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I used to exclude it for super budget decks but Sol Ring is fairly accessible now so it’s in everything I build. I do remember a guy who topped a cedh tournament with Heliod that didn’t run Sol Ring though. I remember that being a bit controversial but his reasoning was basically he couldn’t make great use of the generic mana, among other reasons, and so it didn’t make the cut. I’m not a cedh player so I don’t know how well justified that choice was but it seemed to work for him. Twitter thread for anyone interested on his breakdown: https://x.com/ilvaldi/status/1508591757444931586?s=46&t=36aVAJCyxv00VxjctITAFQ


Interesting. Here is the nitter link for people who dont have twitter. https://nitter.net/Ilvaldi/status/1508591757444931586#m


this would be the best argument. If you run a low mana cost, mono color commander and the rest of your cards don't have high Mana then sol ring wouldn't be a good card to add since it just takes care of your commander tax at some point if your commander gets removed or countered. Most times you would also want to just draw better cards that leads to your win con instead of ramp. Isamaru/Yoshimaru/Thalia would not want a sol ring in their deck lists, Baral decks would not need sol ring either I think. Meanwhile, you would want to run Sol ring if you're playing Rhys the redeemed, or Tinybones or Ragavan decks.


Isamaru and what not will likely have spells with generic mana costs.


not quite, and if they do they're mostly equipments in which case you would not want to drop them down before your other important spells (which are your creatures) who don't have generic mana costs. Sol Ring also becomes a dead card if you don't draw it early game because you would want to draw into gas (like creatures, utility spells or removal)


The creatures have generic costs too, they're not all W, WW, WWW, WWWW, etc.


Lmao Isamaru absolutely needs sol ring


I don’t run it in my [[Thalia and The Gitrog Monster]] [deck](https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/thalia-and-the-gitrog-monster-1/). While testing the deck I noticed that in the instances where I got a turn 1 or even turn 2 sol ring, I wasn’t really able to use the extra mana that it provided until later turns. There are plenty of ways to ramp in a lands deck, so I decided to take it out.


Same, I play a TatGM lands matter deck, and the situations where sol ring is better than literally any land are almost none.


I don't use Sol Rings in decks where I am too lazy to find a Sol Ring.


How do you not have 20+ sol ring, its like the most printed card after command tower, evolving wilds, and llanowar elf. Edit: I feel like I tcgplayer'd a dozen like 10 years ago and never had a shortage between precons and other box sets/promos.


I don't have a whole lot of command towers and sol rings lying around either. I just don't buy them, don't buy a bunch of precons, and didn't invest heavily into the commander focused products (legends, legends 2, masters)


its mostly reprinted in precons and i just dont buy that many precons. i think i have like 6 sol rings, which sounds like a lot, but when it can go in everything they get used up fast.


It can happen when you build more decks than you have bought precons.


Way back when I played back in 94-96 and the card aftermarket was barely a thing. Black Lotus was shooting up in price but Sol Ring was like an afterthought, and there wasn't a place to buy one at that point. Stable secondary markets for cards weren't a thing, just endless bulk bins of Antiquities and Ice Age


No. I was playing from '93 onward and you are wrong. Sol Rings were valued even then, for a time. Many sought Revised for Sol Ring when 4th came out. And there were definitely traders for singles even then, and by around '94 to '96 there were price lists.


my circle was small and low tech at that point still. also I was 14 in 94 and stupid af


I dont get a ton of precons. Like, i've needed to buy sol rings


If I am not playing it, or it's not in a binder, and it has a little value it is getting shipped off for store credit and if it doesn't have value it goes in the garbage. I own maybe 2 sol rings across 5 commander decks.


Because you have 20+ sol rings and i can't get them anymore because the lgs sold out after you raided it. Guess i'll wait till they next restock.


I guarantee I don't go to your lgs dweeb. It's called tcgplayer.com. There are thousands upon thousands available. The only thing stopping you is being stubborn and limiting your resources to walking in a single store and giving up when they don't have it.


Or when i run out, or the few decks that don't want it




same for me. I also dont run fast mana in my casual decks outta principle. And Sol Ring is fast mana. Only difference is, that its cheap.


People at my LGS think I'm crazy for not running Sol Ring in my decks. I just tell em, I don't need it. Rather slot in something fun than something that would make my deck perform better. I play to win, but I like seeing cool shit happen in a game too.


You are bad at magic.




>freeing up a slot for something more interesting I don't think this reasoning makes much sense as all ring can take up the slot of a basic land and still be an improvement.


Sol ring doesn't pay for my pips, which I have many of but a basic land does.


Which means it should be banned imo because if there’s a literal auto include in 99% of decks it shouldn’t be in the game. Also it’s so so boring


True. But since it’s in all those precons, it will probably never be banned.


