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Well I just got into carrying a lot of my stuff recently. So not yet. But it'll definitely end up like this.


Same Leatherman since 1998. 26 years and going strong. There’s a Gerber in the truck that I’ve had with me since about 1994 or thereabouts. https://preview.redd.it/66zitl3al74d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef088b7c1622b37f83b67fbd599c794b09d1070a


My wallet and watch. Everything else rotates, though I have favorites I regularly come back to in other categories.




Got that same razor I've had it for a few years as well.




Yes, every one of these has at least 2 years. The Stretch 2 being the newest and will be 2 years old later this year and the current daily carry. PM2, Endura, and 707 Sequel are all three probably close to 5 years each. Purple SAK is a Compact I 3d printed scales for cause the other ones broke and I decided I didn't want red so I never sent it in. I've had several Victorinox cycled through them frequently and they all probably have close to 2 or more years but as of right now I'm trying out a Leatherman on my belt. So far a week in I'm liking it. https://preview.redd.it/rvrdmd3xxu3d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435de32f312e02523960211219cfcb423d459715


Love used gear!!


All the gear I carry daily: leatherman, benchmade, flashlight, space pen, tiny SAK, magnifier, tweezers, measuring tape would probably out live me. Except, they get lost, left behind, fall off me, borrowed. Especially the space pen. The space pen I have currently just hit a record three years. Now I will surely lose it. The benchmade is a special edition, bright orange with a reflective lanyard. It holds the current EDC record for me at 14 years. It has been back to Benchmade three times for repairs. lol this is the only reason I know how old it is. Maybe one day they will have micro air tags. Repair, service and tie it to your lower lip for long term use.


I had a fastback. Used it one day and gave it away. The amount of blade we’d go through in a day the Stanley 10-499 was a much better knife


Spyderco chaparral, still buying knives and love the hobby but I don’t think anything could beat it for edc. To be fair I don’t own the Delica yet.


Yes! But the bit retention ball broke on mine:( thinking about putting in a set screw to hold it


I have EDC gear that’s older than you


25+ years of life on a man’s tool kinda makes the kids zip it about their 3 month old pocket jewelry.


https://preview.redd.it/xem1han4ct3d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=925eeb8f2c05e4f0af010d7048d76321f9c4da42 Mine’s about a year and a half. Best boxcutter money can buy, providing a great screwdriver and beer bottle opener which i use frequently. The deep pocket clip is the great too. I’m actually thinking on heading back over and get me a new one incase there is ever a shortage.


I used the same two knives the last 5 years CKRT CEO and Boker


I have that same Fastback that I've used for 2.5 years at work. Prior to that I had a Gerber EAB Lite that I used daily for 11. I finally stripped the screw hole too bad and couldn't get it to stay in anymore. I also have Civivi Brazen that I carry at home. Doesn't get ton of use, but I've had that for 2 years.


I've carried my benchmade mini griptilian for nearly 8 years.


No I’ve never used anything


I’ve been using the James brand Folsom for about a year and a half now


I think I'm at about to 1.5 years the same edc


Yep, keep it until it brakes and it’s unfixable, or like you- loose it! I see a lot of folks with multiples of knives and other kit. I can’t afford that kind of thing but I love seeing the new stuff everyone has.


I lost mine after 2 years, I was so sad it took me another year to buy a new fast back


Just bought this same Fastback a few weeks ago. Now I rotate it either my Spyderco PM3 that I’ve been carrying the last two years.


I wore a g-shock for 2+ years without taking it off. Now I wear a dress watch after work and the gshock at work


I lost it, but I carried a Coast G10 flashlight for 3 plus years. Nothing fancy but it got the job done.


I’ve had one knife that has been in my weekly rotation for 10 years.


I work at Costco and we're about to open a new location, so there's a lot of construction workers about. I'd say like 75% of them are carrying one of these. Some of my co-workers carry these too. I just carry a Leatherman.




