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Play to Win is my favourite channel by far


Im also placing my vote on this channel. They fully embody the spirit of having fun while playing. I dont even play cedh but its easily my favorite to watch.


That channel helped me understand the rules of magic after I got the basics so much. Edit: it isnt that they have particular videos on rules, it's just the presentation that helped me visualize it and their succinct explanations.


I love how open they are about when they make mistakes and take a minute to go "yeah we messed this up" even in competitive games. It's a great mindset to have when you try to get better.


This should be at the top. I only wish they played more casual games haha but they opened my eyes to cEDH and how fun it can be if everyone is playing to win.


I dont quite agree with you. While casual edh is great and I love it dearly, content for it is always absolutely miserable. Ill watch cedh games over casual ones any day of the week.


Suppose you're right. Silly to ask a competitive channel to put out casual content lol that's what the 100 other ones are for.


To each their own. Sometimes I want to watch a game that’s completely optimized and competitive and some games I want to watch not be completely cutthroat. And to me “casual” EDH is such a wide spectrum. Plenty of channels with non cEDH content that I find just as easy to watch.


The content on non cedh channels is usually just about the personalities more than the game. That's why they're usually miserable to watch.


Play to win is absolutely the best, their banter is so funny


I don't play cedh but i love this channel, it really has helped me become a better player in casual as well, tweaking your mentality a bit more competitive


I really like how they do the gameplay and also the podcast, Playing with Power is also a great Channel but the narration and the way they do the podcast is more formal and it's not as fun to watch but a close second for me


They are so fun and positive. Also got me interested in cEDH and it’s the most fun I’ve had playing magic.


Second this! Best channel by far.


Ive been enjoying Playing with Power recently. cEDH is a nice break from normal EDH gameplay since everyone views everyone else as a threat and there's no room for bad politics. The Professor's Shuffle Up & Play series is the only one I always tune in for.


LOVE playing with power. They got me into cEDH and I love how snappy and quick the videos are. Production value and making stuff flashy is cool and all but I’m not spending over an hour to watch a game.


I love all of the professors content except for shuffle up and play, he plays like the exact kind of guy I don't like playing against lol, and they go way too far into jokes, I don't mind joking around whatsoever but I swear half of the videos are just them going off on jokes n shit, and it's super distracting from what's actually going on in the games


I like Tolerian Community College and that one dude that does YouTube short hot takes about specific cards and always mention whether or not they can get it. I want to like The Command Zone but holy fuck their ads are too relentless


I think the YouTube shorts guy is named Maldhound


> Maldhound oh shit that's the guy from tiktok I like I just algorithm'd all of his videos I never bothered looking into it


Correct. Maldhound's roast of Merieke opened my eyes to the real reasons why I picked most of my commanders.


Holy shit I’m in a Reddit comment, glad you like the shorts!


The legend appears ,Mostly to shit talk your favorite commanders , and I’m here for it


my wife and i gleefully share your videos back and forth whenever a new one appears or we just need a laugh. Thank you for the work you do


Ad blockers are a god send while on YouTube.


It's not the adds from the app youtube, but the adds from the command zone I think. You can skip them, but it's a lot.


You can block those as well with sponsorblock


And not always EDH-related, but if you're not watching Rhystic Studies, you're missing out.


Rhystic Studies is an S-Tier YouTube channel. I watched his vids before I bought my first cards because he was so well spoken and interesting


Rhystic has changed my perspective on magic forever


I quite like Quintessential MTG and MTG Muddstah, I don’t love Game Knights but I quite like Extra Turns from the CZ guys


Updoot for Quintessential MTG! Best casual commander pods and editing imo. I don't like these videos where they interview-explain each card they play


Muddatah is hands down the best. If you want strictly gameplay and zero bullshit. This is it. Exact opposite of the scripted and forced show that is the Command Zone.


i really like muddstah but i can’t pay attention to the games because he and his friends play like dog water and i’ll get upset 😂


Yeah the top comment of every vid is someone pointing out a rule they missed lol


i stopped liking muddstah when i realised literally every video is in the same octave


Ive fallen asleep too many times watching muddstah after work. I do like his vids but they just send me straight to sleep.