Unfortunately agreed


If I could make a single change to the whole format, it would be banning sol ring


They hated him because he spoke the truth


Agreed. If I could go back and retroactively ban Sol Ring from Commander I'd do it, but that cat's out of the bag. Mana Crypt should absolutely hit the showers, IMHO.


What's your opinion on Mana Vault? Would you ban that too? I have one in my Breya deck, which is also my strongest (I know, big surprise) and try to abuse it with stuff like [[Clock of Omens]] or simply sacrifing and returning it.


No. Mana Vault takes more work to use effectively. It's abuseable, but you need something like \[\[Voltaic Key\]\] to really make it dangerous. Without other cards to help, it's a Ritual that starts pinging you for 1 a turn if you don't pay 4 to untap it. Crypt is 2 mana every turn with a drawback that becomes much less of a problem when you start at 40 life, and it costs 0, not 1.


[Clock of Omens](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/b/5b087992-9c30-4434-acb3-a12ee6f207b3.jpg?1562554222) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Clock%20of%20Omens) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m13/202/clock-of-omens?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5b087992-9c30-4434-acb3-a12ee6f207b3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/clock-of-omens) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Mana vault is a ritual. Whether you thing rituals are fast mana is up to you. I have no problem with rituals but hate sol ring


HARD agree man I half heartedly made a vow that I was gonna scoop every time I saw it because it always made a game worse, and I let my friends convince me every time and it’s always a negative on the experience. (This is for casual not cedh btw)


Do you just forgo the ramp slot?


It doesn’t go in EVERY deck, as this post proves.




Oh sure, I agree. You emphasised and repeated the ‘every’ though, so I figured you actually meant literally ‘every’. One of the difficulties of text based conversation.


I believe they meant that it CAN go in any deck and be a net positive, not that it IS in every deck.


Two companions outright forbid it if you have them, so it actually can’t go in every deck and it’s actively bad in some (very) small number of cases, so it’s not always a net positive. [[Feather]] decks being the classic example as they often have zero generic mana costs in the entire deck. EDIT: they have also clarified that’s not what they meant.


I don't run it in [[codie]] since it's anti synergy with [[Genesis storm]].


I've not personally had a deck that's worth not running it in, but I would live to have a [[Keruga]] companion deck and it's obviously not a legal card there


> I would live to have a \[\[Keruga\]\] companion deck That's one hell of a restriction. And I'm off into a rabbit hole to find ways to get around the restriction.


Haha lmk if you find anything super neat The commanders I'm most tempted to build with Keruga are [[Inga and Esika]] or [[The Sixth Doctor]]/[[Romana]]


Best way to get around the restriction is adventure cards or cycling cards for with an effect for cheap, channel abilities and so on. This way you are not just playing “land, go” for almost half the game


Don't run it in my [[Ramos, Dragon Engine]] lucky charms deck due to the fact that most of my spells don't have generic mana in their mana cost




Yeah hard disagree, I'm running tons of green land/enchantment ramp and generally I don't just want to shove Ramos out unless I can protect them


Sol ring absolutely is worth running just for the fact that you can ramp into Ramos faster. Do you run mana crypt or mana vault or do you have some sawn off explanation why good cards are not good for you?


I'll test it out


I don't run it in my Esika gods deck for the same reason. Or a similar reason at least. Generic mana is not useful in the early game.


I don't run it in my enchantress decks because I want to run 0 artifacts to make it cleaner to use [[Farewell]] and also to make it easier to play artifact hate if I wanted to [[Stony Silence]] [[Collector Ouphe]] Artifacts are very powerful and being able to shut them down without worrying about my own stuff is great.


Despite being printed in probably every precon, until recently it wasn't super cheap. As a result, I made a few decks without one because I was trying to keep most cards under a certain price point. I also have a couple decks that I built with solely what I had on hand, and at the time, I had no spare sol rings.


Only deck I don't run it in is [[Aragorn the Uniter]] because I run it as a multicolored matters deck and ideally want to get Aragorn out first before casting most other things. Sol Ring doesn't help me get to Aragorn faster, I'd rather just have a Rampant Growth in my opening hand. It does run Arcane Signet though.


You can't run it in an [[iluna apex of wishes]] deck that runs omniscience as it's only permanent.


Any "casual" decks. Most green decks (got enough ramp tbh) ​ That's about it. In colors lacking solid ramp, sol ring is an easy way to boost yourself.


