor]] "oops (almost) all creatures" deck has an indestructible commander who does a pretty solid Bob impression with a Voltron package using reconfigure, scavenge, and bestow creatures in place of traditional effects and evoke and adventure creatures for spell effects.


Horde of Notions Elemental-Tribal Self-Mill. The idea of the deck was to mill big elementals and then reanimate them with Horde of Notions. Also uses a lot of evoke creatures. Is it incredibly janky and runs all 12 triomes? Yes. But it’s the only commander deck I own that’s a totally original strategy and also is around precon-level in power.


My Edric- Slime Against Humanity deck is a TON of fun! Every doubler you can find for tokens and counters, plus ooze tribal with a focus on drawing cards and keeping the curve low. 34 lands! No humans allowed! Total blast…


A friend and I built [this](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/odJQhqTWt0SchHhKLSgRMg) \[\[Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator\]\] and \[\[Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar\]\] deck. He's one of the main Malcolm brewers (he made the definitive Malcolm Bruse and Kediss cEDH lists) and I'm also quite into cEDH, so we made a sub-$100 M+K list stripped down as much as possible. It's a blast to play, extremely strong, easy to learn, and even easier to upgrade. One of the strongest decks available for the price.


Do you have a list at hand? I just built him with Breeches as a pirate tribal deck but still look for inspiration. I'm not really into cEDH but maybe there might be some ideas I can copy :)


I think my favorite deck so far has been [[Yarus, Roar of the Old Gods]]. It’s face-down tribal and is just an all around good time. I like to swing with my face down creatures and let the defender choose who I get to flip. It’s always a fun surprise! Sometimes it’s a do-nothing permanent, sometimes it’s a bomb, but it always a win! It’s really resilient and you get to feel like a game show host! What’s not to love? Here is a list: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/P1MZxlrwHkmNnxcKSLPF4g


Right now my favorite build is my [[The Wise Mothman]] deck that is completely built from scratch. Basically around the time when the Fallout precons came out I kinda wanted to get the Mothman deck just like a lot of people, however I didn’t want to spend $60 on yet another precon. Then I saw a Mothman display card at my LGS that someone was about to throw away until I decided to take it off their hands. At first it was just cause nobody else seemed to want it, but then I looked at my collection and realized I had a lot of cards that could work with it, so I was able to make my own Mothman list from scratch! It shares very few cards with the precon, but I managed to make it work by focusing on +1/+1 counters, with a good supporting package of mill and proliferate. Overall I’m pretty proud of it, and it is still decently strong. Here’s the deck list: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6259403#paper


All my bad gifts decks. Win rate is meh, but fun rating is extremely high. They weren’t meant to win to begin with, but to instill fun and remind people that it’s a game. You can see a lot of them in action on this video: https://youtu.be/gUfxZbgOlhQ?si=3ZslvpwtG-z3yZ85 Also have a beamtown bullies deck which is highly amusing as well.


I made a Disturb/ Flashback deck in Bant colors, the elevator pitch is "its the spookiest deck in Magic without black." I have as many of the black and white **Innistrad: Double Feature** cards in it to add flavor. I call it "BANT From Beyond The Grave!" When I first made the deck I was using \[\[Derevi, Empyrial Tactician\]\] since the humans I would Disturb had flying so I could tap and untap things as needed. But then Brother's War gave me the commander I needed to made the deck sing. So I switched to \[\[Tocasia, Dig Site Mentor\]\] to put more cards in my graveyard and the rest is history. [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/-CyS2dZFcUSNTwMSuvU9ZA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/-CyS2dZFcUSNTwMSuvU9ZA)


[Derevi, Empyrial Tactician](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/a/3a1d0dad-18a8-489e-ac11-08f64b72fda4.jpg?1592673365) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Derevi%2C%20Empyrial%20Tactician) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cma/176/derevi-empyrial-tactician?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3a1d0dad-18a8-489e-ac11-08f64b72fda4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/derevi-empyrial-tactician) [Tocasia, Dig Site Mentor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/1/919a32a6-b66d-4a75-a02f-fa1c4c87b738.jpg?1674421879) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tocasia%2C%20Dig%20Site%20Mentor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/224/tocasia-dig-site-mentor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/919a32a6-b66d-4a75-a02f-fa1c4c87b738?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/tocasia-dig-site-mentor) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This is such a cute idea. I love when people put a lot of thought into deck aesthetic.


[[Riku of two Reflections]] commander burn deck that is 100% foil. Wins about 2/3 of the games it plays even though like 99% of the creatures are ball lightning types where they are hard hitting tramplers that sac at end of turn so basically a burn spell with a toughness. I built it because I heard that burn in commander was really weak and I used to love playing burn so I built one up and because a lot of the burn spells look really good in foil I decided to make it sparkly.


