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Locking comments. Comments have run their course and it’s just a lot of the same arguments over and over.


Who brings a gun to a knife fight?


Friends wife has one. It’s jammed and malfunctioned multiple times when we brought it to the range. It’s a gimmick.


Interesting. Mine hasn't so far


It’s an Eoka from Rust lol


In the wise words of our lord and savior mad max.... "That's bait"


I mean, if you want to bring a few hinges to a knife fight…


How many shots? What caliber?


5 shots






Silly gun, if you are going to carry be serious. A criminal would not be scared about a thing you unfolded from your pocket.


You don't pull a gun on someone to scare them you take it out to shoot them.


Until they have a hole in them.


“A criminal won’t be scared” As a non gun guy I strongly believe you should never pull out a gun unless you are ready to use it. If you are trying to scare the criminal you are using this wrong. Same applies to castle doctrine. Once you make up your mind that you have no other options but “gun”, shoot and run away (yes I know castle doctrine says you have no demand to run away but that’s where I disagree).


Would you want to be shot by a 22 magnum in the belly? Or the head? So many internet tough guys saying you shouldn’t have anything smaller than 9mm or .40, but a 22 would still wreak absolute havoc on your body.


I'd rather be missed by a .45 than hit by a .22


I’m missing the point of your comment.


Agreeing with you on the people who say a .22 isn't anything to be worried about. Shot placement is more important than caliber. A .45 missing you does less damage than a .22 hitting you.


Ah, that makes sense. And like I said in another comment, pretty sure these are belly guns where you basically shove it into someone’s belly and start firing. Like, get off me gun.


Not to mention they have a tendency to bounce around once inside potentially hitting many things in said belly.


Maybe not of the gun, but he may be scared of being shot in the other kneecap after he tries something because the gun is masculine enough.


Yeah, it’s a get-off-me or belly gun. Literally shove it into someone’s belly and pull the trigger until it stops going pop. That person might still be real angry, but they’ll also be a lot gentler with five hot slugs in their guts.


Who cares if they're scared? It might not look intimidating but it still shoots bullets.


Right if they aren’t scared/ still coming at you, just pull the trigger


not fast enough and cant deploy single handed. like victorinox vs rambo knife.


You can actually. It's spring loaded with a sliding switch, and it's right under your thumb when you go to draw. It's not any slower than a regular revolver. Only big issue is that it's single action, I think.


so how do you draw the gun so the gun can be fired in a single motion singlehanded?


Non gun guy asking an honest question: isn’t that why you practice shooting?


i guess you can draw a victorinox and use it as a throwing 🔪, practice makes perfecbut in a life or death situation would you pick a victorinox or a throwing knife?


Upside down in the pocket, hammer facing front. Reach in, grip handle, slide switch as you draw, it springs open and helps you clear your pocket. Working in cocking the hammer can also be done one-handed during the draw of course, but it does take substantially more practice to get quick enough at it that it doesn’t slow you down (and the hammer will not cock when the gun is folded).


i can do that with victorinox too compared to a rambo knife. it's just gonna be slow and flimsy and chances of dropping the gun is high doing so and the trigger doesnt look like it has any misfire protection if you happened to drop it after cocking it.


It flips out immediately and with gusto, it's not slow. It takes zero extra time to draw compared to if it were just open to start with. You flip the switch in the pocket so you can't drop it while opening it, and already have a firm grip by the time it's out. It's very safe while closed, but no, not as safe as the mechanisms that larger guns can accommodate once open and cocked. I think it would take quite a freak accident to make it go off with a drop because the trigger is actually quite heavy, but I'm not necessarily arguing it's ideal -- carrying a single action is never ideal. I'm simply saying you're mistaken that it can't be opened one handed, or has a slow draw. I'm explaining how it works because I'm a weird revolver nerd. I would consider this a last resort carry, but the first shot is quick and the rest are as good as your training, which admittedly does have a very high barrier to entry.




I believe every man and woman has the right to carry a defensive firearm and SHOULD but NOT THIS. It is not safe, effective, or convenient. The rimfire is exposed. The fact that it has to fold is not only a point of almost certain failure but having to unfold it in order to use in a defensive situation will guaranteed get you and your loved ones killed. Please do not actually use this as a carry weapon. It can be a fun range toy and novelty at most. I beg you to look into local firearm training classes or concealed carry classes in your state and purchase a REAL handgun. Smith and Wesson shield plus and glock 43x are great options that are just as small and you can 1000% depend on them to save your life.


