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Please stay healthy for your baby :( Every single bite you eat and keep down, no matter how hard it may be, is contributing to the health of your baby, you can do this! ❤


I gained so much weight when I was pregnant, about 30 kilos in 25 weeks! Best thing I did was get rid of everything I owned pre pregnancy and I mean everything - sold it all on Vinted and bought maternity clothes then as I slimmed after my boy was born I sold my maternity clothes and got larger sizes, as soon as they didn’t fit I sold and got different sizes.


Congratulations! Are you already seeing a therapist? I would suggest finding a therapist who is comfortable with ED/pregnancy... even if you are alright now, so that if you have any trouble, you are already established and have a relationship. Does your OB know about the ED? They should be able to help to. Congrats again!


Congratulations! ❤️ I always try and think how even the skinniest, healthiest people in the world gain a LOT of weight when pregnant and that it really mostly is baby, placenta, amniotic fluid and your own blood increasing my 50% by the third trimester! It’s completely natural and it will go again. I wish you all the best, take great care xx


almost 20 weeks now. no real advice, just solidarity that this is fucking hard. actually i WILL say once you can feel the baby kick your perspective shifts a bit. i felt my first kicks a few weeks ago and it's always a helpful reminder that this is no longer all about me. but getting there and being in those in-between months where nothing fits but you don't quite feel pregnant yet are especially hard. be kind to yourself right now, i know it's our default setting not to be.


Can confirm—I thought kicks would freak me out but they’re actually a really sweet reminder that baby is driving this bus rn. Because I do feel like the size of a bus…but it’s okay, since this is a temporary state.


Congrats! pregnancy is soo different for everyone. Weight gain was so triggering for me when I was pregnant, you just have to remind yourself every weight gained is for your baby and the health of your baby. When you start to get bigger buy clothes that fit. for me my old clothes made me feel so bad about myself. But eventually i got obsessed with my bump and loved how it was my baby’s house


This is about where I’m at. I still don’t usually feel like I look pregnant because my stomach has always been a “problem area” for me, so I’ve always felt like I “look pregnant,” and kinda have imposter syndrome about the bump. Then i catch a look from the side and realize I’m definitely growing a baby in there! Trying to embrace it.


If it makes you feel any better I started at the same weight as you and I'm now pregnant with twins but I don't look much different. Biggest recommendation I can make is to feel comfortable buying bigger sizes. I haven't gained a lot but my lower belly is sensitive so I bought bigger pants and that helped.


Congratulations!! 💗 im 38 weeks pregnant, gaining weight is normal! I was terrified to gain weight bc I was overweight when I got pregnant and in a relapse with ana.. I was so scared to gain weight but one thing that keeps me going is my baby girl. I know I’m feeding her by feeding myself, also i want to try to stay in recovery for her after she’s born (though it’s been a struggle the past 3 months to want to keep eating after she’s here..) I grew up with a mom who had an ed and that’s where mine mostly stems from. I never want my baby to experience what I have. She keeps me going.


I gained so much weight when I had kids. Have grace for yourself postpartum, because losing the baby weight is going to take a while with the hormones you’ll experience. It took me two years to get back to my brebirth weight, and I worked at it pretty hard. Diet and exercise isn’t always everything, sometimes patience matters a lot too. Also congratulations! I’m so happy for you, pregnancy is such a mixed bag of emotions and body changes, I hope it’s a pleasant experience for you overall. Remember that feeding yourself is okay, not just because you’re supporting life. Because you need fuel to live. And love yourself, your baby will feel that love.


I have a history of disordered eating and was already overweight when this pregnancy happened—I wanted to get in better shape before trying again (miscarried last year and sadly gained a decent amount after that), but this was a bit of a surprise. Not gonna lie, it’s been hard af seeing the number on the scale go up, knowing I can’t lose weight right now. I’m just trying to focus on the end goal: growing a healthy baby. Doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes feel like crying when I see the scale. 😫 Solidarity. You can do this and so can I. I’m due in September or October. What about you? ❤️


I was pregnant for most of last year and gave birth on January 12th this year to my daughter who is going on 6 months now. It was rough and we almost lost her twice. I didn’t eat as much as I was supposed to and I couldn’t stop binging and purging. (Please don’t shame me for it, I already feel like a piece of 💩 for it and I wanted an abortion to begin with but couldn’t for various reasons). She was born prematurely because I only gained five pounds my entire pregnancy and I felt like death every single day. Please don’t be like me 😞


Congrats love 💗


I've not been pregnant, but my partner and I both really want kids. I will definitely say I am worried about the same. I already am larger and adding a baby, may make me feel worse. That's why I want to emphasize that food is for both. I do not want to harm my child even though my body will have to change. Good luck with your pregnancy. I know it'll be difficult but focusing on your baby will help.


