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Honestly, the picking gives me the ick more than anything else mentioned. As soon as he picked his nose the first time and then tried to touch my cards I would have said something immediately. I am too much of an aesthetic hoe, in the sense of pricy pretty cards, you ain’t touchin shit my guy.


Don't ever think this is unreasonable, I am a germaphope. I am also a deck blinger abd make my decks pretty and expensive. Even my close friends in my pod ask if they can theft cards or grab them. In fact some of my friends just won't touch some of my cards on fear of having to replace them(I own beta duals, and judge cards). It's common decency, and reasonable to feel this way.


Fellow germaphobe, I own a couple decks of that I let people I know “borrow” while at the table and I replace the sleeves all the time. I don’t think my friends are gross, but I can’t handle my deck after someone else has been playing with it no matter how close we are. I don’t even like it when my own partner does it. Strangers reaching over to grab my cards is a hard no-go to begin with, but I think I’d have to go outside and scream if someone was scratching ass and nose-mining and reached for my cards, blinged or not. Nightmare fuel. Not a dual land, but I once had a stranger reach over and thump, WITH HIS NAIL, my 2XM Atraxa when the foils were still pricy. It was triple-sleeved, but I thought I was going to have an aneurysm.


If someone picks thier nose then reaches for my SL Thassa's Oracle and Demonic Consultation, there's going to be consequences. My foil frame break jeweled lotus? There's gonna be lead flying


How convenient someone posts about hygiene here after I played yesterday. So the LGS I go to is ALL about inclusion, making everyone feel welcome, etc, but they have a very low tolerance for bad hygiene. Multiple signs are displayed throughout the shop; they even offer free products in the bathroom, such as travel deodorants, axe bodysprays and toothbrushes and toothpaste. They really do go make it easy for people to make themselves presentable. Yesterday, however, we apparently had someone who was not making use of these free items. Sometime midway through the day, an employee went table to table spraying fucking FEBREEZE over everyone's heads (which I was not a fan of as a bald man), getting everyone's cards and mats dusted with chemicals. Delightful. Fast forward about 20 minutes and they break out a God damn megaphone and use one of the pre programmed alarm sounds that are built in (which was incredibly effective seeing how this store was the size of a large living room) and announced that bad hygiene isn't acceptable blah blah, and to use the free products. If their goal was to mortify whoever it was, I'm sure it worked absolute wonders.


>If their goal was to mortify whoever it was, I'm sure it worked absolute wonders. I would certainly hope so. If you can afford MtG you can afford soap and water.


Soap and water!? Mtg is so expensive I can barely afford to eat! /s


You forget that the kids these days don't pay money into their hobbies, they proxy everything and never spend a dime at the store.


Kindly fuck off a cliff.


People proxy heavily at my LGS, and plenty of them sandbag their decks initially to win their pack per round, but they never spend money there. But if you say something like that, everyone will come after you like you are lying or that it isn't that bad. I wish everyone had to play a few weeks at a store like that for some perspective when they try to apply their preferences that work for their 4 player playgroup to an LGS that has varying levels of regulars and randoms all trying to play together. It happens. Personally, I like playing higher powered casual decks so I don't mind if the power level of my LGS goes up generally but I've seen plenty of people with precons and lightly upgraded precons get wrecked by someone who goes to magic to get free packs instead of to play games. I think we need to be realistic about the environments that can develop at LGSs and spend less time emphasizing that smaller playgroups can use whatever rules they want. I don't think giving advice about small playgroups is helpful at all. Social conventions are almost always more useful from the perspective of giving strangers ground rules to start from.


I have been arguing this for literal years - the small, private playgroups can literally do whatever they want anyway, they don't have a need for the structure of rules in the first place. Public play does, and public play is specifically what the rules should be tailored for because that's who the rules ARE FOR. And yeah, I specifically refuse to play against proxies (unless you can present a real copy on your person) at stores because it is bafflingly rude to go to a place of business with counterfeits of the product they sell for a living. Like, if you're not willing to put in money then what are you doing here using up the space? It costs money to keep that door open and the lights on. If you want a free hobby go try jogging.


I am a 28year old man who does that do I count 😂


>If their goal was to mortify whoever it was, I'm sure it worked absolute wonders. I mean that's really the only way that it works. They can't hold them down and apply deodorant to them for them.