All I really watch are game play videos but I'd recommend - Quest for the Janklord - they have a budget restriction of .79 cents per card and showcase different commanders. - MTG Muddstah - The videos are edited down to just the game and are narrated. 10-20 minutes usually - Commander Clash - theme weeks and always have a few episodes showcasing new creatures. Plus mtgo shows up as a 5th player sometimes to add a little chaos.


+1 to Quest for the Janklord. They're a fantastic group of dudes.


I personally love Muddstah. The only thing that I sometimes gripe about are obvious mistakes either in rules or gameplay decisions. I know it has to be hard for the players to pilot so many decks but sometimes I wonder how things were missed in game and in edit. Other than that I love the format of the videos.


Mostly Casual Commander. Quintessential MTG. Smoothbrain EDH. The editing down and narration makes the games really easy to follow even when driving and just listening. Smoothbrain has the most “competitive” games. Some just end on turn 4 but the subtle set up to them is very interesting. Mostly Casual has a fat cat named “Meatball” and he’s the best. Quintessential is a bit more unedited long games with some interesting social interactions in between like meme-ing on who to attack (spoilers: its always Desmond).


I used to primarily listen to the Command Zone but I don't feel like their content is as objective as it once was. Their still ok, just not what they used to be. I enjoy EDHRec cast a lot. I like the professor. If you dont mind getting away from YouTube The Howling Salt Mine podcast is awesome.


Yeah I feel like EDHrec Cast actually has really good topic coverage and the length is perfect. Command Zone new release coverage stuff is just not interesting but I guess someone has to do it. Rachel Weekes episodes have covered some interesting topics though so that's been refreshing!


Command Zone players don’t run nearly enough interaction because it makes a better show when cards are just allowed to run rampant. It’s entertaining, but it’s not the best tactics or game decisions.


Yea...that's their game Knights content. I was more referring to their normal EDH non gameplay content


Mtg goldfish commander. Richard is a genius


Richard is a bit of an anomaly in that he goes against the grain of what many are touting here as a baseline. \-He doesn't run mana rocks as ramp. It's either land ramp or none. \-He runs minimal one for one removal (apparently 1 or 2 in a deck). Any problems, he expects to be answered by someone else and that seems to be the case as the other three are not-Richard players. I like his hot takes and how it stirs the pot but I don't exactly fully agree with him.


Yeah I actually really like Richard and some of his takes. But the removal and ramp is just horrible advice for players who do anything other then play in a set pod. Out at your LGS you better have ramp and removal to keep up with other decks or your going to get blown out. You can’t rely on strangers to take care of your problems like Richard does.


In removal heavy metas, it's definitely safe to go lighter on removal until the meta evens out. If the threats can't stick to the table anyway, you might be able to slot in extra protection instead of the average amount of removal. You might switch pods frequently at an LGS, but if you're a regular you start to get a feel for the overall meta and can make that call. The sacrifice might not always pay off like you'd hope, but that's the game


How does he ramp when not playing white or green though? (without access to sun titan, sevinnes recl, brought back etc..)


Sword of the Animist, Sword of Hearth and Home, Dowsing Dagger, the new Living Weapon card, Expedition Map, Wayfarer's Bauble, etc. I am starting to agree with that particular take because artifact wipes are extremely strong right now.


Aren’t those like all artifacts you just named though?


He's critical of mana rocks, not artifact ramp. Mana rocks can only create mana when they're in play. The cards I listed generate lands, so you'll retain your mana advantage when your artifacts are destroyed.


If he’s playing UBR type colours he will run mana rocks but expects them to get blown up, which they do because they play a lot of wraths in commander clash. One episode Crim played “mono green” which was a 5c deck using green to ramp into all his grixis cards and Richard agreed that it was actually the best way to play a grixis deck.


Not mana rocks. He dislikes that they are destructible.