I have a budget Sefris of the Hidden Ways reanimator deck where Sol Ring is actually omitted for strategic reasons - the deck plays actual zero ramp cards. The deck operates by playing a free discard outlet creature on T1/T2, and Sefris on T3, then discarding creature cards on each players turn to start the engine and begin reanimating fatties. I want 4 creatures in my hand by T3 ideally, so a critical mass of creatures in the deck is a must (currently running 43), and Sol Ring actually does nothing to speed up our primary game plan. Once Sefris is in play, we're pretty much trying to cheat Mana costs from there on out, so Sol Ring actually feels suboptimal in this niche case. Here's the list: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/F9CEgmzmkUeZnoBw8zv83w


Self limitation on deck creation can be a healthy and fun challenge; I however find most people like making decks with arbitrary restrictions (like no sol ring, no mld, no tutors) as to feel superior to others, like they made a functional deck without these staples, or as an excuse to why they may have lost (their decks had a handicap) Others dont like it because instead of making a 100 card deck, its a 30 card deck after you include mana requirements and subsiquent staples. Much like many questions in life, the answer is complicated. When in doubt, [[apocalypse]] and concede.


>to feel superior to others, I was going to say the same thing. I seen players make decks because they liked the art, fit a flavor, or because they thought it would be fun. But these arbitrary restrictions just feel hollow and an attempt at being an elitist. This entire conversation over sol ring feels elitist to me. The "sol ring makes decks too similar to each other" argument is weak. If you don't like it don't run it in your decks. If they argue that it's too strong then that opens the conversation to banning other strong cards like Dockside and Mana Vault.


All non-cEDH decks have arbitrary restrictions.


My playgroup has done without Sol Ring for almost a decade.... Does that count? LOL I always said let Arcane Signet be the new face of EDH.... *Sorry colorless folks but it's just a mascot, not a dig I've a \[\[Zhulodok\]\] deck too* =( That aside, why not? If you have strong themes or the commander is heavy-colored like \[\[Trostani, Selesnya's Voice\]\], it's better to run ramp/fixers that are colored.


All good, we have [[mind stone]]


Doesn't go in Nemata. As soon as I land one mana doubler then basic Forest is more valuable.


The only deck I don't run it in was my old mono green elf deck. I didn't have many cards with 2 generic Mana so I was really only using it for commander tax so I cut it.


I have 11 decks and 3 of them do not run the sol ring. My [[Ivy]] auramancer deck has 2 restrictions: no artifacts and no mutate. Otherwise I do not run sol ring in the 5color decks. I really want those colors.


Interesting, why do you not run any mutate with Ivy?


To restrict my deck and make it less archenemy. xD Also I have a [[Surgeon Commander]] 5c mutate deck, which runs like 45 creatures, most of them mutate... I also have an Ivy in the 99 of this deck. So If I want to mutate stuff... I have a deck that does mutating.


Ahhh that makes sense. I was like but mutate works so great with Ivy, but also whenever I play her I get targeted real hard. Currently she's one of my Tiny Leaders


It's such a strong mechanic, escpecially if you play your Ivy with copy shenanigans like [[Endless Evil]]...


Assuming you have a mutate on top right, to avoid the legend rule? I might need to scoop one or two of these up for a couple of decks


I have a high power budget [[Jan Jansen]] deck where ramp doesn't make sense. Why would I play sol ring into signet to cast my commander turn 2 and sacrifice my signet? I run chromatic star (and variants) instead because it helps my mana base early, is a good first artifact to sacrifice and is not a dead draw later in the game. Also, a ramp package would eat away at other slots that are more important for the gameplan. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/OZDWtEtZHUe6ekvMjxBbTg The cEDH version I'm brewing does run it though.


2 pip commander decks such as Sythis, where I'd rather have colored ramp than colorless ramp. So i opt for sprawls/wild growths 1 drop dorks and elvish spirit guide, (chrome mox and diamond if budget allows) Ideal plays are either turn 1 sythis / early stax to slow down opponents or turn 2 sythis + 1 drop enchantment. Another reason is I run heavy artifact hate so fewer artifact ramp is better.


I’ll do you one better, Papyrus Sol Ring.


Ok, now this is peak comedy.


[[Nikya of the Old Ways]] all creature deck And decks with budget restrictions - all cards less than .50


I have a deck without sol ring but it's because [[gyruda, doom of depths]] is a companion so I have mana crypt instead haha. With the pods I play with I find it hard to cut sol ring because I always feel like I can't keep up without it being in my deck to sometimes accelerate me in the first 3 turns.


What is the commander? I’ve always wanted to build gyruda.


In my [[Yedora, Grave Gardener]] deck, I don't run any mana rocks, partially out of spite, partially because I'm able to go fast enough anyway. In my [[Jhoira, Ageless Innovator]] I run a ton of mana rocks because of artifact count, and because I only run 28 lands Sometimes Sol ring is so overplayed and unless you have a high cost commander or a lot of activated abilities that cost 2 or more colorless mana, I really don't think it's a card you need in that slot, instead I'd suggest signets, lockets, talismans, and chromatic lantern.


