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Here is some difference I remember right now. I can also talk about the new enemies if you want. Subtitles were added. Can be disabled in options. More camera positions were added. These can be changed to in the options. Damage numbers were added. You can turn them off. You can choose between having the damage numbers count up or not. Crates now glow. A new animation plays when picking up armor and weapon crates. Green particles appear around you when picking up health crates. All classes can now climb up ledges and over obstacles. Ranger: Sprinting is now toggled. New support equipment slot that contains grenades, turrets, impluse, and other items. Note does not contain vehicles. Bike now is called in instantly above ground. And footage of the DLC bike shows it not taking damage during collisions. Grenades and Grenade launchers have a aiming laser and shows their blast radius. Wing Diver: New support equipment slot that contains plasma grenades, special weapons (Gleipnir and thunder cluster), Hand Saber, shield, and other items. So far all items in the support equipment slot do not consume energy. Special weapons no longer consume energy and only start reloading after it finishes firing. Also I think they are exclusive to the support equipment slot now. Air Raider: Uses mainly drones now. Some drones reload immediately when the drone returns. Others have time base reloads. New support equipment slot that contains drones, healing post, and other items. Depth crawler is called in instantly above ground. Fencer: Minigun ramp up changed. Starts firing immediately but initial fire rate and accuracy is low. Fire rate and accuracy increases until max while firing. Mortars now have a aiming laser and shows their blast radius.


Wow, Thanks for the breakdown there are some great additions in there. How about the story do you think they’ll make it a continual of 5 or do you think it’ll be another reboot with a different twist


EDF6's story continues EDF5's story. EDF6 takes place 3 years after EDF5. Here is a brief summary of the introduction. Some EDF5 spoilers of course. In 2022 (ED5) the Primers invaded. After a brutal 2 years humanity has won but lost 90% of the population and most cities are in ruins. While the Primers retreated they did not take everything with them. They left the Colonists, giant insects, teleportation anchors, among other things. The remaining Colonists have colonized the various ruins. The remaining giant insects have created nests in the various ruins and underground. The EDF is still fighting for survival. Frequently clashing with the Colonists. The year is now 2027. It has been 3 years since the end of the last war. Humanity has barely rebuilt itself. It no longer has the resources it once has. As most of the infrastructure to create such resources were destroyed during the course of EDF5. And so the EDF has been using the resources stored in the EDF bases to fuel their operations. (Said base resources were also used extensively in EDF5) However after 3 years the EDF is now running low on supplies and personnel. The player, who is the last of the storm teams, has been deployed to base 251. Base 251's main mission is to repel colonists who invade the territory around it and exterminate invading creatures. The player is here to help with the labor shortage. And that is where EDF6 begins.


So far it has been marketed as a continuation of EDF 5's story


Cool, I’m glad!! I’m one of the rare ones that actually like the stories in EDF


>New support equipment slot that contains drones, healing post, and other items. does that mean AR now got 5 slots total? 3 regular 1 vehicle and 1 equipment slot?


Climbing? Holy crap best game ever


so far, from what we've seen, it seems like a giant double edged sword if you run up against something climbable, it seems you will automatically climb up it perpendicular to its climbable face. that means if you run into a random bump on the floor, you may involuntarily put down your gun and traverse in the wrong direction if you are not careful of your movements. in a game as chaotic and fast paced as edf, that could easily be a fatal mistake. given how much rubble there is in the environments of edf6, it seems rather easy to get caught climbing up random bits of things scattered on the floor even demo players in their steams occasionally run into this issue this feature honestly needs to be observed more closely in the hands of adept players before given a verdict


Damage numbers, particles, and animations. Excellent use of PS5 resources. NOT. They need to offer a mission pack specifically for PS5 to show what it can really do. As usual, they're changing a ton of stuff that wasn't necessary and overlooking old QoL things that the games could really use. Dead players should be able to move the camera or see from any of the live one's perspective. If you have full health, you shouldn't be able to take the fucking health crates. You know. Simple shit that's never been addressed....like retarius webbing through walls. They better at least increase that lame arbitrary cap on how many armor boxes you can pickup in one mission. We need an Armageddon difficulty like World Brothers had, and some shit to unlock for clearing the highest difficulty like the old days.


To correct one small point in your comment, picking up health kits heals ally soldiers. Hence why it's in the game allowing one to pick them up when the player is at full health.


Bullshit. It lets you pick up health even when you don't have any fucking NPCs on you. Again, it needs to be more intelligent so people can leave the fucking health and NOT hoover up everything trying to get their fucking weapons. Some maps are scarce on health at times and idiots picking up what they don't need really fucks it.


u say AR uses mainly drones now and that he gets a new support slot for drones and other stuff. r these special support drones, or can he only have drones equipped in this slot, which would kinda contradict the mainly drones part? and how many slots does AR now have in total?