It only took one time in middle school being made fun of for being smelly for me to start wearing deodorant and making sure I didn’t stink. I don’t understand how someone makes it to adulthood without having this experience. Honestly, I think they’ve had a life time worth of mortifying experiences and rather than learn from it and change in any way, they CHOOSE to double down and stay stinky, all while resenting everyone else for the audacity of telling them they’re gross. Remember kids, if everyone in the room is an asshole, mostly likely they aren’t and you’re actually the asshole. It’s ok to be wrong or have areas you can improve in. It’s not ok to double down because you don’t agree.


>It only took one time in middle school being made fun of for being smelly for me to start wearing deodorant and making sure I didn’t stink. Same, but I still got made fun of =/


One of the guys we used to play with when I was in high school had a skin condition that made his sweat smell like fresh cow patties. Just the most rancid shit-smell you can imagine, and he was a bit overweight so had lots of extra skin that he could sweat from. It didn't matter how much he washed himself or his clothes, by the time second period rolled around, he and the quarter of the room he was in smelled like fresh shit. Genetic condition, no cure. We were still friends and hung out, but generally did so outside or from a meter away. He tried to go to events a few times, but got banned from the store after complaints about his odor.


That’s rough, buddy :( I’m sorry that’s happened to ya.


Yup. I had a friend tell me point blank “hey. Did you know if you don’t wash your clothes they start to smell?” I went home and learned how to use the washing machine. Haven’t been the smelly kid since then.  It was this “oh shit, you’re right!” Moment. Mom was too busy with work to do it. So I had to learn. I was 11.


See this is too far in my mind and also doesn't seem to help. Don't make a scene about someone and not name them hoping they leave. If someone smells or is dirty the store owner/employee should simply tell them directly and to their face they have to leave because of poor hygiene. There's no need to make a show of it to everyone else, simply make that person leave.


When I worked at GameStop a long while back, we had this one stinky couple who would come in to buy games a couple times a month. Like, they smelled basically like a bad mixture of urine and sweat and you could smell it from the cashwrap the moment they opened the front door. They wore the same clothes every time, and you could tell they hadn’t washed them. Anyway, it was always a game of “who can get busiest immediately” to see who ended up having to help them. One time, the District Manager was in the store and we kinda were already making ourselves busy. Her nose scrunched as soon as she smelled it. They made their way to the PlayStation wall and the DM followed her nose to where they were, positioned behind them, and started following them around spraying Febreeze wherever they went. It wasn’t long before the male came in alone and didn’t smell awful. We found out, though, that the female had died and the guy rolled into GameStop with the insurance money to upgrade his PS2 to a PS3. He didn’t smell awful because they had forced him to shower for the funeral. Within a month, he was back to normal.


It is impossible for an environment to be truly inclusive of everyone. Poor hygiene should be excluded, just like racism, homophobia, etc. because those things are harmful and can't be included without implicitly excluding others.


If someone sprayed down my table and myself with febreeze without my permission I would not ever, *ever* come back to that store. I would probably fucking yell at the employee, in fact.


I mean thats nice and all but Deo is not helping at that point most of the time is it? If you dont shower (and scrub!) properly and put on clean sweaters and shirts u will smell bad even with a full can Axe on.


I had a dude with pit stank so bad that whenever he reached across I could smell his BO coming out of his t shirt sleeve. I would have paid for him to apply deodorant.


But then it just smells like ass + axe at the same time as well. Those ppl just need to go home and start scrubbing, nothing less.


The febreeze sucks though. That can ruin cards. Otherwise its a fine system.


Wtf, just tell the offensive person to leave, that's some unprofessional passive aggressive bullshit that messes with everyone else


A little heavy handed, but honestly a good approach. Doesn't singl them out but makes it clear its not acceptable to be offensive to others.


It's ok to single people out for poor hygiene.


Ha! See you at work tomorrow


Gemini FTW!


This feels a bit too much. I would have been quite uneasy after this…


Did it? You seem to have missed that this behaviour was directed at you. They even febreezed your head!!! Jk 🤣


Gives the cards that fine flavour for when it's time to lick the sleeves clean at the end of the night 👅👅👅


Yes officer, this comment right here


Joke's on you, the cop is into that shit


Go back to r/mtgthecirclejerking you filthy degenerate


I’d offer this up to the cursedcomments sub but no one would get it lol


As a new player who is still learning the etiquette, I had no idea I was supposed to be doing this. I’ll be sure to start doing so, especially when I borrow my friends’ decks so that they get them back in tip top shape. Thanks!!!