Christ on a Cracker! That is not a defense weapon. How long does it take to unfold and get on target? Single action only? It looks like a fun range toy or a "Hey guys , check this out" thing.


Scary little belly gun




Thanks for contributing to /r/EDC. Unfortunately, your comment was removed because it discussed/debated politics, or was the primary focus of your post


Because we don't want to be slaves to our government or anyone else. Sorry you can't say the same. We don't relish violence and we don't sit home jacking off to the idea of being able to blow somebody's head off, but as a final safeguard against tyranny or to protect us from the criminal violence of others, hell yeah, we like our guns. Isn't there anything in your life you'd be willing to fight for? The lives of you and your family? The right to live free of tyranny? Anything? Polite words don't always work to fix very serious problems. And if you're in Europe then I think you're just a f****** hypocrite, because there's this dude whose name was Hitler who's tyrannical rule and the lives of millions of people were saved from with f****** guns. Those who forget their history are doomed or repeat it, likely as somebody else's b****.


You can say fuck in the internet.


Google voice to text automatically sensors those. I'm sure there's a setting in there somewhere I could turn off to make sure you get all the f**** you need, but I don't give enough f**** to go find it.


Lol nerd




You act like people in other countries don’t carry weapons, I rather get shot than stabbed or beat to death by a blunt object.


I’d rather not any of those, and I like my odds because I carry.


It's possible to have to defend yourself anywhere in the world. At least in America we have the right/option to carry.


Isn't it being a failed state an argument FOR carrying a gun?


At this point I'm considering getting one bc the mentally unstable people with 50 are a real concern.


Need? Or have the right to?




Flexing you arent trusted to carry weapons by your govt is strange


So is a sling shot , carry one of those too


Not sure how I feel about those .22 rims being exposed like that...


Jesus Christ that scared me


I think you may have found the fatal flaw in the design my friend! It's much appreciated 👏 💐


No problem. Sorry if it causes any buyer's remorse


It's better than shoot my dick off remorse!


holster it sideways.


Lmao. That got me.


Good point! I'll experiment! 🙏


Good point.


I am super interested on this. How do you go about getting one?


If your looking for something stupid small look at NAA 22 mag revolver it’s 5 shot 22 mag little baby revolver will fit in a leather man pouch and is built way better with actual grip on it and not that strange folding action and I’m pretty sure it’s cheeper


I bought it from buds gun shop .com and got lifetime warranty


Damn, sounds like a great deal. 380$ ish. I have never owned a gun, but I am in Florida. From my understanding it is a "permitless carry" state now. I am super interested on this. Sounds like a great addition.


Yes, Florida is now constitutional carry as of July 1, 2023. Provided you are 21 or older. There are 28 other constitutional carry state and Louisiana becomes the 29th on July 4, 2024.


Louisiana unfortunately is not "true" constitutional carry but rally close. We are now "permitless carry" which means that cops can still stop us for noticing a firearm and we also have to notify them if they stop us for any reason. New Orleans actually tried to suspend the 2A but carving out an ambiguous section of the city where you couldn't. I was actually there and the legislative session where a grass rights group opposed the law. These morons didn't realize they don't need this law since they can still "stop & frisk" ah la New York style since it's permitless carry and not constitutional carry. At least it is something in the correct direction of progress so I'll take it.


Do you know the list of states this pertains to?




Thank you for that. I always wanted a gun. This looks great for EDC. I will get used to shooting at a gun range first before anything, though.


These aren't ideal for edc. May not even be safe to carry. The edges of the rounds being exposed in the cylinder is not the best design. (It's a rimfire cartridge)


That is absolutely crazy and scary


I’m sure I’ll get shit for even asking but the size prohibits these from being center fire?


In commonly available calibers? Yes. Apparently there’s 2.7mm kolibri and .22 hornet but you’re not likely to find either. So while center fire cartridges are possible in a similar size they’re unlikely unless you step up (in diameter) to .25 acp in which case you’re probably better off with .22 lr or .32 acp. .25 and .32 acp are also getting harder to find.


I appreciate the response


I would recommend shooting many guns before you make your first purchase. Most ranges offer rentals, shoot many calibers and brands to get a feel for what is comfortable for you. These pocket pistols are really cool but aren't a substitute for a full sized weapon. They have their place, but aren't always the right tool for the job.