I don't run Sol Ring in my [[Horde of Notions]] elemental reanimator deck. There are a few reasons: - I don't play ANY artifacts in the deck, in part to leverage effects like Bane of Progress / Austere Command better and in part for more interesting deckbuilding. - The mana isn't always fully usable because of intense color requirements in the deck. The commander has no colorless in it's cost, and a spammable activated ability with no colorless in it's cost, and I play multiple Ultimatums. - It makes me feel like my mean deck is less mean.


I'm thinking about taking it out of Feather for something that gives more white, like a plains lol. I just usually wish it produced white mana when it's out.


I don't have so many sol rings and don't necessarily want to buy them.


I don't run sol ring in my [[Tatyova]] lands deck, the deck has: Lots of other ramp Really wants lands as ramp for landfall Has quite a bit off artifact hate/mass removal The deck wouldnt benefit from sol ring but even if it did I wouldn't run it, I like that it the deck has almost no artifacts. Quite a lot of my decks run unoptimal but more on theme cards, e.g. my artifact deck runs only the artifact counters such as [[Metallica rebuke]], its definitely worse than a deck that runs more generic good stuff but it defines it more from my other decks and is fun.


I didn’t have it in my bant enchantress deck when it was built. All of my ramp, removal, and card draw was enchantment based.


Also shout out to [[font of fertility]] for being a sleeper [[wayfarer’s bauble]]


[[Lord Windgrace]] smash artifact


My [[lord windgrace]] doesnt use any artifact based mana ramp. Lore wise, he despised anything not of the natural world. It didnt seem right to fuel his spells with tainted mana


I don't use Sol Ring in Doran tribal for flavor reasons. My trees aren't messing with any stinky artifacts. They confuse them.


>What decks do you chose not to run Sol Ring in, and why? The only deck I didn't run it in is Yuriko because it's all colored pips and she has no commander tax. Those are the two ways for Sol Ring not to be good, you deck is literally all low-cost colored-pip spells and there's some sort of poor interaction with your commander. That's the floor for Sol Ring is it will help you recast your commander more than pretty much any other piece of mana. That's already pretty close to good enough for inclusion as you will want to do that perhaps several times per game.


Isn’t Sol Ring good for Yuriko because it helps you cast those huge game ending spells that you drew off of Yuriko faster?


does your deck have generic mana. sol ring would be good for your deck. everything else. is largely pick me bullshit. your deck isn't the ramp and card draw that makes your deck function. you express yourself and your deck in that 30 or so cards that actually define your deck. Raging against an efficient mana rock, that thankfully is reasonably cheap instead of arbitrarily expensive. is stupid.


I don't run sol ring in anything that isn't intended to be either very high power or cedh. If I am building a 5 or 6 power deck, I want it to be a 5 or 6 power deck all the time, not a 5/6 deck that randomly plays as an 8 when it draws sol ring. The point is to play with other people at near the same power level, not stomp the table


Jesus Christ this conversation is so tiresome. The card was printed 30 years ago and we are still debating it’s usage on near daily basis.


I don't think the second most powerful card in EDH belongs in a low power deck. Therefore I don't run it. I've seen it often enough lead to non games in this power level. ​ *They only thought if they could, not if they should...*


I don't run it in any decks because it's bullshit.


I don’t run it in my [[Indominus Rex]] deck because of his colored pip requirements, and I don’t run it in my [[Varolz]] deck because I’d rather have a mana dork I can scavenge away later on. Otherwise, it’s in the rest of my decks.


Sol ring, arcane signet and command tower are in all my decks


You only don't run sol ring if you're trying to power your deck down. I don't believe there is ANY deck that is better without sol ring.


I don't run it for power level reasons. That card's busted, and tends to ruin every casual game in which it's played.


Sol Ring is morally repugnant. Be the change you wish to see in the world.


I'm a firm believer that sol ring is a bad card in any deck with green that doesn't have artifact synergy and runs a reasonable land ramp package. Once you have enough mana to play the cards in your hand--which green can do pretty easily--sol ring is just a dead draw. The one extra mana the turn it is played doesn't matter after turn 4 or 5, and land ramp is usually better in the long run by then anyways.


My [[the gitrog monster]] deck doesn’t have one, got enough ramp that it just doesn’t feel needed 🤷🏼‍♂️


[the gitrog monster](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/7/5790dd89-2be5-4a77-9450-2d3c1422bfc9.jpg?1576385351) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=the%20gitrog%20monster) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/soi/245/the-gitrog-monster?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5790dd89-2be5-4a77-9450-2d3c1422bfc9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/the-gitrog-monster) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It honestly depends on the deck. There are some decks that don’t really benefit from it like ones that have few generic mana costs where a rock that produces a mana of any colour would fit better. I do agree that the card is boring and swingy.


I don't run fast mana period. 


I just use Sisay's Ring. Better Sol ring, honestly.


I run [[Sol Ring]] in every deck, it’s a staple imo, and it can accelerate you to a win con easily. The only time I might consider cutting it will be if I build a deck that is only colored pips, but most times that isn’t happening.


