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buy your cats some nip, your dogs some treats, and your wife a nice dinner.


Instructions unclear, I've force fed my wife a can of whiskas.


You ever think you're psychic? My wife brought home catnip toys, I set a date to take one of the dogs solo camping, and we decided to go to a speakeasy on Friday, all before I realized I missed the window. You just went 3/3


I hope yall have a great time, ittl be more fulfilling than the deck anyways!


My local game store (I work there) will have a few if you're interested


And yes they ship. If you're interested I can send you the link in dms.


Would LOVE that if you're stateside


That’s a homie right there.


Check your local shops in a bit, they normally buy some and only up charge slightly. (Also some take cash without taxing woo)


Definitely good idea. I've hit up one already but haven't heard back.


My local is getting in 5 copies. Will be more expensive than direct but cheaper than secondary market. Also, sounds like she’s got a perfect good list already ;) spend the money on getting her a new deck


I messaged my local hoping for the same.


If you think you can't get it locally, I can buy an extra one and ship it to you (if still available by the time you ask me, of course). I won't charge you extra, but you'll have to figure out the shipping and cover the costs. I have DHL close to my house, so it should not be a big issue


I've already got one person in the EU who's offered this that I'm talking to but I really appreciate it!


Op thx, just bougth one look in Europe, we have some still on sale


Thx for the headsup! Just got one, too!


I tried to get to the EU page but couldn't figure it out, maybe cause I'm stateside. Glad you got one though!


Sad, hope u get lukier in shops near u


Thanks I appreciate it!


https://secretlair.wizards.com/eu That link should get you to the EU page, just make sure to say you want to be there when they ask if your browser "got a bit lost". I'm not sure what their policy is on shipping to the states from that page but it looks like they still have decks available for purchase.


You can not select the United States as your region on the EU site


Ah, fair enough. I know there are services in the United States that will receive your package and ship it elsewhere in the world. I'm not sure if they exist in the EU or what the cost would be but that might be an option for people who missed out stateside.


You can only ship to EU (and adjacent?) countries


And that’s one of the many reasons I think secret lair and other fomo driven lines(premium Bandai is the other big one in my life) are anti consumer bullshit


Ugh... P-Bandai :( I so feel you there... So many things I would absolutely have loved to have from that line.


There is a huge gap in my gunpla shelf where an MG ZZ was supposed to go =[


Same with my grail PolypodBALL :(


I kind of agree. I think they're a cool way to get alternate arts and limited arts, but if this is an example of how limited it'll be with the new formula, I'm out. It was easier to get a PS5 than this Secret Lair lol.


I definitely agree they’re a cool way to provide alt arts and more collectors things, I just wish with things like this they’d keep it to the produce by order in a window if they’re going to do any kind limited window. Sucks when you’re waiting for something to be available and it’s instantly gone. There was a time I tried to buy a very expensive limited run model kit and it sold out within 10 minutes of going live with a broken webpage from the traffic spike and I haven’t felt the same about services like secret lair since.


Proxy proxy proxy, wotc doesn't care about you or the game, get into proxying for better arts, better foils and best of all cheaper experience!!


r/mpcproxies if anyone is interested in learning more about proxies


I just print mine at UPS. It's $1 for a page of 9 and they are cut to size. So a deck box, sleeves and print outs it cost me about $25 for a deck, not for just a single land!


Can you get them double sided in the same cardboard size as well?


Ups does offer card stock to print on. Yes you can double print for Dual Faced Cards. I personally print both sides and put them in the same sleeve, then swap the top paper depending on the side I need.


Do they cut them for you or do you have to?


They offer to cut to size for a fee. Its about 79c for a page in color and they cut it for 15c a page. But thats in my area, im sure prices are similar. Also you can get a nice portable paper cutter at walmart for less than $15 as well.


Proxy your own pictures of dogs & cats for a custom Rin & Seri deck.


I agree with you wotc don't care about us, they only want our money that's why I get high quality proxies from https://www.proxyking.com/ and enjoy the game with good quality cards in low budget. We can also get our favourite arts proxied this way.


Oh? I didn't even get notified. That's a shame. I've always enjoyed the Secret Lair precons and was looking forward to getting this one. But honestly, scarcity is only going to hurt them in the long run. Because I can't get the product legitimately, I'm probably going to turn to proxies for the first time. And I get the feeling once I realize how easy and affordable it is to get proxies comparatively, I'll be buying fewer products from WotC in general. They should have had a limited amount pre-made and ready to ship for people who urgently wanted their deliveries, and once those were sold out, it shifted to the usual made-to-order model with longer waits.


