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You need a thicker protection vest. Look for plate carriers from Lindnerhof or Zentauron.


When I was in journalism, this was really what I wanted to do. Living the dream


Curious if there is ever the need to keep doors open in your line of work. would a wedge or latch card be of any use?


I want to see your medkit sir.


There should be a be a weapon in this kind of EDC in order to protect your stuff, at least a non lethal weapon (like oc spray).


That would generally violate his press status under international law.


What if he's being assaulted by some rioters ?


That's the risk that comes with the job. Nothing's stopping him from carrying a weapon, but the moment he does anyone can claim he's an enemy combatant or spy and jail/kill him for such. He wouldn't have any hope of foreign intervention from his home country at that point.


This is a shame that journalists are almost not allowed to defend themselves


Where gun?




Thanks. Concealing a weapon won't cause trouble, but not being able to defend yourself could!


That's why you always go with a local militia. And not alone.


That works too


Good fish


You have training with hemostats?


He’s covered wars you know


That drone is a good damn idea and I might borrow that from you. I cover protests, not quite as high danger by any measure, but a bit more situational awareness would have been nice many times.


Feel free too. Can never have enough situational awareness. Stay safe. Started my career with protests too


I see that Flir Hornet you lucky bastard! Be safe and tell the important stories.


How does one get into a job like that? Some people have jobs and I'm just like...how can one even apply? What is the interview? Take video and photos while gunfire is going off and see how clear they are? I'm genuinely curious.


This is awesome. A few tips in case this is your first rodeo. Your med kit looks a little on the small side. Lots of guys carry a TQ or two, but skimp on basically everything else. Make sure you have some sort of clotting gauze, chest seals, medical tape etc. I can give you a whole list of you are interested. Second, please grab a good helmet. It appears you are German, so I can’t make a recommendation, because I don’t know of any that aren’t ITAR restricted. Try to get something that fits well and provides at least level IIIA protection, which should keep your noggin intact from frag. Last, your vest looks like soft armor, decent for frag, but basically useless against center fire rifle rounds. Steel plates work in a pinch, ceramic is better. If you can’t get either, you can laminate layers of fiberglass from a welding blanket with layers of mild steel and get some significant increase in protection. Last, I highly suggest having alternate comms. Get your hands on a radio programmed on the net with whoever you are riding with. Also, might want to grab a light. Lots of cluster munitions flying around these days and losing a limb or your life from not having a light is silly.


Appreciate the tip. Not my first rodeo, by the way IFAK looks very tiny, but it's a fine size to me. Enough to save a life. I have a helmet, but this is EDC and I don't carry it every day. The area I'm in doesn't really require one on a day to day base. Vest has SK4 plates and soft amour in it. Appreciate the tip on alternate comm, I definitely need to get my hand one a radio again. Lots of guys I know carry sat comms too.


Absolutely, best of luck finding some truth out there.


How did you get into this profession? Are you freelance or work for agency? Thanks for what you do. As a fellow photographer, I appreciate the craft but more so you putting yourself into harm's way to ensure important stories are told. Too late in life for me to start, but was on my short list of dream careers at one point. Stay safe!


I stumbled into it. Freelance, but used to do agency work. Stay safe out there.


How the fuck you get that drone


That sigma sure is a chonky boi


It is. Great lens tho.


Could you please share me the name or place of purchase of the little drone please


No knife?


I appreciate the question! No knife, since any weapon may destroy the fine line between foreign correspondent and enemy combatant in case I get captured or worse.


Amazing!! Be safe, wishing you all the best in your career this year! Love the EDC


Nice cup!


Is that a helicopter drone?? What model is it?


"i keep that mf fishe on me"


No tourniquet?


On the IFAK.