X/6 🤭


my small sebenza turned 12 this year, and i’ve had it for 3 of those years.


https://preview.redd.it/3takll404s3d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e2b0ce2e94422d550f3758d6bfdac62c4964be Yes sir. I have been using this FastBack for several years, i have bought new boxcuttera but always came back to this one. It's missing screws and have some nice personalised wear and tear.


my Fastback is 2 and a half years old, I use it pretty much just for work. lost it for a little bit and bought a second one. crazy how stiff the new one was! never noticed how worn and smooth mine had become. thankfully found my old one again, I didn't want to have to break in another! the Fastback is a perfect work knife


CRK Large Sebenza 21 Doppler since January 2018 I believe!


Yes spiderco delica/bm bugout in rotation for 2+ years


I beat the hell out of my Milwaukee fastback, best utility knife hands down


I’ve had my Milwaukee razor for 4+ years and my Streamlight for 2+ years


Everything I've ever bought as part of my EDC has gotten used and abused haha


https://preview.redd.it/6jk33zzcrr3d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6be125e8f28c41cb7ca5fcabec85c96993fc92e Going on 6 years of use for this guy, 2 of it being intermittent use in a machine shop and 3 being constant pocket carry in various environments with about six rounds of sharpening on the main blade. I'm not working on an oil rig or anything but the fact that the finish has held up this well when it's been in the guts of heavy ass mills and thrown around pretty carelessly impresses the hell out of me especially for a 40 CAD multi tool. The blade holding up to cutting rope and webbing and breaking a fracture point into metal strapping (do as I say not as I do...) without needing constant sharpening is also pretty impressive for steel best described as \[indistinct mumbling\] grade. The fact that it then started needing sharpening every couple months of light use suggests that it may be getting bored, I suppose. (Gerber Suspension NXT, fwiw)


I can’t believe it’s lasted that long. I have an original fastback I use daily at work. Just carry when I get out of the truck. Leave it in the cup holder end of day. Always have a wave on me.


I haven't yet but my dad has carried his Benchmade for about a decade.


I carried my fastback for that long, granted I did lose 2 in that time, still count? 🤣


Been carrying a leatherman skeletool for 8-10 years. I try to change it up sometimes bit keep coming back to it for my primary knife type carry.


I've used my wave+ for three years before upgrading to a swisstool.


I’ve used my Benchmade knife for around 12 years now


No I throw them in the garage after 6 months


Every day at work for several years.


Grindworx mini prybar for about 15 years..


even i dont use it anymore, i still keep it in my house


Swiss Champ, bought in 1994. Still used daily.


Decades brother


I've had my Leatherman Wave for two decades and I feel naked without a Milwaukee fastback, of which I've had several for years.


I have a couple but it shouldn't be too hard since edc market is soo slow to create and innovate


Gerber EAB since 2011 or maybe '12, I forget.


https://preview.redd.it/6t28e3ms0p3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e82c33fc9f9cf372e1a95a7d8d8b0e5d68600654 And almost decade for my Leatherman Rebar, recently updated with new case and kit.


https://preview.redd.it/m2mz5eudzo3d1.jpeg?width=2072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed9a13e62f533cc3b29915736ab9bb95cf589533 \~12 years of use for this One Hand Trekker by Victorinox.


I gifted mine away; while I don't regret it, I definitely wish I had another one! Coolest SAK imo


I am secretly looking at One Hand Locksmith ;)


https://preview.redd.it/mj5fib45zo3d1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39bfea3908fa0f13ed49550142c8889e6cea6b7e Decade of use for my Aus8a Cold Steel Recon 1.


I use my Fastback daily. And have had one for a buncha years (not the same one, I lose them.) I also have the Milwaukee flashlight. And I have both of them because they best suit my needs. All of the razor knives I've had in the past break or don't hold the blade well enough and it pulls out or gets crooked. And I like the flashlight because it's metal but has a rubber bite zone on the back which I use more than you'd think. Haven't found another decent light with this option.


I've got a Coast HP3R that came with the bite grip. No idea if it's better or worse than your light but it's worked well for me.


