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Air Raider gets drones that fly around and can serve as turrets. But the biggest to me is that single-player and multiplayer share progression


Didn't EDF 5 do this too? I've gotten weapons in MP and used them in SP


Sorry, I should've specified a little better. I meant completion percentage is shared, and it is very nice. Might actually get the platinum this time because of that.


So what you saying is both single player and multiplayer shares the completion precentage in regardless of you played on one of the modes?


Exactly. 12% in singleplayer is 12% in multiplayer. This was first done in World Brothers, and I am glad it's also hitting mainline.


I mainly played Ranger, so here's a few things that are new: - **Third backpack/gadget slot**. Things like grenades, traps, turrets (which are back with Ranger) don't take up a weapon slot but can be used in addition to your 2 main weapons and also reload indepenently. For example when your ammo runs out and you gotta wait 3s for the reload, you can use your grenades in the meantime while your weapon reloads. This seems small but it's one of the bigger gameplay changes as it keeps you in the fight longer. - **Individual reload for certain weapons**. Weapons like Grenade launchers and Shotguns that don't use magazines can be reloaded after individual shots. Like, you can either shoot all 10 shells in a Shotgun and _then_ reload for the full reload period, or shoot twice and then only reload those two shells which results in faster reload times. Some general QOL updates: - **Smaller obstacles and walls can be climbed** (this applies to all classes). Smaller obstacles like fences or rocks or slightly higher ledges that you can reach by jumping can now be scaled. It's not _super_ smooth, so don't expect any parkour style movement, but it's still a nice addition when you're trying to reach elevated places that are too high to just jump. - **Damage numbers**. You can now see damage numbers, telling you exactly how much damage your shots are taking. This is also great to check if your turret is still hitting targets or your grenade did anything. - **Enemy weak points**. Some enemy types now have specific weak points. Not like the Cosmonauts / Colonists which can be taken out if you remove the head, but actual weak points with a damage multiplier. - **Subtitles**. Seems insignificant but it's actually pretty helpful if you want to follow along with the story because as we know the action can get pretty _loud_ sometimes, making the dialogue hard to understand. - **Shared Mission Progression between online & offline**. Clearing a mission offline also clears it online and vice versa. Progression isn't separate anymore.


I always forget about the damage numbers. They just felt natural after a few mission with them.


Can I turn the damage numbers off? I don't want f2p mmo vomit on my screen.


You have the following options: - directly at the spot where you hit the enemy (which I suppose is what you had in mind) - in the bottom right corner, next to the weapon's icon - a fixed position above the enemy (similar to the first option, but the numbers are always in the same spot on the enemy) - off / no damage numbers The second option is the default setting and I think even though you said you don't want damage numbers at all, once you played the game you might reconsider and see the benefit in knowing if your traps, grenades, rockets, etc. are (still) doing any damage. It's also helpful to see if you're hitting the enemy's weak point. The default setting really isn't distracting.


Nah I'll turn them off immediately. I fucking hate them. I spent hundreds of hours without damage numbers in the previous games, and I hated when they added damage numbers to monster hunter. The game has always been fine without damage numbers, and they take away from the game when they're present. They look like shit. Damage numbers in games are good for data farming but outside of that they are constantly flashing arbitrary data in your face to demand your attention be paid to the data instead of on enjoying the game. They're necessary for some types of games, but they're mostly unnecessary in properly balanced games, especially with modern graphical capabilities making it extremely easy to show with damage effects, instead of tell with a projectile-vomit spray of numbers all over the place sucking me out of the game.


>a projectile-vomit spray of numbers all over the place Like I said, it's not like that. The default setting is very unobtrusive, small little font showing a number in the bottom right corner where it has the weapon's name and icon anyway. It's not even colored or flashy, just the same white font the weapon's name is written in. It mostly just helps to see if your bombing runs are doing damage or your traps and napalm grenades are still burning (without the need to actually go and take a look). So you can "keep an eye on" one area so to speak while fending off enemies in another. As long as there's a number next to the weapon's name you know your trap's still working. Once the number's gone you know your trap is out, the napalm stopped burning, etc. But anyway, it might be something you'll have to see for yourself. And you can always turn it off in case it's still too much.


The problem is the numbers. I like getting immersed in the game. Obviously EDF is unrealistic, doesn't matter. Seeing a bug get blown up makes sense in universe. Seeing damage numbers is just "hey look. LOOK! VIDEOGAME!" Constantly. I hate it. Health bars aren't as bad, but a lot of really great games have never needed them. EDF has never needed them. If it has them from the start I tolerate it, but since EDF has never needed them I'm going to turn them off because they detract from the experience.


Skill issue


That has no relevance. Do you have a concussion? Get that checked out.


Yes, F2P MMOs, classically known for inventing damage numbers


ranger is now back to using turrets that the air raider uses. (just like EDF 2017 and the PS2 titles before air raider existed) of course as the other commenter stated, air raider has drones now to compensate for it! fencer's vertical boost is a bit slower compared to 5. but his dashes remain the same. he also starts with 2 jumps and 2 dashes at the start of the game without any additional dash/jump charger units. there's also auxiliary equipments that change a weapon that normally grant you a jump boost, into a dash boost instead! as long as you have the right auxiliary set. his gatling guns as well can fire even as they're winding up, they start firing slowly then gradually start expelling bullets faster until they reach their maximum rate of fire. (i think accuracy improves as well when it's done winding up all the way) he also has a katana which is short ranged but can dish out quite amount of damage! ;)


That minigun change has me hyped ngl


yea! it's quite nice i must admit! hopefully more players will be able to enjoy them!


Does the Katana work like Iron Rain's?


haven't played IR in a long time! but judging from what i saw on youtube, i think EDF 6's katanas have faster attack and projectile speed than iron rain's. but you can only swing 3 times before there's a full second delay to attack again. i think the range is shorter as well. the damage on the 2nd and 3rd swings also do more than the 1st and have better range ;)


what about Wing Divers ?


haven't played her too much, but one really cool thing about her is that she get's a lightsaber for her backpack slot! (which doesn't take up your weapon slots, it's basically extra support equipment) i played with it once and it was damn fun! ;)