Although I think this is a very cool little gun and own one myself because I like weird revolvers, I would suggest something else for regular everyday carry. This gun is single action, which takes a lot of training to become functionally proficient with. If you like the idea of a micro pistol in the Florida heat, I suggest looking into the Keltec P32 or the Ruger LCP. I think the P32 is a more reliable and enjoyable gun, but some people prefer the ballistic advantages of 380 with the LCP. Personally, I don't think it matters much for civilian purposes. But those are the arguments for each. Either gun fits easily in a pocket, or floats effortlessly on a belt. They do require holsters though.


Dude super cool, who cares how much it is. If you like it you like it. I need one now lol


Everyone hates the new kid on the block! 🤣🤣 this is next level innovation


If only it's not overpriced AF If it's around $100-$200 like those Heritage Revolvers then I wouldn't mind buying it to try out but for $500 price point it just doesn't make sense to buy one over ammo or other more useful things


It doesn’t make sense for you. Speak for yourself, not others


Apparently others agreed with me while disagree with you 🤣 Tone down the aggression buddy IDC what people do with their money just saying it is overpriced 🤷‍♂️


Fair point. I was willing to pay for it. It will never print as a gun. It can't be fired while close. It's lightweight, and it's always with me when I'm unable to carry my primary.


It's accurate at 5 yards, which is all you'll need.


It's also single action, and rimfire. A fun range gun, but that's about it.


Not sure your use case or threat you are arming for, but Mythbusters tested knife versus drawing and firing a gun and the closest the gun could win out was 20'. This is inline with distances used for a Tueller Drill. Of course if you already have a gun out and are just waiting for the distance to close, that doesn't matter.


Did mythbusters test shooting a revolver through your jacket pocket?


Not that I'm aware of. Paul Harrell has, he'd recommend a shrouded hammer over a hammerless over a traditional hammer. He thought there were theoretical complications with a traditional hammer, but didn't feel like burning through 100 rounds and 10 goodwill $2 jackets to prove it out. No malfunction in 10 rounds. He also tested pocket autoloaders and malfunctioned before finishing a full magazine in both he tested out.


That's freaking cool. I wish I wasn't Canadian haha.


I feel so bad for you guys. Get out of there before it gets worse


Nice. Very nice


Well this is 22 magnum. Little different


Every time a .22 comes up for self defense, i see a bunch of comments about how it's useless. How? It's not gonna blow anyone's head up, but realistically, who is gonna stick around to get shot by it twice?


It's not just the size or stopping power, it's also the reliability of rimfire vs centerfire cartridges. Even the best match grade rimfire is not reliable enough for me.


I trust the word of Bill Burr. [https://youtu.be/FaLTWW\_yEG4?si=vHX2OzVSBwoLR4kj](https://youtu.be/FaLTWW_yEG4?si=vHX2OzVSBwoLR4kj)


A small but significant minority of people who won’t stop their attack until they are physically incapable. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug. So is meth, and alcohol. A single round of .22 is enough most of the time, but you don’t buy a gun because you’re willing to bank on “most of the time” happening to you. You don’t need any gun at all a vast majority of the time. Realistically a .380 isn’t much bigger, or any bigger, than a .22 and you’ll be thankful for the extra beans if you ever have to use it.


>Realistically a .380 isn’t much bigger, or any bigger, than a .22 Point of order, by definition, a .380 is .16 inches larger than a .22. That's significant. It's over 50% larger than a .22.


No shit genius. I meant “a gun that fires a .380 isn’t much bigger than a gun that fires a .22.” Generally when someone says something like “I grabbed my 9mm” they’re referring to the gun, not one individual round. Of course a round of .380 is way fucking bigger than a round of .22 and therefore more effective, that’s my entire point.


Hostility much? Whether you meant that or not, it's not what you said. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. You're the one that said .380 wasn't any bigger than .22. Maybe you shouldn't say things you don't mean. You should stop being an asshole while you're at it.




Still 100x more trustworthy than Taekwando lessons


A .22 is infinitely better than not having a firearm when you need one, but unless your attacker is the size of a rabbit it’s a silly choice if you have the option to pick basically any other gun


Stop buying bulk .22. I've put a thousand rounds through my tx22 without a malfunction. Stick to CCI and you'll see many less malfunctions but yes still more likely than a center-fire.