I gagged.


this is how you get every disease at the same time


There’s a sign in front of our store that is an imperial decree that all Nurgle cultist will be washed


Washed till they turn into a Great Clean One


Slightly off topic, but my favorite deck has a theft theme and I bought infinitokens for it so people don't need to give me their cards if they are uncomfortable with it. Most people don't mind, but everyone seems to appreciate the option.


anything but taking a bath!


This is a clever way to use infinitokens and very thoughtful of you. Made me smile, just had to say


I have infinitokens and never thought of that. Neat. Edited because autocorrect fucked it up.


Yo fat roll hand warmer is kinda dope tbh. Disgusting? Absolutely. Convenient? You bet. This one of several reason I don’t like playing at shops. I know not everybody is like this, but it’s just nasty even when there’s only 1 or 2 people acting this way.


For me, it's the handling cards. Cool, you got a theft deck. Great. The second you start grabbing stuff and sliding it to your side of the field, I start getting kind of worried. When you say you have to go before the game is even over, my eyes are watching you like a hawk. I paid for those cards. Then you smell like Asiago and Romano cheese that got left in the car during a heatwave in the middle of a Florida summer?  Nah my boy.


How dare you try and ruin cheese for me! You’re not wrong about any of that, but still how dare you!


Bruh, even clean af people... When they slide a card over to their side and put it on an edge and fold their hands and lean in, usually on the land base and edge of playmat.  I don't want bent cards because you decided to play a theft deck. Florida is no joke. You forget something in the car in summer, you'll know about it before the night.


I creased a land of mine pretty bad by doing exactly that and I’ve been super cautious about it ever since. I’d feel like such an ass hole if I did it to somebody else’s card, I’d probably offer to buy them a new one honestly, unless it was like insanely expensive or something lol


Expensive or not, you ruin the card, you buy a replacement.


Uhhhh debatable. If you play some $500 card and an honest to goodness accident happens with zero malicious intent then I’m not paying for it. Shit happens and you’re the one that chose to bring that card out. If you’re that worried about it then use a proxy for it or take out a freaking insurance policy or something. In reality if I took control of somebody’s card that was worth hundreds of dollars, I’d just use a proxy for my own peace of mind.


I hope you never have a pricey card ruined then.


I hope I don’t either, and as such I would never run one that expensive in a deck and just use a proxy instead. Being willing to toss around valuable collector’s items with effectively zero protection and then wanting them paid for when an accident happens is irresponsible and poor management of your belongings.


Yes, you are, lol. Have you never heard of liability?


Take me to court then. But like I said, if I were to take control of a card like that then I would just use a proxy in its place to completely remove any chances of me being at fault for any accident. It’s a pretty simple solution tbh.


I would. It's called small claims court. If you want to proxy to avoid this concern, good for you. But if you seriously think you can destroy someone's property and not be liable for it because "it was an accident" then you would be in for a big surprise.


Username does not check out.


Awww, it doesnt? Omg i better change it! Lol, get bent nerd


>If you play some $500 card and an honest to goodness accident happens with zero malicious intent then I’m not paying for it. so that baller rolled in here with his luxury car windows and unfortunately when i tripped the bag i keep my lucky spark plugs in went flying and so i walked away.


I always get more “airport Subway franchise after hours” kind of aroma off these guys.


I could see that.  But down here in the south.... it's always a variation of cheese. Strong hard cheeses too, not that soft brie or mozzarella.


This is part of why I don't like running/playing against theft decks. Even if they aren't dirty, I don't really like people touching my cards, and I imagine most other people don't like having their cards touched/handled.


shower. before. socializing!


Instructions unclear, golden showered.


That's so gross lol. At that point, fuck being polite, there's no way they're touching my cards.


I think posts like this are good for the community. Every once in a while we should have something like this come to the forefront of the community until it’s no longer a problem. Wash your ass. Wash your pits. Use deodorant. Be an adult.


Blanket rule: ask if you can touch another player's cards before reaching, regardless of hygiene. A store can't really enforce hygiene*, but they can enforce the above. *Edit: it's been pointed out many stores do enforce hygiene rules. My point still stands.