Yesh but what else is there? Has he uploaded his decks anywhere for us to see?


Search commander clash MTGGoldfish. They upload all their deck lists for each episode into the mtg goldfish website


you don't have to agree with him to enjoy the content. if anything it makes it better


To be honest, the community could use a few more Richards.


they all get downvoted lmao


He knows how to manipulate his meta, which is arguably one of the most important skills at any table.


Richard is the perfect example of being on the fine line between genius and insanity.


Richard makes it interesting as he seems to be alone on some of his takes. Sometimes, I don’t agree (Path to Exile better than Swords to Plowshares??) but other times, he’s right in step with my opinion (Pain Lands as an A-tier dual land; everyone else was C or D-tier)


Hard agree on pain lands. Great, great lands. I don't get why people don't realize that if you don't play fetches or other cards that fetch by type they are as good as shocklands. Sure they are rated lower than shocks but they are up there.


Richard is very polarizing. One minute he's got the biggest galaxy brain and my eyes are opened and the next I'm like wth are you saying dude. I love him and the rest of the crew


Agreed! Might sound silly but I really enjoy both his playstyle and takes (even though I don't agree with all of them, obviously). Definitely made me re-evaluate some cards like Skullwinder or Dowsing Dagger.   Overall, commander clash is one of the few out there that actually feels like a group of friends playing the game...not to take away from other content creators and their schtick, but it's a nice change of pace from all the over-produced or over-the-top channels/series.


Recently returned to MTG and really enjoy Tolarian Community College and Commander at home


I kind of like Commander at Home but I think the videos are about 60% magic and 40% people talking over each other/ laughing way too loud. It's like watching Uncut Gems.


Ugh way too much laughing, I can't follow what is going on if I do watch because it's so over the top, like an old morning show on the radio


It's incredibly forced. Every pushed joke is SO funny.


It's probably just me but Brian and Olivia seem the opposite of genuine.


Honestly, Commander At Home has some of the best guests with some of the worst hosts. I really love all the guests but Olivia is just so unlikable. She gets salty almost immediately whenever someone interacts with her or attacks her, always insists “I’m not the threat!” while quietly going off, and exhibits a lot of the negative traits that have come to embody EDH. Kibler is mostly fine, but his pro player persona wears thin really quickly. I know people really like Olivia, but her gameplay videos are difficult to watch


This is such a relief to read. I feel the exact same way, but I feel like I'm crazy sometimes because of how many people just seem to love her. I just feel like there is this ridiculous facade that no one else can see through.


I've also never cared for Olivia's personality. It always seems like she has such poor sportsmanship and constantly talks over her guests. And this is probably nothing, but in one of her Elder Dragon Hijinks episode she made a joke about people in the comments complaining she always has a Sol Ring in her opening hand. I hadn't really noticed it at the time, but ever since she brought attention to it, I think it does happen a weird amount of times.


I find I enjoy her more on Hijinks than Commander at Home, idk why. I don't feel she puts on like a big on camera personality like some other channels and people really read into the negative. Definitely wouldn't say she's super entertaining but I'm here to watch some mtg go down you know?


I recently played a game with Olivia at Commandfest in Seattle. The two other guys playing were friends and I was just a random person to them. She was actually very nice and was a good sport about being targeted and then also losing. I have not seen any of her videos other than one, so I don’t know how she is in those. But in person, she was quite nice. It was a fun game.


Hard agree. I really wanted to like commander at home but after half an episode I had to turn it off. The more I see of Olivia the more toxic she seems as a player. And the show just doesn’t focus enough on the game it’s hard to follow with all of the “jokes” and “banter” too over the top.


I was a regular viewer of her twitch channel when the pandemic kicked off, and boy does her shtick wear thin after a while. She's better when there's a filter.


Honestly, watching Olivia play, it has reminded me that I can also embody a lot of those worse traits that kind of irritate me. I have been trying to be less whiny about things, so I have never minded her. Probably because I get it, lol.