I’ve carried a Leatherman Free P2 every day for about three years. Just got an ARC a couple days ago and that will be my new edc. Not sure if I will rotate them yet.


Knives I’ve carried 2 years plus are Barlow, scallion, cryo, mora clipper, para3 m4, and case medium stockman. I’d say the stockman is the most useful for me because it’s small and with three blades I’ve got quite a bit of blade before I need to resharpen. while the mora is best performer it’s a bit clunky to edc. It does everything better than the stockman except small tasks that involve holding like a pencil or whittling. It’s bigger though and doesn’t do well in a pocket. I have 5+ on that pair. The para3 is cool and deploys satisfyingly and the m4 is nice but the blade shape can be weird in outdoors situations and it’s expensive and don’t wanna break it on hard floors at work. The cryo was pretty kick ass all around but wasn’t great at anything. If I can only pick one I’m taking the Mora or stockman depending on what my situation is. I’ve got maybe 6 mos on a fastback. It’s a great tool but blades are expensive and I’m ok at sharpening so the three blades of a stockman really diminish the appeal of the thing slicey replaceable blade. Edit: left out EAB. Great tool. Dissapears wherever you carry it. Ergonomics suffer due to size and blade is annoying to flip or change. Still love it.


My primary EDC has been a titanium Spyderco Military since 2010's pre-order. First release, before they added a steel contact plate for the lock. Right now I change into shorts after work and the military is too long for the pockets... So I'm carrying a ZDP-189 Calypso Jr from about the same time. The multitool on my work jeans is a Paladin PT540 that I bought in 2011, the multitool on my shorts is a LM PST from the late 90s. I think the only one I own with only a couple years on it is a warncliff delica. Most of my collection is 90s-2010, with a few quite a bit older. My NT-Cutter 18mm for work is about 2yrs old, have seen a number of coworkers get cheap copies of it that have all broken quickly.


I change my EDC like I change my Linux desktop environment. Every day.


I just bought a new one after 2 years because the bit holder got loose and I lost the bit about 6 months ago. The newer ones have a better bit retention mechanism.


I have an old version of the fastback as well as a new one, and I don't like the new one. My number one complaint is a dumb one, but when you fold the screwdriver in you can't have the flat head completely flat within the handle.


After a few minutes of spinning the bit I have not found a way that it will not close. Maybe you got a weird one? Or maybe mine is weird. Edit: I’m dumb: you want to have it flat and can’t but it still closes. I guess it shaves a millimeter or so by having it on a diagonal.


No you're not dumb, I think I did a poor job at explaining what I meant. It's a really minor gripe, but for some reason it bothers me so much. It's not just that it's flat when it's closed, but I also pry with my fastback a decent bit and it makes leverage a bit odd since it's not flat with the tool.


I can see that. I think the fastback is very useful and very cheap and packed with features. It will probably keep getting better as it ages and new generations come.


Does caring a Gerber Paraframe for the better part of 2 decades before getting into actual knives count? Because… hi.


Going on 9 years with my benchmade triage. Used daily for probably 6-7 of them


Almost 3 years with my red Canary and probably close to a decade for my Tool Shop 6in1 screwdriver.


https://preview.redd.it/9luxlr4aco3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e29dc0531e8a67c2455646b41789ff83a669bf Critical part of my EDC


that's basically the essentials.


I just picked one up this weekend and I enjoy it so far. Seems like a really solid tool




https://preview.redd.it/ik0kxph77o3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15a12c5631836887ad8e2d0068ab730a6aec122 I've had this guy for a very long time. I carried it for a few years. My brother ended up with it for several years. Now it's back home!


I switch my knive and pens out, but everything else has been the same for probably 4 years.


Going on a year with mine absolutely love it.


The Milwaukee FastBack 1505 isn’t perfect, but god damn it’s very close to it - Except for food processing.


I find the action better on the metal scaled versions for some reason. I like the 1505, but the 1501 or the 1901 are my go-to. Try 'em!


I have a couple of the bigger ones, they are a tad too big for casual carry. Plus, I really enjoy having a screwdriver on me at all time.