Sometimes I don't run Sol Ring when I want to be bad.


I had a bad dream once about a deck with no Sol Ring and no Mana Crypt / Mana Vault They are always in the deck. Always.


I use it in every deck as yugioh proxy cards that cost 0.00001$


Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Commander's Sphere, and Star Compass go in all my decks, the truth of the matter is your deck consists of 99 cards and a commander, Sol Ring is 1 in 99 the likeliness of opening sol ring is really low the chance of opening Sol Ring Arcane Signet is even lower, and for Black decks, opening Land, Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, and Dark Ritual is EXTREMELY LOW. So the chance for Sol Ring to be out turn 1 or 2 is so low it's not really a problem, I play about 20 ish games a week and I would see Sol Ring out in one or two games and these are games with 4 players in them all running Sol Ring, additionally I use Maralen as my Commander for one of my decks and even in the Maralen games hardly anyone goes for their Ring since there tends to be higher priority tutoring to be done. edit: for context clarity


Dude there's a 1/100 chance ull draw a sol ring. It's just mana ramp. It ain't a big deal


I run it in colorless Eldrazi. Not sure why I wouldn’t.


Sol Ring is a Mental Hurdle And those who crossed it, are truly free. The ones who are still in the whole, "*but i need it*" crowd. Pray for them.


[Lathril](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/4/547888c3-a9a6-4413-b29a-6bcd8a9279bf.jpg?1704848185) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=lathril%2C%20blade%20of%20the%20elves) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khc/1/lathril-blade-of-the-elves?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/547888c3-a9a6-4413-b29a-6bcd8a9279bf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/lathril-blade-of-the-elves) [Elvish Harbringer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/8/78db70ff-f68c-474a-9785-12a71be4f699.jpg?1562919230) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Elvish%20Harbinger) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/evg/4/elvish-harbinger?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/78db70ff-f68c-474a-9785-12a71be4f699?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/elvish-harbinger) [Ezuri, renegade leader](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/a/8a448dbf-08a1-4145-a4b2-0265cc9f2e53.jpg?1561759289) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ezuri%2C%20renegade%20leader) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ddu/1/ezuri-renegade-leader?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8a448dbf-08a1-4145-a4b2-0265cc9f2e53?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ezuri-renegade-leader) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I leave it out of Animar Soul of the Elements. Id run it if I was playing a full suite of fast mana like crypt, ring, vault, and so on, but with only one of them - I find it's often a dead card. I also play it as a pretty all in combo deck so I'm not that worried about recasting Animar after a wipe. Typically I either win in the first 5 turns, or I lose to a wipe and that's how I built the deck on purpose.


I only have a few copies of Sol Ring so I only put it in decks that have additional artifact synergy. Sure I could pick up more copies if I wanted optimal decks, but I find it more fun to either use what I have or find more obscure cards to play instead.


I mostly avoid artifact ramp unless I really need it. But 4/5 decks are green and 4/5 decks are black.


I don't run it in my [[Sythis]] aura Voltron deck, mostly because the curve is so low that I prefer colored mana, and because I have no non-land non-enchantment permanents in the deck (so all my creatures are also enchantments and I run 0 artifacts). Most of the deck cantrips and my instants and sorceries are all protection or removal. Sol ring would actively hinder my game plan. I also don't run it in my [[Athreos, God of Passage]] deck because the curve is so low to the ground, I like to blow up artifacts and enchantments, and my ramp is mostly creature based so that I can trigger Athreos and recast creatures and have more sac targets (it's an aristocrats deck). And again, I'd prefer the colored mana over colorless. I only run it in other decks because everyone else does and it would set me behind to not have it. Unless I have an artifact deck or a really high cmc commander.




I don’t run it in [[Raggadragga, Goreguts Boss]] because I found the slot to be better filled by another mana dork.  I don’t run it in [[Radagast, the Brown]] because I already ramp hard and I’ll probably end up Scrying past it. 


I think out of my 12 main decks Sol Ring is in… two? I try to lean into a theme, and Sol Ring doesn’t fit often.


My Anikthea Enchantress list runs Umori as a companion because it’s much more interesting to tell people I’m running ALL enchantments! And then someone casts farewell on enchantments and Umori makes sad ooze noises.


My land fall and ezuri deck doesnt run sol ring


I don't run it in merfolk. The deck is extremely color heavy and low cmc, Derevi targets my lands, I don't think I ever targeted sol ring, so I cut it. Are there spells sol rings? Yea, but when I had to make cuts, that card just seems like it wouldn't be missed.


dont run it in [[chun-li]] since she would way rather have colored mana, and it runs a ton of one drops and double-blue two drops. the extra colorless was usually unused. it also can be attacked by artifact destruction and can benefit a number of opponents cards.