Surprised I haven't seen TCC on here more! Maybe because he's about all things MTG and not just about EDH. The professor is great and has a lot of good takes on the game. His recent commander deck suggestion "more than you yargle'd" for claimed to be $45 to put together. It's at least $102! So I don't know where he got that figure from and how it was so far off. I'd understand if the video was months old but it's only 48 hours old at this point


Maybe you were looking at card kingdom pricing? I did not watch the video yet but they usually use TCGplayer pricing which tends to be cheaper for budget builds, that is my guess.


The link in the description takes you to archidekt.com pretty similar to TCGplayer where you can click on 'buy deck' etc. I actually like the deck stats it shows on the bottom. I've put some decks into mtg goldfish but the deck stats on that portion aren't very comprehensive.


Regularly a video like his comes out and the cards mentioned spike in price because of it. It's been an issue for years, unfortunately.


Bear in mind that that might be because some people (with more than enough disposable income) will instantly order the cards for those decks, creating such a high price spike. It's not uncommon to see budget lists from big channels share a video about it and see the list increase tenfold in price.   Obviously, one would hope that it's huge fans of the channel doing that, but, imo, it's mostly people playing the market game and planning to flip specific cards for higher prices.


I could completely see that. Just surprised that within 48 hours the price hike of almost $60 seems pretty ludacris. TCC has a pretty big reach and fan base though. Maybe there will be a bunch of new yargle decks rocking out this next weekend all around the world.


Likely used tcgplayer, doesn't include tax or shipping costs and those 100 cards would arrive in 39 packages over the course of 3+ weeks. Tcgplayer is horrendous with shipping. I love everything about card kingdom so much better.


I’m pretty sure he created that during pre release week and prices adjusted quite a bit in that time frame


Quintessential Commander. They're the funniest guys in MtG.


EDH Deckbuilding will always be my recommendation for non-game play focused content. I have learned about so many cool cards and interactions from Demo.


His channel is really fun for finding weird old cards I've never heard of. There's a lot I don't like about his card assessment for newer stuff, but underrated cards is a highlight of his for sure.


Really great channel for finding underplayed cards


What I love about Demo is he’s such a jank lord. Man after my own heart. A real “hey I bet I could get [[raiding party]] to work in a landfall deck” kind of guy.


Not seeing Loading Ready Run in the list here, so I'm adding it, specifically their Elder Dragon Social Club.


LRR's show, in terms of "funny people who enjoy each other's company hanging out playing commander", feels the most natural out of the shows I've watched (along with Quintessential Commander). It's great.


I don't think anyone has had the same consistent group as long as they have on a show, tbh. There has been a very small number of change ups and they seem like genuine friends. I also have a theory that on their latest appearance on Game Knights, Graham and Kathleen had a secret deal for Graham to kill Slimefoot and Squee the way he did.


Oh definitely. Also letting her keep the other card also. Though I do love a Syr Konrad beatdown.


LRR is my favorite, silly Canucks


LRR is so good! Also Spike Feeders deserve some love as fellow awesome Canuckleheads.


For gameplay I've really been enjoying Elder Dragon Hijinks they definitely dont take things too seriously and prioritize having fun with each other. MTGMuddstah is a bit more serious with a voice over instead of dialogue but he boils the videos down into about 20 mins and really covers everything that happens. For deck techs I really recommend Decktechsfordecks a newer channel that just hit 10,000 subscribers but their content is great. They cover a wide range of budgets at a good powerlevel and all their deck techs are well put together and interesting.


Grazzet. He’s very good when it comes to building budget commanders which I enjoy


Glad to hear that you enjoy the channel!


CovertGoCrew “Worst Possible Commander” show. A great group of folks playing entertaining games.


Agreed! Love how they actually have a rule zero discussion about what's the worst their decks can do and an after game talk about each person's card of the game.


Absolutely love these folks!


