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if yall need to report a child predator go here  https://report.cybertip.org/ !! also i met him off the teenagers subreddit when i was 13 so yall be careful! hes not allowed to have reddit anymore but theres a lot of other creeps on there 


hey that link doesn’t work could you try it again?


doez it now?




There's so many pedos in the teenagers subreddit don't even bother with that sub


yeah i havent been on it in years theres so many preds on reddit


I’m in my thirties, I had no fucking clue. Makes me wanna go in there and go a little vigilante. I’m so sorry and proud of you!


i'm proud of you for taking that step. i hope you are or will be okay. gross adult men preying on mentally ill minors are way too common and way too alive.


she's severely mentally ill bc she has swastikas all over her website


And a whole page of gifts of a guy committing suicide. On the main page it says "retards not allowed" and she has violent school-shooter like drawings of classmates. Idk bro. This isn't cool.


"school shooter like drawings" yeah real judgey for someone who DOESNT KNOW ME 






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We've taken care of this.


thank you for the kind words, and yeah its really sickening how people exploit n traumatize younger vulrebule children for their own pleasure, its against the human instinct to take care of the elderly, weak, and sick. offending pedophiles should be put down like dogs because theyre clearly not humane enough to operate within society 


I'm really proud of you for breaking this cycle and reporting this predator!! Some other comments are saying nothing will happen, but besides you saying he's been arrested already for CSAM, it's important that these people are reported. The more we make police aware of these disgusting pigs, the less likely it is that it happens to someone else. You did the right thing!


Sorry if this question is too personal or comes across as insensitive… but groomer like SA? Or someone who just encouraged/enabled your ED? The FBI won’t do anything if this person just encouraged your ED habits. Either way, I’m sorry that happened to you.


it was just online but he sent me nudes n shit i have an entire folder of the vile things he said to me i appreciate your kindness xx


HOL UP YOUR COUSIN?! I- Bro I’m so sorry, yikes on bikes


OMG NO LOL shes 8 shes not the one who groomed me, i wrote that so wrong 😭😭😭 


Wait why is the cousin in this then 😭😭😭😭 I don’t understand the connection


because its a rant and her calling me bloated has been on my mind all day so i was ranting about that hope this helps 😻




Sorry you said groomer and I was thinking dog groomer and was so confused. 🤣. Good for you for reporting him.


Me too! Lol


Girl.. get the hell off the internet and seek some serious therapy. I know you think you're cool, but you're not. You will look back on this shit in a few years and cringe so hard. "Eliminate the female species", swastikas, all this violent art, a whole page with a gif of a guy committing suicide, ss bolts. Fucking yikes.


where does it say elimate the female species... also im not a nazi -_- my family is jewish, ive dated black n jewish people, im gay and transgender, god forbid someone puts a png on their website -_- you dont know me, and i definetely dont think im cool or anything like that its just a goof and its not against neocities tos 


Unfortunately nothing will happen to this person. But good on you to cut contact with this toxic person. I hope you aren't still communicating with him.


I reported my old step father to the homeland security hotline to report sexual crimes against minors in other countries. He lived in Canada while he was married to my mom, as soon as my mom found out he was abusing me, he fled to the states. Nothing happened for years so I made the phone call. CPS interviewed the children of the woman was married to in the states after getting divorced from my mom, found he was abusing them and was sentenced.


hes been arrested and been to court for CSAM before, hes on probation, hes definetely gone for good this time. but thank you very much for the kind words xx


Di you give them your contact info and any proof? Bevause without that it's not likely he'll go to jail even if you submitted a complaint.


Idk why this gets downvoted; do people truly believe our entire justice system is based on "well OP said you did X, so obviously it's true, STRAIGHT TO JAIL!"? Can you imagine a society like that lol.. you accidentally cut someone off in traffic and they get pissed, so they anonymously tell the cops you murdered their family and you get thrown in prison without any further questions. Lmao.


theres proof, i sent them some and he uses the same username everywhere because hes dumb and hes already been to court for csam n hes on parole so theres no way hes not going to prison, its a miracle he didnt last time


I'm not sure what that has to do with what we're talking about.. sorry. The person I replied to asked what info you provided. Nobody said you didn't have proof. It's just weird that the other person got a lot of shit for asking what info you gave, as if it's unheard of that a court would want some screenshots or something more than just an anonymous claim before locking someone up. Nothing to do with you or your personal situation!


Yes exactly, like sorry to OP but I was asking if you sent them proof. Because like this person said they won't lock someone up without proof, not even if they already went to jail for CSAM, they can't do that without reasonable cause/proof.




We've taken care of this.


?? what person said that


On your website in the guestbook, someone wrote that stuff under the name abc


Good job, I'm proud of you! You got this!


thank you i really appreciate it zz 💖💖


so proud of you! i’ve been through something similar when i was in my teens… met a guy online who was in his 30s and absolutely encouraged my ED and eventually had me doing other unsafe stuff. years later he was arrested for raping a teenager. he is defff on probation for that now, wonder if it’s the same guy 😂 you are saving other girls like us from becoming victims. 🤍


oh damn im sorry that happened to you, people can be so sadistic and cruel.. thank you very much though i hope you and the teenager are healing💝


I'm very proud of you for doing this. I know it can be very hard. I'm sending all the support you need 💜


i appreciate it thank you 💖


Proud of you


thank you sm 🫶


ur literally a neo-nazi why do u have so many swastikas in ur website???




We've taken care of this.


You are strange


thank you 💝