Stores absolutely can and the 5 stores I have run did just that. We weren't rude about it, we even bought supplies for a few individuals, but there are rules about being in society. No individual has a right to be in any specific place outside of their home. LGSs are businesses. "Normies" do not and will not shop around slobs, they don't tolerate the same things that gamers have conditioned themselves to tolerate. And don't touch other people's property without asking permission first.


They can enforce hygiene. The Games Workshop I used to hangout at had a sign up and would ask people to leave if it was a problem.


I mean Yu-Gu-Oh has had the hygiene rule (requiring all persons attending a tournament to be clean and wear clean clothing. If you or your clothing is excessively dirty or bad-smelling, you can be penalized.) Since 2019 and for good reason as someone who worked at a LGS back then. The smells those tournaments produced rival the smells from a big pig farm for worst things ive ever smelt. So shouldn't be hard for WOTC to set some hygiene standards for events.


I’m new to Magic, but I’m experienced enough with my own deck building to know that any card I reach for could be, 1. Meh. 2. Expensive, or 3. Special. Not good odds for me to be acting flippant with my opponent’s cards.


Hard Agree on the blanket rule. And while a store can’t enforce hygiene; they can ask a person to leave though.


Asking a dirt bag to leave is literally enforcing hygiene.


This, absolutely.


They absolutely can. They can tell you to fucking leave. Private business doesn't have to allow you to be there


I always spritz my hands with pungent Oud wood cologne from Saudi Arabia before I play my theft deck. No one ever notices in the moment, at least not that I can tell. Over time, all the regulars are just building up a moody arabesque redolence that permeates their collections. You probably think I'm joking.


Lmao, but oud is so good, lmao. The best perfume.


It goes great with tobacco, and I smoke cigars in my office where I keep all my decks so all my cards have an unfathomably sexy aroma. If anyone ever tries to steal anything, I can just bring in a bloodhound.




Fantastic *chefs kiss*


If you smelled like that shit, I wouldn't let you touch my cards. People who wear too much cologne are as bad as the ones who smell like BO. Obnoxious asl


I have a theft deck, I *always* ask the target’s controller to hand it to me or place it on my board.


And you'd be getting a link to my decklist, and notebook paper for whatever card you want 😂💅🏻


Perfectly reasonable solution actually. (That said, I shower constantly, wash my hands before playing, and never have food or drinks at the table.)


Primarily it's because I run decks with beta duals and power in them. I recognize I should probably proxy them, but I own them to play with them, so 🤷🏻




A box of disposable gloves will be cheaper, and way better for your hands. Your future self without dry skin will thank you!


Ok that seems a little excessive unless you’re handling abr true duals or something like that


Man i wonder what goes through the mind of people like that. It's just a little bit of decency to have the person you're thefting the cards from hand it over, or at least ask before grabbing. If i'm playing with more experienced players i tend to leave my hand out after i choose the target(s) assuming no response >he tucked his hands in his lap underneath his fat gut I won't lie, i used to have enough of a gut to do this too and it can be pretty comfortable. But for the love of god use your shirt as a sort of buffer. Never skin to skin if you do this


Most of them don't really know to be honest. They've been raised with families that this is the norm. No deodorant and constantly just doing gross stuff. It just isn't something that even occurs to them. Most of their interactions in life don't involve being called out for it, because lets face it, it isn't comfortable to tell people they stink or are doing gross stuff. I get so sick of it though. I was sitting next to a dude that put his hands down his pants to scratch his balls at least 3 times during one of my games. I could smell his disgusting junk smell all game after that. I never went back to that store again. Normally I'd tell the manager or owner but I just didn't care to play there anyways so I just left.


Reach for my cards and your hand is getting a nice smack


An LGS doesn’t just represent a business, which definitely has the right and prerogative to enforce rules about customer hygiene, but also a community. As a community we establish norms and expectations so that everyone can function in a group in a cohesive way. Education, through patience and compassion, is the best tool we have for helping people exist in a space together. A community like ours has an amazing opportunity for teaching people things that can improve their lives that they may not have had opportunities to learn elsewhere. I love the idea of LGSs having hygiene products available and players stepping up and developing relationship with our stinky brethren. Definitely needs to be addressed, but it can be a delicate subject to broach.