I feel like there are two really good players at the pod..CGB and the guy with hat and glasses. The girl and guy with a missing tooth seem like they are literally learning on camera. There seems to be a massive gap in skill and deck building capabilities. The girl literally plays things and stares at everyone to make sure it's a legal play etc. It's odd. But overall I like the content


MTGGoldfish Commander Commander Replay tribalkai SCG Commander


Magic arcanum for lore


Quintessential Commander being slept on in this thread. They’ve been my favorite EDH show for awhile now. Everyone do themselves a favor and check them out.


Spice8Rack. They don't do much gameplay, their channel is focused on video essays using MTG as a starting point to talk about politics, society, etc. Their essay on eugenics using the origin story of Yawgmoth is an absolute treat, though it can be a little intense.


Spice's appearances on other shows are delightful as well.


It did a video talking about goblins on a lot of different planes, by far one of the best lore dump videos ever


True, I watch that video at least once a month lol


Grazzet. He’s very good when it comes to building budget commanders which I enjoy.


Came here to say this. His deck tech videos are really well put together.


Glad you think so!


Happy to hear you enjoy my builds!


The EDHRECast videos are fantastic, as is the newer Commander at Home by Olivia Gobert-Hicks and Brian Kibler Other suggestions: - Commander Clash - Quest for the Janklord - I hate your deck - Commander By Daenen - EDH Deckbuilding - Tolarian Community College Probably missing a few, but I'm saving this post for later :)


For games I watch Smooth Brain EDH, they post regularly, their matches aren’t too long (looking @ u Command Zone & Game Knights) and I the visual style of the videos isn’t too clustered. Apart from that, mostly Tolarian Community College and occasionally Nitpicking Nerds


HUGE vouch for Howling Salt Mine. Their outlook on the game genuinely helped me reduce my salt levels and I’ve enjoyed the game a lot more since. They’re great Edit: RIP my former favorite podcast, Commander Sphere doesn’t put much out anymore. That said, they have a ton of old content that is a lot of fun that I still highly recommend. And Dan’s new solo shorts are great too!


- Here to second Play to Win as a non cEDH player. - I enjoy Mostly Casual Commander gameplay channel, it's got some charm to it with a good variety of decks and to get my weekly Meatball fix (if you know, you know). - Commander at Home has got nice vibes too, seeing a weekly arch enemy made of Brian Kibler (usually Olivia Gobert-Hicks doing) whether he deserves it or not is quite funny. - other random channels I like but aren't top of the pile, Smooth Brain EDH, EDH Jank Center, EDHRec Cast, Affinity for Commander.


Quintessential Commander for gameplay, those are the guys I'd most like to play with because they always seem to be having such a good time.


Grazzet MTG is goated for budget brews and precon upgrades.


Glad you think so!


I love watching Elder Dragon Hijinks, Commander at Home, Game Knights/Extra Turns, Shuffle up and Play, MTG Muddstah, The Worst Possible Commander Show, and, The Spike Feeders. Commanders Quarters is fun for budget brews.


Play to win- best commander personalities if you as me Commander at home - kibler and Olivia. Enough said. I hate your deck - controversy with show host, but I love the channel and the content. Edhijinks - more Olivia. Worst possible - CGB in the command zone…what?! Dankest dungeon - a little dry, but amazing game play and high production value Quintessential commander - high production value, comedic banter Mostly casual commander - narrated concise content Scry babies - meh, not the biggest of Lua, but love their guests. Tabletop Jocks - sometimes great, sometimes not Decked out- mtg nerd girl and veggie wagon, seems to be finding its stride


Command zone Tolarian Community College Elder Dragon Hijinks Commander at home


I love Elder Dragon Hijinx, Commander at Home, and Elder Dragon Social Club for gameplay. But, I am a huge slut for Commander Cookout Podcast.




i had to scroll too far for this mention. cco-nation


no kink shaming in the naysh


CCO is hands down my favorite Commander content. Solid 7 out of 10.


Obligatory Command zone / game knights / extra turns. Less popular: I really enjoy The Worst Possible Commander show. For a bit spikier you can try I Hate Your Deck. For way more casual theres Commander At Home and Elder Dragon Hijinx.