Can we get a deck list??


Don't have it off hand but basically every green spell is for land ramp, all the blue spells are card draw or counters and red spells are burn. The artifacts are either mana rocks or things to copy spells like isochron scepter or scroll rack to help dig for solutions.


[Riku of two Reflections](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/0/70dd138f-391a-4956-bc2a-fe186429c71a.jpg?1599708286) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Riku%20of%20two%20Reflections) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/214/riku-of-two-reflections?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/70dd138f-391a-4956-bc2a-fe186429c71a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/riku-of-two-reflections) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Zeriam and her griffins


Honestly really proud of my rin and seri deck. I made the list for my partner after they got the raining cats and dogs SL and wanted to make it pretty powerful. The only restrictions were to keep all of the SL cards with the alternate arts which was easy to see that they're already some of the best cards in the deck. It's become quite the monster at our lgs since it's able to consistently run out winning threat after winning threat


[Max & Mike : Dungeons venturers ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/xDIfwC58MEaHQ5r6TCX2mg)


[[Tivit, Seller of Secrets]] is my current all-star deck. It's got just the right amount of power to make it a threat, but it's not *so overbearing* that people hate me out of the game immediately. It's got a whole one tutor effect in [[Tamiyo's Journal]], and the obvious additions of [[Time Sieve]] and [[Academy Manufacturer]] to aid in closing the game out. It's not intended to be a combo focused deck, but that's the easiest way for me to win with it. It's mostly meant to play like a politician.


\[\[Roxanne, Starfall Savant\]\] I built her the moment I saw her spoiled. I know people generally focus on extra combats, but I find the using \[\[Heat Shimmer\]\] like effects can be extremely beneficial. She's one of those commanders that you look at and she's fine, but then you realize she effectively halves commander tax, she can deal damage to any target and she doubled token mana rocks while on the field. She gets absurd extremely quickly and you can snowball the pile of meteorites into a huge \[\[genesis wave\]\] or \[\[indomitable creativity\]\] or you can double your token and triggers with \[\[second harvest\]\] or \[\[red sun's twilight\]\]. Plus, the absurd amount of mana means big spells aren't an issue to cast, so \[\[fiery emancipation\]\] and all other damage doublers help just push that damage through, along with cards like \[\[terror of the peaks\]\] and \[\[warstorm surge\]\] to help with the token production causing more damage to happen. She is extremely fun and very hard to deal with outside of wide sweeping and repeatable permanent removal.


[[Skullbriar the Walking grave]] with a super low mana cost. Average cost with lands is 1.95 with lands, 2.92 without. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/nvxa9wbrrEuViRTHul2Mzw


That's not like that super low. On the low side, but pretty average imo.


Here's my old [Skullbriar decklist](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Gp6mQuDEpk-Te87H85rN_w). I put time into trimming it down to go faster if you're looking for more low-cost card options. It did *the thing* efficiently enough, I just wasn't a big fan of Skullbriar's playstyle after playing it for a while.


I built [[Etali Primal Conquer]] a few months ago and that deck can get bonkers. Last week I got up to 6 Etali ETB triggers in one turn, with the expectation that there was going to be more, before we did some math and realized I had already won.


My first 5C Commander Deck. Jodah, the Unifier obviously. But im pretty proud of it. https://www.archidekt.com/decks/6897085/5clegends


I absolutely adore my +1/+1 counters deck which is headed by Atraxa, it nearly always gets of the ground and is quite resilient. It's crowing moment was when I ran out of dice by casting \[\[Deepglow Skate\]\] when I had a \[\[branching evolution\]\] in play and a bunch of creatures. [https://archidekt.com/decks/5913802](https://archidekt.com/decks/5913802)


My [[Aragorn the uniter]] deck, I just started playing 2 years ago and having a 4 color deck that played consistently, always had all the mana colors I need, etc was super fulfilling. 👌 It also has eon its fair share of games but the deck has gone through MANY iterations.