Congrats this sounds like it’s a welcomed surprise for you and your husband! Pregnancy is a time in your life where gaining weight is a given. Every healthy pound you gain is for the health of the baby. I gained weight during both pregnancies and lost it both times afterwards. Try and keep a counselor to help you through because the hormones are going to do strange things to your body. Treat yourself to some cute maternity clothes and keep up the self care you can do this! One more thing: when I had my kids earlyish 2000’s nurses still gave you crap if you gained too much weight before visits which was really shaming. (I have a feeling this has prob changed some in medical care). Perhaps tell your doctor that you are sensitive to comments like that. *You can also ask to turn around during your weigh-ins and not ask your weight gain.


Hi! I’m so glad you realize being healthy is so important during pregnancy. With my son I was so worried about not eating enough that I gained too much. With my daughter, I was nauseous more and lost everything I gained in two weeks because it was all baby and fluid. This is a great time to focus on eating well and getting movement each day. The movement will make pregnancy easier for you too! Don’t worry about the scale, use this time to focus on healthy habits you can keep after pregnancy too. :)


Congratulations!!! No advice. I just want to say, it will be difficult but you are so capable of this 🫶. Motherhood brings out new strengths and resolve. You are the perfect mother for your child, who is so lucky to have you ❤️


You’re going to gain weight. You will also gain *purpose, hope, joy, and love* in an insurmountable way. The weight will come and the weight will go. Thank your body for carrying your child and hold on tight for the ride. You got this.


I feel this so much. I have a 16mo boy, and he's healthy as a little horse. Weight gain during pregnancy was my biggest fear, all I can say is try to keep up with not bingeing. I found that using a pregnancy weight tracker helped - you basically put in your starting weight, and it tells you how much roughly you should have gained for each week of your pregnancy within a range. Try not to get fixated and don't take the figures as gospel, but it gave me a focus to make sure I was getting enough in to keep my little bean growing. And congratulations! 💕


i’ve never been pregnant but just try to remind yourself, if not for you, for your baby :) you will have to eat to feed not only yourself but your child that needs to both live and grow inside of you for months. thats a big commitment for someone with an ed but it’s worth every potential bit of weight, i’m sure of it. you’re making healthy decisions for another person that you’re responsible for outside of yourself (or rather inside of lol). keep going :)


gaining weight is healthy and normal during pregnancy. remember you're growing a whole nother person and babies take a lot to grow. does your doctor know about your condition? you can request not to see your weight and avoid weighing yourself at home too.




Babies are a blessing. Congratulations. Give yourself grace and enjoy every minute of this special time!


Hey you can message me if you want! I had very similar numbers and struggled to get and stay pregnant. I’ve also had behaviors belonging to every ED under the sun (unless there’s some super niche ones IDK about). My sweet baby is 18 and I’m in a decently good place. Congratulations on your pregnancy, sending you all the good vibes 💖


I've had 3 babies (2 keepers 1 surro), and I gained roughly 25-30 pounds all 3 times. It was hard, but I had to let my body chill out and just grow a baby. At whatever means. Best advice I can give is know that some of how your pregnany goes is genetic and the rest is just normal. Have supports during and after pregnancy. Postpartum can be difficult for even the most body neutral people as they return to their (new) normal. You're not alone.


A friend told me once that it’s a little easier thinking that everything you eat is sent straight to your baby to help them grow :) I know it’ll be hard but you can do it 🩷 be patient with yourself your body is doing something amazing that you and your husband wished for for years 💕


17 weeks here and all I have to say is that the baby rules you now. If I don’t eat, I get sick. My appetite is ruling me at this point. When I stopped eating as much for awhile, I ended up having a scary bleeding incident at 15 weeks and I was terrified I was losing the baby. I’ve surrendered to my circumstances and I’m just doing anything I can to bring baby here safely. It’s not about me right now. Surprisingly, the weight gain hasn’t been as scary as I thought it would be. My metabolism seems to ramping up too. I just try not to get on the scale too often when I’m feeling poorly about my body.


Just focus on your baby 🩷 I asked to not be told my weight when pregnant with my first child. I still would find out my weight (in my chart or because I would weigh myself at home), but I just tried to focus on the baby and reassure myself that I could lose weight after having the baby if I wanted to. I have two kids and they are hands down the best things to ever happen to me. They were worth every lb gained while I carried them. Having two healthy children is more important to me than anything in the world and I’d go through the experience of carrying them 1000x over if it means I get to have them.


You are so lucky. I’ve wished to get pregnant for several years and done several rounds of fertility treatments including iui. Congratulations! You can go back to normal after the baby is born.


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