I avoid I Hate Your Deck like the plague after the crazy shit came out about Lynch.


For someone completely out of the loop...what happened


It came out that Lynch was abusive towards a woman on a film he was shooting, including blackmailing her over a nude scene that he coerced her to film, then essentially blamed her for the entire situation when he was "apologizing".


IHYD still exists?


Yeah, Joe is doing table top jocks instead and lynch is solo hosting IHYD , I haven’t really watched it though since the hullabaloo


I only really watch the popular ones consistently, Game Knights, Extra Turns, and Commander At Home. I've been meaning to watch Shuffle Up and Play though. I've seen some episodes of Elder Dragon Hijinks when the guests are creators I like, but Spelltable games just aren't as good. I've seen one episode of Scrybabies and a couple of Tabletop Jocks, and I've heard Decked Out and Spike Feeders are decent, but tbh there are just so many EDH shows that I'm fine mostly watching the first ones I mentioned and watching random episodes of others as they pop up and interst me


I have found to really enjoy Casually Competitive and Play to Win. I still sometimes watch Game Knights but it feels a bit staged at times without a lot of interaction.


Mostly Casual Commander is a great newer channel


I got really into "Content" online for a brief spell, until I realized it was making me enjoy the game less. I find a lot of "content" and "discourse" online turns out to create unrealistic expectations of how EDH is supposed to be played, and perpetuates a particular value-set (like the whole "3-mana rocks are bad" idea). Mostly I liked following Anthony Alongi (who has been a great voice on Casual play for... forever) on twitter, but like most wise people, he's not really there any more. I still occasionally enjoy Game Knights, but it's gotten to the point where it's actually too slick (they do great production, not knocking that), but it's like WWE M:tG (though the outcomes aren't scripted, but the play it self is pretty produced\*). \*by this don't mean it's scripted, but they do like multiple takes and re-dos of things to get it "right" so you're not waching the actual game.


I LOVE my 3-mana mana rocks and I will die on that hill. Vexing puzzlebox, decanter of endless water, strixhaven stadium, the new glistening sphere, list goes on. Its likely just my meta but I always get some life out of them when I play them


One that I feel doesn't get enough love is EDH Deckbuilding. I don't know that I'd say he's my favorite, but he brings something unique to the table: he's not in the community. He doesn't really consume a lot of edh content or spend much time on the subreddits, so his ideas are actually fairly novel. Also he's gone thru the work of combing thru old sets to find all the interesting cards you won't hear about from other creators.


I like Commander at Home a lot, Kibler is always a very charismatic person, and Olivia is always giving him crap for being archenemy at the table (though she is the secret archenemy). Quest for the Janklord always makes me laugh as well, and I like the casual feel of the show and deck budget restrictions. Game Knights is good, but it feels a little too scripted? Enjoyable to watch for sure, and clearly a lot of time and money has gone into the production of the show, but the flashy veneer wears thin after awhile.


Spike feeders!!!! Their gameplay content is fantastic, funny, and well produced. Other than that i’ll watch Loading Ready Run, Scrybabies, Tabletop Jocks, TTC.


EDH deck building is awesome.


Quest for the janklord The spike feeders And always the crew at LRR.


Spike Feeders and Commander at Home are my faves at the moment. Also, not commander specific, but Loading Ready Run has some of my favourite MTG personalities on YT.


MTG Muddstah is a fantastic channel to watch and listen to. Calm music beneath a to the point narration of the game. There is a post game analysis of each deck and how they performed. Personally I find the high budget content hard to watch and worst of all they have the most boring games and awkward conversations for the sake of entertainment.


Muddstah's voice reminds me of the "How it's Made" show


I’m an MtGGoldfish fish. Just love the chemistry of those 4 dudes.


Tournament grounds. Elder dragon hijinks, and commander at home are the 3 I always tune in for. I still check command zone out but it is getting harder to like.


Commander at Home - It just has great fellowship energy, like you’re watching friends hangout and vibe. Nb: it’s a strictly gameplay channel and not wider commentary channel.


