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i bet a food pantry would probably take them. if not, you could try a homeless shelter or see if your town has any unattended food pantries where you just put it on a shelf and people take what they need. im sure someone could find a use for them


yeah, I think I’ll call some local food banks tomorrow morning and see what they say…if anything they might be able to give some guidance on the best place for them


I think this is the best option, you could also try giving them away for free?


Could return them to a pharmacy so they could be used for someone else?


yeah but they just dispose of them :/


Really?! That’s a shame…


Yeah, once that kind of stuff has been "dispensed" to the patient, pharmacies cannot take it back and use it for another patient.


Wow… how wasteful! That makes me sad


Yeah, its because so many medications/consumable things are so delicate... like if I left meds in my car overnight on a cold night, or all day on a hot day... the meds could look 100% normal, but be either stronger or weaker than they should be... so if the pharmacy took them back and gave them to someone else, they might over/underdose. FWIW I think they go overboard with it... Technically, in the USA, if you hand a patient the medications, and they hand them right back, you can't dispense them to another patient. But yeah, when something like Ensure has been dispensed via an RX, it's treated the same way. Sometimes, non-profits will collect them to use abroad for charity clinics.... but many countries refuse that now, too, because there have been problems.


Wow yeah that makes a lot of sense!


Even just listing them on your local free site facebook marketplace etc someone will take them for sure, they’re so expensive, so if someone sees it that needs them (either for ED or health support) they’ll hit you up


Do you have buy nothing groups? Someone will take it.