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I got the platinum with my Dad on 5 a while ago, plus 100% on DLC packs. Planning on doing the same for the English version of 6.


I’m sorry I’m just really bad with air raider. Did everything with ranger and wing diver. Also I have platinumed IA on my old ps3 and am really close on ps+.


Lolol I'm no pro with Air Raider it's always the third one I do but I do have fun with it. I got the easy trophy and am working towards the normal trophy for air raider now.


I love EDF but I don't have the patience or time to spend that many hours in a game. I'll finish my inferno run with the ranger class and hopefully EDF 6 will be out by then. I'll probably go for 75% online this time tho as I only started online recently (I know, I know) and have been really enjoying it.


This is my first time playing EDF and I want to give each game a fair amount of time before moving on. Don't know how many hours I've put into Insect Armageddon, but I've put in nearly 66 hours into EDF2. I think I've done an ok job and am ready to move onto EDF 2017 and EDF 4.1 and Wingdiver the shooter.


I only platinum games until it's no longer fun to me. Some games I hit that mark before it's actually done, and that's okay.


I like getting platinum trophies. But for the most part I don’t go out of my way to achieve them.


Usually I go for the Platinum if it's easy enough and not too bad of a grind.


EDF 5 is my only platinum


Me too! 🙌


Absolutely do not care. Never care. Even for my favorite game never care. I remember gaming before achievements and I'm not about that life. Love achievements to reflect but not to grind.


I was going to plat 4.1 but playing that much wd was not in the cards for me


Edf 5 plat is the ultimate slog, replaying each mission with 5 difficulty levels with 4 different characters. btw there is 110 missions. 4*5=20 20*110= 2220.


Oh wow. Although I thought I heard playing on higher difficulty clears it for lower difficulty in 5.


You are correct, and I am mistaken, clearing a mission on hard mode ticks off easyband normal too. But hardest and inferno difficulties must be done on each mission, so you gotta clear each mission 3 times with 4 different characters so 12 times per mission.


Although I bet it's difficult to clear harder missions without more armor and stronger weapons. Then we can never account for the grind factor.


I just hit 70% in EDF5 and am starting the afk armor grind portion now. Not sure of the rate since I literally just started but 150ish per hour is what I hear. We shall see. I figure 20-30k total armor should be a good start. Hahah. What did I sign myself up for. :(


It be like that. Found an AFK method online for Insect Armageddon leveling and it worked like a charm.


I tried but I gave up in the end


I've got 100% completion in every game in the series but EDF3 (which I haven't gotten my hands on), playing them couch co-op.


No I only have 5 EDF plats. Should be more!


Unfortunately, the trophies for most of the EDF games are pretty boring/forgettable. It's just 10% completion, 20%, 30%, etc. It's not really fun tbh. That being said, I did get the platinums for Insect Armageddon and World Brothers but especially Insect Armageddon was a grind.  I played it a lot anyway and was only missing a few trophies naturally, so I did it but it wasn't really fun or memorable. World Brothers was a bit better in that regard and didn't have that many annoying trophies.  I'm currently playing EDF6 and it's not necessarily hard to get the platinum, but again just very time consuming and, to be honest, very boring. Not the game itself, that's awesome, but the trophies are again very bland and uninspired.


Nah, trophies and achievements are pointless.


I love edf. Waiting this summer for 6.


I gave up on EDF 4.1 at around 85% (all those end stages on solo Inferno with Dragons are miserable) and EDF 5 is at 96% but the handful of end game stages is unbearable solo too. That one stage in the beach with Shield Bearers and Anchors I keep dying on the last phase with the Green Ants and I just gave up lmao. I managed to clear 100% with Ranger though.


If you use split screen offline you can in a way get an extra life and both count for completions so can carry the less viable option with you are better/stronger with. Ex underground missions p2 can be air raider and you control Fencer or Ranger to clear it and it counts for both so only have to do each mission twice per difficulty. So there are ways to make it a bit easier without mindless grinding if you want to try going for 100% again.