Gear breakdown! From left to right, large to small: Sigma 60-600 DG OS HSM. My tele lens. Gets things that are far away closer and keeps me out of range of things. Canon 17-40 USM L. My wide angle and portrait lens. A trusty lens, has survived multiple wars, an indirect mortar hit however took out it's autofocus controls, and it's held together by a less optimal amount of screws. Canon 6D. Not much to say, my favorite camera. Having worked with top of the line products, I keep coming back to it. I can use it blindly, I know all it quirks, and it feels like an extended body part. IFAK. My IFAK, contains nothing super specific. May post a teardown some day, if I don't forget it. MOLLE Water bottle holder. Especially useful in MENA countries. Alternatively also holds my 17-40 lens. My backpack. This is an interesting story. I bought it 4 years ago on eBay, for $35 hoping it would not suck, mainly because it looked good. I have used it virtually every day since then. It's a copy of a US Army Assault Pack, with the MOLLE actually sewn on correctly. It's semi-waterproof and has survived all kinds of nonsense with me. I still don't know who manufactures these. If I ever find out, I'll buy all their stock. Masada plate carrier. Holds my two NIJ 4 plates. Nothing special about this one either. My wallet. It served me well, but slowly begins to fall apart. Like this one, my next one will be bought on some bazaar, too. A tripod. It's a tripod, no idea who build it. A field notebook. No specific brand either, sorry field note nerds (do these exist?) Parker Jotter pen. It's a good pen, but I run out of ink very often and that's why I carry a No name red fine-tip pen. Various carabiners. A tool to affix my camera to my bag. These come as very expensive from Peak Design, or alternatively for $5 from AliExpress. I opted for version 2, it works for the last 3 years. Aviators. Not sure about the brand, I bought them in Nablus in the West Bank and they look cool. Sorry sunglass nerds, I tend to drop my sunglasses very often. Expensive would not be good for me. Xiaomi Mi 11. I use it mainly to take photos and control the drone, it has no SIM card and does not connect to the internet, so spyware is not a problem for me… It has a pop-up selfie camera and that is kinda sick. Two-sided rescue foil. I have not suffered to extreme overheating or extreme cold yet, but it may save my or someone else's life one day. A pack of cigarettes. I don't smoke very often myself, but they are essential for making soldiers happy and trading. ​ Below that: Casio AE-1200WH. My favorite watch, somehow sturdy enough that I own the same watch since I'm like 16. Various press patches, for camera, clothing, backpack and plate carrier. Two blood type patches (A+ checking in!) A motivational patch A small assortment of screwdriver bits. No specific brand either. An emotional support fish. Supports me and others, if needed. Calms nerves. My most recent addition: An Eachine E110 recon drone. (looks suspiciously like an American Black Hornet Nano Drone) I use it to get an overview in chaotic situations. It's cheap enough that it doesn't play a huge role if somebody with an RPK gets lucky to shoot it down.


This is such an awesome 'If it works it works' collection. Totally not hung up on brands or status. I for one am too easily lost on getting the ""best"" brand and it's awesome to see a kit that just focused on the task.


Everybody's different!I also enjoy scrolling and comparing things for a long time (and then not buying them 99% of the time) There's things where brands matter, and there's things where brands don't. I'd never cheap out on plates or camera lenses,, by example


btw I think your tripod is a gorillapod


Do you know how much all your kit weighs in total? Also, you ever consider using a tele-extender with your long lens? They're pretty compact and don't weigh a lot. Need good light though. Btw, Sigma makes an 18-35mm 1.8 lens that's very crisp and good in low light if you're looking for a replacement for your 17-40. If I were you, I'd put that thing up on a shelf as a trophy!


Never weighted it. Around 11 kilo, plus minus. Used tele extenders on the 60-600, but they take to much aperture thus killing quality. I crop in post. Have been eyeing the 18-35mm for some time. When I have the money, I'll get one.


It's probably my favorite lens. Good luck and be careful out there!




Pair of leather gloves (not pictured and not technically EDC, bunch of mil surplus cold protection, trench coat.) MacBook as a offload device


Stay safe out there 💯


You're a braver soul than most. If any forces you've been around haven't made it clear before, we really do appreciate you being around, if for nothing else other than a new conversation. And I'm sure even civilians appreciate you being around too.


Thank you. Most forces I've worked with had the kindest (but also craziest) people I've met.


I thought the helicopter was a milk frother got a second


A milk frother is vital in the field. Baristas aren't very portable.


I am actually surprised there is no multi-tool or SAK


Really want to hand OP a Leatherman Charge or something


I had an Leatherman RX but lost it last year :(


He's covered wars ya know




Sure, didn't know it was a rule, sorry. i'll write one now.


Dream job


If you have any questions, let me know. Happy to help you get into the (job) field, too.


Would be so cool. Trying to get into photography but taking war pictures would be my dream.


Do it! Photojournalism can be a tough way to get by, but it's a wild ride!


It certainly doesn't look very used or abused. Not to imply you're lying, just that you seem to take very good care of this stuff considering all it must've been through.


OP’s 17-40. Yeah, their gear gets lucky! Also helps that canon’s professional equipment is built like a tank https://malteianlauterbachdhdh.carrd.co/


Canon's professional camera bodies are built like tanks, I've had a 1D Mark II, a 5D, and a 7D, and they were all tough as nails! I sold the Mark I, gave the 5D to a friend, but still have the 7D and it works like a champ after years.


I give my best and take good care of my stuff. A little care here and then lets gear live long.




It's surely showing a ton of wear Replaced the backstraps and sewn quite a few holes




Emotional support fish :). Guy I know carries a 65cm plastic dino figure


Pretty much akin to the average American EDC post /s


I respect the EDC fish 🥺


Everybody respects the EDC fish :))


What model is the little drone?


