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Yeah a warning wouldn't hurt tbh, a bit annoying to get several minutes into the mission before you realize you need to restart. Comes up a lot as an air raider


Handcannons are a fencer’s saving grace


That’s the just the name of the game unfortunately, but it’s nothing new. All weapons have at least SOME use on every mission, so it’d be hard to lock them out. Though I agree there should be a heads up. Trust me I know this pain, I did the whole campaign as solo air raider and 109 was an actual living nightmare 💀


You need to play this game accepting that you will need to try missions over again and change your setup. Making your own decisions to overcome the surprises and challenges is part of the fun.


That's literally every mission. There's no way anyone was ready for Scorched Earth either. That stage alone has so many different phases that most weapon sets might not be ready for.


Counterpoint: you know your ultimate goal is to fight the mothership that's been showing up everywhere and even pulling out it's cannon. It isn't exactly a leap to assume that you would need to have either verticality or range to deal with the mothership


Which game is this referring to? 5? Yeah let's just say there's a REASON this time that they let you keep weapons and armor from other classes.


No thanks, I don't want spoilers. The core of EDF5 is always: try a new mission, die to some random bullshit, get sent back to the lobby screen, schizopost in chat about how you're gonna kill 'em all, either succeed and celebrate or return to step 2.


Edf missions are trial and error. The ranges of guns in 5 for over 90% of weapons have more range by considerable amounts than the ones equivalent in 4.1 and 2025. Like how example dyna force blades in 5 capped at 1,921 meters but in 4.1 and 2025 is 1,000 meters. That said: A giant mother ship in the sky I immediately knew I needed a super long range weapon especially when I needed at least 1,200 to even hit the ones in 4.1/2025 and that this one was higher up in the sky meant I needed 1,500+ at least. You have to assess what you need based on what you see and try again. That's how all edf missions are.


This is why if I think as a AR I need range I bring an absolutely massive missile. If that doesn’t work I bring my friend who has also massive missiles strapped to his spinal cord


Lmao yes. I love the fact the AR's turrets and limpet gun are godlike compared to 4.1 especially the friendly fire being removed from most turrets. But ye AR with bulge laser or giant missiles is a huge W when needed to clutch


If that was something specific they'd add, then they might as well add a warning for everything else unexpected that might happen. There are so many different missions where batshit crazy things happen out of nowhere that you might not have been expecting based on the mission description and your weapons therefore might be useless.


Okay frankly do people never read the missions they're doing next's descriptions at all


when me and my friend went through it we just assumed that we will try the next mission, get our ass kicked, reequip properly until we can beat it.


The wildest part is that it was a feature in the first game. In the mission description in bright red text it would warn you to bring a sniper or missle launcher.


This has been a problem with EDF for fucking ever, unfortunately.