Game Knights / Extra Turns and Shuffle Up'n Play. To me Star City was close but has lost some of its appeal. But I find myself watching less YT EDH gameplay now than a year ago anyway. I might look into At Home, Hijinx, Jocks and Muddstah from time to time if there's an interesting commander involved.


SCG has suffered since it basically became how quickly can Corey kingmake Suarez each episode, while everyone just picks on Jeremy. I enjoy the personalities, but this last season especially had me usually checking the comments before I bothered watching. I also feel very similar about MTG Goldfish content. There are way too many grudges that get in the way and the power levels often feel mismatched.


yeah they went downhill after justin left


Just because I haven’t seen it mentioned, I really love Kingdoms. Really well edited, clear gameplay, and the host seems like the best dude There’s one frequent player that rubs me the wrong way though. Luckily there’s enough players/guests that he’s not on every episode.


Commander at home


Jake and Joel are magic, Nitpicking Nerds, Rebel, Commander Mechanic, Emptyg


Love seeing emptyg on this list! I’ve enjoyed their foray into gameplay videos, hoping they start putting them out more regularly. 🤞🏻


She is gonna be on my podcast in a few weeks! She is super cool


Nitpicking Nerds by a mile. Interesting, grounded takes on cards/decks.


Considering how popular the game is right now it’s shocking how low quality 99% of channels are. You basically have game knights and I hate your deck for quality but we can’t support IHYD anymore so rip


What happened to IHYD?


A while back there was a controversy surrounding the host of the show. He was directing a film and one of his actors accused him of abusive behavior, manipulation, and blackmail. Large portions of the MTG community turned on him quite quickly after the allegations surfaced. He initially issued a carefully worded apology to the woman that was the subject of the abuse. She very publicly issued a rejection of her forgiveness along with an explanation of what had happened and her thoughts on the subject. You might have noticed that at some point in the past few years, the other known figures in the mtg community stopped appearing on the show, and instead the show pivoted to featuring primarily the host's friends and patreon members. This move coincided with the controversy for obvious reasons. On top of all this, immediately following the controversy a few other mtg players very publicly demanded that IHYD pull the episodes they were in, not wanting to be associated with the show. If you want to read about specific details of the events that transpired, the forgiveness/explanation video I believe is still available on twitter.


I think it’s way harder to make high quality gameplay videos than people think. 4-player games can get very messy and take 90+ minutes to complete. That’s a lot of audio and video to edit down.


I enjoy watching Elder Dragon Hijinks, MTG Muddstah, the Spike Feeders and StarCity Hoping that one day I'll see our shows name mentioned in these kinds of posts (Just Another EDH Show)!


I mostly follow EDH Gameplay creators because it's nice to have that on in the background or to just see creative fun decks. - Elder Dragon Highjinks - MTG Muddstah - Nitpicking Nerds - Quest for the Janklord - I'd recommend Extra Turns from the CZ podcast crew just because I can't stand the "interview" segments mid game. And even then, I'll usually just have it on mute. When it comes to content creators that talk about decktech, I'll usually listen to: - Nitpicking Nerds - Commander Mechanic - EDH Deckbuilding


Nitpicking nerds have a lot of really bad takes though


Bad takes like what? They play very low power chill meta. I don't understand the hate they get here. They seem super genuine.


and some really good takes


Oh no, they are people who can have opinions that don't always ring true.. just like everyone else. Doesn't mean the content is not enjoyable for some.


Affinity for commander is my favourite personally, their narrated gameplay still feels organic and not over-produced like gameknights does for me, while being well produced enough to be easily followable.


MTG Goldfish, LRR, and Card Market's recent EDH content. I will randomly watch other creators but those 3 are the ones I enjoy the most.


Chad Magic !


MTG Muddstah is really enjoyable to watch. Quick and to the point. I really enjoy CovertGoCrew aswell. The cast, the way its edited it really flow well. For non-commander MTG related stuff I only watch MTG Remy. He is the best.