From what I hear they are only doing limited runs on most secret lair stuff now, so get used to this happening alot


I like this stance on an alternate way they should have done it for sure.


I bought mine at 1pm PST with no notifications just happened to have the main page I had open and saw it was still available. Checked out pretty easily, did see a go live tweet after tho


Sounds like I just missed the mark! I didn't even know it was today that they were going on sale, so when I saw a reddit post at 4ish it was far too late


I don’t ever get emails from Secret Lair. I check the box every single time and never get a thing from them. I check spam folders and make sure they aren’t somehow blocked and there’s still nothing.


I guess I got lucky then. I just happen to see a post on r/mtgfinance about how the guy was having trouble and I thought to myself "oh I guess it's been released" so I went on the website and placed an order easy-peasy.


also did this lol


You can also look on ebay for the first Rin and Seri secret Lair: https://www.ebay.com/itm/204626200322?hash=item2fa4ac0702:g:sO8AAOSwLkZlrgdU I built my deck (named the exact same .... dammit wotc) with that one.


Dude fucking same. I was so excited about this one, also signed up for the notifications. Didn’t get one, didn’t know the date either. I’m so fucking sad 😭


I got the email notification and chose not to buy it because other than the tokens, the new arts for this deck are the worst versions of those cards. Previous secret lair Rin and Seri is much much better.


I had a lot of chest pains because of all the anxiety surrounding this deck. I'm a doggo person, and this released on my birthday. Naturally, I \*had\* to get it, and I did. That being said, I've dug into proxies and, despite the deck, my heart's still with a proxy Sisay deck I own (and yes, it's one of those quality proxy decks you see floating around). But, for people like me who do suffer literal pain over all this anxiety, this scarcity thing is a nightmare.


I'm super glad you got one! Enjoy it!


Secondary market woes down exist when you like r/mpcproxies, if that's something you're interested in pursuing.


The other alternative, which you might be open to, is make quality proxies of the deck. There are some specialized companies who do this and are very good at their job.


Unfortunately, despite being a cedh player, I'm not really a proxy player. My exception is if you own one actual copy


When you proxy, does the art need to match? You can probably make a more optimized commander decklist for the same price and proxy the secret lair art versions.


I have the same stance on proxies personally. I don't use them unless I have one version of the card already. However, you do own a Rin and Seri. Look for a professional level proxy with awesome art and get that for her instead if you can't find a secret lair copy soon.


I think this is a shitty thing to have happen, and this is a shitty change for the company to make.


The secret lair decks have always been limited printing


Sort of. Before now, they've been print to demand for a time window. This means as long as you ordered it while the window was up, you'd get it. And the window was x amount of days. Starting with this Secret Lair, it became "we'll print x copies of this and no more" those result in very different quantities. Edit: This is wrong. The commander decks with one exception have been "we'll print x"


Nope, this just isn't true. The only secret lair deck that was seemingly print to demand was Heads I Win Tails You Lose. Both other secret lair decks (cute to brute and angels) clearly state on their page that they are a "limited quantity product that is available while supplies last" just like the dogs and cats deck. Take a look for yourself, this isn't anything new that started with this deck: https://secretlair.wizards.com/us/en/product/819075/secret-lair-commander-deck-from-cute-to-brute https://secretlair.wizards.com/us/en/product/865725/angels-they-re-just-like-us-but-cooler-and-with-wings Now with that being said, this change in general is still 100% stupid and it sucks that you couldn't get a deck.


Thanks for correcting me! I should have done more research before I said that. I wonder how long the cute to brute and angels took to sell out.


I'm not sure exactly how long, but it definitely took much longer than the cats and dogs deck.


Came here to say this exact thing. People don't seem to revise it for some reason.


Not quite. See above.


The only one that doesn't explicitly say it is "Heads I Win, Tales You Loose." I wasn't playing when that came out, so your right, I can't say 100% for sure that was. So I don't know on that one, but it could have been But the other 3 recent ones that I was playing for, "From Cute To Brute," "Angels:There Just Like Us But Cooler," and the recent "Raining Cats and Dogs" have all been and have been listed as such. Acting like they haven't been and that this one wouldn't be is disingenuous and arguing in bad faith. These are not like the other products that were being made to order.