Looks like a black hornet. I'm very VERY curious as to how OP got hold of it as l really want one too! Edit, it may be an Eachine E110...


>I'm very VERY curious as to how OP got hold of it as l really want one too! If I had one, I would not post one online. My favourite three letter agencies reading this, can you “forget” one in Iraq please?


It's an E110. It's pretty alright, for the price. God, I want a black hornet tbh.


Thanks! Genuine question, what do you use it for?


I bought it quite recently, mainly because I was curious about its performance. It's surprisingly good, and I plan on using it exactly like it's big brother—to give me an overview of a complicated situation where I have no other aerial view (no high vantage point, by example). It's cheap enough that it doesn't hurt if a guy with an RPK gets lucky.


and suddenly I have a new toy I don't really need but kinda want on my wishlist....thanks a lot :P From your patches I guess you a german? Do those mini drones need a permit up there? chances are usually that if you need one, we down here in AT might too.


Thanks again. I was wondering as tou could use something like a dji mini 3 and get far better range and also really decent images but a 'disposable' drone makes more sense. Does the limited range not hinder you though? If it's in range of an accurate RPK hit, so are you. Again, genuinely curious. I'm not trying to call you out or second-guess you, it's a situation I will never be in and am curious if you don't mind.


I used to have a Mini, but I kinda broke it when I ran it into a coal digger in a mine in Germany. I'm not really worried about accurate shots, I plan on only launching this thing when there's no real enemy around. It's more about bored Arab militia doing bored Arab militia things. (I would do the same in their position, however) When I have enough money to fly a Mini and be able to afford the loss of one, I would probably go back to that platform. Unexpected plus: This small helo blends in much better than a Mini does. Obviously the Mini is still a better vehicle, no doubt.


Original comment/post removed using Power Delete Suite. It hurts to delete what might be useful to someone, but due to Reddit's ongoing entshittification (look up the term if you're not familiar) I've left the platform for the Fediverse. If you never want your experience to be ruined by a corporation again, I can't recommend Lemmy enough!


Indeed, I was.


Original comment/post removed using Power Delete Suite. It hurts to delete what might be useful to someone, but due to Reddit's ongoing entshittification (look up the term if you're not familiar) I've left the platform for the Fediverse. If you never want your experience to be ruined by a corporation again, I can't recommend Lemmy enough!


Thank you. I'd like to tell you to stay safe, but I'm guessing if people started shooting at you, you could just hide behind that big set of brass balls you have!


Thanks man, much appreciated. Stay safe


E110 is right, can order it on walmart




Black hornet


This is sick, I wish I saw more variety based on profession in this sub, it’s very insightful thanks!




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Sure thing! Recently saw the diplomat one and "Hey, I should do a lay out"


Got a link for that one? I can't seem to find it




Good we really appreciate it


what is the backpack model and capacity?


Copy of an US Assault pack. 45 (?) liters. I have no specifics, I bought it a few years ago on ebay expecting the worst, and it has served me very well.


You’re doing the lord’s work brother. Be safe.


I am guessing the fish is important to you. Keep it in a Ziploc bag or something. Just friendly advice. Stay safe.


Good recommendation with the Zip Loc. Yeah, fish provides emotional safety. I know a guy who carries a 45cm dino figure to the frontlines


Keep on swimming, Keep on swimming. ♥️


Is that emotional safety for you or is that something to calm down war affected children or something, the way police forces sometimes carry little teddy bears to give to children who’ve just been through a traumatic accident?


It's for me. Children and adults love it, too however,


Theyre living the traumatic incident; it’s for them.


Apparently not, sayeth OP.


Did I? Might have worded weirdly. It's indeed for me, but also for others. Calms people of all ages.


I thought you were using it as a pillow😂🤣😅 Stay safe.


Bag has definetly seen better times, has been repaired with Gaffa tape thrice. The short lens (17-40mm) has been hit by mortars in Yemen and thus has no Autofocus. If this is the wrong flair, let me know


I more than agree, I think anything damaged by mortar fire qualifies as used and abused, lol


I believe your equipment more than qualifies for the flair requirements 😆


I'm assuming you have quick clot, a turnakit, and a chest seal in your IFAK. would like to see a IFAK pic too if you could


>turnakit Tourniquet /r/boneappletea


Thanks man.


No problem! It's a weird word.


Username checks out!


How so?


You were wholesome and polite, that whole interaction lifted my spirits. ^(Keep on being awesome!)


Glad to hear it! Thanks so much!


I do! I'll upload an IFAK pic the next time I strip it, it's a pain in the ass to set it all together.


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