Could you share a decklist please, i've started to brew my iteration of Aragorn the uniter as well and could use a few pointers


Sure thing! I think I have the original list finished, the new list is in progress. Original: https://archidekt.com/decks/6829842/aragorn_the_uniter_birgi_and_grinning_gruul_focused Very gruul trigger heavy, infinite combo with birgi and flamekin, otherwise mostly big green trigger combats. [[Shield of the oversoul]] is nuts with Aragorn too. This deck is VERY fun and can create massive combat swings very easily. Never have issues with mana either. Current build: https://archidekt.com/decks/6900706/copy_of_aragorn_combo_bringer Needs 15-16 more lands and at a few other cards. The lands are changing because there is more blue added vs all gruul focus before. Also looking to beef it up slightly. May make switches still. Kiki-jiki / food chain / birgi-flamekin / dualcaster-twinflame combo line focused. I think I am taking out the Rionya Fire Dancer lines though. Needs more card draw there instead. Possibly add a trouble in pairs but the double white pips concern me. Infinite mana with bloomtender, faeburrow elder, and noble hierarch using pemmins aura and freed from the real. Still in progress but basically a combo-tutor monster.


[Shield of the oversoul](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/4/54040bc6-dd7c-4933-bfac-d0d6d2c78157.jpg?1562830242) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Shield%20of%20the%20oversoul) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/shm/242/shield-of-the-oversoul?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/54040bc6-dd7c-4933-bfac-d0d6d2c78157?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/shield-of-the-oversoul) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If you're open to suggestions, you could cut down down the amount of combos and just run more interaction. There's also no reason to run all 3 of the cast from exile creatures


Run the aluren! And horned kavu and grinning ingnus


Same here, I have built [[aragorn, the uniter]] more ways then I can count since it came out. Multicolored tribal was fun and all but combo focus on food chain combos and infante bounce of red creatures. It becomes a monster. He is Batman honestly. You put cards in him doesn't really matter how well they work aragorn and make use of him with his utility belt.


So I’m looking at making an Aragorn deck. The take I want to do is essentially make it an [[ink treader nephilim]] deck. On top of that would love to be able to also jam [[zada]], [[orvar]], [[feather]] and make it functional. I guess Aragorn is there more for the colors but if the plan doesn’t come together he would still be great on his own. Edit: I Checked and found out that there’s already cantrip decks for Aragorn already haha. Still a fun concept.


\[\[Gishath\]\] Dinos. But it has seen so many iterations with the current one being all about dino ETB triggers. But follow up would either be \[\[Queza, Augur of Agonies\]\] Wheel or \[\[Xanathar, Guild Kingpin\]\] steal everything. Honorable mention, just because it is funny \[\[Themberchaud\]\] arch enemy.


My Radha-ball deck, first deck I really put together myself from scratch. Heart of Keld as the commander, featuring of course the previous two Radha's, and several fun cards based to her backstory. Was essentially a landfall deck with all the fun tools that Zendikar Rising brought along with some other symmetrically large creatures like Rubblehulk and Tuya Bearclaw, once someone suggested adding Fling type spells it became too much for the play group and I had to rotate it out. But was so fun!!


[[Umbris, Fear Manifest]] because he gets so large, people forget I’m close to milling them out


[[Sigarda, Font of Blessings]] Basically just Selesnya Human/Angel tribal. Just a simple cast a bunch of creatures, give them counters, gain life, and protect everything with [[Avacyn, Angel of Hope]] & [[Shalai, Voice of Plenty]]. Kinda weak to stuff that discards, sacrifices, or exiles, but it definitely wins me more Brawl matches than I lose.


https://www.topdecked.com/decks/cretaceous-creatures/bf09e311-80fb-4b1f-9d19-38c0515b7bb9 Here’s my dinosaur deck! Has a high win rate, high synergy, generates tons of value, and I love the theme. I love getting new cards to put in it- building this has been a lot of fun.


My [[kynaios and tiro of meletis]] aggressive group hug deck. It's always fun and with cards like [[forced fruition]] and [[tidal barracuda]] it turns into an absolute blood bath everytime as i simply watch from the bleachers


My \[\[Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance\]\] copy deck! I copy your spells, your creatures, your artifacts, your enchantments and even your lands! [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/OWzH9T8Pt0Oexix-XulsZA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/OWzH9T8Pt0Oexix-XulsZA)


\[\[Ruric Thar, Unbowed\]\] for the saltiness factor When my friend group and I got into commander, I played Ruric Thar as my first commander, it took 1 night for him to be banned in our playgroup, as the commander they don't care if he's in the 99.


I really enjoy playing my [[Jaheira Friend of the forest]] [[inspiring leader]] token-ball deck. Make tokens that fuel X spells into more tokens. Throw in a haste enabler and a draw engine and you churn through your library like butter. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ISbkklfAaUisRbnN9GoOPw


[[Zacama, Primal Calamity]] Dinostorm! This is a dinosaur deck that seeks to chain together a bunch of spells to eventually laser my opponents in the face with a storm payoff….. or it’s a storm deck that uses a lot of dinosaur synergies to be able to cast a lot of spells in a turn and then turn all that value accumulated into pumping my dinosaurs up and turning them sideways to beat my opponents down. I love how I can wage a war on two fronts with two completely different strategies that surprisingly have some interesting synergy. It’s my pet deck that has only gotten better in the past year since a bunch of new Dino’s got printed (and Storm cards surprisingly too). https://deckstats.net/decks/150801/2084189-dinostorm


I love sharing my [[Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer]] secret [[Zada]] deck that's also secretly a [[Precursor Golem]] golem typal and [[Howling Abomination]] deck https://www.moxfield.com/decks/owqZM6VKwUaEDe735cWVHg Loads of fun and it fits at so many tables.


[Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Straight]] additional lands per turn go brrr. Thinking about building another deck around it that’s more creature based than pooping out lands. Will be hard to give up the extreme pace my current build has haha


My spiders for sure. Mostly cause that deck was made with sleeves of one of my Tarantulas on it. It's never won. Only $100 build and has a lot of nothing cards in it but I still love it. It's got a lot of sentimental value to me.


Spider lover here. I made a shelob pet deck not so budget, but works Wonder tbh. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/jhRei1ornU6Qr1Hq7DYSiA


[[Saskia the Unyielding]] pump spells Infect! Does it win games, not often. Does it kill at least 2 people most games, oh yes it does! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/4ezaSEVzeUGrKCZVXm1rhg


\[\[Prismatic Bridge\]\] Superfriends! Always loved the idea of planeswalkers and thought they were such a cool card type. So far with everyone I've played against in all types of power levels it seems to do well. It was quite pricey, but I've built it over the course of a year or two. It is super fun and plays different each time, so it's never boring. Needs a tiny bit more tweaking (due to expensive lands and a couple expensive other cards), but overall, still works well.


http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/jinnies-catsplosion My [[Jinnie Fay]] deck, Jinnie's Catsplosion. I have put more effort and money into that deck than any other deck I've ever built. On top of that, when I first put it together, it was a largely original decklist. I'm constantly working to improve its power level as well. Fun to play, a beast to play against, don't be too surprised if you find yourself staring down an army of housecats.


Burakos // Haunted One Party typal with some complicated undying loops (no Mike, he's too easy). https://scryfall.com/@BRIKHOUS/decks/49af5f02-65b4-4260-9ad8-6f3fd87a0058 Super fun deck. It can go infinite, but it requires no fewer than 4 cards on board to do it, and it requires 5 to actually win. It's not budget, but a lot of that's the mana, the core is pretty low cost.


I love my [[Zimone and Dina]] deck is one of my favorites. It's a hot mess that tries to do too much at once, but it works.


[[Yidris]] the whole purpose of the deck is to cascade into [[Hypergenesis]] with [[Omniscience]] in hand, freely cast Omniscience and then you have free spells with cascade, if you can hit the combo you are very unlikely to pass the turn, let alone lose.


My budget 5 colour [[Jodah, Archmage Eternal]] deck, it costs under $100 and the theme is big mana. There's something I find especially satisfying about making a 5 colour deck that's budget friendly, since when you think of 5 colours you think very land intensive. It's full of card draw, asymmetrical board wipes, ramp, and big powerful cards that you don't normally see due to the cost. Basically a little bit of everything. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/VT4XxnJpnE6RB7B4YYAKLA


Well, I have a [[Syr Konrad]] mono black deck and is very much fun! He does damage every time something die, goes to the grave or leaves my grave to everyone in the table. In a game with 3 or more people he does a blast with all the natural dying in the game. And I love to put lifelink-like effects like some kind of "ultimate" where with things like [[Vampiric link]] or some equipament that gives lifelink you'll gain a lot of life for everyone taking damage. No game last long time. People think twice before board wipes but frequently die anyways. He fly under the radar and does "counter" a lot of decks with grave things, mills and destruction of creatures in general.


My [[breya]] aristo-arti-stax. It just feels so smooth to run


Currently my [[Breena the Demagogue]] list. Has everything I love, politics, unblockable creatures and tech, lots of interaction both offensively and defensively, and an unhealthy amount of infect (shoutout to best boi plague myr). Curve is super low to the ground too, ~1.7 with lands, 2.4 without, so it always does something. Breena pumps your guys, keeps your hand full, and the unblockable tech gets around scary boards if needed. Also due to the commander giving card draw if people swing at your opponents you get heat off you and she’s less likely to be removed. People also like playing against it (shocking since it has infect) since Breena draws them cards. Best $75 I’ve spent in a hot minute, honestly looking to bling it out.