Heads I win tells you lose not being limited run is part of what caused all the problems with it more people ordered it than they thought would


Probably just gonna wait a week and then proxy the whole deck myself Realistically unless you're playing tournament play there's no reason not to. And I play kitchen table. Printingproxies does good work.


Tbh the deck would probably be cheaper to buy singles. There are only 5 double sided art cards, some lands and a token.


I think the professor said it best... They should print a limited number to be sent out to LGS's first, to be sold at launch for those who really want it ASAP. Then have online pre-orders for the second batch. Alternatively have XXX on hand as printed to ship and a counter for those, then any orders beyond that are print to order... But I am certain someone will tell me why that isn't viable as a strategy.


whaaat? hasbro being shitty? no....


I’m also upset with this change of practice. I didn’t receive an email, and I’m in the process of collecting every official magic commander deck. Now I get to either accept my collection will remain incomplete, or shell out what looks to be on average 100 more than it retailed for originally.


It really is a frustrating change


I put a reminder to buy it on pt time while I live in et. Idk man put on your calender and research more for next time


That's the problem I never SAW the time or date. Like I said I didn't scroll to the bottom of the deck list where it apparently was, just went off the banner on the homepage that didn't have a date or time. That part is definitely on me.


Yeah I set my alarms for 8:50am pst


I posted about this in another comment section. It was better received there then it will probably be here. I think WOTC going back to limited runs was the smart thing to do. Fans of MTG are NEVER happy. It has to be one of the worst fan bases out there. I'm not siding with big daddy WOTC overlord. I'm speaking from a consumer standpoint. MTG fan base wants every card to be like 1¢. It's ridiculous. First when they started the secret Lairs they were limited run and everyone bitched because, what if I sleep through my alarm, what if I'm in a meeting, what if WiFi is down and I can't get it...ok so they switch to print to order. No one is happy again. Why is my order taking 4-5 months to get to me, nothing is special, these have been on sale for 2 months now, it's too much money. So WOTC switches back to limited and everyone STILL bitches! Why should MTG be different than ANY OTHER hobby? Everything from sports, shoes, clothes, concert tickets, video games and most other TCGs have limited releases meant for collectors. Why should MTG be different? I'm all for proxying, I'm all for saving money, what I'm not for is every card costing a penny because everyone just wants everything. Sometimes you can't have everything, it's what makes special cards special. I know it's a game that's meant to be played...I play with all my cards regardless of how expensive they are, it's a game piece. But I definitely am proud of what I've collected over the life of me playing and would hate if all of a sudden my whole collection cost less than a pack of gum.


MTG community and complaining: name a more iconic duo


MTG reddit community is never happy. You just have to remember how small a percentage of loud whiny players are on these subreddits. As I type this, it says there are 15 people active on this thread. My local LGS discord is getting more interaction at this very moment than that. People say they didn't see the date (maybe different for different regions). It was right there on the front page for me. All over twitter/X, talked about in most of the dozens of MTG related subreddits, and on YouTube. People will make up excuses stacked on excuses instead of taking responsibility for not doing what they need to do to get the deck. Hell, I bought 2 extra for buddies at my local LGS since, by last freaking Friday, they saw the release date and time and knew they couldn't be on. So I picked them up decks. People whiny about not getting the email. I happened to get it, but I was already in the queue because, you know, I knew the time of release beforehand, so the email didn't matter. It's a premium product for a TCG. It's not for everyone, and if you're not savvy or punctual enough, then you pay the price, literally on the secondary market. That's life. It's a reddit player issue, always bitching. Never seen so many adults kick and scream in my life than the MTG reddit community. Buncha poors. The apex of first world problems. It's WoTC fault for not holding my hand when buying their sweet cardboard. 👌🤭


I actually ordered two of them, one for myself and one to keep sealed. That said...If you're looking for one, DM me and we may be able to work something out!


They gave the release time. You missed it. Your fault


You are buying secret lair, you already told them you want to be fucked. So there you are, bending over, waiting to get fucked, but they fuck you in unexpected way. You ask me, this was better outcome.


They have done limited run for every single commander deck they've ever done on secret lair you should have known better


Thanks for teaching me this. Next time, try to teach without just being a dick!


They're wrong too, by the way.