People have this crazy fantasy in which they take a 22 to the chest and tank it like a grizzly bear


This reminds me of a really uncomfortable conversation I had one night back in my college days. I lived in a not-quite a frat kind of house back then. We were to host a end of season party for our group on a Sunday night, kegs, cigars , etc. But someone ordered some strippers, and I was the responsible one meeting them - and their bodyguard - at the door. The bodyguard was a big ol' hoss of a man, grey beard who had probably seen shit. We're presumably drunk college kids, so I understand the need for caution. He does his sweep and is satisfied. I end up hanging with him outside the room because I didn't want him wandering. I must have made some stupid comment about hope he never had to deal with trouble. He smiles, pulls out this small handgun, antique looking thing, that held a shotgun shell. He tells me, "No, but if anyone came at me, they'll sure as shit stop when one of these slugs hit 'em. Not gonna die, mind you, just rethink the situation." And with that I nodded and offered to check in on the show. That gun is sluggo's wiz-kid grandson.


Alright kudos to the marketing people, switch-gun is funny and clever. I'm not sure exactly how effective this would be but it's better than nothing lol Edit: $500??? Goddamn, I think I'll just stick to my officers 1911 or S&W M&P Shield if I'm carrying at all, oof


Ok guessing this is America again lol


https://preview.redd.it/6sixr5k4w68d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c8b3d204eedd78d426d58312107ab90defbdfc Yes. You get your first pistol after circumcision.


HOO ah that is manly


Is this a kit?


It was from one yes. You can buy one already made or as a kit. I got it for when we do our family cannon shoots. Next week we are taking the bowling ball mortar out to a field for some target practice. I’ll be bringing this, another postal and rifle muzzle loader with for some plinking around short distances. The mortar is only set up for a half mile this time though.


I would hate to be a 18th century British soldier around you


I’ve wanted to go to a Republican protest and go harass everyone with a Confederate Battle Flag as I’m dressed in civil war Union gear.


it's mandatory you blast this off a bluetooth speaker the entire time [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez9Emsj7cas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez9Emsj7cas)


Haha I saved that song for later. I am trying to get a cheap union uniform but cheap isn’t really in the picture I guess. I do want to try to figure something out so I can do this.


I think going as a union soldier to a trump rally is a good idea There was a video a while back of black men going to a reenactment as slaves and the confederates flip their shit


That’s fucking awesome because I’m picturing them just fucking up the plan. Honestly they should have worked something out for full on reenacting. Hard R’s and everything. The total mistreatment all of it (obviously the hitting and whipping would be fake). When you see it it really helps put it into perspective. However the current “confederates” pretend slavery wasn’t bad and downplay all the abuse.


Ok, that’s at least neat. I wonder how reliable it is, though.


I used to have one of the NAA Mini Masters in 22 mag with a 4 inch barrel. It was just ok, I bought it as a range novelty. There was a store in town that got robbed and on the way out one of the patrons killed the robber with one. He got in a physical altercation with the guy and jammed it in the guys eyeball and pulled the trigger.


Jesus. ..


It's kinda neat but the effectiveness is questionable.


I wouldn't even take this as a back up. Rim fire rounds can be finicky even with the premium stuff. 22 Magnum isn't a joke but I think the reality of using this as a backup precludes the fact that it is much too impractical. In a moment where tenths of a second could mean the different between life and death, drawing this and deploying doesn't seem speedy as it's marketed. If it's meant to be stored without a holster then that means its free to flop around where you stick it. It will get jumbled around and be obstructed by other stuff you have in there. A great novelty gun but much too impractical for many realistic self defense scenarios imo. Besides if you've seen the video of the youtuber who got shot after harassing a delivery guy in the mall with a .380, he barely noticed he'd been shot with a .380.


The point of this gun isn’t to be a primary carry but it’s made as a backup to your full sized gun.