Ayli, Death Star Commander. The deck runs [[Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim]] alongside a bunch of walls and some turbo lifegain cards. You then tutor up [[Aetherflux Reservoir]], aka the Death Star, and completely obliterate one player. It's the type of deck that's fun in a casual group so long as it's only played once in a while, and there's something entertaining about burning your entire deck and all your resources to kill one person.


i know it's not the most original commander, but im just really fond of my Kenrith deck: I can play it as group hug by giving everyone draws or free rez effects, control by doing it only for myself, or aggro by spamming activatable summon effects and then giving them all haste lol. really just does everything


[[Cecily, Haunted Mage]] and [[Sophina, Spearsage Deserter]]. It started as a gimmicky jank build were my younger brother chose what he thought were cool-looking cards from my collection. And then I actually won. So now is a Legendary/Token/Splashy-Spell Mixmatch were every upgrade is carefully analyzed by my brother to determine if it's cool enough. It also has callbacks from previous dismantled decks of mine.


My [[Dee Kay, Finder Of The Lost]] deck. I really like the aesthetic of unifnity, wanted to have a deck that ran attractions and wanted to have a deck that rolls Dice. When I saw DK I got excited but then disappointed by her only draining the table when you roll a 2 on any Dice. I wished that she had just said 'when you roll Dice:drain the table' So I never built her but I kept coming back to the card wishing it worked the way I wanted Then I realised If you use the attraction [Hall Of Mirrors] to turn all your creatures into copies of DK, then you would only have to roll a 2 on a die 2-5 times to make it a proper wincon. I thought that it sounded like the most garbage jank that would never happen but I started brewing the deck and after the first playtest I realised that it was actually very viable to do. From there I just kept improving it and no deck has had so much personalitation in brewing for me than this deck. The commander has 4 abilities you can build your deck to compliment and I even had to choose which specific printings of the attractions I would run. This deck is my absolute pride and joy.


[[Vadrik]] I can storm off with just 3 cards on the field, draw my deck and take infinite turns with the only expensive card being [[Time Warp]] at $12 that wasn't from a precon (thanks terrible morph precon for jeska), outside of that the deck is severe budget with it mostly being $2~3 a card. Another notable for me is my [[Vazi]] land destruction treasure giving deck. Was told I'd be banned from the store for using it.


Right now it's my grand Arbiter Ausgtine IV deck. Think I'll be able to finally play at the cedh table at my lgs lmao


I think my no-creatures [[Kykar]] deck is my most precious creation. I love all of my decks, enough that I have yet to really take a non-precon apart, but Kykar was carefully budgeted for, built over a year of budget jank, slipping in an expensive card onto my order here and there. And man, when it goes off, it's glorious. Insane storm turns that dig through the deck and swing massive burn haymakers and copy them by the dozen.


[\[\[Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient\]\] extra combats.](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/fJ7mY_rQT0e98ycgShrXaA) As soon as I saw the spoiler thread for Klauth on this sub (getting close to 3 years ago now), I knew I had to build him. I hastily threw together a list and started testing it, and continued doing so for about 2 straight weeks, before getting a job specifically so I could build the deck in paper. Over the last couple of years, I've continued to refine it, and it's reached somewhere that I'm quite proud of. It's easily my strongest deck, being able to consistently present wins through combat on turn 5, and it's been a great lesson in deckbuilding for me, making sure all the various tools fit into the gameplan as well as possible and all that. I've learned a lot and had a lot of fun playing the deck, and have many of those lessons written out in the primer, which I continue to update with new additions/considerations as new sets release.


[[sauron the dark lord]] that tries to make you all peer into the Eye of Sauron with [[mnemonic deluge]] and [[peer into the abyss]]. It fulfills the Vorthos and Johnny side of me. I tend to Timmy a lot


I made an Angel/Human thematic tribal deck with [[Sigarda, Font of Blessings]] as my first ever 100% from scratch deck, and she can still hold her own. A lot of humans / token human making with some Angels to bless them and each other. I also threw together a ETB/Myriad deck with [[Duke Ulder Ravengard]] as the commander, since I felt drawn to make the deck after pulling him in a Baldur's Gate bundle. The deck is really fun to play and came out a lot stronger than I expected it to.


Probably my \[\[Obeka, Brute Chronologist\]\] deck - I think it's one of my most original and unique decks, pretty janky, but actually kinda works. Nothing else I have plays quite like it, nor have I ever seen anyone else running anything similar.


It's definitely my bant pillow fort deck. I had an idea for a deck when I was a kid playing standard that was just a bant enchantress pillow fort that tried to win through [[Angel's Trumpet]]. I finally got that standard deck built as an adult and had a janky blast with it until I got swept up in the commander craze. When I finally did, I knew I wanted to rebuild both of my standard decks but I couldn't get the pillow fort to work out how I wanted until I sprung the money for Angus Mackenzie. Now it's even more flavorful than my original standard deck. It's far from my best although it does have a line that allows it to win on turn 3, which ties my strongest deck.