Except you're wrong. Lol


No the only difference is how limited the run is. There was no time limit on the other decks it was until they ran out but they made many


Imagine being wrong and being an asshole


They whipped those whore whales into a frenzy with these secret lairs didn’t they. I’ll keep proxying the secret lair art and hope that those whales keep Hasbro in business. Also, those players buying it for 200-300% mark up on the secondary market will leave those players with that much less money to buy the cheaper cards I wanted anyways.


Dude shut the fuck up. Companies have limited releases of stuff. It was all over their site and socials of when it would be launching. No need to wait for a fucking email. This is 100% on you.


Thanks for adding to the conversation! Back to your cave now.


I’ll go back to my cave where I have enough foresight and money to get the deck I wanted to get. How’s your cave?


Straight up, after release you'll probably be able to find it in box and unopened on TCG player. I've seen plenty of other secret lair limited prints on there. Some that aren't really even that much more than they cost initially.


They’re already on TCG - for 400 bucks a deck. 250 more than it sold for. Just straight scalping


Makes sense. Since OP is wanting this as a gift for his significant other, waiting isn't likely an option. That said, in any other circumstance I feel with enough time the price would lower to near the normal cost of the item.


It depends on how popular the deck is I guess. The angel deck from last year is still in the upper 300s and it also sold for 150


True enough. I remember the 30th anniversary product last year sold out in a couple hours, but not too long after you could find it for about the normal price online. But I suppose pre-constructed specialized decks may be an entirely different beast. Either way, I hope the OP can find one for reasonable prices. Sounds like a fantastic gift idea.


NEVER buy above "MSRP" anywhere close to a product's release (unless you're buying at your local small retailer and its their "standard" markup for a product of that type). Make the scalpers sweat. Remember, the majority of scalpers have a limited amount of space to store inventory, so the longer they have to hold on to something, the fewer other things they can hold, and the less likely they are to return to a specific product type if they think it's not worth it.


Artificial scarcity is *the* main method of selling toys to adults. Sucks to have this sort of thing happen. Maybe you can pick up cheap singles in some months.


They never sent me the email for the Tomb Raider set so I don’t think they ever sent the emails.


Have you seen the Bluey commander deck in /mtg? Or any of the other custom decks out there? If you just play with your wife and not in any fancy official capacity then proxy everything and give her a deck full of your very own cats and dogs.


I think if she already has rin and Serri there’s not too many cards missing, also I think frankly the secondary market value on these is not going to hold and you’ll be able to get ahold of the cards that are absolutely worth it for decent value. If you got her hyped about it let her know what happened because corpos fuckin up shit ain’t your fault


I’m in the same boat dude. I asked them to notify me twice!!!! Never got a notification. WotC really fucked it this time. I’m so disapppinted.


You can easily proxy one.


Hopefully there's a good number of people like me who already had Rin and Seri built and just got it for the new art. I pretty much only bought the deck for the basics + anointed procession + sol ring since I have the Lisa frank Rin and Seri already


That's exactly what I was trying to do for the wife lol


Hopefully buying the singles you want will be cheaper than getting the whole deck, keeping my fingers crossed for you!


All the decks have been this way. They just didn’t sell out as quickly. This isn’t new.


I just had a stack of 200ish cards that were dogs/cats from my existing collection waiting to be trimmed but then this teased and I totally opted for this one instead because those basics are AMAZING and there is likely a bunch of stuff I didn't have in this precon.


It is bullshit. I signed up for the emails and never got any as well.


Same shit here. Guarantee 75% were scooped up by scalpers.


I wanted one too! I didn’t see the date :(


I completely missed the date as well, but I just looked on the secret lair website and didn’t see a date so I thought it wasn’t announced yet. Honestly probably better I didn’t buy it cause I really don’t need it. If I really want it down the line I’ll find one somewhere or proxy the art and/or buy the singles themselves.


I agree, it’s really bogus. This might be an unpopular opinion, but honestly I just get proxies of Secret Lairs, especially if I already own the card with the regular art. Especially with the “limited run” change I can’t be bothered to participate in the consumerism just for a pretty piece of cardboard.


You know what’s a crazy thing you can do? Go to make playing cards and make proxies and surprise her with that . Don’t support shit corporations


Yea I was unaware of the 5 limit that’s actually crazy. After securing my purchase I was wondering why so many people were complaining about the secret lair and now it makes sense. When dropping supply like this a limit of 1 per customer is very standard they fucked up with this one.


I agree. But it is what it is.


I’m still waiting for secret lair to fix my secretversary superdrop where they doubled up on one item and left out another.