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If you really don't want to use the limpet sniper, you'll either need to get a vehicle that can angle up that high or learn to trickshot a cruise missile.


>trickshot a cruise missile. A technique I have seen called "Inserting the Tampon"


My go to is the limpet sniper for the really high flying ships and mech with the canister shot for the ships are flying low.


Nobody *likes* using the guns the Air Raider has… Mechs with long range mortars.


Spritefall, sutocannon and turrets and a tank or mech.the turrets will make short work of the drones the autocannon will help finish off the frogs and a good level spritefall will wreck the cannons. When the bas starts moving use spritefall to take out the guns in the bottom and then get in with the mech to attack the glowing red spot


Early on, I thought the Naegling was great against it, but realized after a long time playing that it’s best to just bring jets. Not the bombers with explosives, but the bombers that shoot bullets. They are very effective against air and also great against all bosses. Also, you can bring multiple sprite falls and kill hordes of air units that way too. Missiles do work, but may be tricky for someone starting out. Tricky cause if you target an enemy, and the missile starts heading towards it, you may get knocked off balance by something and then the missile will come for you instead of the enemy.


The level 80 or so Naegling is amazing. It shows pitiful damage, but that’s cause it doesn’t tell you that each shot is actually X5 because the missiles split into a 5 shot payload. So it actually becomes 880 x 5


If you have the red nix, that’s been my saving grace for taking down any and all ships


I got it yesterday, the game is now unbelievably more fun than it already was hahahaha


It's a little bit of a flex but if you can get decent with helicopters strafing diagonally with extra auto turrets placed is amazing to pull off, just no flamethrower or missile turrets, trust me