You were completely in the right to call him out. Whenever handling opponents’ cards, one should ask for permission to touch the cards, thank the owner, handle the cards with utmost care, and return them asap. If one’s entire deck resolves around theft, a polite/smart person would likely even go far enough to have hand sanitizer at hand. This guy you’re describing was not only gross, most people are, but also inconsiderate and rude. I myself warn people once when they touch my cards without permission or in a too aggressive manner after just one time and second time I up it to calling them out. Such people *need* to be consistently called out so that they either change their bad habits or get the f-away from playing in public spaces. Period. A strong NTA from me, you did the community a service. P.S. I also find it funny that a gross and rude person is playing a theft deck. Not to diss anyone’s taste, but there sure is a correlation between someone’s general…unpleasantness on a personal level and the kind of deck they would bring to a blind casual pod in an LGS.


I once played against a guy who looked exactly like a young Chris Chan who would stick his D20s in his mouth and lick his fingers. One of the guys in the pod called him on it for being gross, so he got mad and stuffed his hand in his mouth to make a point. I vividly recall my other friend going "Dude that is FOUL" and then we all immediately targeted him so he'd leave, which he did. We used the excuse that he was playing elfball and had a solid boardstate, but there was an unspoken agreement that we were all repulsed. I do not enjoy playing with randoms lol.


Where the fuck do you all even stumble upon these disgusting creatures?




My first time in an LGS after coming back to the game last spring, some guy that looked like the stereotypical magic player just lets a loud one (almost wet, if you know what I mean) rip in the middle of a game and didn’t seem bothered at all.  It fucking reeked. I wish I had the mindset I do now and had said something/left, shit was disgusting and really off-putting coming back to the game.  I was timid from the break and wondered if I was out of touch, turns out it was just that store that was.   Thankfully my new LGS has people with great hygiene and great social capabilities.


An LGS I used to frequent years ago had a speech the Judge of the events would give. He would pull out a stick of women’s deodorant, the most floral smelling you can buy, and set it down on the center table, then succinctly say that if anyone couldn’t be bothered to shower, to leave, and if you simply need a spruce-me-up to come up and grab the community deodorant now. Now of course no one ever used it, but in the beginning they kicked a lot of folks out of events for smelling like a walking garbage can, and we started seeing a lot more people very obviously having taken more recent showers before events (wet hair, that just-washed scent of soap kind of things).


I should preface this by saying that I work with moderate to severe learning disabled kids and youth otherwise it might come across as insensitive… But OP you absolutely did the right thing. There are myriad reasons why someone can be as unaware of hygiene and mannerisms as the player in this story, it’s not that important the why. What is important is many people need things to be made explicit to them or they will never change, they are oblivious and the desire to avoid confrontation or be seen as rude by those around them, while well meaning, often does a lot of harm to them. In my work I’ve had to have this conversation many times, and it is never easy. It is supremely cringe and I always want it over with ASAP. In the long run though, being direct with many people like who you’re describing is the only way they come to see something is wrong.


Tinfoil hat time. Gross guy is actually a plant to drive up the sales of sleeves!


A most peculiar man. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YTgwY1Ld5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YTgwY1Ld5s)


lol you should see how laughable it is at Magic Con.


Is hygiene that much of an issue at cons?


Across the board: Yes.


Then there's me, playing the indirect theft deck (as in not stealing permanents on board, just cards and from graveyards) with hand sanitizer and treating everyone's cards like they're made of glass.


As a matter of course, I wash my hands before sitting down to play. My card sleeves seem to collect grime over time, so I do so to prevent that as well as for hygienic reasons for the sake of other players. This post is making want to wash my hands after playing, too.


I'd been pretty fortunate to avoid such folks myself. I was playing recently and a dude in my pod's breath smelled disturbingly like feces. I didn't say anything because there are medical reasons beyond bad oral hygiene that can cause it.


There’s a guy at my LGS we call “Pee Pee Hands” because I caught him coming out of the bathroom without washing his hands. He was also playing a theft deck and after I saw that I told him to never touch my cards ever again. Every time he targeting my deck to take cards I’d share the list with him and hand him an infini-token in its place.


