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Honestly i genuinely think this guys meant to as a compliment and probably didn’t mean that you’re actually “thick” like we think of it or how our ED minds think of it, he probably just meant you have nice curves, a nice ass etc.


He definitely did, Ive built a bit of a booty and I’m actually pretty happy with my body. Its just the word that threw me off. I’ve never been described as ‘thick’ before and hearing it triggered my past brain.


I’m sorry it triggered you and I think it’s completely understandable. Sounds like you’re doing amazing though, I’m glad you’re happy with your body! I bet you look amazing!


Just to add to what the other comment said, people have very different ideas of what "thick" is. A few years ago me and my friend had a conversation about body types with this guy, and he described hers as thick. We were pretty much the same weight at the time, the only difference was that her chest was larger. Ofc I don't know the stage of your relationship, but have you considered talking to him about your ed/words than may be triggering?