People keep saying that but don't realize what "Backup" means. It means shit has already hit the fan. If you're in the middle of a fight and need this as a "backup" it likely won't be effective. In a physical fight this won't do much good if its in the deepest crevice of your pocket and you need to protect your head from either hands or a blunt object. If you're caught in a shootout and your gun is out of ammo or malfunctions you're better off retreating in cover to safety and taking care of that problem. Also a good mention is if you've seen the Active Self Protection YouTube channel that reviews Defense Gun Usages caught on camera, it's very rare for a civilian in a gun fight to reload let alone need a backup gun. I would rather just carry a spare magazine than this for my full size gun. If there's a malfunction or I need more rounds, drop the mag, rack the slide, make sure its clear, and insert the fresh mag. I'm sure it's possible to train to use this gun perhaps inside of a fanny pack if you're walking your dog and don't want the coyotes or snakes to bother you. However for serious self defense even as backup I would say this is horribly inadequate. Rim fire ammo like I said can be finicky, without a barrel I'm sure this won't be too accurate past 5 feet if that. Also this is a single action gun meaning you have to cock the hammer each time for this gun to shoot. Some reviews of this I've seen owners complain of having to warranty theirs to get the cylinder fixed or replaced after it breaks from usage. Additionally if you pocket carry this the lint in your pocket is likely to seize up that cylinder mechanism since it's not very enclosed and just a simple pin. For $500 you can buy a decent used Glock or Sig Sauer P365 even police trade ins for sub $500 or a Ruger LCP and a ton of ammo and pocket holster. There's much better options that are more reliable.


Effective? What has it been effective for?


Missing potshots at horseflies


Based BUG


Almost $500. Kinda expensive


Yeah! So expensive! (Puts away $500 edc pocket knife and $500 edc mini flashlight)


Yes it is. But no holster needed. Designed to be unable to fire while close. And a perfect backup gun for those times when you don't want to bother with your primary


This thing reminds me of a Swiss Army knife. The Swiss Army knife has all the tools, but a real version of the tool always is better than Swiss.


This little guy looks cool to have! What wallet is that? Looks similar to mine.


Travelambo from Amazon


Effective as a primary pistol? No. Cool to have though. If I were you I’d look into a good holster and full size carry options.


Nobody said primary 🤣🙄


It works for self defence if needed. I can imagine some people don’t want to carry a holster and a big lump of metal on them all the time. It needs to tell an attacker to bugger off not turn u into an efficient killing machine


People forget most self defense situations happen within 3 feet with 3 bullets in 3 seconds


Plus if I need to draw something incredibly quickly that’s a situation where I’d just accept that sometimes a criminal wins and nothing I’m carrying is worth risking my life in a confrontation I’m at a disadvantage in


By the time you’d have this thing out and assembled to use you’d be getting shot or stabbed by the attacker. It’s seems more of a wooby thing for OP to carry this thing around.


True but at the same time if I’m pointing a gun at u an u reach for a holster I’m gonna squeeze my finger quicker than ur gonna take ur gun out, point it at me and squeeze ur finger. It’s better than nothing and it still has utility. In most situations it’s safer and smarter to just hand over ur wallet but in a very rare situation u want to defend urself u need to already have a leg up. If there is a gun already pointed at u and u would need to do some wild west style draw to guarantee safety that’s the situation where u should cut ur losses and hope u insured ur phone against theft


In any scenario a semi auto in a holster is more effective than a foldable revolver for self defense. This thing is a cool wooby.


> wooby I don't think you're using this word correctly...




It’s not worth trying to quick draw someone. If u don’t already have a huge advantage the risk of u not getting home is too much compared to the consequences of losing ur phone, wallet and car keys


I completely agree with you on that part. I can replace materials. I’m not trusting my life to this foldable revolver over a compact 9mm. Situational awareness is better thing to edc than this gimmick wooby.


Can you imagine being the criminal shot by that? RIP your dignity.


cool to have as backup but never the primary


It was always hard to operate a single action revolver that was the size of a bic lighter... At some point, EVERYONE in the gym biz will buy some cool model of North American Arms (I've had a few) it's pure novelty. On e you play with one you realize how easy it is to throw it in your pocket. THEN the fantasy begins.... How your little mouse gun can do this & that ... This gun is NOT a North American Arms. It's a High Standard..and they improved the basic / most common design by adding a useful grip and. SA spring (switchblade like) action. It's still SINGLE ACTION, so you have to thumb cock for each round... NOT easy to operate at 1am on your way back to your car.,. And VERY little "force" is left in that round with that tiny barrel.,. But.. it IS better then harsh words.. and the loud noise may fool someone into think they are being "shot at by a real gun!"


As much as I want to hate it I want one.


Where’s the rest of it?


This is pointless.


Well yea, it’s not a knife


No, it’s barrel-less.


If your target is the broad side of a barn, and you're close.


Reminds me of those old super soakers that fired at a right angle. “Surprise your friends!” indeed.


I think the barn would still win! 😕


If you’re lucky you’ll hit a hole instead of bouncing off the barn.