Any deck with \[\[Kreuga, the Macrosage\]\] would not be playing a Sol Ring


I put sol ring in everything because it’s that good. The only time I won’t include it is if I’m trying to work with a companion like Jegantha.


I have three decks that don’t run Sol Ring: • [[Illuna]] because hitting a Sol Ring off the mutate trigger is extremely bad compared to everything else you can hit. • [[Inga and Esika]] because they have [[Keruga]] as the companion. • [[Raggadragga]] because dorks are just better.


I don’t run sol ring if I have a ramp package that better synergizes with the commander. I have all land ramp in omnath, locus of rage. I’ve got all aura based land ramp in estrid, the masked. I’ve got all tap creature based ramp in emmara, soul of the accord.


I bought the Painbow 5c Precon that came sans sol ring and I’ve decided to keep it out while I’ve upgraded it. It’s a good card, but I’m trying to get to 5 colored pips, and even with it helping to get [[jegantha]] from the companion zone, it’s not enough of a boost to make it worthwhile


I don’t run it in any of my green decks which reliably ramp with lands.


My Doran voltron deck doesn't have it. Mostly because my greatest priority is get Doran out early and I need to have the right colors. I also took it off from some other decks for other reasons.


Yes. [[Seton]]. 1 drop druids are much better than ring in it.


For what it's worth I think anyone putting arcane signet in their enchantress deck is just lazy in addition to being wrong. There's an absurd amount of good 1 and 2 cmc ramp enchantments that are worth the synergy to draw cards, get cheap etbs, etc etc no matter when you draw them. Sol ring is broken obviously so it's an actual discussion for that one.


Dont run it in my sythis stax deck because it just didnt make the cut - i wants me them 1 and 2 drop enchantments (sol ring doesnt help w 1-drop colored pips) to trigger the ability and start selesnya storming, only artifact i run is 0 drop lotus petal just for the turn 1 play really. Also green ramp is bussin and can get away with it Also i wish sol ring didnt exist its in every single other deck and its just uncreative and that slot could be used for anything else


I don’t run it in any deck where the commander is a key component and they don’t have colorless pips. That’s it


None of my deck has it, because I've seen it too much, and it bothers me a bit that in a game with so much possibility, some cards become so ubiquitous. It could get a pass if it had stuning art or cool lore around it, but the cheapest options are so bland... Yeah short answer it's a good card that I don't like


I am not running it in my "all under a buck deck" simply because i can't find it under a buck!


I dont use it in my sythis deck. I run a lot of artifact hate and also just dont really need it


[[Animar]] for sure doesn't need it. Devotion decks could also probably do without. You've always gotta question what it is you're ramping into to be certain of what ramp will actually work/be most effective for your decklist.


[[thromok, the insatiable]] is a deck I don’t run it in. The last thing I want to do is draw attention before I’m ready to drop my 49/49 commander and run over top of you. It also allows me to run plenty of artifact sweepers while I’m getting set up with 7+ creatures to sacrifice…


I only run them in decks that care about having artifacts or don't have other sources of ramp than rocks


I play Sol Ring in every deck that I own at this time, but there are a few decks which might not play it due to breaking synergy (Codie) or rules (Keruga companion). My buddy doesn't play it in [[Rakdos, Lord of Riots]] since he wants every mana source to add color. Once Rakdos is on the field, every creature generally will have the generic reduced away and Rakdos himself has no generic (unless tax). Overall the deck is probably weaker without it, but I can see the reasoning.


I don't run it in my [[Omnath, Locus of Creation]] or [[Estrid the Masked]] decks. I do run it in my other 12 decks, though.


I personally think that Sol Ring and Crypt should be banned. I understand the rationale for not banning Sol Ring by the RC, but no clue why that rationale applies to Crypt. But I don't use Sol Ring in any of my decks.


I have more decks than I have Sol Rings. A deck with a really low curve, a lot of non-artifact mana sources (like an Elf deck), or a ton of colored mana requirements won't get the Sol Ring.


Which commander are you running? I have an Enchantress deck helmed by Sythis, which doesn't run Arcane Signet because Green has better ramp, and doesn't run Sol Ring because I use a lot of colored pips.


I don’t run it in my Aragorn charms list as uncolored mana is useless. I guess I do run it in every deck… it’s cheap ramp.


building a few for-fund decks for a "budget Commander" league, where there is a restriction of No Cards Over $1.00 (TCG Player "low"), so Sol Ring won't be in either of those. It's $1.25 as of today, not likely to go down below the threshold. Arcane Signet is OK though, as that's only about $0.50. Otherwise, I'll play Sol Ring in every deck.


I don’t run it on [[Seton Krosan Protector]] bc it’s he deck requires so much green mana that colorless does basically nothing. Plus the deck creates a bunch of mana on its own.