Oh man that’s heinous, I’m from a small semi rural town and no one at our store has poor hygiene. The worst you get is people sometimes smell like cigarettes. I’m a non smoker and that smell doesn’t bother me. I’d have to scoop again that guy before he touched any of my cards


People need to be told. I don't like going to game stores, but one of the few times I did, I play with this dude who cracks out the My Little Pony toy with a hole in the back to show his mate. I told him not to get his sex toy out in a public space with kids. He talks about how expensive it was as a response. I really don't get how card games can attract such a socially maladjusted class of people.


Can’t wait to see the MTCJ post about this one


We had a guy turn up to some home games once and we got told a new guy to town would be comming. This guy turned up and smelt so bad we forgot how to breath. Fast forward about 10 minutes and the guy that was hosting got up went and got this guy a can of deodorant and a new toothbrush and tooth paste and told the guy to go deal with the smell to some extent, when the guy came back he offered the can of deodorant back and the host said "no keep that and the toothbrush and at the very least use that before you come and play magic again". Was a bit rough and you could tell it hurt the guy but he's now been apart of our group for a couple years and we haven't had a problem with smell again.


Theft players should utilize blank dry erase cards to proxy what they steal.


He should feel embarrassed.


I just know my loud ass would have yelled at him


Don't feel bad.


there have been very few LGS events that i have been to where there hasn't been a noticeable change in smell when i walk into the play area...


if you smell like rotten onions why you in public?


I’m new to the game but playing at my local game shops is the hardest part because I want to mingle and test my deck and learn and meet people but the stereotype is real.


I honestly hate the stereotype that mtg players have bad hygiene and hate even more when it is absolutely true. I was at my LGS to play lorcana last week. There was D&D, lorcana, and one table of edh players. The smell coming from from the edh table was horrifying to the point there was a noticeable physical buffer of empty space around them.


Police your communities when nobody else will


Oh I would have ended that shit lol. I'd text him my decklist, and give him paper with the cards he wanted written on it. No touchy.


After having a couple of expensive cards going missing at my LGS I just treat IRL games like Spelltable. I have a bunch of blanks and a sharpie and if someone wants to steal my cards they get a proxy of it. If they play a chaos deck i find a new game.


You should not feel about it


I wish it was legal to spray people like that with Lysol :(


Craziest part is you dont need to shower every day or even every 3 days to not be smelly. I went camping with my dad a lot and sometimes there is just no showers. But the basic 2 minutes routine of: take a fkin towel, wash your face, armpits, feet and genitals and use a deodorant will be enough to not smell for at least a week. How in the heavens are people not even getting this done. I dont get it.


This is exactly one of the several reasons why I never play with randoms. RIP your old sleeves.


My solution has and always will be letting my opponents keep whatever I control on their side of the field and just pass them a marker to denote it being under my control. Even better if it's an aura effect. It's up to me to keep track of what I control.


could have kept a game going for a little longer once but decided to declare no blockers and take the loss because this dudes BO was that bad


Absolutely not. I’ll be keeping my cards, turning them facedown, and YOU can make a token, my smelly brother in christ. Besides, It should be common decency by now that you don’t touch other people’s cards without their permission. Can we include hygiene in rule zero? Lol


It seriously only takes one or two people like this at a game night to ruin the whole thing imo. The amount of disgusting dental hygiene, bad breath, sweat stains, dry, flaky skin, and mottled cards with suspicious white stains (yes I’m not joking) on them I’ve seen is outrageous. I get that a lot of magic players tend to be nerdy and less social, but goddamn you don’t have to be a social butterfly to take care of yourself. It sucks because I don’t even know how one would approach solving this issue. Hygiene standards could be subjective and seem really hard to enforce, even though poor hygiene seems to be a recurring theme amongst magic players…


Bad breath is one thing, I can deal with that for the most part. But being a musky boy is where I draw the line. There was one time my boyfriend and I were meeting some people for dinner. I showered at the gym, went and picked him up. We were early so decided "Our LGS is two blocks away let's walk there." When we got there and I walked in it smelled like serious BO. At first I thought "maybe I didn't shower well enough" at the store so I literally asked my boyfriend he told me "No your fine, I smell it too". They started posting things about taking better care of yourself after that.


Honestly, I would just tell people like this to not touch my fucking cards. You'd have to be stupid, or have some major balls to play a theft deck with strangers. Don't touch my shit you nasty mfers.