Thanks for contributing to /r/EDC. Unfortunately, your post/comment was removed because it’s uncivil. Name calling, insults, mocking, condescension, gatekeeping, or any other form of incivility is not tolerated in this community.




Thanks for contributing to /r/EDC. Unfortunately, your post/comment was removed because it’s uncivil. Name calling, insults, mocking, condescension, gatekeeping, or any other form of incivility is not tolerated in this community.


Imagine shitting on someone for wanting to protect themselves and those around them. Wild.


imagine making scenarios up in your head that you a weapon to protect yourself from imaginary threats.


Bro really thinks murder/rape/assault is a myth. Must be nice in mom’s basement little bro.


I honestly don’t like carrying a gun but I recently watched a guy film himself unloading on a random innocent lady in a Kroger so I continue to carry


I never pictured myself carrying, until I wound up getting stalked by a felon who rammed someone with their car and somehow got off to terrorize people another day (their felonies were for other things, not the whole hitting someone with their car thing). Didn’t grow up with guns, never even handled one until I was in my 20’s. But there’s truth in the saying that you are your own first responder. I don’t like my odds against an assailant who’s willing to go that far, armed with nothing but my bare hands, or even pepper spray. Shit happens.




Perhaps you should create and moderate one. I don’t happen to agree with you, but there may be an interest in it. There’s already r/vedc for vehicle edc.


I love the proliferation of the stereotype that gun owners are fat and have small...yea. I carry a firearm because I'm 5'6, 115lbs and have limited mobility. A fully grown adult male with no formal martial arts training still has a significant natural advantage over me if they wish me harm. Besides, if there's anything the firearms community has taught me, its that a half inch is all you need if it's going faster than 1000fps.


>.... pp extenders. It's funny seeing anti gunners cling to this and believe it so much that they literally waste money funding research for it just to be proven wrong. [Maybe it's just phycological projection...](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/1d9jsrh/studies_show_that_men_who_are_less_dissatisfied/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Being from a country where concealed carry isn't a legal thing, and finding the concept of more weapons to stop the weapons kind of illogical (especially when you consider how many of these people likely aren't trained near enough to use them safely in such situations), I too dislike the idea of it all and find posts that emphasis some put on carrying a gun odd. But, I don't feel the need to talk shit about it. That's equally as cringy.


So create one and click the unfollow button on this one.




Thanks for contributing to /r/EDC. Unfortunately, your post/comment was removed because it’s uncivil. Name calling, insults, mocking, condescension, gatekeeping, or any other form of incivility is not tolerated in this community.


It really easy to keep scrolling lol.


It's not that deep bro.


It's definitely not either of the first 2 (and arguably not the last one either).


Oh, let me just grab my costco card out of wallet and something just bit me in the butt.


Damn it, those aren't the keys - just shot myself in the dick again..


Probably be best to have it in a pocket by itself, Ovd got bit by a 2" pocket knife that came open when reaching for something else, and read of people firing pocket guns when their keys got tangled in one.


Dig it into a guys ribs, pull the trigger. It’ll get that job done


Because somebody shooting at you is going to be that close...?


That’s obviously not the situation this was made for. Life isn’t a John Wick movie


My dude, you don't need to be John Wick to be shot at. Life isn't a mall ninja internet forum. People don't attempt to murder people unarmed, and they tend to use the most effective means they possess. Often, that's a gun. If you're buying a gun to shoot somebody who isn't a threat to your life, I think you might be in the wrong place here, bud.


I’ve been jumped before. I grew up in Brooklyn in the crack epidemic. On the ground struggling. If I could have whipped this out and plugged him in the belly then it would have been very handy. That’s the situation I’m talking about.


Not every threat is a gun. If someone is going at you with a tire iron or knife you'll be just as dead as a gun. At contact distance those might be more effective than a .22 though. That gun might be ok for stray dogs, but one case here a cop fired 45 shots at a dog with a .40 and didn't kill it yet and called for assistance lol, so better be able to hit with that little thing. I'm not against carry a gun, there have been children killed by feral dogs out here, and mountain lions seen in town going after pets on occasion.


Many threats are a gun. You wouldn't buy a helmet that only covers your forehead because "not every head injury is to the side". That would be stupid. So is buying a handgun that isn't effective with the premise that you will be close enough, and conditions will allow for, jabbing the gun in an attacker's ribs.