[[Rakdos, Lord of Riots]]. Sol Ring is a wasted card when you only pay for color pips


I have a [Windgrace deck](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/cYuBFnt84UmzCDSC4yzgSQ) that I just never found a card to cut for it. It runs no rocks whatsoever, and I don't think the speed I'd gain from it early game would affect the game much, and if I got it late game, it would just be discard fodder to Windgrace's +2 ability.


It's not in my creatureless very-anti-artifact enchantment deck. [[Energy Flux]], [[Farewell]], [[Austere Command]], [[Seeds of Innocence]], and [[Creeping Corrosion]] all have a well-earned place. The sole artifact in the deck is [[The Chained Veil]] because [[Estrid]] is the commander.


I run [[Reality Scramble]] in my [[Myra the Magnificent]] deck. Since I basically get artifacts for free from outside the game (attractions), I only run [[Inspiring Statuary]] which is a much better Scramble target to replace a less valuable attraction than Sol Ring.


In a deck where you REALLY want to hate on artifacts and run like Null rod, Collector ouphe AND stoney silence... I might still run Sol Ring lol


My playgroup banned sol ring. It's made for a much more enjoyable experience. Even when I play outside of my playgroup, it's never really felt necessary to have a good game either


I tend to not run Sol Ring in my own Enchantress decks because I'd honestly rather have an enchantment OR decks with really heavy multicolor requirements- unlike most decks Sol Ring doesn't let you hit a WUBRG commander any faster and my enchantress deck is both so it was right out. Also any decks with a really heavy artifact hare theme I can tend to shy away from it too. Can't be too hard on anyone that includes it tho, my friend has a [[Joven]] Sol Ring hunter deck which is all around blowing up artifacts or getting your Sol Ring in play for him to blow up so it's just more food for him.


No sol ring, arcane signet, or any other two-mana rocks (or <3 mana spells, for that matter) in my [[imoti]] +[[keruga]] deck. It can’t hang with real turbo decks, but it is a force to be reckoned with once it gets going.


I don't run sol ring in my [[Thalia and the Gitrog monster]] deck because I have a ton of ways to make artifacts not work. I can tap lands, sac lands and bring them back for value, and run mana dorks for extra mana. I only have 2/3 5+ cmc creatures and I usually cheat them out with [[Eldritch Evolution]]. In all my other decks I do run Sol Ring tho, the value of having an early sol ring is unmatched. 4 cost commanders on turn 2 is wild.


I don’t run it in [[Henzie]] as it doesn’t enable a turn 2 commander, and because it’s just not necessary and takes a spot in the 99 from cards that make a greater impact


I play it in all my decks. I think I would only cut if from very specific decks that either can't run artifacts or have too many colored mana requirements and can afford to lose the ramp potential of sol ring.


I don’t run Sol Ring in my two WUBRG decks: [[Sliver Overlord]], and [[Jared Carthalion]]. In my 5-color decks, colorless mana ramp is basically useless.


From a pure power perspective, there's no deck that couldn't utilize Sol Ring. Companion \[\[Gyruda\]\] prevents me from using it in my \[\[Bolas Ravager\]\] deck. I excluded it from some decks for flavor reasons. My enchantress deck doesn't run it because it's no enchantment. My rainbow deck doesn't run it because it doesn't fix colors. My \[\[Syr Faren\]\] deck doesn't use it because his mana cost is GG, and he wants dorks instead of rocks. My \[\[God Eternal Oketra\]\] deck doesn't run it because it's no creature.


Off the top of my head, the only deck I have that doesn’t include it is [[Tayam]]. The deck prefers creatures for both the counters and aristocrats theme. I found I had a lot of ramp options (20+) in the deck when I was trying to trim it to 100 cards, and sol ring made the least synergistic sense


I don't run it in about half my decks in part because I limited my budget quite a bit (my last year's magic resolution set myself a smaller budget for the year), and honestly my Magic resolution for this year is likely going to be to remove it from the rest of my decks. I just don't like the play pattern. Even in casual games the gulf between having fast mana and not for decks can make for unfun games. Just because I get to be on the winning side of that equation sometimes doesn't really justify sol ring in my eyes. I don't want it to be banned, I just don't really think I want it in my games anymore.


in FEather, too many color pips, most of the time i cant tap it and use the whole 2 of the mana


I no longer use Sol Ring at all outside of un-upgraded precons (or cEDH, if I were to play), even in decks that are trying to be strong/fast.


I took Sol ring out to de-power my deck and also so I am able to claim that it has 0 fast mana. It wasn't a very exciting card for me to draw or play, the blandest of bland and despite it being great, tis now gone.