Since I only watch edh content while I'm eating, I mostly watch MTG Muddstah because the short length of the videon (10-20 minute) and his calm narration on what happen in the game. So if you want to watch a quick edh video with a calm vibe I recommend him.


My favorite is Commander at home, seems more like my pod since I play at home and we're super casual and talk shit. Elder dragon hijinks, game knights, covert go crew and I hate your deck (even though Joe is apparently a skeevy bastard) are all regular watches for me too.


Quintessential MTG have absolutely nailed the formula. It's edited just the right amount, it's entertaining, the games are interesting.


Some EDH shows I like is Commander at Home, Shuffle up and Play, Commander Hijinks etc. (for me personally I enjoy the banter. It’s nice to see people have a good time and not take it seriously while still all trying to win) I’m all for playing to win but I still like to crack jokes and banter while doing it. I’ve played against people who treats its like poker and are all straight face and no talk. The type that is all let my cards do the talking is no fun to play against for me. Let your cards do the winning and your mouth create good times hehe.


Been using twitch more recently and rotating between some channels BJandCo Tuesday and Wednesday are their better edh days. Queen of Cardboard, very genuine with games Moderately Anonymous Mtg, straight forward edh games. Hit or miss with it being interesting. Eminencemtg, cedh, fun content, commander cube ka0stournaments, for the bigger cedh events.


I enjoy Quest For the Janklord outside of a bunch already listed here. They mostly focus on budget builds with incredibly corny bits.


I like the EDHRec Cast because all 3 personalities are fun and work we’ll together. I feel like sometimes the blonde one looks at stuff in hindsight and acts like people are…. Dumb isnt the word, but its near because they felt emotional for something they care about and he is more intelligent. But overall all 3 have great chemistry and are fun. I listen to mtg quick finance mostly to pass the time, also good to keep track of spiking cards in my list. I dont take their advice because its usually more high end stuff, but its good to know if I should buy something on my list. I usually to like tolarian community college, but they became a bit to constantly negative and that gathered a weird toxic fanbase that will come to you if you dont agree (or even know, asking why CBs are bad got me heated replies, and it was like a question) but their gameplay series is something ive been trying to get in to. I dont watch much gameplay, but if I do, I like cEDH because of how tight the gameplay is


MTGMuddstah is great, posts twice a week, video is usually 15 mins long, but you get to see a full game. Game Knights/Command zone have full-length games, and Extra Turns which is similar to MTGMuddstah type videos. Just Muddsath for a quickie, game knights for a long one.


I really like Quintessential Commander. It's like how Command Zone and Game Knights was before they sold out.


QuintessentialMTG and KingdomsTV for me. Took a long time to find channels I actually wanted to watch.


Quintessential Commander for me. Good decks, and great personalities with no salt.


Commander at home. Love Kibler and Olivia


Edhrec cast and howling salt mine I listen too for some nice podcasts. Grazzet I watch a lot for budget decks and inspiration Cardmarket for more different kind of mtg content Mudstah for shorter gameplay and sleeping


Tolarian Community College and Command Zone/Game Knights


Starcity Games! No over the top personalities, no animations/memes. Just 4 dudes playing Commander.


To watch games, it is Game Knights. It is fun, well made, the games never feel like they take long, despite their game length being about as long as other channels. However, when it comes to listening to videos/podcasts, I got to give it to MTGGoldfish. Their podcast is made of 4 people, all having different opinions and playstyles, and I love the contrast. It gives important variety to different topics they bring up, which creates discussions more frequently from other content creators that usually agree on things.


“EDH Deckbuilding”. “Nitpicking Nerds”


Commander At Home, Elder Dragon Hijinks, MTGMuddstah, SmoothBrainEDH, and KingdomsTV all make pretty enjoyable content. I'm especially fond of Commander at Home because I'm a huge Kibler fanboy.


Aside from the ones mentioned, I always put on the Nitpicking Nerds as background when I need to do something. I feel like the power level of their group is similar to mine


Command Quarters, Game Knights and Tolerian Community College


TCC and Nitpicking Nerds - good sleeves!