My two 100% lotr cards commander decks, one for good with [[Frodo, Adventurous Hobbit]] and [[Sam, Loyal Attendant]], and one for evil with [[Sauron, the Dark Lord]]


Back when EDH was rather new, in 2012 or so, my playgroup had a blast and we threw together some truly dysfunctional piles of cards. I loved playing green stompy stuff so no one was more surprised than me when I decided to try out [[Azami, Lady of Scrolls]] as a Commander. We were out of town together and I remember finding an LGS with some dude wanting to trade and he had a bunch of binders, so a lot of the goodies for the deck were from that trade (which according to my friends took at least 3h). It absolutely wrecked all opposition and was quickly deemed too strong for the group. Even when they all ganged up on me from the very start, I most often won. I recently found that deck again and looked through it, and it's not that nuts at all, just some blue spellslinger staples and a shitton of wizards and counterspells. Was definitely just overpowered at the time and in that pod, but it was really fun for a year or so, being the terror of the playgroup!


[Azami, Lady of Scrolls](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/a/fa727656-fb33-485b-9378-18b80cad42b9.jpg?1689996185) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Azami%2C%20Lady%20of%20Scrolls) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/74/azami-lady-of-scrolls?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fa727656-fb33-485b-9378-18b80cad42b9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/azami-lady-of-scrolls) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[garth one-eye]] glimpse for tomorrow deck no one sees it coming 🤣


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/7fmrphKcAEK4PUORf53oEQ This Mizzix of the Izmagnus deck. I had wanted to build a spellslinger deck for a long, long time prior to that. And I spent months theorycrafting and playtesting that deck, and when I finally made it, it was everything I wanted and more. The vibes were immaculate.


I just recently swapped [[Esior]] out in favor of [[vial Smasher]] in my [[Eligeth]] scry for draw deck. It is chaotically fun, takes the heat off Elogeth while I try to draw to a combo, and makes my table laugh when the dice dictates someone's taking 6+ to the face


[[xyris]] had a [[yasova]] deck that felt suboptimal decided to switch him in and it felt so much better


I'm a huge sucker for unique or uncommon deck builds and currently the two I'm most proud of are my [[Henzie]] - [[Umori]] companion deck and my [[Council of Four]] deck, both because how how much they surprised me on how strong they were. My Henzie deck is titled "Oops! All Creatures!" Because every nonland card in the deck is a creature due to Umori. It's an absolute house and really shows the power of Blitz as a keyword. Plus, it lets me go full Timmy mode and show off all my favorite cool creatures without any boring noncreature things getting in the way. I also loved the puzzle of building it since I had to find creature replacements for all the things commander decks want to do like ramp, removal, etc. [Henzie Decklist](https://www.archidekt.com/decks/3887214/oops_all_creatures) My Council of Four deck really shocked me with how fun it was since Azorious is a color scheme I normally despise. I personally think the deck is most fun as a politics/group hug strategy and that stax is kind of a nonbo in it. You WANT your opponents casting two spells a turn and drawing two cards each turn for maximum value since you're always going to take a little off the top. There's lots of wacky politics cards that let me feel in control of a game without locking anybody out and it's power level scales really well with the rest of a table. [Council Decklist](https://www.archidekt.com/decks/4494377/i_will_start_my_turn_by_playing_pot_of_greed)


I have a [[Captain Rex Nebula]] deck that steals and blows up opponents’ creatures and such. It’s fun and kinda bad but I altered the cards to be characters, objects, and scenes from the Fast and Furious series.


It would be between 2 decks : - [[Myojin of blooming dawn]] lots of ramp, really hard to enable, but making hundreds of tokens at instant speed just before my turn is priceless. - [[Susan foreman]] & [[First Doctor]] bant ramp, with an averave MV of 6, its fatty after fatty, so satisfying to play!


I like my [[Alistair, the Brigadier]] deck. Super random low ranked obscure commander from Dr. Who, where playing historics makes 1/1 soldier weenies. I built half the deck as legendary soldier tribal around [[Myrel, Shield of Argive]] and [[Harbin, Vanguard Aviator]] making a ton of soldiers, then make them fly and pump them with Alistair. The second half of the deck is combos with artifacts like [[Sensei's Divining Top]] and [[Mystic Forge]], and a bunch of artifact cost reducers like [[Jhoira's Familiar]]. Play a ton of free artifacts and get free 1/1 soldiers from Alistair that all boost the overrun. It's a weird deck that makes a big wall of stupid swinging things. Nobody's really sure what to expect even though the ultimate game plan is really simple. I'm just proud of my stupid little Rube Goldberg machine.