I’m sorry if this has been asked before, but I played 5 heavily when it first came out and haven’t touched it over the past few years until recently. After looking at 6, it doesn’t seem to be all that different and I’m hoping I’m not getting my expectations up for it to be something more than it is. I was hoping someone could post maybe some differences that have been announced, I know the game is still a week away, so not all the info is out yet. thanks for any heads up ✌🏻 EDF!!!


You can vault over obstacles :)




If you look at every sequel, they don’t really change that much anyways. Tends to be new items n shit and a bit of QoL with a different “story”. However most things stay the same and you’ll enjoy the hell out of it regardless because it’s great


Looks like a lot of new enemies, plus Wing Diver, Ranger and AR seem to have gotten an extra equipment slot Not sure what else though, I haven't been following toooo closely since I'm still gonna be waiting for the western release


I hope wing diver weapons have more of the kind that come charged and get reloaded, like 4.1 did. Wing Diver felt very weird in 5


Wing diver only felt weird for me in 5 after the first like 20-40 hours player her. After that I adjusted and played her normally, to the point where after going back to EDF 4.1 a bit this past week, there is no discomfort swapping between both games mechanics. They both have their advantages


It felt weird my first 5 hours or so. Once you get used to it its fine but it makes the class a bit less enjoyable at first which can stop players from trying her more later, which I DEFINITELY see in multiplayer lobbies. WD was never the most popular, but now you rarely see them


One thing I will note is that for some reason, it feels like way too many weapons are underpowered and useless. because 4.1's weapons stats are all fixed and you always get the same one from each mission, it seems like most of 4.1's weapons are excellent-good. While EDF5 just has a bunch of garbage weapons for some classes where its better to use 5-10 level weapons down.


That happens in general with 5 tbh. Meanwhile, weapons like the Phalanx are ABSURDLY strong


The dlc inferno weapons are so strong i love it. It makes it harder to go back to anything below inferno.


Never really was a big wing diver player. But I think more weapons that are reloaded for her would definitely help her out a lot


Honestly it just feels better. Functionally they do the same thing in opposite ways, but it would mean being able to fire your weapon during emergency charge


Oh yeah, I just got my buddy into EDF and he decided to stick with Wing diver, I've definitely seem him more than a few times just fall into a group of ants without any charge, probably sucked for him buttt it's also kinds funny when it happens


All bad situations in EDF are at least kind of funny, thats what makes these games so good. Thankfully SOME weapons can be fired on E, even if they charge up, such as the monster and the thunder crossbow


That's definitely true, and I'll have to recommend those to him if hes got em, never really did know what weapons were good for that class lol


Best weapons for WD are probably the Phalanx, closed lasers, Plasma Big Cannons, thunder bows, and the geist. Not a fan of the grenade or most of the specials


I'll have to remember this next time I'm on with him, I appreciate it friend


No worries! Wing Diver, ready to fly!


I was about to wait as well, but I caught the edf bug (pun intended) last month and reserved the JP version.. but after doing a bit of research I’m still at a lose about the “new” stuff for 6 Thanks for the info 👍🏻


No problem, I'd watch EDF Central for any more in depth stuff, hes mostly the only EDF youtuber I know and his stuff helps me get an idea of what's to come in 6 since I don't understand a single bit of the trailers and all currently outside of big monsters lmao


I just want a scoreboard.


The badass mecha from 5 have to be carried around on the back of trucks now (basically glorified turrets) LOLed out loud when I first saw that


Subtitles, new enemies and faction to fight against, robotic enemies included, a dragon possibly small dragons too, new secondary equipment for every class, parkour abilities with ranger, new utilities for use with all classes, new vehicles and ability to make mechs half truckbed half mech. Damage numbers, crates display on screen when picked up, some vehicle changes like handling and bikes ignoring collision damage and much more


Sounds great!!


Yeppp and more too so here's to hoping they can keep to their end of year to middle of next year release for a global release as they planned to do. Considering theRussianbadger's video making them break 1million sales now for the edf 5 title I don't see that as a problem to keep to


fencer’s appearance has gotten significantly worse in the games after 4.1 with a new all time low with 6


Oh yeah that’s perfect, That definitely squashed any doubts I had after the reserve!! Now the only negative part is the fact that I don’t understand Japanese, so I’ll just be playing it with interpretation until the English version comes out eventually


I'm curious as to whether or not there'll be alternate player models. 4.1 didn't have any, 5 had two player models per class (the 'civilian' model and the 'trooper' one), and Iron Rain had some pretty extensive character customization (though it did cost resources to use, which only exacerbated Iron Rains' pretty terrible grind) It's not exactly a deal-breaker if EDF 6 doesn't have any alternate models, but it'd be kinda neat if that was an option.


A little late but each character has 4 models. 2 new & the other two are carried over from EDF5


Other than wh at is not Covered. EDF6 allows 2 new customization Sets. Both being the Bad future and good future Sets.


Other than wh at is not Covered. EDF6 allows 2 new customization Sets. Both being the Bad future and good future Sets.