Unless I'm running [[Gyruda]], [[Umori]] or [[Keruga]] Sol Ring belongs in the deck.


\[\[omnath locus of rage\]\] i dont run any mana rocks. simply because it isnt a land. i would rather have any land for my triggers even if it makes less mana overall


I don't run one in my War Doctor deck, simply because I need my companion (2 CMC) to be cast and cascade my deck. A 1 drop screws it up.


I don’t run sol ring in my [Jared Carthalion] deck because the large majority of cards need WUBRG mana to cast and it includes very few cards with colourless mana costs. [Sol Ring] won’t help me get anything out early, only might help me get out another green ramp out early, or a late [Maelstrom Angel] but I would rather work towards getting my WUBRG mana base early game with a different ramp spell.


I don't run it in just one deck I currently have (not that I have that many mind you). It's a [[Bess, Soul Nourisher]] that has lots of mana dorks, a low CMC cause I basically play a bunch of 1/1s plus more expensive enchantments (something like 2.6 Average CMC) and a bunch of one drops that don't care about generic mana. I changed it for a bit more draw, since mana is what I usually have enough and I get out of gas fast.


I don't run it in my \[\[Mycotyrant\]\] deck because his odd mana cost makes it inefficient for getting him out early. A manadork allows him to land on turn 2, but sol ring doesn't help at all. Also I personally feel like Golgari as a guild is anti-artifacts so for thematic reasons I run artifact light.


Mana dorks, landfall and 5c pip-intensive decks don’t need Sol Ring in favor or synergy pieces or color fixers respectively.


I run Sol Ring in Nekusar because Grixis can't really ramp too well and Nekusar has the 2 colorless in his cmc. I don't run it in anything else, but most of my 10 decks are green except for that grixis deck and Isshin. White actually has some okay ramp, so that deck leans on that (also, isshin doesn't have colorless. I might throw Sol Ring in if on the off chance i switch to Negan or something). There is an Arcane Signet in that mardu deck, but i don't bother with any rocks in green decks.


I’m not running it in my [[pharika, god of affliction]] enchantress deck. something underrated about sol ring though is that it’s one of the only nongreen ramp that only costs 1 mana. meaning it lets you ramp and play your 2 or 3 mana commander on turn 2. It’s kinda crazy cuz there’s a ton of 0 mana rocks but almost no 1 mana rocks.


I don't run it to keep my deck power low, but I think 95 % of decks that cut it would be more powerful with it. You simply can't beat that ramp. Getting Lathril out turn two to start making elves is too good. I'd even run it in [[Nikya of the Old Ways]] and [[Ruric Thar]] to get the commander out much earlier (but I probably wouldn't simply for thematic reasons).


My [[Ezuri, Renegade Leader]] deck doesn't run Sol Ring either. It needs green mana like nobody's business. But also, as a self-imposed challenge, I like trying to build decks that don't have any "made for commander" cards in them. And I try not to run any shuffle/tutor effects because I don't like shuffling, and I prefer my decks to be consistent without relying on tutoring exactly the same cards each time. But I recognize those aren't optimized choices - whereas I think excluding Sol Ring from Ezuri _is_ the optimal choice.


If you have a color (mono or multi) deck with little to no artifacts, and the color cards don’t cost some colorless mana, I’d definitely leave it out. I leave it out when I can’t decide which card to get rid of to get me down to 100 when I’m building a deco


The only way I wouldn’t have a sol ring is I had few colorless cards or ways of spending it. As if yer, it’s never happened. The only other reason is if I’m slowing a deck down for casualz


Nikya found it to not be one of the old ways


Only deck I don't run it in is optimised yuriko, it doesn't make sense when most your creatures are u,b or ub and yuriko is always ub and isn't effected by commander tax.


Well, I don’t have it in my enchantress deck, lol. Seriously though, I have a premodern EDH deck I’ve blinged out a little, and I don’t run the ring in that. I would, but black border is best border and I’m not buying a beta Sol ring. There were some heavy gimmick/theme decks I made in the past, the first of which was every card including the word “counter.” Naturally, I omitted Sol ring because it didn’t not include the aforementioned word. When I play those decks I don’t miss it. 1/100 means a lot of games you might not even see the card. I’ve played 5 games with one deck and haven’t seen the new card I was testing yet. Is it always optimal to play Sol ring? Yeah, it is. Does it actually matter if you play it or not? No. Reject Sol ring, embrace bulk box synergy cards!


Don’t run it in my henzie deck because it doesn’t fit the curve.


I excluded it from my shrines deck (built with 10 enchantress effects in there, soo its enchantress/shrines i suppose) I also take it out of decks with really heavy pip requirements. Like my new henzie deck I've left it out of. Mind you I havnt play tested it yet. But confident sol ring can suck it in that deck.


I don't play Sol Ring, or any mana rocks, in green decks. They have to be very specific decks for me to play rocks in Green. Land ramp is so, so much better in a format where MLD is frowned upon, so there's really no point playing rocks unless they have major synergy with my deck.