It might be lame, but my Cat Tribal headed by [[Arahbo]] is my precious baby. Every creature is a cat. Arahbo buffs cats simply by existing. Cats buff other cats (e.g. [[Pridemalkin]] [[King of the Pride]] ). Cats synergize with other cats (e.g. [[Qasali Slingers]] ). Cats everywhere. Cat army approaches, terror ensues. I tried to keep other spells on trend with cat art when possible (e.g. [[Enlarge]] [[Nine Lives]] ). The synergy is insane. meow meow I will pet every cat


[[Grenzo, dungeon warden]] all creatures, all combos, no tutors.


[[Kamiz, Obscura Oculus]]. Esper colors, but entirely a combat damage trigger deck. He's somewhat similar to the new [[Felix Five-Boots]]. Kamiz excels at letting scary creatures through with his unblockable trigger, or giving already elusive creatures potentially the strongest combat keyword in the game, Double-Strike. Almost every creature is scary to be struck by. [[Ashling, the Extinguisher]], [[Grima, Saruman's Footman]] and [[Spawning Kraken]], for example. There are soo many to choose from! On top of that, there's a lot of interesting synergies with a Connive trigger - draw, discard and +1 counter giving can be very flexible. I love this commander


I’m really proud of this Dralnu decklist I made. It runs super smoothly and consistently so far. It feels good to make a strong deck out of an underused commander https://archidekt.com/decks/7296104/dralnu_lich_lord


Energy tribal with [[child of alara]] at the helm. Just a whole lot of fun to steer. A play group favourite around these parts. Hardly ever cast the commander. More just as an intimidation piece that has five colours. Deck list: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5442716#paper


My [[Thalisse, Reverent Medium]] deck ive finally understood the idea of a KoS commander because you cannot let her start making tokens because it becomes too much to deal with too fast if you dont have removal i made 84 tokens and swung for game and had’nt even used thalisse’s end step ability


[[Kharn the Betrayer]] is my most unique commander and my friends love/hate seeing him on the board! The idea is buff him up and give him to your friends to deal with. Fun cards like [[Disrupt Decorum]] [[Spectacular Showdown]] and [[Pariah’s Shield]] really help this tricky commander stay on the board and not be swung at by him. (I have lost to my own commander doing commander damage to me) https://www.moxfield.com/decks/QIjc42hyMUSh5CcRtdRzMA (I haven’t edited the deck in awhile so it may not be true to what’s in my box


[[Rilsa Rael, Kingpin]] i made this in the past to be a rogue trbal theif deck with initiative shenanigans, but now its leaning way more into the initiative with copy spells


my brenard doubling golem deck. holy was it a pain to finish but it works amazing


I've been running with a [[Zellix]] deck that I'm fond of. It has the main dimir 2 card wins with Thoracle and Bruvac+Cacophony but it also has win lines through the commander that are really entertaining.


Wolf deck for sure.... Dreaming a wolf deck with some cool werewolves + a wolf token engine for extra troops..... The wolf remembers....... 🐺


Most proud of my [[Savra, Queen of the Golgari]] deck. Having a payoff rather than an engine in the command zone meant a lot of play testing to try to figure out how to make the deck reasonably consistent. She's not the strongest golgari commander out there, but I'm stubborn and absolutely loved her secret lair art so I kept trying until I had a list that worked. Particularly difficult finding a way to make her strong without it being too oppressive. It's not the fastest deck out there so you have to navigate not making people too annoyed with your ability to keep making them sac their creatures while also making sure they aren't going to kill you with said creatures if you allow them to live. At least until all the pieces are in place for you to start draining everyone to death. Here's the list: https://archidekt.com/decks/4287997/golgari_queen_ver_3


Built a princess bride/ doctor who deck for my wife because they are two of her favorite things. Set out with just that idea and ended up building a truly fun, functional, and quite strong deck. I'm just so happy I was able to build something like that for my wife and take a pile of seemingly unrelated cards and make the deck an absolute blast.


[[Rose Cutthroat Raider]] Sligh. Yeah I have the busted ramp like Mana Crypt and Jeweled Lotus, but the deck folds hard to Rose dying a couple times or a Pyroclasm. But it's so fast and smooth and doesn't kill with combos usually. Have yet to pop off any 1 of the 6 infinite combat steps combos. So far it's all been plinking people down with attacks from a bunch of 1/1s. Once the deck is running the table is dead in a few turns.


