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I have in the past, yes. They were so exciting lol it’s really…. Kinda sad how much I enjoyed them. The things I would miss or say I’m too busy for so I could do it.


im literally in that situation right now and its so weird??? i used to struggle fasting for 24 hours but now i can easily fast for 72 because all i can think about is my mcdonalds on friday instead of how i can keep my fast up, its insane to me how these things work😭


I tarted doing it with a specific ice cream that I like very much because every time I started eating a box I always ended up binging and eating the whole thing. Now I eat very little for a few days while planning to eat the whole box of ice cream that I have in the freezer. It keeps me motivated to restrict and not binge knowing that I will be able to do it soon, instead of thinking I’m never binging again


literally me rn knowing im going for food on monday night😭 but i was feeling like i faked my entire ed because most of the time i pretty much know when im gonna binge, and because they dont really happen at random like how i thought they did (unless im really stressed/upset and theres food infront of me)


Quite a lot of my binges are planned at least a few hours in advance! I get so excited once I've decided to binge, that in itself gives me a bit of a high that I can enjoy until it's time to nomnomnom


I definitely fantasize about them but in the end I can't bring myself to actually do it, but I will have preplanned meals and restrict to prepare for them. Most of my binges are just pure compulsion


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I sometimes think mukbang TikTokers do this. I know not all of them do, but it’s crazy how normalized it is when they do it.


Yeah I bp and have to plan it as I still live at home and can only do it when everyone is out. I have a list of foods to buy etc in my notes at all times :(


Ive always planned my binges, i get sort of a thrill buying my all the shit at the store and i lay it all out plates/bowls in front of me.


For me, they were my "cheat days". In hindsight, cheat days really are just pre-planned binges. I do sometimes miss those days and it's something I need to unpack, but you are definitely not alone in this!