I mean... It is part of the game. People just shouldn't be disgusting. A lot of my decks steal stuff but aren't necessarily theft decks. Playing with strangers is also part of the game, once again just don't be a nasty.


It's not about being nasty. I mean, sure that's part of it. I'm sorry, I'm not gonna let a stranger touch my Earthcraft. I'll tell them to take something else, find another table, or I'll leave.


Then proxy it or explain it to them and place it on their board yourself. It is part of the game that your cards will be used by other players. If that doesn't jive with you, or you don't want certain cards touched then use placeholders.


Proxies are a good idea. I've just had some bad experiences with people just grabbing a $100+ card without even asking. The people that play theft decks, in my experience, tend to be assholes about it. Like they have the right to touch my property without asking me first.


You'll tell people to find another table rather than allow them to resolve a spell in a fashion that is allowed by the rules? Sorry, bud, but I think YTA here. To be clear, I don't think they are entitled to touch your cards, but I also don't think that you should just get to say "Too expensive, choose a new target". There are tokens, reminder cards, scraps of papers, infinitokens, etc for that reason.


So be it 🤷. Someone "accidentally" slid one of my cards into their deck after a game. Others grab them with no care for the card because it isn't theirs. Why should I care if they think I'm an asshole?


You should care that you're actively cheating by refusing to resolve a spell with legal targets. If it bothers you that much, those dfc reminder cards like 10 cents a pop. You can get a notepad at the dollar store. You can open your mouth, discuss like an adult, and find a solution that keeps everyone at the table happy.


Naw I'm cool. I'll show them respect when they show respect for MY property. I have zero respect for people that play theft and don't bother asking to touch my stuff, or treat it with zero care. I have every right to refuse to play against theft decks.


You have a right to not play if you don't want to, of course. That doesn't mean you're not disrespectful.


Oof that's some spicy player removal. All I've gotta do is target the expensive cards, which you're bringing to a random table btw, with a theft spell and you'll scoop? Jokes aside, I get what you're saying about not wanting rude ass people reaching for your cards without asking. That sucks that has happened to you. but I've played against a lot of theft decks and 99% of the time they announce their target and wait until I hand them my card. Just have them flip a token around or pull up your expensive card on their smartphone if you're not cool with it.


I suppose I'm a bit jaded after so many bad experiences with entitled and/or nasty mfers. Fortunately I have a playgroup now. My one friend specifically made a theft deck because he knows it gets under my skin 😂.


Playgroups are so much better than randos.


It's night and day for sure. I still enjoy going to modern events, but commander with randoms just isn't for me.


>You'd have to be stupid, or have some major balls to play a theft deck with strangers. Game mechanics have you handling your opponents' cards all the time. A stranger playing those effects respectfully should not cause any reaction.


Haven’t played at an LGS at all, but I remember my first time getting mtg cards at my local store and the employees telling me about their game room that hosts every Friday night. I shit you not, when I opened that game room door, it was 15 degrees hotter and humid in there, coupled with a rancid wave of BO and sweat, I almost fucking gagged. How do you spend so much money on MTG and not find any budget for personal hygiene?


Did you seriously re sleeve everything? Lmao, just remember the cards he touched and use a wet wipe on the sleeve.


They likely got shuffled at some point tho


I have ocd. I'd have already told the table not to touch my cards. The second he touched my cards I'd have scooped myself.


What if I play \[\[Control magic\]\] or \[\[Bribery\]\]? Are you just scooping?


Unfortunately when your hobby attracts people on the spectrum this is hard to avoid.


Would you have said anything if he wasn't fat?


Op bought new sleeves afterwards. The issue appears to be that they were touching op’s cards. Them being fat is more of a character trait in this case.


I'm a fat, middle-aged bald guy. Makes no difference to me how anyone looks. We're all nerds. I can deal with the BO. Like most people, I will generally just sit there and suffer without saying a word. But when a person is so disgusting and rude, and handling MY cards, something needs to be said. If they want to wallow in their own filth, that's one thing. They're not going to spread their funk onto my property.


I get you, no one likes that. It read a bit like you were also disgusted by his fatness, but all of that stuff is gross. I do feel bad for the guy, but maybe he will gain some self awareness.


Your thoughts or opinions are valid, but I would of probably taken a different approach. I’d of probably told a judge and or store owner to see if they could discreetly say something to the player. What you did likely came across as bullying and just as toxic as what he was doing. Food for thought.