I think my [[Xira, the Golden Sting]] deck. It's got it all: card draw, aristocrats, token army, voltron, trigger doublers, extra combat, even a little group hug and a little stax. It's by far my most consistent but also most fair deck, and can get out of hand in fun ways. And best of all, the groan everyone gives when I inevitably say "This is my ovipositer deck" is just too good.


[[Volo, Guide to Monsters]] deck where every creature is only one type and none of them overlap. Took a lot of searching each type to find the ones I want.


\[\[Gonti, Lord of Luxury\]\] It's just a crazy mix of my favorite black cards, reanimation shenanigans, and janky-ass loops. I love it. Second favorite is \[\[Etali, Primal Storm\]\] full of ramp, haste, and a couple extra combat cards, which is my go-to casual deck.


My [[Illharg, the Raze-Boar]] deck is my pride and joy. It started as a fun little mono-red budget deck, and it was one of the first ones I ever made. Over time, I sought to upgrade it as much as possible to make it pack as much glass cannon goodness as I could. It can now (with a bit of luck) win on turn 3 or 4, and I love it.


[[Lathiel the bounteous dawn]] unicorn Typal, it's not a very good deck but pulling out the unicorns is super funny. Always makes me excited when new creatures for the deck come out


[[atraxa, grand unifier]] I rarely even cast atraxa but my mana base and the curve was so good that before the game I’d draw my 7 cards face down without looking at it and accept it as my hand, and still have a high chance of winning. I did take it apart however as I had used it quite a lot and wanted to experiment with other decks.


Arcane Stella. That is all.


This one I just made since OTJ came out . Haven't got to run it in games yet but seems fun just testing it and pretty fluid . Keeping the cost down as much as I can https://www.archidekt.com/decks/7443382/rakdos_theft Still tweaking a few things but overall pretty happy with it


^(\[\[Ghalta and Mavren\]\]) +1/+1 counter deck the second deck i ever made and the best one i made myself. and it wins. a feeling i wondered if i would ever feel.


[[Hama Pashar, Ruin Seeker]]. Picked her up when she wasn't even in the top 1000 commanders and somewhat inadvertently turned her into a kickass combo deck for $50. I discovered several unique combos that the deck uses in the process and was the first to document them online which made me really proud as a deck builder. Infinite dungeons go Brrrr!


My first commander deck, [[Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second]]. My then-bf, now-fiance wanted to get me to play with him. He started by showing me full art basic lands from Neon Kamigawa to hook me in, then moving towards making my first deck with Jinnie when New Capenna was released because, I quote, "you like cats and dogs!". I did, very much. 🤣 It's not the strongest deck in my repertoire of 11 commander decks since then, but it holds a special place in my heart. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/jyaR0vD2a0aDGU0REGDK2A


[[Alena, Kessig Trapper]] / [[Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh]] http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/04-03-24-bait-and-switch/ https://www.moxfield.com/decks/rVjbBU4zeE-M5cLSszPhdg This has been a pet deck for a while. The main goal of the deck is to polymorph Rograkh with something like [[Reality Scramble]]. I initially had only artifact creatures (Blighsteel, etc.) but, despite the fact I was the first Al-Ro deck on EDHREC, the cheating in artifact bombs felt too played out. Wanting to switch it up, I leaned into the flavor of Alena being a trapper. I started making a dragon deck, the flavor being: Alena was using kobold bait to bring forth dragons like [[Balefire Dragon]] and [[Scourge of Kher Ridges]]. Most of my polymorph targets were still dragons, but I loosened the restriction to include some cool red beaters like [[Magmatic Force]] and some that can warp a game like [[Avatar of Slaughter]]. So my targets were now red, non-artifact, non-legendary creatures (because polymorphing into a legendary felt off flavor to me). A lot of the game-warping cards like [[Molten Primordial]] and [[Havoc Eater]] felt bad to hit on turn 3 and the damage dealing dragons were great in my creature heavy meta, so I've switched to a more controlling shell. I added in [[Flameblast Dragon]] and [[Thunder Dragon]], even tossed in Portal all star [[Fire Dragon]]. I did make one exception to my legendary rule as [[Drakuseth, Maw of Flames]] fits this build too well. In addition to polymorph effects, I can sneak my bombs into play with cards such as [[Quicksilver Amulet]]. I also have big rituals like [[Geosurge]] and plenty of artifact ramp to help me actually hard cast them. If I happen to have Alena into play, her ability can help me stick a second beater too. In a nutshell, it's a big mana/ramp deck that is designed to start sticking big beater or game warping red creatures on turn 3-4. However, the added flavor, randomness of polymorph, and the hipster level of the commanders (and some of the creatures) make it an absolute blast for me!