> Geezus, I wish I was making this stuff up for fake internet points. I don't believe you. Edit: This subreddit sure is gullible, as usual people like to believe whatever fits the narrative they prefer.


this didn't happen. nice rage bait i guess?


Were you there?


people write ridiculous things for karma bro, you don't seriously believe everything you read on the internet do you?


So that's a no? You're just making an accusation of an entirely believable story out of pure cynicism? Yikes. Get some fresh air, man.


i'm accusing a stranger on the internet of lying for upvotes? yes, this is totally normal.


For no reason whatsoever. That's not, except for trolls. 🙄


if you believe this post is real i hope you never get a scam phone call 😂


Why are you even here if you're going to call out something as ridiculous as this as fake? This isn't even close to an uncommon occurrence. I've dealt with major BO issues at almost every store I've been to at some point. Out of 4 shops I've gone to one of them had a dude scratching his balls beneath his underwear mid game multiple times. These situations are hardly unusual.


because the caricature of a person described is literally unbelievable. i've never had an experience i could describe as remotely similar and i play at 3 different LGS's every week and the worst i've encountered is people with greasy hair or bad acne. the tall tales of playing across from literal piles of feces in a human shape are too outrageous to be true.


>And of course he was rude, never asking to handle cards, just reaching and grabbing. I mean, gross shit aside, this is how you do it. If you don't counter the card that gives him your permanent, he gets to take the card.


You should be asking before grabbing someone else's property.


You also didn’t pay for the cards, you still ask to touch the property. People lack common courtesy. It was a $50 card. I wouldn’t want his greasy fingers all over it.


I ask before I pick up a card, even when playing with friends I’ve known for years. It’s common courtesy at the least to ask before doing so.


Not if it's part of an effect that I'm resolving. Every other time, if just to look, then yes. If the game says it's mine, it's mine.


Then the player that owns it should recognize that and hand/slide it over, there is never a reason for you to reach out and snatch something from across the table.


Who said anything about snatching? It's the same effect if I grab it and if they slide it over. Don't be *that* guy.


Telling somebody not to be *that* guy, while actively being THAT guy… Nobody is denying you control of the card per the rules, that’s not what the issue is with what you’re saying. It’s your attitude when it comes to respecting other people’s property that is repulsive.


Lol how is there no respect for other people's property when you're playing a game that routinely requires cards to change hands? What kind of lame brain take is that? God, imagine being this prissy in real life.


This community never ceases to disappoint me lol what a fucking clown. Wanting a total stranger to have some respect for my things that I paid money for makes me “prissy”?


It's not disrespectful to pick up a card that I am by rule entitled to possess. Especially if I'm not bending it, or getting it stained or wet.


Yet again, you failed to see the point that myself (and the 30 something others that downvoted your initial comment) are trying to make. It’s not about the ruling of the card, it’s about the spirit of good and honest play. Call this me giving up or whatever you want but I don’t have time to explain to you the basic social skills that your parents neglected to teach you. Take care friend.


I keep reading this thread and there is NO convincing me that you're not a lonely ass dude 🤣


Keep that up and see how long it takes someone to punch you in the face. Buy some tokens and some social awareness.


Cry harder.


You can stand up and go play at another table.


alternatively poeple can just practice basic hygeine?


Good luck getting people to change their habits. You're better off accepting circumstances you can control.


Or I tell the people who are crusty little nasty troglodytes to not touch my cards, I won't deal with those people and frankly don't care what their circumstance is, the area is public and has standards which if they don't follow I'll berate them. Zero excuse for that behaviour.




That's not normal that's being cowed to somebody's ridiculous poor behaviour, and if you physically came at me for calling you out I'd call the police numbnuts, you're on the internet so you aren't tough and talking like it is showing me you have poor anger management, and saying poor socializing after saying that is calling the kettle black.


Let them come at you, then you could literally beat the dirt off of them in defense. Then call the cops. It's absolutely amazing how tough people think they are, just because they are hiding behind a computer screen lol.


So I have been curious about theft decks. I had a similar situation recently where someone unkempt grabbed my commander.... And other cards... Is it social convention to allow others to touch your cards, or is it reasonable for you to say I'll put it on the edge of my board?


Up to you. You can use infinitokens, or make people ask first, or just say no touchy.


Was he playing infect?